Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(Top) Jimmy Jarrett (II) leods oH th e stort. (Right) Smith ond his first-p loce trophy. (For right) Steve Hatch ended up fifth after a bo d start. they were right the re . I didn't really have any problems w it h tappers. But then I saw t he pit board, an d it said 10 se conds, and t he n I saw Lori [Smith] there wav ing a towel, so I knew they were close . I didn't have e nough time to react. I made a few little mistakes and crashed . I almost threw away the w ho le race ; I made a mistake on a bridge and almost went into th e w ater. I know Rodney rides just unbelievable here . He got by me , and I didn't have e no ugh time to get back aro und him." The race turned into a shootout between Smith and Raines , as they battled through the final grasstrack section. "I went w ay wide in o ne corner, and we raced down into the ne xt one," Raines said. "I w asn't going to shut off, and Rodney - I co uld tell there was no way he was going to shut off. It was like playing suicide o r chicken or so mething. The only thing that was go ing to happen is, we would have both gone down. That w asn't any good, so I sh ut off. We had some close turns, but it was good racing." Parts Unlimited/Moose Honda ride r Scott Summers was in the mix fo r most of the day, too, but a crash on a hill sapped just enough energy from the five-time champion to prevent a last- lap burst. He finished fourth ahead of Steve Hatch, who continues to be plagued by so-so starts. Shane Watts also ran strong all day, but a bo lt fell out o f his rear brake. taking him out of the mix. And w he re was se ries points lead er and de fending GN CC C ha mp io n Barry Hawk? Taking a bat h. Hawk lost majo r time w he n he bro ke a brake line and rolled into t he pits for a re pair. But then he threw the race completely away wh en he accidentally launched off the side of a bridge and ended up upside down in several feet o f water (Se e Brie fly...). With the DN F, Haw k dro ps from first to fifth in the early-season standings . Smith , meanwhile, has taken the points lead back . "I didn't realize I would leave here with t he points lead, but it's way too early in clenEWs.c om t he seaso n for this." Smith said. "T here's a lot of com petition ou t here." eN STEm CREEK GNCC MORGANTON, NORTH CAROUNA RESULTS: MARCH 2 1, 2004 (ROUND 4 OF 14) OIA:. I . Rodney Smith (Suz); 2 . jAson Raines (Yam); 3. Mike Kiedrowski (Suz); "'. Scott Summers (Hon ); 5. Steve Hatch (Suz); 6. Fred Andrews (Suz); 7. Shane Watu (KTl1); 8 . Jim jarrett (Yom ); 9. Brian Garrahan (KTl1); 10. Doug Blackwell (Suz) ; II . Cole Calkins (Kaw); 12. Chuck Woodford (Kaw) ; 13. Randy Hawkins (Yam); 1-4 . Nathan Kanney (Yam); 15. Charles Mullins (KTM); 16. Garrett Edmisten (!on (KTM). AHA GRAN D NATION AL CROSS CO UNT RY S ERIES PO INTS STANDINGS (After 4 of 14 rounds): I. Rodney Sm;th (8Sn wV>s); 2. Ja>OO Ra;ne,; (7611 w;n) ; J . Scott Su""""" (70); 4. Fred Andrews (67); 5. Barry Hawk Jr. (6411 win ); 6. Mike Kiedrowski (62) ; 7. Steve Ha tch (60 ); 8 . Brian Garrahan (SO) 9. Robt>e jenks (49); 10. 000. ; Bbc:kwell (" 8) . CYCLE NEWS • APRIL 7,2004 37

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