Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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followed by Reyes , with Husqvarna-rncunted Roy Grove taking th ird. At the start of moto two, Boyd and Reyes barreled into turn one handlebar to handlebar. Soon, the two leaders had a gap over the rest of the class. Entering the ravine sect ion on lap two, Boyd tried an outs ide line arou nd Reyes. Emerging from the ravine, Reyes kept Boyd at bay. Then disaster struc k for Boyd: He overshot a tum, stalling his motor. Several riders passed him as he frantica lly kicked his machine to life. As Reyes sped to what appeared to be an easy w in, Boyd rocketed his way back through the pac k. Boyd closed to within inch es of Reyes' rear knobby. Entering the last lap, Boyd passed Reyes for first place. O n the final circuit. Boyd established an insurmo unt able lead. At the checkers, Boyd took the win and the overall, followed by Reyes and Grove. t-' • (Left to rig ht) James Mann. Ranny Kemp and Charlie Venegas line up for th e first heat of the night a t round four of the World Champion ship ICE Speedway Se rie s. For the main , Venegas had the fro nt-row po le, with Mann and Taylor lining up t o his outside. Starter Keith Brewer liked what he saw and released the e lectronic starting gate, allowing the six contestants to blast off to the first tum. Venegas got there first and led lap one. Coming out of tum two on lap two, Taylor lost con trol of his speedway bike and crashed into the outside wa ll; he and his machine were lying in a precarious spot on the track, and a lap lat e r, Mann an d his mach ine crashed into Taylor's prone mount almost as if drawn to rt magnetically, and referee Bruce Strong stopped the race. Taylor was subsequently e xcluded (rom the event, and Mann was placed on the "way back" penalty line. The six-lap main was restarted. A confident Venegas took th e lead again and never gave It up. Kemp worked his way up fro m the back row to finish second, and Chris Strong earned his first podium of the season, in third. Mann, with a fourth-place finish, missed the podium for the first time in memory. The Championship Series' next stop will be in Boise, Idaho. Only seven points now separate leader Mann and Kemp , and don 't co unt out The Edge, as he in on a charge and still has a mathematical shot at stealing the biggest prize in speedway ice racing. It looks like it will all be decided in Vegas. RESULTS HEAT I: I. Charl ie Venegas ; 2. James Mann; 3. Ronny Kem p. HEAT 2: I. Jon" Grant; 2. Chris Stron g; 3. Tyl r e Ha ns e n. HEAT ) : I. Ted Ta ylor; 2. Matt King; 3. Ca l Harrington. HEAT 4: I. Charlie Venegas; 2. Olris Strong; 3. Man King HEAT S, I. Ronny Kemp; 2. led Taylor. 1. Tyt« . Hansen . HEA T 6: I. James Mann; 2. Jo nn Gran t; 3. Cal Harrington. HEAT 7: I. james Mann; 2. John Grant; 3. Cal Hanington. HEAT 8: I. Charl ie V~; 2. RoMy Kemp; 3. TyJer Hansen. HEAT 9: I. Ted Taylor; 2. Matt King; 3. Chris Strong. LC Q: I . Ronny Kemp ; 2. John Grant ; 3. C hris Strong . MAIN : I. Charlie Venegas; 2. Ronny Kemp; 3. Chris Str ong; .. . James Mann; S. John Grant. World Cham pionship IC E S p e edw a y S e ri e s Po in t s SWMfingti (After 4 rounds): I. James M.tnn (175); 2. RoMy Kemp ( 168); 1. Charlie Venegu ( 116); 4. John Gran, (86); 5. Chris Strong (51); 6. Ted Tayto<(48); 7. "JYIe' H....., (47); 8. Craig E..... (3) ); 9. Q;. He nnant (1I); 10. Cal Hanington (26). CALVMX Vintage Motocross Series Round I: Carlsbad Raceway Sievers Seizes Season Openerl Bv STEVE CARO CARLSBAD, CA, JAN. 24 C o ld weathe r greeted the Vintage rac e rs gathered for round one of the California Vintage Motocross' third season at Carlsbad Raceway. Despite the damp conditions, an excellently prepared track awaited the riders . Husqvarna-mounte d Keith Sievers topped the Over Forty GP Intennediate class with two strong performa nces . In m ota o ne, Yamahamoun ted De nnis Carlock grabbed t he lead at the start, followed by Sievers and Husqvarnamounted Ed Reyes. Without concession to machine age (20 years or older), the CarlockJSieve~ battle was a fast, c1ose-quarters affair. Th rough lap three, Carlock and Sievers were separated by mere inches . Near the end of lap three, Sievers passed Carlock and held on to the lead . T he ir d ue l continued for the remain ing two laps . By lap four, Husqvarnamounted Allen McKay had jo ined the Sieversvs.-Carlock due l. McKay passed Carloc k on lap four to take second place. At the finish, Sievers secured first place, followed by McKay and £.1:1 OODD IIADV ">~ ">fV'\ A • rvrl Carlock. At the stan of mota two, Suzuki-mounted Donn Boyd rocke ted into the lead. Be hind him we re McKay and Sievers. A nonstarter in mota one , Boyd soon established a large lead. Behind him, Sievers and McKay dueled for the overall win . As in mota one, Sievers and McKay engaged in close-quarters racing. O n lap four, Sievers passed McKay to take seco nd place approaching the finish line . Boyd took first place uncontes ted . Be hind him, Sieve rs ' combined firs t- an d second-place finishes clinched th e overall, followed by McKay and Reyes. Some good racing was seen in the GP Two Inte rmed iate division. When the gate dropped for moto one, Husqvama-mounted Reyes took the lead into the first turn. Trailing him was Boyd's Suzuki. The late-1970s machines roared into the long uphill section, easily clearing the three jumps. At the end of lap one , Boyd took a narrow lead over Reyes. Different race lines we re tried as they vied for the top spot . Near the mota's end , Boyd still held his narrow lead. When the checkers flew, Boyd took first , r: IYr:lAIC RESULTS IRO N MAN V IN T N O V: I . St e ve Ca r o (C Z) . IRO NMAN VINT INT: l. Dave Scourfield (CZ); 2. bch HaJopoff (Hon) ; 1. Benny Chen (CZ). IRO H MAN V1HT EX : I . Chris Sch le if ( Hus) ; 2. Kyle Halkola (C Z) . IROHMAN GP H OV, I . Randy NidOOy johnson (Hon ). U/L SUP INT: I. Ron Renzulli(Yam). Victory Sports Indoor Motocross Winter Se ries Round 10: Ca/son;c Arena Older But Wiser, Brewer Bottles Up a Win Bv CINDV GIBSON SHELBYVILLE. TN, JAN. 24 The heart of central Tenne ssee pumped in I more than 4000 visitors on Saturday, January 24, for round 10 of the Indoor Motocross Winter Series, held at Calsonic Arena in Shelbyville. The annual two-day eve nt saw some 425 riders arrive from as far away as Missouri an d Illinois . Sam Gam mo n of Victory Spo rts made his visitors feel right at home. Engines fired up for the first race of Saturday night's main event, with a full gate of IS 12Scc C contenders. Team Green 's Justin Jones knew he had no time to waste for the short slx-lap mota , so he quick ly darted into the lead position, wit h Yamaha's Michael Hawk hot on his trail and Kawasaki's Jacob Patterson next in line. By the last lap, Jonah Clonger of Chand ler, North Car olina, had made his way into second, and that's how the race ended: Jones earned the top pod ium position, Clonger was second, and Patterson placed third. T he SOcc (4-6) class bega n with KTM's Do nald Brown taking the holeshot, along with KTM te ammate Dalton Hall in second. Brown remained in first until he took a spill just beyond the whoops to give Bran don He mingw ay a short-lived lead . While down , Brown lost several positions but quickly remounted and took his KTM to an amazing first-place finish. He mingway claimed secon d , and KTM's Chri stian Thomas com plete d the race with a third- place finish. Mini m a nia continued in the 50cc Otl Inje ct e d class. Co bra tamer Harrison West launched out of the gate into first place. KTM pilot Lindsey Ro binso n from Marion , North Carolina, followed just behind but took a nasty spill on the first lap, w hich moved Christian Thomas to second place and Dalton Hall into t hird . Ro binso n quick ly recovered from her crash and remounted in fourth, but she then made perhaps the mo st amazing comeback of the day; She plowed through the pac k and brought the crowd to its fee t as she made her pass into second place just before the finish line. dOth Annivo;rsaru The 2S0cc D class fired up , with Yamaha pilo t Todd Gibbs from Florence, Alab ama, coming o ut of t he gate ne ck and neck with KTM -mounted Robert Ardry. The two gladiators continued their close battle for the duration of the short six-lap moto, with Gibbs com ing out on top to claim the champ ionship. The crowd-pleasing Over 2S class was the last race of th e eve ning . Yamaha 's Michael Br e w e r of Law re nce burg, Tenne ssee , celebrated his birt hd ay by quickly taking t he lead, with Honda 's Wesley Gatlin and Vamahamounted Jason Summers fo llow ing closely be hind . Summers crashed on the third lap , moving him to the back of the pack and leaving Brewer and Gatlin out front. After a spectacular fight betw ee n the two , Brewer came ou t o n top , e nding the weekend event another yea r older and another year wiser. Se ries info can be found at RESULTS SO O IL.IN J: I. Har r ison We st (Co b) ; 2. lindsey Rob inson ( KT M) ; 3. Christi an Thomas (KT M) ; .. . Se t h Hard ing (KTM); S. Sam Altizer (Hon) . 50 (" -8) SH AFT: I. Harrison West (Yam); 2. Damon Messer (Y am); 3. Nicholas Wa kef ield (Yam) ; .. . Ch adney Artrip (Yam); S. N o r ma n NoffSinger (Yarn). SO (4 . 6) : I. Donald Brow n (KTN ); 2. Brandon Hemingway (KlM) ; 1. Christian Thomas (KTM); 4. Dalton Hall (KTN) ; S. Se th Hardmg (KTM). 50 (7-8): l. Juds on wadem (KTM); 2. Drew Fiekls (Cob); 3. Gilbert o Lopez (KlM) ; 4. Dylan Camnger (Pol); 5. )os.... """ (KlM) . 65 0 (7-1 1), I. Cody Butle, (!m 2_ Dillon Atkins (Suz); 1. ); Hunter Dixon (KTM): ... Jordan Cates (~); S. Dillon jnes (!'et (Suz ); 5. IliI1y MaWw (Yam). 125 a, I. Bran do n Smith (Kaw) ; 2. Kenny Orr (5u1: ; 3. Andrew )

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