Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Joe Prussiano (1), on the Vinyl Edge Racing Honda, lea d s Billy Click (73) of Team Avteq at the CMRA Endurance Championship Ser ies opener in College Station, Texas. flag came ou t . Most of the tea ms to o k full advantage of t he stoppage by maki ng mechanical adjustments and changing tires and riders. On the restart, Vinyl Edge, with Shannon Ball now at the helm , took the lead while Northwest Honda, with Miller still on board, held second , followed by Village Idiots ' Jo hn Orchard and then Joe Browning, taking his shift for Short Bus Racing. At halfway, Alan Tan, riding for Sho rt Bus Racing went off the track at speed and ended . up in the air fence, bringing out the second red flag. After a short delay, Vinyl Edge claimed its th ird holeshot of the day, this time with Brett Champaign pulling the trigger. Short Bus Racing was ab le to re- e nte r the race , t ho ugh more than a minu te d own on th e fie ld, wi t h Thompson once again in t he saddle. Thompso n turned in a phenomenal ride to regain the lost time and to move his team to the front of the Midd leweig ht Supers tock divisi on and fifth overall. At t he fou r-h o ur mark , Viny l Edge had established a one-lap-plus lead over Northwest Honda and Village Idiots. GMAN Racing now held fourt h, another lap back, with Short Bus Racing in fifth. A few laps late r, the red flag came out for the fourth t ime, pro m pt ing officials to call the race . "Jody Hudson prepared a great bike, and we didn't have a single problem," said Prussiano of the team 's win. "The Pirelli tires and the EBC brake pads worked great. Everybody did the ir job, and things went as planned." RESULTS O /A:. I. Vmyt Edge Ra ng; 2. Northwest Honda Raci g; d n l . Village Id iots : 4. GMAN Racing: S. Short Bus Racing: 6. 7. Lone Star Track Days; 8. Team O 'DonneIl; 9. gace'tex.ccm : 10. LIW S[B K: I. Faltless Racing; 2. Project Mayhem ; L FU jiwara Tofu Shop ; 4. Team Avteq : S. JiffyFl Racing . M/W S/BK: I. Village Idiots ; 2. y Team O 'Donnell ; l . RaceTex .com; 4. l o ne Gunmen ; S. Hypercyde. MIW SlSTK: I. Shon Bus Racing; 2. lone Star Track Days; l . MF Racing: 4 . Robinson Partners: S. Advanced Audio . U/l GP: I. Vinyl Edge Racing: 2. Northwest Honda Racing; l . GMAN Racing; 4. 2Wheeft.eom ; S. Team Cheete. U/l S1SPT: I. : 2. Team Anvil; L Junk Yard Dogs; 4 . Eksite Race Team ; S. Fifth Element Racing. CMRA Mini Sprint Cha mpionship Series Round 2: Texas World Speedway McDonald Drafts to Texas World W in By SHAN MOORE COLLEGE STATION, TX, MAR. 13 eam K& N's Tyler McD on ald edged Will Gruy by the slimmest of margins to win the Formula Four class at rou nd two of the CMRA Mini Sprint Championship Series at Te xas World Speedway in College Station, Texas. At the start, Honda RS80-mounted Anthony Smith had the quickest clutch finger and held a clear advantage after 30 feet , but he was passed halfway down the start straight by Da niel Browning, on the Sum Of All Part s Racing RS250F fou r-st ro ke . McDonald bogged his Yamaha TZB5 off the line and started in fourth , followmg Browning, Smith and Gruy into turn one . Browning lost the front end in turn two, handing the lead over to Smith . How ever, by turn thr e e , Gru y w as at the po int , w it h McDonald on his tail. Crossing the finish stripe fo r th e firs t t ime , th e ord er w as Gruy, McDo nald and Smith , with Yamaha- mounted Zac Chapman and Ho nd a-mount ed Dustin Meador round ing out the to p five. T For the next few laps, McDonald, Gruy and Smith too k t urns at t he lead , wit h Smit h and Gruy making t ime in the infield and McDonald gaining it back wit h drafting moves down the fro nt straight. Gruy too k the lead going into tum two on the final lap, and when McDonald was held up by traffic, it looked as thoug h Gruy might have just enough edge coming out of the infield to hold on for the win, but McDonald tucked in tight and drafted past Gruy at t he line fo r a photo-finish win. " I'm thinki ng I sho uld have rethought my strategy," said Gruy of the last lap . " I haven't raced on banked tracks very o ften, but I am thinking I should have done what he did to me maybe I should have stayed on his rear whee l going Lhrough the infield and t ried to draft past him at the finish." In the AF I Racing Formula Five race, Kyle Ri ers claimed the winner's share of the $250 v v purse aher taking a wire-to-wire victory. Ri ers Will Gruy (44) leads Tyler McDonald (1) in the Formula Four race a t ro und two of the CMRA Mini Sprint Championship Series. grab bed t he holes hot o n his 50cc De rb i and stret ched his lead on every lap until the finish . Charles Co fer brought his Aprilia RSSO home in second, fo llowed by similarly mou nt ed Tom Thompso n in third. Aprilia pilot Nick Lee and Honda rider Thomas Hoover rounded out the top five. Thompson took the Formula Six win, with Aprilia-mounted De nnis Dudley and Muzzy rider Richard Desmond in second and third , while Richard Eads rode his hybrid YSR XRIOO to the Formula Seven-class win, over Yamaha riders Derek Wagnor and Marcus Dorsey. RESULTS F-4: I. Tyler McDonald (Yam); 2. Will Gruy (Yam ); a. Anthony Smith (Ho n): 4. be Chapman (Yam ); S. Du st in Meador (Hon). F·S: I. Kyte Rivers (Oer ); 2. Charles Cofer (Apr); 3. Tom Thorn""", (Apr); 4. Nick Lee (Apr) ; S. Thomas Hoover (Hon). F-6: I. Tom Th o mp so n (Apr) ; 2. Dennis Dud ley (Ap r) ; l . Richard Desmo nd (H u t); 4 . Thomas Hoover (Ha n); S. De rric k Patman (Apr) . F-1: I. Richard Eads (Yam); 2. Dere k Wagnor (Yam); l . Marc us Dorsey (Y am); 4. Rob Rundell(Y am): S. Ch ris Corder (Y am). CMRA Sprint Championship Road Racing Series Round 2: Texas World Speedway Pirtle No Turtle at TWS By SHAN MOORE COLLEGE STATION, TX, MAR. 14 D o und tw o of t he C MRA Cham pionshi p ~print Road Racing Se ries was a complete success, as 607 entries filled the grids at Texas World Spee dway near Co llege Station, Texas. Sunday's sprint prog ram fea tured 20 races, which included a Junior Hotard class for kids, a full slate of Novice events, and purse money and contingency programs for the Pros. In t he combined Super Motard/ Formula TwoMntage Lightweight race, Jody Hudso n, on a Honda CRF4S0R, grabbed the holeshot at the start and led the first wave, which consisted of the Super Motard bikes, through turn one. Eric Fait, o n a Suzuki DRZ400, tuc ke d in be hind Hudson and was just ahead of Robert Brad law, on a Honda CRF4S0R, when the trio crossed the finish line for the first time . The Formula Two and Vintage Lightweight riders started in the se co nd wave, and Jaso n Pirt le led th is group, just ahead o f Ho nda RS2S0-mounted Zachary Lee . O n lap two , Pirtle put his Suzuki SV6S0 into the lea d when he passed Fait and Hudso n going into the carousel turn halfway through the lap. Joey Hudso n (34) leads Robert Bradlaw (40) in the Super Motard co ntest at ro und two of the CMRA Sprint Cha m pio nship Road Racing Series. CY CLE NEWS • APRil 7, 2004 71

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