Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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By AlAN CATHCART PHOTOS BY PHIL MAsTERS AND DAVID GoLDMAN Triumph looks for another hit with its retro-twin te r the Bonneville Ame rica and Speedmaster cruisers, Triumph's third annual extension of its developing twin-cylinder ange - now re spon sible for more than 30 per cent of the British comp any's total produc tion, and rising - sees the A 24 APRil 7, 2004 • arr ival of the first unashamedly retro version of the bornagain Bonneville parallel-twin familysince its deb ut in the 200 I model year. This is the Th ruxto n 900 cafe race r, which is now in production after first appe ar ing at last year 's Milan Show, and its press launch took place on a bright but crisp March day at where e lse ? - th e Thruxton race cir cu it CYCLE N EWS after which the model is named , followed by a day 's ride round the Hampsh ire countryside housing the circuit, pas t a slightly older histo rical artifact than the Triumph Bonneville, namely Stonehenge! Th is came after paying due homage to Britain's caferacing culture - of which the o riginal Bonneville was an integral compone nt - with a visit to the evocative Ace Cafe bes ide London's Nort h Circular Road, at which Triumph paid tribute to its revived 40th Anniversary rock 'n' roll heritage by displaying the bike that arguably provided the genesis for the Thruxton 900 's creation. That's the Cafe Racer Concept produ ced by its Italian importer Nume ro Tre, w hose founder, the late Carlo Talamo, was the passionate proge nito r of such a model befo re his untime ly death 18 months ago. The Th ruxton 900 sees Carlo's concept for a lean, mean, retro street race machine, inco rpo rat ing Triumph's unique twin-cylinder DNA. brou ght to the showrooms of the wo rld. Too bad he wasn't there to pull on his fringed black leathe r jacket and open-face helmet and take it for a blast thr ough the Iron Bridge Esses...

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