Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 78 of 107

Wwe stspeedway@ • CALIFORNIA SHORT TRACK· Motowest Ra cing Ent, AMA. District . 36. 5andhiH Ranch, Bren twood. Info: 4151587·8678Of CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS · Su per Se turdays MXRacing. Lake Els inore. Info: 7601931 -0986 Of real s . • CALIFORNIA SUP ERMOTO • cal Spa Supermolo Series, VPRa s cing Fuels. Mesa Marin Raceway , Bakersfield. Info 6611366-5711 Of : CONNECT ICUT END URO · NETRA Championship JJnior Enduro Series, Boneyard, Meriden. Info : 8601693-91 11 Of netra.Ofg. • GEORGIA SUPE RCROSS • Maxxls Moto-Madness Series, Roo 6, calhoun. Info: 70&'629-4450 Of calhounsupercross m. .co MICHIGAN MOTOCROSS· NMA Ponca City, North CentraVEast Region, Bioomingdale. lnlo: 6161891·9075or MISSOURIMOTOCROSS· NMA Ponca City Ga . teway Region . Richwoocs. Info: 6OCV263-4321 Of NEVADA HARE AN DHOUND· MRAN Southern NevadaDesertRa cers MC, Panaca. Info: 7021566-0127 Of • NEW HAMPSHIRE SUP ERCROSS · Winchester Speed Park, Keene Mo toopoffs, Winchester. Info: 6031239-&106 Of www.wincheste

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