Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The Grand Prix at Virginia City The Grand Prix at Virginia City, Nevad a will happen again on April 24-25. 2004. Great new cou rse! Come experience the most unique race in Americal Visit www for infor mation. Spo nso red by Ki t Kat Gu est Ranch . B&G Beaut y Supply, GBS Construct io n, Mo ose , Sie rra Nevada Bee r, Delt a Saloon ,, Bucket of Blood and Aazer X Photo. NV EM'ft ~] MOTORSPORTS ART He has pr oduced origina l artw ork a t t h e Milwaukee M ile and Road special art projects for Wa tk i ns Glen,Mem phis Motor spo rts Park, Gateway I n t e r n a ti o n al Raceway, the Grand Prix Ass ociatio n of Long Beach, Kimberly -Clark, Toyota, Miller Brewing Company, and Ralph Mar lin Ties. H e has also crea ted a number of c o m m issi o ns for racers and teams i n a11 forms of motorsports . Th e s e Limited E dition s t u n n i n g color mo to r c ycl e i m a ges a re e a ch p art 01 r u n o f 250 p r in ts. They are s i g n e d & numbered by the a r ti s t, a n d a u tog ra p he d b y th e r a c e r . E a ch i n clude s a c e r ti fi ca t e of a u then tic ity with Sn ider's Grip Donuts a photo of th e r ac e r signing the p rint. Th e y are printed o n high q u ality p aper and h a v e g en e rous borde r s fo r fr aming. Im age s izes va r y and a r e listed with e sch. The OR IGINA L GR IP DO NUTS in Orang e. Red . Blue an d Bl ack . On ly $2 .95 pr Dea ler s and Dis t we lco me (661 )83 6- 1296 . www .snide rsp ro ducts .co m. CA Dealers... Looking for a few good men or women? Get the best in the indus try by adve rtising in the Cycle News "Help Wa nted ~ Classl fieds ! XR-CRF50 gra phic kits shrou ds. $40 complete with your number $80. Cus tom kits for all size bikes available. www . (800) ZLT773 7. CA CA residents add 7.75% sa les tax • Includes Shipping (U.S. on ly) To Order, Call Cycle News Prod ucts at 714·751 ·7433 (9am-5pm PST) CYCLE NEWS • APRIL 7, 2004 97

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