Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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California Gold Cup Motocross S er ies Round 5 : 1-5 Motocross Track Canada each t ime o ut . A co uple of bobbles kept Canada fro m topping Baker in these classes , but he did manage to outrun Baker in both 85cc ( 12- 13) con tests for an overall win of his o w n. Cu~ Conclusion to McCormick By GREG mota holesho t and was quickly joined by Reid. Colli r came from midpack to make it a th ree e ride r fight for the lead by lap two. A lap late r, ROBERTSON GORMAN,CA, MAR. 7 sing a 4-2 score, KTM-mou nted Ja so n McCormic k emerged with the 250cc Proclass win at the 1-5 Motocross Track during the fift h and final r o u nd of th e sixth annual FMF/EVSISc ott-sponsored California Gold Cup Motocross Se ries. Track own er Joe Sutter and U Collier was out fr ont and inching away to sew up the overall on a 2-1 day. Reid (3-2) bested Ordelman ( 1-3) fo r third . Smith (4- 4) and Travis MacDonald (5-5) ro unded out th e top five . The Sim inoe bro ther s had a pretty im pre ssive se ries finale . Younger brother Ty swept both the Pee Wee (7-8) and 65cc (6-8) classes aboard his KTMs. Aaron Siminoe was longtime racer Jim Holley con ti nue to upgrade the 1-5 track. most recently addin g an overand-unde r bridge and as well as mixing in tons of sand in an effort to alleviate the notorious blue-groove, hard -packed surface. Opening-mo ta action quickty turned into a battle over the lead between Shane Smith and Fra nkie Mecona , with Me co no ga ining th e uppe r hand with a cou ple of laps completed . Mecono put a handful of seconds o n Smit h, w ho was be ing hounded by Leighton Lillie and McCormic k. Smith ended up tak ing a hardfought second at the chec kers, w ith Lillie kee ping McCormick at bay for th ird. Abo ard a borrowed bike in mota two, Me cono je tte d into t he ea rly lead , w ith McCormick in his shadow. Mecono went do wn on la p two , hand ing the top spot t o McCo r m ick , w h ile Sean C o llie r appl ied pressure fro m behind . Collier got around McCorm ick at midway to win the mot a , but it was McCor mick's runne r-up perfonnance that took home the first-p lace cas h. Co llie r (6-1) edged out Lillie ( 3- 4) fo r second . Gerrit O rdelman (5-3) was fourth . Ordelman and Collier battled again in the 125cc Pro class , with Ordelman hold ing off Collier at the finish for the opening-mota win. Levi Reid put a last-lap move on Smith to claim third . O rdelman absconded w it h the second- charging Hays , wh o won both motos , w hile Goetz finished with a pair of twos, and Tyrrell had a pair of threes. Hays and Goetz also finished one-two in the competit ive 250cc B class. Hays won mota one, followed by 5padfina and Goetz. In mota two , Goetz got the holeshot and showed Ha ys around th e track fo r three laps. Hays applied steady pressure until he cou ld pass Goe tz and take the moto win. Goetz and Spadfina finished seco nd and third. Jonatha n Six aced both I25cc A motes. but not without a fight. In mot a one, Robert Loire nabbed the holeshot , followed by Travis Shaffer and then Six, w ho started his attack on lap t hr e e , ch arging past Shaffe r a nd setting his sights on Loire. Six passed Loire in the bowl tu r n be fore the step-up for the lead . Six checked out for the win, followed by Loire and Shaffer. In the second moto, Loire looped out and crashed while Six jumped out front. Six seemed to be pulling away, but Shaffer turne d up th e w ick and had Six in his sights on t he last lap. Mean while , Loire wa s rid ing im pre ssive ly, 60 equally impresstve, winn ing three out of four motos entered for overall vict o ries in 65cc (9- 1I) and 65cc Open competition. YZ 85-mounted Travis Ba ke r c o llected doubl e- c lass wins . in t he aSec O pe n and Supermini events , after battling with riva l Jake 11 S;m inoe (KTM); 1. zadwy Comman FOO$ (KTM ); ~ . Kyle Barnne (Yam); S. Kev;n WeisbnKh (Kaw) . 8S ( 12-13) : I. Jake Canada (Kaw); 2. Travts Bake r (Y am); J . Armando Aguilar (Y ; 1. Anthon y am) CicaIe>e (Yam); S. Knn Griffith (Hon ). 8S (14-16): I. Nick Brown (Hon): 2. Daniel jewett (Yam) ; 1. ...... Wakh (Sua): .of . Joshua lawre nce (Ho n); 5. Sroc Condon (SU l). 85 OPEN: I. Travis Bake r (Yam) ; 2. Jake Ca nada (Kaw) ; 3. Anthony C fcalese (Y am) ; .. . Dalton Brown (KTM); S. Steve Abrams (Suz) . S/M IN I: I. Travis Ba ker (Yam); 2. N ick Brown (Hon); 1. Dylan McKee (Hen ); ~ . Annando Agui... . (Yam); 5. OJ Sjobe'i (Kaw) . 115 BEG 0 _1: I. Jonathan Reed (Kaw) ; 2. Damon Butts (Yam); 3. Matthew Gamboa (Suz); 4. N ick Bussey (Yam); S. louis Paric. r (Hon). 115 e BEG 0 · 1:: I. Warren Daw (Hon); 2. Cody Flem ing (Hon ); 3. Scott Boston (Hon ); 4. Cory Vondreicek (Suz); S. Sammy Yacovelli (Yam 115 NOY: I. Andy Taylor (Yam); 2. Bobby ). Langin (Ho n); 3. Dana Dr e ie r (Yam ); 4. Brett Moun tain (Yam) ; S. Kyle Reiter (Yam ). 125 INT: I. C urt is Malins (Yam); 2. Kaulin Boggio (Hon); 3. Cameron He user ($oz.); 4. Matt Simpson (Hon ); 5. Bre tt Auerbach (Yam). 115 PRO: I. Sean C ollier (Hon ); 2. Ge rm O rd elman (SUz.); 3. Levi Reid (SUz.); .... Shan e Smith (Hon); S. Travis MacDonald (Hon). 250 NO Y: I. Dustin Tumer (Hon) ; 2. Chris Avery (Y ; 3. am) Scott Br ist o l (Ho n); .... Bre tt Mo u nta in ( K..a w) ; S. Matt Vanderwater (Hon ). 150 INT: I. Kaulin Boggio (Hon ); 2. Jeff Bell (Hen): 1. &.yan W:onl (Hon); ~ . Kyle Gnffoth (Hon ); S. Darren Sw rgeon (KTM). 250 PRO : I. Jason McCormick (KTM); 2. Sean Colhe r (Hon); 3. leighton Ulhe (Hon) ; 4. Germ Ordelman ($oz.); 5. Shane Smith (Hon) . W MN : I . Tatum Sik (SUz.); 2. He athe r Dubin (Su r) ; 3. Maya Foos (Yam ); 4. N ico le W ei s b ruc h (Kaw ) ; 5. Sehertsse Moody (Kaw) . SCH BY: I. Brett Auerbach (Yam); 2. Curtis MaI ms (Yam); 3. Cameron Heese- (Suz) ; .... Kevin Wage man (Hon ); S. D an a Dreier (Yam ). 2 5 + BEG : I. Martin Dalgaard (Kaw). 25 + NOY: I. Jeff Belknap (Hon ); 2. Heath Jordan (Hon ); 3. Justin leeds (Hon ); 4. Tony Russo (Hon ); S. David McCarty (Suz ). 15 + IN T: I. Darren Sturgeon (KTM); 2. Eddy Jay (Hon) . 15 + EX : I. Jason McC ormick (KTM); 2. Fran kie Mec ono (KTM); 3. Jason Howard (Sur ). 30+ BEG : I. Viii Pirez (Kaw); 2. C huck Houd e (Hon ); 3. Dicn Barboza (Hon) ; 4. Mo rgan Met calre (Ho n); S. Mark Koning (Yam) . 30 + NOY: I. Darren Cortines (He n): 2. Just in Leeds (Hon ); 3. Joe Sutter (Hon ); 4. Tim Dollison (Y ); S. Jonny am Bens kin (Hon ). 30 + INT: I. Scott Bristol (H on ); 2. Chuck Kcbe- (Hon ); 1. D~ Stu,.eon (KTM); ~ . Eddy J.y (Hen ): S. Steve Bastin (Hon ). <40+ NOY: I. Jim Boren (Yarn); 2. Rocky Huh (KTM); 1. Rot-t FOO$ (KTM): ~ . Marl< Tbeis (Hen): 5 . MarloIe (Hen) ; 2. G"Y H..-ada (Hon); 1. Joel H..-nott (Yam); ~ . Joe Setter (Hen ): S. Leonard 1 < ; _ (Hon). (Hon) . 30 + A: I. Robert Motsinger (Kaw ); 2. Nick Thomas (Y ); 3. Scott Campbell (Hon); 4 . Oint Brodt. (Hen ). 30 + am B: I. Shannon Ha ugen (Ho n); 2. Scott Burche tt (Ha n); 3. Jona than Jackson (Yam) ; 4. Jon Davidson (HOfl). 40 + A: I. Steven Shank (Hon) ; 2. David Thomas (Y am) ; l . Scott Rippey (KTM); 4. Kevin Jones (Hon); 5. David We lsh (H0fl ). 40 + B: I. Jonathan Jackson (Yam); 2. Bre tt Die trich (Ho n); 3. Gerald Harrison (Yam); 4. T im Lampe (Hon); S. Rand y Chapp le (Ho n) . 50 + : I. Roy W illiamson (Ho n) . OPEN : I. N ick Thomas (Yam) 2. Zack Verch imak (Yarn); 3. David Thomas ; (Yam) . YIN T: I. Randy Chapple (H a n) ; 2. Jim Frie dlund (Hon ); 3. Keith Oliver (Yam) . Over The Hill Gang Motocross Racetown A Burst of Speed! By STEVE MANGIONE ADELANTO, CA, FEB. 29 a ke r sfie ld Ya m a ha/ D - Man Kusrorn Z/McC lain Suspension-backed Eric Burst had a perfect day of racing at Racetown, grabbing the holes hot and leading every lap en route to victory in both motos In Over The Hill Gang Intennediate-c1ass racing. Hard rain during the previous week and me ticulous tra ck prep provided more than 150 vet eran mot ocross racers B 40th Anniversar y with some of the bes t track co nditions in Southern Califom ia. "The sandy condit ions here ar-e similar to the tra cks in Bakersfield," Bur-st comme nte d after the second mota. "I got a nat tire in the first mo ta but had enough of a lead that I just barely held on to the win. In both ma to s, Pete Peterson had his RM250 flying out of the gate . He was a bike ahead of me in both starts , but I just he ld the gas on a split second longer to get ahead of him around the first corner."

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