Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Van den Goorbergh now leads the t itle chase with 4 I points, with Foret second on 30 and Curtain third on 27. Top Honda, amazingly it seems, is Broo kes thanks to a single race win and 25 po ints, w ith Fujiwara in fifth on 21 points. eN PHIWP ISlAND C IRCUIT PHIWP ISlAND, A USTRAUA RESULTS: Steve Martin (99) rode well all weekend but had little to show for it at the end, After finishing fourth in race one, Ma rtin looked to have race two in the bag before his engine e x pire d, 'i\t the start I felt pretty comfortable, but then after a few laps I started to feel tired and got passed by a few of the guys," Brookes said . "I knew that to have any chance of winning I needed to stay with the front two, and once I got into second , Curtain was setting a hot pace, and we were able to break away. Th is has been a dream of mine for years - to win a World Championship event. I didn 't have a plan in the race, but after the first couple of laps I felt very comfortable. I knew I had to stay with the top two in the race, so that was always in my mind . I just kept pushi ng a nd pus hing. Kev [Curtain] was sure running a hot pace, so I then had to work out a strategy - pass him on the turns or I wasn't going to w in. I'd love to race in the championship on a full-time basis, but at the moment I have a contract with Honda Australia until the end of this year. Then I'd like to try my luck in World Supers port - it's such a competitive class." T his o ne was a dramatic and unpred ictable feast of Supersport racing, especially as a raw rookie stole the limelight . An Auss ie championsh ip regular, Brookes is a contemporary of Ale x Gobert and emanates from the hotbed of talent in Auss ie racing , just outside of Sydney. He looked like a wild man from the start, but as he got used to the Pirellis, his times were impressive, his approach still gung ho . More used to IO-Iap Auss ie races, he was feeling the pace at midrace distance, but he rallied toward the end, mounting a final attack on the pugilistic regular Curtain and his Yamaha R6 on the last sector of the last lap. It was a c1oserun thing , with the gap at the end only .0 25 o f a second, as Curtain attem pted to slipst reain o n Phillip Island 's long front straight, having to give ground at the exit of MG a few hundred yards earlier. " My plan was to run behind whoever was in the lead, but with the temperature rising, I didn't know how the t ires were going to perform," Curtain sa id. "Mugge rs [Karl Muggeridge] was hold ing us up a bit, and when I go t past him , Brookes came with me, and I started to 18 APRIL 7, 2004 • push. I knew I didn't have to beat Brookes because he 's not in the championship, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't try to." It seemed an all-Aussie podium, after an all-Aussie front row, was likely, eve n after Bro c Parkes and his Ten Kate Honda dropped back to what would be an eventual fourth. Van den Goorbergh, the Valencia race w inner, extended his burgeoning championship advantage by mounting a steady charge to th ird. He may have caught the long -t ime th ird position occupant Muggeridge (altho ugh Muggeridge demurred to agree on that), bu t Muggeridge's bike suffe red a mechanical problem , and the unluck iest Aussie around had another shocker. Parkes was an eventual fourth but said eng ine problems for Muggeridge put him down in 12th , losing him a seemingly certain podi um finish. Klaffi Honda's Sebastien Charpentier roared to a fifth-p lace finish, with van den Goorbergh's teammate Fabie n Foret in sixt h, hacked off at choosing too hard a tire for the conditions. Alessio Corradi, finding the hop from Yamaha to Honda an unexpected chal lenge, wobbled his way around an imperfect setup and finished his day seventh. Muggeridge would have swapped him the placing. A quite outstanding ride to e ighth from Max Neukirchner showed that there is still real racing talent in Germany. PI is o ne of the most difficult tracks to learn in the world, and yet Neukirchner's I Ith place in qualifying was translated into an eighth place in the race. Lorenzo Lanzi, the only Ducati finisher, rode through problems with his exhaust system to take ninth , a disappointment for one o f the only riders to have tested at the Aussie ven ue in t he close season. After a few days of previous World Supersport testing, you could have expected the A1stare Suzuki guys to be on the money, but they are finding the new GSX-R600 a fickle beast to set up . The top Suzuki was that of Stephane Cham bon with Katsuaki Fujiwara, in 11th. Young Italian Vittorio lannuzzo went 13th, respecting his Alstare e lders. CYCL E N EWS MARCH 28, 2004 (Roun d 2) SiBK Q UAU FYING : I. Regis Laconi ( I:H .427); 2. Chris Vermeulen ( 1:34.398) ; 3. Steve Ma rtin (1:34.600); 4. Leon Haslam ( 1:34.838); 5. Noriyu ki Haga (1:35.0 18); 6. James Tose land ( 1:35.034); 7. Troy Corser ( 1:35. 179); 8. Gar ry McCoy ( I:35. 190 ); 9. Marco Borc ian i ( I:35.357) ; 10. Pler-Fran ce scc Ch ili ( 1:3SA72); II. Lucio Pedercini ( 1:35.944); 12. Chn s Walke, ( 1:36. 179); 13. Gianlurgio Bonte mpi ( 1:37.08 5); 18. Alessio Velini ( 1:37.407); 19. WaUUO (1:37.855); IS. Alessio Corradi ( 1:37.998): 16. Stefano Crudani ( 1:38.06 9); 17. Walter Tort oroglio ( 1:38.0 74); 18 . Man ieu Lagrive ( 1:38.84 7); 19. Matteo Baiocco (1:39.320): 20. S. Brogan ( 1:39.375); 2 1. Den is Sacchetti (1:39.516); 22. Brendan Clarke ( 1:40.1 15): 23. M. Stanley ( 1:40 .896); 24. Y. Peleg ( I :4 1.200). WOR LD S/SPT: I . Josh Broo kes (Han); 2. Kevin Curta in (Yam); 3. Jurgen van den Goorbergh (Y am); 4. Broc k Parkes (Han ); 5. Sebastien Charpen tier (Han) : 6. io Fabien Foret (Yam): 7. Ales.s Co rradi (Han) ; 8 . Max Neikirchner (Han) ; 9. lorenzo LAnzi (Due) ; 10. 5tephane Chambon (5uz): I I . KAtsuak i Fuiiwva (5",); 12. Karl Muggeridge (Han ); 13. Vittorio lannuzz o (Sot ): 11. Stefano Crudani (KAw) IS. Matt"", Lagnve (Suz); 16. Walter ; Tort ...ogIio (Suz); 17. Oems Sacchetti (Hon); 18. Y. PeIeg (Hon ). Time: J.4 min., 12.30 1 sec. Distance: 2 1 laps, 57.873 miles Average speed: 101 .518 mph Margin of victory: .025 sec. WORLD SiSPT C ' SHIP POI NTS STAN DINGS (Aft er 11 2 of 10 rounds): I. Jurgen van den Goorbergh (4 1 win); 2. Fabien Foret (30): 3. Kevin Curtai n (27); 4. Josh Brookes (25/ 1 win): 5. Katsuaki Fujiwara (2 1): 6. l or enzo LAnzi(20); 7. 5tephane Chambon ( 17); 8. (T IE) 8"" Parl

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