Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1rR-1/ ~;.,t I " ' ~"'1 ~ omerica'J -ekIy motOt"C)'(1e MWSf>OPe' Volume 41 • l!!i!!iue 13 April 7. 2004 Volume XXXXI Sharon Oayton. Presidenl Michaef Klinger. PublisM, EDITORIAL FEATURES Paul Carruthen, EditOf Kit Palmef". Off-Rood Editor Scott Rousseau. Manoginf E.ditor Blake Conner. Associat~ E.ditor Steve Cox, Off-Rood AssistDrlt f.dn.Of Henny RayAbnmo. CDnlribulin< fdit", AJanCathcart. European£dltOf D.Jvtd R. HoIther. ~ £rents EdIOf Debbi G11son, CopyEdltOf SUPERBIKE I4 Laconi, McCoy O n Top Dow n Under ADVERTISING· WESTERN STATES (11<) 75 ' -7. " Terry Pratt. National Accounts Monog~r By Gordon Ritchie Mark Tbo-oe, WeSl~n Safes Manager Forrest Hayash i, Wester n Soles Manoger Dan Lege-e . Western Soles Manager AMon Austin. Wes tern So'" Rhonda Cn.wfocd . A~rtisi", CotNdinotOf MOTOCROSS 20 Manare' Everts, Ratt ray Steal Spanish Wo rld Motocro ss Melissa Parker. Amstont ADVERTISING · EASTERN STATES (170) 279-O]lH Carla Allen, O(ficf! Manager & ~ Cootdno«Of Sheri Russel. Ecstem Soks ~, Sume Smith, £ostMl Soks MonCJ2f!r By GeoffMeyer 48 Alessi Takes Mosier GNC Final MARKETING · PROMOTION ByKat Spann and The Beckster Mark Thome. Dirf!CfOf Forrest Ha yashi. Monoger Aaron Austin. Support FIRST RIDE 24 NEW MED IA DEVELOPMENT """ ......... Sit........... Riding Retro : Triumph Thruxton 900 CLASSIFIED ADS ~issa Pirler By Alan Cathcart GRAPH ICS · PRODU CTION Kathleen lawlor. Production Manarer SIxlju Kwon. Graphic Artist RaelynnRoberts, Graphic Attnt Robert Martin. Graph Artist ic DRAG RACING 28 ADMINISTRATION Harleys Reign Supreme in NHRADrag Judy Klinget'". Coord;nmOf Pam tOein, AdminisUotiYf! Assistant ACCOUNTING· DATA PROCESS ING Dot-.~. AIR. CoordinmOf' Geneva Repass. AssistOflt Suey Ryon.(Jed, .......... By Kevin McKenna 52 Johnson Strikes First at AMA Prostar Drag Raci ng Series CIRCULATION Alma Anguiano. Q,culation Monoger Carol Maggio. PrOCf!W"f Coor dinator Ashleigh Klein., Deok, Coor inator d By Matt Polito o E P A-R T MEN T S RIDING IMPRESSION 32 We Race Lafferty 's Bike at the Palatka GN CC By Kit P almer OFF-ROAD 34 Smith Takes the Win at Steel e C reek GNCC ByJason Weigandt 38 Pearson Tied for First afte r Idaho Hare & Hound By Doug Karcher 5 Voices 6 In The Wind 74 Cale ndar 80 Want Ads 98 Ad Index 99 Leaderboard I 00 Bikes of the Stars I0 I I 02 I 04 I 06 I 07 Stu ff Captured Inside Line SERVICE· SUPPORT Bridgen Bobf'orsky. Recf!Ptionist Robert Escandon. Sf!mcf!ond Suppat NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS lSOS·H Cadibc: Ave .• Costa Mesa. CA 92626 P.O Box SCNH. Costa Mesa. CA 9262&.5084 . (7 1<) 75 ' · 7<" • FAX(11. ) 7SI-668 5 EASTERN OFFIC E 2715 Cruse Road, Suite 260 ) lawrenceville. GA 300044 Looking Back (770) 279-O]lH • FAX (770) 279-0] 60 E·MA IL • INTERNET In The Paddock ~.

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