Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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On the Friday and Saturday evenings several riders had a meeting with Youthstream president Giuseppe Luongo. The riders want a prize money change , as it's only the top 10 who are getting paid. Suzuki factory rider Joel Smets , for so long a crusader for the betterment of the Grand Prix scene, was (rumored) to be the head of the strike talks. A letter was sent to Luongo asking him for a prize money change , although no changes will be made . Top lOin each dass are paid, and the others will receive a travel compensation for each Grand Prix. "We hada meeting with Giuseppe Luongo on Saturday night," Smets said. "He said he cares about the riders , but he 's investing money in other things other than the young riders . 'There is not a lot to talk about with him; he said he promises that he will try and create heaven on earth for motocross, but I don't believe in the way he wants to do it. Ifit's true that he wants to build a better motocross in Europe, then he is doing it not the way Iwould do it, but let's see what happens." New Zealand's Ben Townley, of the CHAMP KTMfactory team, also tried to organize some help for the riders outside the top 10. He feels it's all the riders who have to work together for change . "Not much is going to happen," he said. "If you want something to happen, you need all the riders to support it, and that is just not going to happen ." American Tom Carson, from Asterisk, was in Spain for the Grand Prix. The former racer was there supplying his product to his European agents and enjoying the weather in Spain. "I didn't bring any wet weather gear," Carson said. "It's not the best weather, but that's Grand Prix motocross, anyway. I'm enjoying myself." On the injury front, Claudio Federici crashed during practice and was unable to race . The Italianrider could be out for some time . Ireland's Gordon Crockard will have a major operation on his injured knee and will miss probably more than half the season. It didn't take long for Maschio to pass Cairoli, and their pace." eN the former World I25cc Champion then commenced CIRCUIT DE CATALUNYA to battle with De Reuver for some laps before the BEUPUIG, SPAIN Dutchman moved int o the lead. D e Reuver led for five RESULTS: MARCH 28, 2004 (ROUND 2 OF 16) laps befo re an engine failure had h im walking back to MX2 the pits . MOTO I : I. Ben Townley (K!l'1); 2. Tyta Rattray (K!l'1 ); 1. Slephon Sword Maschio went on to win the second race easily over (!el MMchio (!el _ (Kaw) ; 2. And"", McFamne (Yom); 1. Tyta the opening round in Be lgium. W e have t he q uic ke st R"tt"'y (K!l'1 ): 4. Sebastien Poun:eI (Kaw) ; S. Stephen Sword (!Swanepoel (K!l'1); 14. Manuel Prsen (Suz) ; IS. Antoine Lettel .... (Suz) Former Aust ral ian MX Champio n McFa rlane , ridi ng . Ol k I. Tyta R.ttrny (42); 2. Andio (1 I); S. Aigar Leek (30); 6 . BenTownley (25); 7. (57) I Tyta R,,""'y (57/1); 8 . J.."., Dobb (49); • . Jona than Ilarragan (34); the first corner," McFarlane sa id. "The track was in ter10 . (TIE) Antooio Cairoli (28) 1 Carl Nu nn (28); 12. Anothony Bo;ssiere (28) 1 Manue l Priem (28); 14. David Philippaens (2l); 15 . Marvin Van Daele (24) . rib le cond ition, and I struggled to pas s guys, the n in the MX I las t laps, I pushed ha rd and passed some guys. In the MO TO I : I. Stefan Everts (Yam); 2. Josh Copptns (Hen); 3. Kevin Strijbos (Suz); 4. KeMeth Gunde=n (K!l'1); S. JaG:ortia (Hoo); 6. Ken De Dijker second race, I got a great start and pushing o ut good lap (Hoo) ; 7. Steve Ramon (K!l'1 ); 8 . Tanel Leok (Suz); 9. Joel 5""", (Suz); 10. t imes. Riders were falling all over the place, and the Cedric Melotte (Y:orn); II. Laeris Fre i~ (Hoo) ; 12. james Noble (Hon); 13. two KTM guys went out. I just ha d to be consistent." M:ork HuckJebridge (KTM); 14. Ch,;, M:ortin (Suz); IS. Y""" Anoia (Hoo) MO TO 2: I. Stefan Evem (Yom); 2. BrianMe"",n (Hon); 3. jo (20); 12. Lauris F";~ ( 18); 13. Mickael Pichon ( 14); 14. james Noble ( 14); IS. t-larrscq Bervoets ( 13) knew I was first overall in those last laps. I figured with FIM MX3 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP POINTS STANDINGS (After 2 of Townley and de Reuver out, I was a good shot, and my 16 ",un

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