Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Satunb.y RESULTS Friday P/W (0- 6): I. Je re my Wilton (Cob); 2. Ryder Waite (Pol); 3. Jacob Crawford (KTM). P{W (7-8): I. Jonathan Andrew (Cob); 2. Wyatt Fowier (Hus); 3. Mason Wharton (Pol). SO OP EN : I. Jonathan Andrew (Cob); 2. Hason Wharton (Pol); 3. Jacob Crawford (KTN). 65 BEG : I. Anthony Romero (Kaw): 2. Wyatt Fowler (SU 3. Alan I); Burggre n (KTM). 65 (0-8): I. AIyas Wardius (Suz); 2. R.J. l each (Suz); 3. Nolan Beyer (KTM). 65 (9-1 1): I. Steele Angle·O."""",, (KTM); 2. Kyle Ulrid> (KTM). 65 OPEN , I. Kyle Ulrich (KTM); 2. R.J. Leac h (5u,); J. No bn Beyer- (KTM). 85 8 EG: I. Tony Blake (Hon); 2. A.J. Brown (Y am); 3. luke Aldrich (Hon). 85 (9- 11): I. Jared Wood (Yam): 2. Stee le Angle- Davidso n (KTM): 3. Brodie Anderson (Yam) . 8 5 (1 2· 1]): I. Travis McC linton (Yam): 2 . Tyler McClinton (Yam); 3. Charlie McCarthy (Kaw) . S/ MINI: I. Travis McClinton (Yam): 2. Tyter McClinton (Yam); 3. [ared Wood (Yam). 125 BEG : I. Greg Brown (Yam); 2. Chris M<.Dan~ (KTM); 3. Joe Kiker (Yam). 125 IR: I. Travis McMackin (Yam); 2. Cody Crumley (Yam 3. Kevin PetrUChkin (Yam 115 INT: I. Pete ): ). Sannan (KTM); 2. Austin Genel (Hon) . 15 0 BEG: I. Jon Jolley (Hen) ; 2. ....d Alli>On (y",,); J . Scott Sm;u (Hen) . 250 JR: I. Ken Romero (Hon ); 2. Tim Ricketts (Hon ); 3. Jon Sherriffs (Suz). 150 INT: I . Justin Jensen (Hon ). OPE N AM ; I. Ben 5onnon (Han). OPEN PRO, I. J.R. VoeIIe(Hen ). WMN BEG : I. l yndy Feel e y (Kaw) . WMN : I. Chaffey leach (Yam); 2. Tis ha Feele y (Yam). BTH IR : I . Travis McMackin (Yam) 2. Cody Crumley (Yam 3. Erik Meuslmg ; ); (Hon) . BTH INT: I. Pete Sannan (KTM); 2. Justin Jensen (Hon) . 1 5 + INT: I . RickWalling (Yam). 30+ BEG: I . Craig Schoc ko (Kaw) . 30 + JR: I. Jon Jo lley (Ho n): 2. Curtis Wharton (Yam). 30 + INT: I. Ken Romero (Ho n). 30+ MNY: I. Rkk Walling(Yam). 40 + JR: I. Forrest l ytle (Yam); 2. John Stephe ns (Y am): 3. David Cru mley (Y am). 40 + INT: I. Grant Brown (Y am); 2. Matt Brown (Yam) 3. Bill Farrell ; (Hus). 40 + MNY: I. Dave Fox (Kaw): 2. Greg Gates (Hon); 3. Dave Harden (Kaw). 50 + : I. J.R. Meusling (Hon): 2. Ste ve Baze (Kaw). P/W (0-6) ' I. Jacob Cnwfonl (KTM); 2. " nt"ew Nessel (Hus) ; 1. Rya n Burggr e n (KTM). P/W ( 7-8) : I. Chris Alldnodge (Cob); 2. Nyu Wonlius (KTM); J . Wyon Fowle, (Hus ). 50 OPEN , I. Chri> AJld.-edge (Cob) ; 2. Nyu Wonl ,us (KTM); J . Jacob Oawfonl (KTM). 65 BEG , I. AI", au ......... (KTM); 2. Jeff Hokomb (Kaw) ; J. Wyon Fowle, (Suz ). 65 (0-8) : I. Justin Hill (Kaw); 2. Brandon Barber (Suz): 1. Chris Alldredge (Suz). 65 (9-11): I. Landon Currier (KTM); 2. Steele Angle-Davidson (KTM): 3. Sierra Bragg. 65 OPEN: I. Justin H ill (Kaw): 2. Chris Alldredge (Suz) ; 3. Jeff Holcom b (Suz). 8 5 BEG : I. Jake Warren (Yam); 2. KaJeb Basne y (Hon): 3. Kyte Reader (Yam) 85 (9-11 ): I. Landon Currier . (Yam) 2. Stee le AngIe-Oavidson (KTM): 3. Brodie Anderson ; (Yam). 85 ( 12- 13) : I. Charlie McCarth y (Kaw); 2. Tyler Schwen tker (Yam); 1. Kyle l e mon (Yam). 85 (1 4- 16) : I. Allen Yother (Hon). S/M IN I: I. landon C urrier (Ya m): 2. Travis McC linton (Yam); 3. Charlie McCarthy (Kaw). 11 5 BEG: I. Gms Egan (Yam); 2. Phill p Springer (Kaw); 1. Justin i Anderson (Kaw). 115 IR: I. Matt Wilson (Yam); 2. Jason Lytle (Han); J. Cody Crumley (y",,). 125 INT, 1. J"'" H,II (Yam) . 25 0 BEG: I. Barry Weible (Yam); 2. Tra vis 8 ush (Yam) 3. Mike Dahlman (Hon ). 150 JR: I. Brad Batchelor : (Yom); 2. Jeff Albouey Daugherty (Hon) . OPEN P RO : I. J.R. Meusling (Hon ); 2. St eve Baze (Kaw) . W HN BEG : I . Laci Cardell! (Hon). WMN, I. Choffey Leach (y",,); 2. MMy Rodmacher (502) ; J. Sierra Bragg (Yam) BTH JR: I. Man Wilson (Yam) 2. Cody . ; Crumley (y",,); J. Bnd a.,d>eIoo- (y",,). BTH INT, I. J"'" Hill (Yam) 25+ JR: I. DaM Dunn (Yam). 30+ BEG: I. . Barry Weible (Y am): 2. Travis Bush (Yam) 3. Mike Dahlman : (Hon) . 30 + JR: I. Jon Jolley (Ho n): 2. David Burgg re n (Yam): 3. Richard Tunnell (Yam). 30+ HNY: I. Monty Ware (Ho n); 2. Ben Hurlburt (Hon). 40+ JR: I. Forrest l ytle (Y am); 2. Jack Batche lor (Y am): 3. Mike Fallon (Suz). 40+ MNY: I . Greg Gates (Hon). 50 + : I . JR Meushng (Hon): 2. Rick Radmacher (Suz). HUS CHAl: I . A1yas Wardius: 2. Andrew Nessel: 3. Tristan Ve rsteeg: -4 . Ryan Burggren; 5. Jack Fow'er. Glen Helen Raceway Park Grant, Dowell Ramrod REM MXI By ROCKY HASH SAN BERNARDINO, CA, JAN. 24 th mo than 40 W;RacingreEnte r priseevents on the calendar, s Motorsports' 2004 seaso n is off to a great start. This week, th e course featu re d a new infield sec tion, wh ile perfect raci ng weather prevailed all day long. The new layout incorporated some off-camber turns, lo ng and wide straight sec t ion s, and multiple lines. It was both challenging and fun to ride . Honda of Ho usto n{T roy Lee Designs ride r Joshua Grant has been turn ing out at REM events on a regu lar basis, and this week he rod e his CRF250R to t he victory in th e 125cc Pro r anks. In th e first mot o, Grant rippe d the holeshot and appear ed to have the win sewn up. A late miscue, however, gave the win to Andy Bakke n, who rode his Yamaha YZF25 0 impressive ly ahe r a poor start and put himself in a position to capitalize on Grant's miscue by slicing thro ugh riders w ith det ermination each lap. Kawasaki pilot Nate Haw ley claimed third . In moto two , G rant aga in nailed the ho leshot , but this time Bakken was right behind him in second place. Over the course of the first three laps, Grant was able to scratch out a two-second lead. That margin wou ld stay more or less the same until the check ered nag flew, as Grant rode w ithout a mista ke , while Bakke n could never mount a charge strong enough to close in on the leader. On the day, Gran t earned the overall class win via his 2-1 moto finishes. Bakke n ( 1-2) was th e ru nner-up, w hile Haw ley (3-3) rou nded o ut the top th ree . In the always-competitive 125cc Junior class, Yamaha rider Matt Dowe ll be sted the field after sweeping both mo tos . Dowe ll got a seco nd place start in each race , but by the time th e pack came through the scoring section at the end of lap on e , he was leading each time. From £.£. I: E:DOIIADV')I;: ')fV\.A • rv,., ~ the re , Dowell went on to win handify Gunnar . Strum turned a 4-2 ta lfy into a second-overall finish. whi le Kirk Agos tini (2-4) garnered t he third -place brass. KTM rider Zac C lar k (5-5) wen t home with a fourth-place-overal l finish, and Blake Harbe r (3· 7) completed the to p five slots for the day. Step he n Watson to pped the Over 40 Expert class after putt ing In a solid 3- 1 performance aboard his Yamaha YZ250 . Balboa Saloon's c.T. Falk was the best of the rest with a consistent 2·2 showi ng aboard a Honda CRF450 R, while Donny Sievertson claimed third with a 5-3 effort on the day. Tim Murphy (4-5) and Andy Northrup ( 1. 9) were fourth and fifth. RESULTS 65: I. Matthew Bisceglia (Suz ); 2. Zach Pillow (Kaw): 3. Hunter Falk (KTM). 85 BEG: I . Christopher Gaumer (Hon) ; 2. Justin Tucker (Yam) 3. Brittan y Musgrave (KTH); -4. Austin ; Aube (Yam): S. Codi Zernickow (Kaw) . 8 5 JR : I. Billy Musgrave (Yam): 2. C urt is Mclellan (Yam) ; 3. Br ian Cavanaugh (Suz): .of . Kylar Sizemore (Kaw) : S. Jordan Ilon>w>IO (y",,). 125 BEG, l. Derek Maher (y",,); 2. Ow< Kavanagh (KTM); J. Dylan Haase (KTM); • . Tom Hm (Yam); S. Nick Tucker (Hon). 125 JR: I. Matt Dowell (Yam): 2. Gunnar Stru m (Yam); 3. Kirir. Agostini (Yam); -4. Za c Clark (KTM); 5. Blake Harbe r (Yam). 115 INT: I . Steven Cisar (Hon); 2. Sean Borkenhagen (Kaw) ; 3. Randy Hill (Suz): -4 . Ch uck Henson (Hon) : 5. Greg Jones (Yam). 11 5 PRO : I. ; Joshua Grant (Hon); 2. Andy Bakken (Yam) 3. Nate Ha-Mey" (Kaw). 250 BEG: I . Rigo Navarro (Hon): 2. Sean Cavanaugh (Yam); 3. H ike Boyd (Hon): .of. Jame s Standarcli (Hon) . 15 0 JR: I. Man Vanderwater (Hon): 2. Braden larson (Hon): 3. John Minett (Hon); 4. Cralg Cheeve r (Yam) 5. Billy Wright ; (Ho n) . 150 INT: I. Chris Manulla (Yam): 2. Whit ney Murphy (Hon). 250 PRO : I. Paul Kellen (Hon); 2. Brando n Wood s (Hon). VET BEG: I . Jon Zemiekow (Kaw); 2. Mike Kruger (Yam 3. James Standarl (Hon); ... Rich Puder (Hon); ); 5. Brian Doughe"Y (KTM). VET J'" I. !Wdy Co.,." (Han); 2. Jonny BenslOn (Han); J. Larry Lengne' (y",,); 4 . Jay CWl< (502); 5. OavKl McUrthy (Suz). VET INT: I. aeon Wekh (Hon); 2. Steve Coster (Yam); 3. Joe Lawwin (Suz); .of. Alan Bum (Hon); S. Jim Naegle (Hon). VET PRO : I. W illy Musgrave (Yam) 40 + JR: I. Mike 8orowsk.I (Hon ); 2. Frank . Villa (Hon); 3 . Larry Wat erhouse (Hon ): .of . Mark Moore (Hon); S. Ric.k Peterson (Hon) . 40+ INT: I. Rudy Chavez (Han); 2. Bnd Oxley (Hen ); 3. Pete Vet""" (Han); 4. GMy Scott (Han); 5. GMy GonzaJes (Han) . 4<) + EX' I. Stephen Watson (Yam); 2. C .T. Falk (Hon) ; 3. Donny Sieveftson (y",,); 4. TIm Muq>hy (Han); 5. 1u>dy Northrup (Han). 40 + MSTR: I. Paul Needles (Hon) ; 2. Randy Skinner (Suz); 3. Bob John son (Hon):.of. Willie Amaradio (Yam): S. Ron lawson ; (Yam) 50 + MSTR: I . George Kohler (Yam) 2. Bill Maxim . (Kaw): 3. l yle Sweeter (Hon): 4. Dave Eakin (Hon) ; S. Ray Pisarski (Hon) . 60 + MSTR: I . Bengt Johansson (KTM); 2. Lars Larsson (KTM); 1. Dan Hane brink (Hon): 4. Chuck Minert (Hon). O 'Reilly Outlaw Winter Nationals Fina l Round: Dia mond JS Sports Arena Cartwright Roars Indoorsl By BOB OERTLE TAHLEQUAH, OK, JAN. 24 M ore than 160 race tea ms pou red into the Diamond J5 Sports Arena for a full day of racing actio n. Tho ugh the rain was pouring outside d ur ing t he main events, the roof of the Arena ke pt the raci ng act ion inside hot an d he avy. Th e fans swarmed into the building: many w ho came later were told it was "stan ding room only" but still gladly purchased ticke ts. and they turned o ut to be among the hottest event t ickets in recent history in th is college town. Several vendors were on hand , providing race-support equ ipment and other nece ssities. Red Daley of Daley's Speed Shop had the event Tcshtrt booth go ing strong. Dan and Vick i Mahoney made the trip from Missouri and took some awesome photos of the show. It turned out to be a great night for racing. T he SRO crowd wit nessed 165 en trants doing batt le for the series points cham pionships. Brand on Cartwright, riding his Cartwright H e at an d Air-spo nsored Ho nda , ra ised the temperatu re ins ide the are na , w inning the Open Pro Singles short-track main . Aaron Creamer took the win in his heat race but failed to get on the pod ium in the main event. Mike Hinds batt led with CartWright for the lead but had to settle for runner-up , and Russell Marlin, on the TNT Honda, placed th ird. Cory Richard put his Curtis Richard Auto Repair/Car Qu est Auto Parts-sponsored 8Scc Ho nda in the point pos ition in the co mb ined 60 ·B5cc Two -Str o ke and 125cc Four-St roke co nte st and also in the I25-250cc Combined Amateur co ntest. Richard won all three rounds of the series in the 85cc divi ion and took the s c ha mpions hip trophy ba ck home to La ke Charles, Louisiana. Crea mer beste d 14 other contestants in the Mad Dog class. This class is a premier class in O klaho ma, and when a rider fro m out of the area wins a contest, it puts all the loc al tu ners and riders on the offens ive for the ne xt few wee ks. T he AMP production crew thanked the riders, teams, support staff, vend ors , sponsors , and especia lly t he fans who turn e d o ut to support this series. RESULT S PIW BEG 50: I . Cullen Boswell (Yam); 2. Colton Cameron (Pol); 1. Nathan Varano (KTM): -4 . Noah Willard: S. Hunter Watson . PIW ADV: I. Fred Mattox (Yam): 2. Teny Mattox (Y . MOD PIT/B K: I . Justin Purman (Ho n): 2. am) Troy Sturtz (Hon) ; 3. Mike Baue r (Ho n): -4. Ke vin Mays (Hon); 5. Blair UveIy (Hon). 60-85 2-STR Kl125 4-5TRK: I . Coo-y Rk hard (Han); 2. Cody Rk hard (Han); J . lYe Kyle> (Hon) : 4. Hunte r King (Hon); S. Q uenton Richar d (Hon) . 115-250 COMB AM: I. Cory Richard (Hon); 2. Dalton Marlin (Hon) : 1. Tye Kytes (Hon); ... Corey Wix (Hon) ; S. Kosey Kyle> (y",,). 250 PRO: I. Joe 0 ""'" (Ro t); 2. Jeny Cartwright (Hon); 3. Aaron Creamer (Hon). OPEN AM : I. Chance Osbum (Hon): 2. Kevin Ellingsworth (Hon): 3. Jan Washburn (Yam); .. . Mike lawrence (Yam): 5. Kameron Richard (Hon). MAD DOG : I . Aaron Creamer (Hon); 2. Mike Hinds (Suz); J . Jerry CartWrigh t (Hon) ; .of. Brandon Canwright (Hen ); 5. Donny C3nwrigtrt (y",,). PRO MSTR VINT: I. Ken Creasy; 2. Jerry Hinds (Yam); 3. J.R. Smith (Yam PRO 600 VINT: I. Ken Creasy (Hon): 2. Jim Strome ). (Yam 3. Roy Hink~ (Yam -4 . Curtis McKay (Yam): 5. Mike ): ): Baue r (Hon). OPEN PRO SG L: I. Bra ndo n Cartwright (Hon); 2. Mike Hinds (Hon); 3. Russell Martin (Hon) : -4. Bret Sowdef"S (Rot): 5. Je remy Hinkle (Yam) . Final Po ints Champions PIW A: Fred Matt ox. P/W B: Colton Cameron. 85 : Cory Rich ar d . 125 : Cory Richar d . OPEN AM: Kevin Ellingsw orth. OPEN VINT TW : John Varbe l. 600 AM VINT: Van Simkins. PRO 600 VINT: Ken Creasy. OPEN PRO SGL: Jeremy Hinkle. Saturday Night Under The Lights Race 3: Sunset Tavern & Marina Nafzger Takes the Lake By DAN SCHMITT LAKE KOSHKONONG, WI, JAN. 3 1 Joshua Grant won the 125cc Pro class at REM's Saturday MX at Glen Helen Raceway Park. IU'l:'lAIC Anth Annh.u :~c. ::a"'1 1 A fter a col d snap · t empe rature s hovered r \ a ro und z e ro fo r a week - the weat he r see med almost balmy at the third ro und of the Saturday night short·track races. The win d died down , and the th er mo mete r had shot all the way up to 16 degrees when the first final eve nt lined up . Tyler Smu lders took the holeshot and led nine out of the 10 laps of the 250cc Pro final. Roy Nafzger ran the outside line, ga ining

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