Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MOTOCROSS - GNC Final Mar. 18 -21 ,2004 28th Annual GNC Motocross Fi nal the title, but he still secured the top podium spot in Mini Bike Stock and Modified (7. 1I) via four perfect moto wins. Suzuki's Nico Izzi also adde d two mo re wins to his resume using a I-I in the Mini Bike (7- 11) Stock races and a 2-1 in Mini Bike Open (7- 16) for his titles . lzzl finished second to Austin Stroupe in Mini Bike (12- 13) stoc k, end ing the day w ith a 1-2. Mark Stultz rounded out the do uble class winners, taking the championships in the bot h the 250cc Stock and Modified Novice events with 2-1 sco res on board his Yamahas. jessica Patterson of Florida has adapt. ed to her Hond a over the winter months, using it to take on the Ladies Pro class with a pair of wins to Sarah Whitmore of Michigan and her double deuces for second . Although Cassaundra Regal of Michigan won the second moto of Ladies Amateur, it was Jacqueline Ross of Florida who took the title w ith her 1-2 punch to Regal's 3-1 for second. eN M OSIER VALLEY TEXAS USA EULIss, Ibsuus: MARol 18·2 1, 2004 (FNAL ROUND) so H OD: I. TyI., S"ong (Hon). PWSO~RSO (4-8 ) H OD: I. Jason Mooe no (Yam): 2. Matt Goerke (189) won a close battle in the 2SOcc Stock Expert class. Modified, won a couple of classes of his own , using I-I performances in Teeny Mini (7.8 ) Modified and a 1-2 in Mini Mini Stock for his two titles. Suzuki's Eli Tomac car ried his Spring Classic winning streak over to the GNCs, taking on the Mini Mini (9. 11) Modified and Mini Mini Open classes . Tomac finish second to Ian Trettel in Mini Bike Stoc k (7- 11) and third in Mini Bike (7- 11) Modified. A hard get-off in his division race in Mini Mini Open cost Suzuki's Trettel a shot at 50 APRil 7 , 2004 • CYCL E N EWS 40th Anniv ersary Cameron Bash (KTM 3. Christian Bah! (Yam 4. Col in ); ): ). Price (Yam PWSOIJRSO (4-8): I. Jonah locks (Pol): 2. Qev;n Douc et (Y ; 3. Bryce M il~ (Y am) am) ; <4. Hunter Hun (Y am); S. Casey Eure (Yam). TEENY M IN I (4-6) 5TK: I . Conneo M.chel l (Cob): 2. Pari< Flem ing (Cob); 3. lay Dearing (Cob ): 4. a-. .. Manpe. (Cob) : 5. Maxwe n Teddeo (Kaw). TEENY M INI (4-6) MOD: I. Conneo M. chell (Cob): 2. Pari< Flem ing (Cob): 3. Jay Dearing (Cob): 4. Coleman e. Maron (Cob ); 5. Maxwell Tedd.. (!

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