Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Heath Voss (Yam); 6. Nic.k Wey (Suz): 7. Nathan Ramsey el (HOfl); 8. Sean Ham blin (Suz): 9. MICha Byrne (Kaw) : 10. Damon Huffman (Hon): II . Timmy Ferry (Yam): 12. Erick Vallejo (Yam): 13. Tyler Evans (Suz); 14. Jason Thomas (Hon) ; IS. Mike Brown (Yam); 16. Robbie Reynard (HOfl): 17. James Povolny (HOfl); 18. Andrew Short (Suz): 19 . Ryan Clark (Yam); 20 . Grant LangstOfl (KTM). Race Ti me: 17 m in.. 36.680 sec . Ma rgi n of V.etory: 12.502 sec . THQ AHA S U PERC RO SS SERIE S POINTS Joe Oe hlhof won the $7S0 Racer X Gas Card for finishing third in the 250cc LCQ. After getting fifth in his 125cc LCQ, Jeff Gibson looked for some love from the ladies. ''Actually, I've bee n on the road so much, I haven't been able to get a Valentine, so if any of you hot chicks out ther e wan t to be my Valentine , give me a call," he said while holding his $250 Asterisk Medic Card check. He revealed after the race , though , tha t there we re unfortunately no bites . STAND~ INGS (After 7 of 16 rounds): I. Chad Reed ( 16915 wins); 2. Kevin Wtndham ( 10 12 wins): 3. (TIE) David Vuillemi..vMike laRocco (1l 2); 5. MIChael Byrne (96); 6. Nick Wey (9" ); 7. Damon Huffman (9 3); B. Heath Voss (71): 9. Gront langston (61): 10. s..n H="'" (59): II . Kerth R. John"", (50): 12. Tyler Evans ("'B): 13. Ezra lusk (" 7): ' '''. (TIE) Timmy FerryfErick Vallejo (46): 16. Ryan Clark (" 5); 17. Robbie Reynard (34); lB. Mike Brown (29 ); 19. Emeno Fonseca. (28 ); 20. Joe Oehlhof (2 1). THQ WORLD SUPERCROSS GP POINTS STAND~ INGS (After 9 of 17 rounds): I. Damon Huffman (181 ); 2. The re we re a few new faces in the 2SOcc class. Andrew Short , Nathan Ramsey and Timmy Fe rry we re in action at Houston . "I just want to have fun, and that' s the only reason I'm riding a 2S0," Short said. "I kind of wanted to take a week off just to make sure I'm ready, but I wanted to race, and I like this trac k, so I just went for it. Here I am. I don 't know what to expect ." Gran t langstOfl ( 174); 3. Heath Voss ( 159) : "'. 1)'\et" Evans (146 ); 5. Keith R. Johnson ( 112): 6. Ryan Clark ( 106); 7. Mike Brown (95); B. End. Vallejo (90); 9 . Erresro Fonseca (B I); 10. (TIE) JoeOehlhof/Ovyl H,rley (58) . UPCOMING ROUNDS: R 10/ 8 . M ound inneopolis, M innesota, F ebruary 21 R 11/ 9 . A ound tlanta, Georgia, F ebruary 28 Sean Hamb lin won his se mi for the second week in a row, also lea ding from start to finish. He would've rather tra nsferred out of his heat, thoug h. Heath Voss, Timmy Ferry, Robbie Reynard and Ryan Clark all we nt on to the main. James Povo lny complet ed the sweep of riders w inning from the holeshot in the ir qualifiers, leading all six laps of the LCQ. Jaso n Thomas passed his teammate Joe O ehlhof halfway through for the seco nd and final trans fer spo t. H EAT 1 (8 la p s, 1-4 transfer): I. Kevi.n Windham (H0fl): 2. DaW! \\lillemin (Yam); 3. Nick Wey (Suz); 4. Andrew Short (Suz): 5. Nathan Ramsey (Hon ); 6. Erick Vallejo (Yam); 1. 0"""" H"'fman (Hon ): 8. (Hon): 9 . Ty\e< Ev>n< (Sus): 10. Kerth R. 10"""'" (Y am); I I . Jinvny Wilson (Hon); 12. 8a.rryCanten(Sut.); 13. DiIf1ieI BIaiT(Yam); 14 . Scott Me tt (Hon) ; IS. Jon Boruff (Hon ); 16. Justin Myen (Hon ); 17. Hans Nee! (Hon); lB. Mike Brown It looks like Andre w Short will be switching to an RM·Z250 when the 12Scc West picks back up in Dallas. "I just heard they sold my RM125 practice bike, so I guess its official," Short said. "I'll be riding the RMZ2S0 when the series rolls back around to Dallas for the next round ." Ryan Clark beca me the first rider to make two mains in one night. ''Awee k and a half ago, we we nt riding at Beaumont [California], on my ot her rider Ge ne Stull's YZ2S0F practice bike, and 1just had a blast on it," Clark said. "I thought it'd be fun to give it a shot, so we got the engine back from Voshimura, and Ross [Maeda of Enzo Racing] did the suspe nsion, and her e we are. The bike' s super fun, and I think I can be competitive on it. We 'll see how it goe s here ton ight, and if I'm not where I want to be , I may not ride it for the whole swing." (Y=): 19. Br.odley R;pple (Sus): 20. 1lryanWhoe (y=) . Race Ti me: 6 min.• 59 .33 sec. Margin of Vict ory: 5.406 sec . HEAT 2 (B laps, 1-4 tra nsfe r): I. Cha d Reed (Yam): 2. Gran t langston (KTM); 3. Kevin Windham showed he had the speed to win by posting the fastest heat-race time of the night, des pite being a little off in practice. "It too k me a while to get going," W indham said. "The cold air, sometimes it takes me a while to get motivated and get ou t and get the blood pumping, but I feel goo d now, and David [Vuillemin] rode good, and he 'll be up here in the main." David Vuillem in chased him th roughout the main, to no avail, while Nick Wey and Andrew Short followed them directly to the main event . Chad Reed wo n heat tw o in a start-to -finis h ro mp that actually e nded up mirroring his main-event performance. He sta lled in one corne r but didn't eve n lose the lead. His hea t was fou r seconds slower than Windham's. "I like to give you guys some thing to ta lk abo ut [the stall]," Reed said. "I made a few mistake s out there , and I'm just looking forwa rd to the main eve nt. Kevin's riding great to night." Grant Langsto n came thro ugh for second over Michael Byme and Mike laRocco. Erick Vallejo led the first sem i from start to finish, looking like Reed with the lead he deve loped. "It's kind of my home to wn, and there' re a lot of people from Mexico that are here ," he said. " I just wa nt to put on a great show for them . I know it' s hard to travel all the way up here to the State s:' Tyler Evans came from behind for second ahead of Nath an Ramsey, Damon Huffman and Mike Brown. Motosport Outlet Honda 's Craig Ander· son injured his wrist in pract ice Friday and didn't race. Michael Byrne (Kaw ); 4 . Mike laRocco (Hon) ; 5. Sean Hamblin (Suz); 6 . Heath You (Yam); 7. Robb John>on (y",,) : 9. Ted Campbell (Hon ): 10. Zeb Armst rong (Y= ): I I. Thomas Barron (HOfl); 12. Robb Flath (Suz); 13. Tom Parsons (Hon) ; 14. Edd ie Ray (Hon): IS. MIChael Graham (Yam); 16. Jeremias Israel (Hon). Race Ti m e : 5 min.• 22.26 sec. Mu g in of Vtetory: 1.199 sec. lCQ (4 I. !", 1·2 t ransfe r): I. James PovoIny (Hon ): 2. (Han ): 3. Joe Heath Toss: "V este rday, I think 1got a stomach virus, and I woke up last night, and I threw up so bad in my room, and then I got up and threw up all over the bathroom, that they had to put me in anot he r hotel room ," Mach I Y amaha's Heath Voss, who finished eighth, said. "I dest royed a who le room. So tod ay all I've had is two pancake s from McDonald's. Doc Bodnar gave me some pill that allowed me to kee p some fluids down, but I'm as dehydrated as I can be. I've had two pancakes in the last 24 hours, and it was the best race of my life." Oehlho/ (Hon ): 4 . Isaiah JoM"'" (Y=) : S. Keoth R. John>on (Y= ): 6 . Ted Campbell (Han): 7. Scott Mea (Hon ); B. Jmmy Wilson (Hon ); 9. Zeb Armstrong (Yam); 10. Robb Roth (Suz); I I. Barry Carst en (Suz); 12. Bryant ¥lhite (Yarn); 13. Justin Myers (Hon ); 14_10m Parsons (Han); IS. Thomas Barron (Hon) : 16. MKNeI G<>ham (Y=) ; 17. )on Boruff (Hon ): 18. lindley Ripple (Sus) : 19. Daniellllaor (Y=) : 20. Edd.. Ray (Han): 2 J. je"""ias Isnel (Han) : 22. H"" Nee! (Hon) . Ra ce Ti me: 5 rrun., 32." 9 sec. Margin of Victory: 1.39 sec . www.cuclenews .com Mach I Vamaha tea m manager Bill Ferry filled us in on how long Ezra Lusk will be out with his broken hand. "Prognosis is that he broke the bone right behind the knuckle - they call it the boxer's fract ure or whatever - so he's going to be out for four weeks." CYCLE NEWS • FEBRUARV 25 .200<1 21

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