Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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\ Go To The Races In Style!! The Ultimate Pit Bike Born Free ... but this one is not for sale, ;.JS1 another shameless sales pitett Ths is hem good rex! classifiedad wi! look with a COlOR photo. ~ extra cI18Iye fa< roIo<. Send a photo a< a JF'EG, we can handle it. Can (714) 751-7433 and ask fa< Melissa. mota< coach with "","", rear door. Holds 4 bika& _ windows Swivel seats. couch fold to . double bed . Side door. 14fr4Jg 7.3 titre diesel. $4000 aJStom paint . Vnyllettering, easily removable. $21,000. Ask for Alan (515)359-2433, (515) 955-6OOO.1A Compact simple mounting limits crash damage. 3 s e pa ra te adjustable va fving circu its. Seen on the Factory Yamaha R6's. Still the very best money can buy. Scolts (8 18) 248·6747 or www.scottsonline.oom.CA Dual Sport Light Kit From $395 Excel 17" Supermoto Wheelsets Braking US A 320mm/4 -Piston Race /S treet Brake Kits . Radial Pump Brembo/Magura Ma stercylinders. Brake Lines. www .motoconnectio, (866) 966-MOTO. KXFIRMZ 250 2-Piece Oil Filter Cover Cal ifornia riders can still get a plateI www.joeracerproducts .com.(408)924-0 139.CA Change yo ur Oil Filter wit ho ut draining your coolanli Billet 6061 Alumin um , O- Ring sealed Oil Filt er cover , uses original fasteners and seal , Clear Alum inum or Gray Finish , $119 .00 , . (775) 783 -1750 . NV Dealers... Use the Cycle News Classified Ads to bUy & sell the bikes you need for your inventory! CLASSIFIED AD BLANK Cycl e N ews, Classifi ed Ad Dept ., P.O. Box 5084, Costa M es. , CA 92628 -508 4 0 COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED 714/751 -7433 24 Hr. FAX (714) 751 -6685 (Char ge or Co mme rcial open accounts only, pleas e) E·M ail: Clu sifi ed s @c yc le ne ws .com CLASSIFIED AD RATES P rice s Are For One Iss ue Only. Run my ad in the special section: _ _ Help Wanted - - Position Wanted - - Bus iness Oppo rtunities - - Collecto rs (1974 or olde r) - - Gen e ral Merch andi s e Digital J PEG Image s prefe rred. via disc or e mail. B&W or co lor prints acce pte d. Polaroids not accepted. (One Photo pe r ad • Printed Image s ize limited to 2 1/4" wide J( I 1/ 2" ta ll) Per wor d $ 1.80 $ 11 erlra Headline i~·~id·;;~-.-.·.-.·.·.-.-.-.·.-.·.-.-.-.·.·.·.·.-.-.-.-_ Blind box Se rvice Cha rge $6 .00 B&W or Co lor Photo (no la'';;;'~~'5~'n~~~~$22 edra No logos unless inte rgral to the product. o PRIVATE PARTY Per word ._ $.60 Headline in bold type $5 extra B&W or Color Photo lno larger than 5117J•.••$ 10 extra A private party is so meone se lling his or her own lte mts), or wishing to buy a n Item for pers onal us e. Any ongoing act ivity may be reg ard ed as a bu sine ss a nd will be char ge d the co mmercial rate. CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE COfnpletely fresh Honda F4 forks , Penske shock, TLC wheels, adj. clamps, Supertrapp. Will consider any trades. $6995. ronging@loganrec .com, (937) 843-9288. OH a!I:I CREDIT CAR LIMIT MINIMUM $5 .00 D -===_ Signat ure & pirat ion Date PHOTOS PRINTS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF·ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE AFTER AD HAS RUN IN FINAL ISSUE. C&J Rotax T H U RSD AY 5 100 p .m. P.T. for the next available iss ue . No ca nce llations after deadline . Cycle News re serves the right to edit/a bbrevia te copy & bold hea dlines . Any dis c rep a ncies mus t be re ported within one week of pu blication to receive any adjustment Price advertis ing or specific refe rence to list price or co st on new. current yea r model motorcycles will not be accepte d. Price advertising is allowed on pre-owned current models but they must be ide ntified as used or pre viously reg istere d. Fill in the Vis a/Ma ste rca rd Charge blank or send ch ec k or money orde r to Cycle Ne ws a t abo ve add res s. _ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Print name . address and ad cop y clea rly. Please run my ad in _ II of issues. Resleeve & Replating Exchange Crank and Top-end parts headquarters . Hacer 's Toy Store (800) 404-7311. CA Name Addres s State Zip PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE (leave s pacee> Bold headlin es do not co unt to wards cl assif ied ad word count. PLEASE IN CL UDE PUNCTUATION. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tl 12 t3 t4 15 t6 t7 18 '9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3t 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Incredible 4-Stroke Power CRF • XR • YZF • KXF • RMZ • KTM . Wor ks like fue l injection, only better. One kick starting. The power is strong, fast and controllable. $ 198. McCord's Power Flow. (406) 248-5595 . MT Promoters... _ _ _ _ _ _ _50 E-Mail or Webs ite URL E-M ail , W ebsit e URL count as o ne word . L.. 90 51 Ph. ' ( ) P h on e # c o un t s as o ne w ord . E~r!.~ ~ ~ ~o.!..r~~~i~e..!o. i!!. 2.!b .f.h~n!. ~~b!."~o s ! e ~ ~c~l: APRIL7, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 40th Anniversary 52 _ Are your events not be ing cove re d in C ycle News ? Call (7 14) 751-7433 and as k our editorial department to send a contributor kit. Learn how to send in stor ies the right way ! KLX1 10 & DRZ110 Rims Gold & Black Alumi num Rims. King Racing (805) 278·7200, www.kingrac CA

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