Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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C::~ L E N ~~ ~ c..ncs.1st:inp _ a "- -we b C)'de News ~ and raee ~ AI riorn'-. is tt. ~ of the prvrnot8". Uierolbr ktnp arnoI: bI xapud __ 0. ~ .... must "-e a c~ wnnen C*no:br birlc on" Use Inint bbnk in dWs$U'lp IrUSl be.--..ed by ~ to.' pubiariooI WiI N foIc1wln& We wonsfy ~ ~ors cal the p-omocer/tTxk to confinn deeMs b.Ior. tn'WtlIrc to _ _ _ ....-1<.,___ 6126-27 Albany. OR. Rnds 5.jj 7110-11 Washougal. WA. Rnds 7-8 Info: OZARK Buffalo. MO 4/25 Kingsvilkl, MO 5/22 GrainValiey, MO 5/23 Merwin. MO 6120 6/27 Hallway. MO Inlo 417 : /863-2294 or ROCKY MOUNTAIN 4/25 Colorado Springs. BertOOud, CO 5/2 Brush, 5/31 616 Pueblo. CO 6/26-27 Craig. CO Into: 307/638·2226 or co co SOUTHEAST rn A Into: 8631425·5710 or SOUTHWEST 518 Moriarty. NM Moriarty. NM 519 5114 Albuquerque, NM 5115 AJbuquerque. NM 6112 San Ysidro, NM 6113 Sa nYsidro, NM Info 5051224-2806 or : TEXAS 4/24 Wortham, TK 511 Fort Worth, TK 518 AIwrd. TK Austin, TK 5f22 6126 Floresville, TK Inlo: 8171641·2522 or UTAH Ogden, UT 518 Ogden, UT 519 Ogden, UT 615 616 Ogden, UT Into: 801/782-3291 or WWW.NnaffiX.oom VIKING Kellogg, MN 5116 cambridge . MN 5123 5123 Mazeppa, MN Kellogg, MN 616 l..ittIe Fa MN lls, 616 6113 Mazeppa, MN 6113 Cambridge. MN 1·8401 or Inf : 651 /45 o WESTERN 1 San Bernardino CA . Perris,CA 6113 Palrndale, CA Info: 9491768-2810 or 5130 616 WISCONSIN Byron, IL 5/2 Byron, lL 5129 5130 Byron,IL Byron,I L 5/31 Into: 2621367·7634 or WYOMING Cody,WY 5/2 W orland,WY 519 5123 Douglas, WY Casper,WY 5130 616 Gllette. WY Info: 3071672·9738 or WWW.nmamx.COOl CMC Northern California Honda Spring MX Series 4117 Marysvilie, CA Rnd 1 , 5/2 Livermore, CA Rnd 2 . 5f22 Marysville, CA, And 3 5130 Hollister. CA And 4 . 615 Marysville, CA, Rnd5 Inlo: 53ll'7 49-2109 or 415/587-8678 or CMC Pac-West MX Nallonals Series ss-s Madras, OR, Rnds 1·2 6119-20 Monroe, WA, Rnds 3-4 76 APRil 10123-24 8eIwood. NC Inlo: 4231323-5497 or www.victory· CMC Trans-Cal MX Nationals Series Soulh BI29 Devore. CA, Rnd 1 AOOIanto, CA, And2 9126 1013 Starwest, CA,And 3 , 10110 Gorman, CA And 4 North Marysvilie, CA, And 1 6121 9112 Livermore. CA, Rnd 2 Marysvilie. CA And 3 , 9/18 9/26 Hollister, CA. And 4 PacificNorthwest 9/19 Albany, OR, Rnd1 l (l113 Al>any, OR, And 2 Finel Showdown l(l116-17Marys lle, CA vi Inlo 9491367·11 41 or : Thor United States Motocross Mega Series 413-4 Greenviikl. TN 4/17·18 Biountvilie. TN 4/2 4·25 London, KY 511·2 Chatsworth. GA 518-9 SeYieMIle. TN london, KY 5115 5f22·23 Jacksonville. OH 5129-30 Blountville. TN 614-6 8eIwood,NC 719·11 Blou lie. TN ntvi 7117·18 Wytheville, VA 811 4·15 Danvilie. VA 6128-29 London, KY 911 1·12 Blountvilie, TN 9/25-26 Seviervilie.TN 1(l115-17 Blountville, TN Info 4231323-5497 or : www.victOl)'· WWW.ancmotocross.OOl'll GNC Texas MX Series DallasIFort Worth, TK, Rnd 1 414 Highlands. TK. Rnd 2 5/2 Bastrop TK, Rnd 3 , 518 5123 Nocona. TK. Rnd4 Austin,TK, Rnd5 616 6/27 Kingwood. TX, Rnd 6 Info: 2141351-9900 or AMP Motocross Spring Series 413-4 Hollister, CA Rnd 3 , 4117·18 Rancho Cordova. CA Rnd 4 , 4/24·25 Tulare. CA And 5 . 511·2 Tracy. CA, And 6 5f22·23 Rancho Cordova, CA, Rnd 7 5129-30 Tur!od<, CA And 8 . Inlo 2091656-9632 : RacerX Senior Championship Series Byron ,IL 5f22 6126 M'IMIIe, MN 6121 Buchanan, MI 9/11 Lake Mills, WI Southern California AMA Championship Motocross Series Pa mdale, CA And 1 , 7/11 7118 Gorman, CA Rnd 2 , 7/25 Moreno Valley, CA Rnd 3 . VICtorville CA, Rnd 4 . 7/31 Palmd CA, Rnd 5 aie. BIB 8115 rnA. Rnd6 6122 Gorman, CA, And 7 Taft, CA, Rnd 8 BI29 Inlo 7601376-4285 or : Mutant Motorsports Spring MX Series 4111 Holister Hills. CA. Rnd 1 l 4/25 Tracy. CA, Rnd 2 Dixon. CA Rnd3 . 5/2 Tracy. CA Rnd 4 , 519 Info: 2091833-6346 or MUlant Motorsports Hot Summer Nights MX Series San Jose, CA, And 1 4/9 San Jose, CA, And 2 4116 4/23 San Jose, CA, Rnd 3 San Jose, CA, And 4 4130 San Jose, CA, And 5 517 5114 Sa Jose, CA. Rnd 6 n 5/21 San Jose,CA, Rnd 7 Inlo 2091833-6346 or : Parts Unlimited Carolina Ultra Series 4124·25 Sanford. NC 511·2 Danville. VA Pigeon Forge, TN 518-9 5115-16 BeMood.NC 5f22·23 lilooInton, NC 7/17 ·18 Wytheville. VA 6126-29 UncoInton, NC 9/18-19 Chestertreld, SC 1ll'9-10 Society Hili, SC 7, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 817-8 Lakewood. CO Info: 503/756-4782 or NETRA Championship Enduro Series 5f22 Oxford.MA 5130 Assone~ MA Wrentham, MA 6120 Sorners,CT 7/18 W. Greenwich, RI 611 Sandlsf"ld. MA 10117 Deep River. CT 111'24 Alton, NH 10131 W. Slafford. CT Inlo 8601693-9111 : 616 Competition Riders of America Spring Motocross Series 414 Hubbard.OH 4111 Sandusky, OH 4/17 Linesville, PA 519 TIppecanoe. OH 5/23 Ravennna. 00 5130 Amhars~ OH Inlo BB61272-6947 : Compelilion Riders of America Fall Motocross Series 9111 WeyneslxJrg. OH 9118 Linesville, P A 9/19 Amhers~ OH 9126 Ravenna,OH 111'24 Sandusky, OH 10131 Tippecanoe, OH 11/14 Hubbard. 00 Into: BB61272-6947 Competition Riders of America Buckeye Harescramble Series Warsaw,OH 5130 7/18 Ea Pa tine, OH st les 811 Fairmount Crty. PA 6122 Ashlabula, OH 9/12 Tippecanoe,OH Wl0 Amherst.OH 1(lI 7 Waynesburg. OH 1 111'24 Mansfield, OH In BB61272-6947 to: SERA 4118 5/2 5116 Enduro series Cravens, LA Sa ucier, MS Laurel, MS 5130 Clanton. AL Bismarl<, AK 6113 TBA 6/27 811 Breezy Hill. LA BI29 New Augusta, MS 9/12 Rocidord, AL Maplesvilie, AL 11/7 Into: 256/BB(}6229or ht1p:J/sera.d' SERA Hare Scrambles Series 4125 Map!esvile, AL MaplesviAe, AL 615 6120 New Hope. AL 7/25 Da"on, GA Mendian MS , 8115 TBA 9/5 9/19 Clanton. AL Red Lick, MS 100 l(l117 New Hope. AL 11/21 TBA Info: 2561880-6229 or Western 4·Stroke Motocross Nationals 4/9 ·4 Floresville, TK 4/24·25 VlC1orvile. CA 5f22-23 Albany. OR 5129-30 Boise. 10 NETRA Championship Hare Scrambles Series Ra na, NY .... 4/25 Chaplin, CT 5/2 5/16 Fishouse NY , Thomaston, CT 6/27 7/4 Salem. CT 7/11 Union CT . 7/25 Fishouse, NY Alton, NH BIB 8115 Sheffield.VT Uxbridge, MA 915 9112 Hoosick, NY 9119 Westfield. MA 1013 Sterling. CT lMO Ravena. NY Into: 8601693·911 NETRA Turkey Run Series 5f22·23 New Ashford. MA 6112·13 Loudon, NH BIB Townshend. VT 8115 Lebanon, ME BI29 Exeter. RI 9112 N. HaverviD NH , Sandislield, MA 9126 1013 WIIlChandon, MA 1(l110 Central Vdlage, CT 11/7 Dighton. MA Into: 8601693-9111 or NETRA Championship Junior Enduro Series 4/24 Merid CT en, 511 Wrentham, MA 5/15 Fishhouse. NY 5129 Brimfield. MA 615 Brimlield. MA 6119 W.Granville, MA ThomaS1on, CT 6126 7/3 Salem, CT 7/10 Union ,CT 9/4 Uxllfidge, MA 9118 Brimlield. MA 9125 Meriden, CT 1(l116 New Ashford. MA Somers, CT 1116 11/ 4 W. Thompson. CT 1 Inlo 8601693-9111 : WSP Spring Series 4110 , WlIld1ester. NH Rnd1 411 8 WlIlChester, NH Rnd 2 , 4/24 WlIld1esler, NH And 3 , 511 WlIlChester. NH Rnd 4 . 5/15 WlIlChester. NH Rnd 5 . WlTlChester, NH Rnd 6 . 5123 WlTlChester, NH, Rnd7 615 6112 Winchester. NH. Rnd 8 6119 Winchester, NH, Rnd 9 712 Winchester, NH, Rnd 10 7/10 Winchester NH Rnd 11 . . 7118 Wincllester. NH And 12 . Inlo B03I239-6406 or : www.winchesterspeedpar1<.com WSP Fall Series Winchester, NH Rnd 1 . 7/25 811 Winchester. NH Rnd 2 , Winchester, NH Rnd 3 , 817 811 4 Winchester, NH Rnd 4 , BI29 Wincllester. NH Rnd 5 , 915 Winchester NH Rnd 6 . , 9/11 Winchester, NH. Rnd7 9/18 WlIld1esler, NH, Rnd 8 WlIld1ester, NH Rnd 9 , 9126 1013 Wird1este<, NH And 10 , lM6 WlIld1ester, NH And 11 , 111'24 WlI1Ches1er, NH And 12 , Inlo B03I239-6406 or : www.winchesterspeedpar1<.com Kansas Off Road Riders Hare Scramble Series 11/14 Od KS in. 40t h Anniversa ry 11/21 WlCtlita.KS 1215 Dodge City. KS Inlo 6201553-4967 or : ht1p:JJ1

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