Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 14

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~_ MaxxlsNP Racing Fuels Western Four-Stroke MX Nationals Round I: Speedworld Motocross Park Morgan, Corder Tie Up Opener Wins By DON SCHNEIDER SURPRISE, AI, MAR. 20·21 he debut 01 the 250F class at the Westem Four-Stroke Nationals saw an impressive 44 Pro-class entries. Alter two qualifying heats and one last-chance qualifier, riders lined up for the first mota. The holeshot was taken by Ross Garcia, lo llowed closely by Brandon Morgan , Tyler Duncan , Gerrit O rdelman and Paul Percy. EXiting th e start chute , six ride rs t oo k soil sa mp les: Tim We igand , Travis MacDonald , Nathan Rivera, Todd Horni ng, Kyle Phenix and Craig Smith. Pat McMullen held sixth, ahead 01 Andy Bakken , Daryl Ecklund , Spud Walters, Carter Gurn ee , Mike Metzger, Matt Karlsen , Sean Collier, Don Bisceglia, local speedster Brent Duncan, Sean O 'Conner, Aaro n Hill, Andrew Clark and Beau Baron. Within three laps, Morgan was poised to strike . He sped past Garcia lor the lead. Tyler held tight in th ird, tra iled by Ordelman, Percy and McMullen. Hallway t hrough lap four, Met zger had diffi ulties and pulled 011. c We igand moved up inside the top 10 by hallway. Up Iron t, Morgan set an unmatchable T pac e , e ventually w inning by more t han 20 seconds . Ordelman took second from Garcia on lap se ve n, and Coll ier took th ird o n lap eight. On lap 10, McMullen also made it past Garcia. Then Garcia pulled off after ru nning out 01 gas. Collier scored ru nner-up after starting just inside the top 15. Ordelman garnered th ird. Weigand thumped all the way up to lourth , and McMullen filled out the to p five. In moto two , Weiga nd pulled out all th e stops and took the win, ahead of a grea t banle between Collier a nd Morgan . Bekken a nd Derek Mah o ne y w e re lourth and l ilth , respect ively. Rounding out the top 10 were Ordelman , McMulle n, Ecklund , Gu rnee a nd Josh Co x. O verall, Mor gan prevailed with his 1-3 tally. Co llier (2-2) was second, and Weigand (4- 1) sett led lor third. In the Pr emier Pro -Am , Mike Metzger pulled the holesbot. a lew leet in Iront 01 Jason McCorm ick and Mike Co rder. Justin Mye rs, Walte rs, Beau Judge, Ecklund, Garcia, Co llie r, Tyle r Duncan and Bisceglia . Metzge r an d McCormick wen t a t it t o o th a nd na il. By haJfway, Collie r was pressing Metzger for the In th e debut of the 2 50F Pro chiss, Sp ud Walters (3 ) leads Carter Gurnee (21), Mik e Me tzger (8 7 5 ), Se a n Collie r (263) a n d Matt Karlson (940). Race two was another demo nstration by Daven port, as he aced the start and then took 011. Posey and Jensen battled bar to bar lor secon d. Mitch Car roll was on the move, fighting past Jensen to challenge for second. Davenport won again to take the overall 12Scc Pro title , while Posey held 011 Carroll to grab second o vera ll. Je nse n finished fo ur t h , but his consis tency ne tt ed him th ird overall , ahead of Walch and Simon. RESULTS P/W PP : I. Nikell Tam ilos (Suz); 2. Tarie Williamson (H on); 3. Amanda Meh s.1mi Larsen (Suz); 4 . Tae lcr Talbo t (lem). P/W SHAFT: I. Ryan Te rry ('tam) ; 2. Hayden Stubbs (Y am); 3. McCoy Brough (Yam 04. Chris tian Warren (Yarn S. ): ); Stone Holliman (KTM). P/W STK (4. 6) : I. Dillon Geuk e (Cob); 2. Ashton Parker (Yam); 3. Stone Holliman (KTM): ... Rw> Tony (Yvn ): 5. Cbase Hayne> (Han). PfW STK (7-8 ): I. J.D. Elliott (KTM): 2. Chaisson Cone ns (Pol): 3. Chan a: Og de n (KT M); 4. Morg an Mack intosh (Le m ); S. Brod ie Larsen (Cob). PfW OPEN: I. JD. Ell"", (KTM): 2. C NJuon Cozzens (Pol); 3. Morga n Mackint osh (Le m); 4. Nik olas Wm1tie (Hus). S. J.Y. Leavitt (Cob). P/W HEADS UP: I. Preston Smith (Hon); 2. jor"dan EVben (Kaw); 3. Oay Cutler (Yam); ~ . Dacoda Sorochuk (Y am) ; 5. LAnden Powell (Suz). BlBK BEG : I. Bobby Magu ire (Suz): 2. levi Sac kett (Yam) ; 3. Raym ond Wood (Kaw ); 4. Kevin Robinson (Suz); 5. Justin G ibson (KTM). 125 JR: I. Brady Po well (Su z); 2. Brian Brought on (Yam); 3. Justin Hunt (Yam); 4 _Kyte Moore (Hon); 5. Brennan Stewa rt (KTM) . 125 INT: I. Zac Hum ph ries (Suz): 2 . TonyEsposito (Suz); 3. Brian Fowter (Hon ): 4. Brett Preuss (Hon ); 5. Cody Hut chings (Y ). 115 PRO: I. Gra y am Davenport (Kaw): 2. Kipp Posey (Yam); 3. levi Jensen (Yam); ~ . Kellon Walc h (Hon); 5. Doug Simon (Yam) . 150 JR: I. Justin Elswood (Yam); 2. Brian 8f"oughton (Yam); 3. Patric k Mike Corder (9 69 ) nabs the moto-two holeshot in the Premier Pro class at the Western Four-Stroke MX Nationals opener, followed by Dustin Ne lson (94), Jason McCormick (2), Josh Cox (22) and the rest of the pack. lead, and he finally took it. Metzger stayed close , but Walters closed in on the duo , passing Metzg e r on lap seven. Walters set out after Collier but just cou ldn't catch him. Collier took th e mota win, followed by Walters, Corder, Metzg er, Ecklund , Ne lson , Garcia , We igand , Karlsen and Bobby Garrison . In moto t wo , Corde r too k the point , follo wed by Ne lson , McCormic k, Cam e ron We ave r, Gar c ia, Metzger, Ecklund , Karl sen , Wei gan d , Walte rs , Sco tt Ho w e , Ant ho ny Pocor ob ba and Colli r. McCormick and Garcia e passed Nelson on lap tw o, and Metzger did so on lap thre e. Weigand was sixth by lap fou r. Then Garcia went down . McCormick passed Corder heading into lap six. Weigand, with Ecklund in his roo st, clicked 011 unbelievable lap times, catch ing and passing both Metzger and Ne lson at the same time for third. Nelson passed Metzger lor lourth. O n the next lap, Nelson was back to e ighth , and Ecklund was back up to fou rth . Walters was fifth, and Collier was sixth. With three laps rema ining, Corder still held th e p oint , bu t We igand was co mi ng. McCo rmick w as t hird , lollowed by Ecklun d and Walt e rs. Wi th two laps to go , C o llie r pass e d Walters . On th e fina l lap , We igand made a valiant pass for the lead, becoming only the sec on d pe rson eve r to win a mota on a 250F. (Josh Demuth won both motos and the overall at Cycle Ranch in Floresville, Texas, in August 200 I.) Weigand's 7-1 scores gave him third on the pod ium. Corder (3-2) won overall, over Sean Collier ( 1-5). eN Davis (Suz); 4. Joh n laBreche (Ho n); 5. Cody Black (Yam). Moo se W e stern Regional CC Series Round 3 : Old Crow Hare Scrambles 250 INT: I. Anthony Hart (Kaw); 2. Zac Hum phries (Suz); 3. Brian Fow ler (Ho n); ~ . Jarad Lechtenbe rg (Kaw): S. Matt Pro vo st (Yam) . 25 0 P RO: I . Gra y Davenport (Kaw); 2. Cameron Wo lf (Yam) ; 3. Kipp Posey (Yam); 4. Bill Phel ps (Ho n); 5. Jeff Wa lton (Yam). O PEN JR: I. Brad y Po well (Suz); 2. Just in Elsw ood (Yam); 3. Brod ie Hum phries (Suz); ~ . Ryan Brown (Kaw); 5. Nick De Carlo (Suz). OPEN INT: I. Jar-ad Lec hten berg (Kaw) ; 2. To ny Espo sito (Suz); 3. Matt Pro vo st (Yam): 4. Antho ny Hart (Kaw); S. Jesse H od ge s (H o n) . OPE N PRO : I. G ray Davenport (Kaw) ; 2. Kipp Posey (Yam); 3. Mitch Carroll (Yam); 4. Kellon Walch (Hon ); 5. Cameron Wolf (Yam). WMN: I. Kim Robinson (Y ): 2. am He ath er Barlo w (Kaw ): 3. Cassi e We bb (Yam) ; ~ . Und sey Rickett (Hon): 5. Patri cia Black (Kaw) . S CHBY: I. Ton y Espos ito ($uz): 2. Came ron Rodriguez (Hen); 3. Bre tt Preuss (Hon); .. . Brennan Stewart (KTM); 5. Degan Stewart. (Suz) . 25 + JR: I. Mike Stika (Kaw); 2. Dave Green (Yam); 3. Matt Ta)ior (Yam); 4. Shannon Gutierrez (Yam). 25 + IN T: I.jake Palmer (Hon): 2. Todd Jenkins (Y ): 3. Justin Smith V'ion) ; 4. am Corey Gale (Yam); S. Greg jensen (Hon ). 25 + PRO: I. Bill Phel", (Han). ] 0+ j R: I. John l.aBred>e (Hon) : 2. lOmmy Tho mp so n (Hon) ; 3. D ave G r een (Yam): ~ . Todd Cook (Hon): 5. Keith ThorTW (Yam) 30 + INT : l. Chtis Champlin . (Han): 2. RandyCooMgton (Han); 3. J=n Bone (Yvn). 30 + PRO: I . Bill ~ps (Hon ). 40 + : I. Rick Tapp (Hon) : 2. Eric C lems on (Yam): 3. tare Moss (Yam ); ~ . lonny Mackintosh (Hon ); S. Kurt Ne lson (Yam ). SPTSMN : I. Gary Po we ll (Hon ); 2. Kurt Nelson (Yam); 3. Bob McCorm ick (Yam) ; ~ . Ed Ekwood (y",,): 5. Derek Shupe (Su.). SPEEDWORLD MOTOCROSS PARK S URPRISE, ARIZONA RESULTS: MARCH 20-21 , 2004 (ROUND 1 Of 7 ) 250F PR O -AM: I. Brandon Morgan ; 2. Sean Collier; 3. Tim We igand; 4. Germ Ordelman ; 5. Ardy Bakken ; 6. Pat McMullen; 7. Daryl Ecklund ; 8 . Carter Gurnee; 9 . Josh Cc x: 10. Matt Karlsen: I I. Derek Mahoney; 12. Bobby Garrison; 13. Shane Smith : H . Don Bisceglia; IS. Brent Denton; 16. Paul Percy; 17. Russell Blevins; 18. Bea u Bar on ; 19. Ross Garcia; 20. Tod d Horning; 2 1. Shawn Bushne ll; 22 . Jason : Howard: 23. Just in Herman; H . Kyte Phenix; 25. Ml\ ha e l Horban; zs. Craig Smith ; 27. Travis MacDonald : 28. Aiel( McElyea: 29. Darin Chisholm: 3D. Na than Rivera; 3 1. Tyfer Vos s ; 32 . Tyler D uncan ; 33 . Spud Wa lt ers; H . Sean O'Ccoeer: 35. Mike Metzger; 36. Andrew Clark; 37. Dann y AJmond ; 38. H Ike Tomanek; 39. Eric Havins; 40. Seal Pagel; ~ I. Aaron Hill; 42. Jerem y Hon tal . P REM PRO·AM: I. Mike Corder (Hon); 2. Sean Collier (Hon); 3. Tim Weigand (Hon ); 4. Spud Watters (Hon); 5. Daryt Ecklund; 6. Dustin Ne lson (Ya m) ; 7. MIke Menge r (H o n): 8. Matt Karlsen (Hen); 9. Jaso n McCormick (KTM); 10 . Bobby Garrison am); 13. Ross (Y ; I I. ShaneSmith (Hon); 12. Josh Cox (Y am) Garda (Hon) ; I ~ . Brandon Morgan (Yam); IS. Scott Howe (Y vn); 16. Don 8&oS'" (Hon ): 17. Andy Bakken (Yvn ); 18. leighton Ulrte (Hon) ; 19. Justin Myen (Hon); 20. Camer on Wea ver (Yam) ; 21 . Anthony Poc c rcb ba (Hon ): 22 . Aaron Hill (Yam); 23. Brent Denton (Hon ); 24. Beau Baron (Suz); 25. Kenny lash (Hon ); 2b. Beau Judge (Hon ); 27. Shawn Bushnell (Hon): 28. Nick McConah y (KTH); 29. Scott Frey MIller (Hon); 30. Jeff Simas (Yam); 31. Kelty Hamm er (Hon ); 32. Ryan C orum (Hon); H . Jaso n Matthew s (H o n): H . Patrick Wade (Hon); 35. Michael Wajda (Yam); 36. John King (Yam) ; 37. Trento n Straub (Hon ); 38. Justin Scullen (Hon ); 39. T}1er Duncan (Hen); 40. Pat McMullen (Yam); 41. Matt Gaines (Hon ). Olsen Owns the Old Crow By CHRIS GHIONE LIVERMORE CA, MAR. 7 , V TM rider Bryce Olsen re turned for his first I'race of the se ries and rode away with his first win at the Old Crow Hare Scramb les, as round three of the AMNDistriet 36-sanetioned series came to the dusty hills of the Carnegie Recreat ion Area . The KTM/M PC/ Dick 's Suspension-backed Ol se n got up Iront q uic kly, q uickly passing Suz uki ride r Rod Krei ss and KTM-moun ted Jeriah Gurley lor the to p spo t. O lse n then spent most of the next two hours riding alone, until just be fore t he last lap, when Jordan Brandt moved his KTM up to challenge him. CYCLE NEWS • APRIL 14, 2004 61

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