Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Jefferson, TX, Rnd 3 Anza, CA, And 4 Albuquerque, NM Rnd5 , Mount Clare, WV, Rnd6 5130 MiIlord, CA, And7 6113 Casey. u, Rnd 8 7/11 S. Edmeston, NY Rnd9 , 7117 Lexington. OH, Rnd 10 81t 5 Chehalis, WA. Rnd 11 8128 Portland,MI. Rnd 12 9/19 Millik CO. Rnd 13 en. 1013 Moberly. MO Rnd 14 , 10117 Hollister, CA, Rnd15 10131 Hopi'2 5122 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS FIM World Championship Road Race Series 411 8 !>'2 5116 616 6113 6126 7/4 7/1 8 7fi.5 6122 915 9119 1Ofi. 10 110 10117 10131 Wekm, SaJh AJr'ca, Rrd 1 Jerez, Spain, Rnd 2 Le Mans, Rance, And3 MugeI~ , 11a1y, Rnd4 Catalunya, Spain, And5 Assen. Holland. Rnd 6 Rio deJaniero, Brazil, Rnd 7 Sachsennng, Germany, Rnd8 Dooington Pari<. England, Rnd 9 Brno. Czech Repuliic, Rnd 10 Estoril, Portugal, Rnd 11 Motegi, Japan. And12 Qatar. Qatar. Rnd 13 Sapang, Ma laysia, Rnd 14 PhillipIsland, Au slralia, Rnd 15 Valencia. Spa", And 16 FIM SuperbikelSupersport Championship Series 2fi.9 3fi.8 4118 5116 5130 6113 7/4 7/11 811 905 9f26 1013 Valencia. Spain And 1 , Phillip Island, Australia, And2 Misano, SanMar'no, Rrd 3 Monza. 11aIy. Rnd4 Oschersleben, Ger any m , Rnd5 SiMm;one, England, Rnd6 t TBA Rnd7 . Laguna Seca, California. USA, Rnd8 BrandsHalcli . England, Rnd9 Assen, Nether'arrJs, Rnd 10 lrroa , Italy, Rnd 11 Ma -eours. France gny , And12 AMA PirellVParts UnllmltedIMooselMaxxls Mid· South Championship Winter Hare Scrambles Series 2122 Snow Date Linton. KY 3/14 3128 Vanleer TN , Info msws."'ll : AMA Texas WinterSeries 2/21·22 Wh itney, TX Inlo: 713/880-5533or www.freestonemx .com AMA District37Big6 Grand Prix Series San Bernardino, CA 29 Palms, CA 511,2 TBA 10fi.·3 Ridgecrest,CA 1116-7 Goonan, CA Info 71413n-ooog Of : www.district37ama."'ll 316-7 413-4 AMA District 7 Championship Hare Scrambles Series 3/14 3128 4118 !>'2 5123 616 7fi.5 811 9112 9/19 1013 10fi.4 Thr Spn ee ngs, PA, Rnd3 Hedgesville, \'IV, Rnd 4 Hedigesville, \'IV, Rnd5 Budds Creek, MD Rnd 6 , Delaware City DE, And7 , Neelyton, PA, Rrd 8 Qakland. MD, Rnd 9 Three SpOlngs. PA, And10 BuddsCreek, MD, And 11 Oakland. MD Rnd 12 , Neelyton, PA, Rnd 13 Budds Creek. MD Rnd 14 , FIM World Championship Motocross Series 3fi.0-21 3fi. ·28 7 4/4·5 4fi.4 ·25 511 ·2 5115-16 5129-30 616-7 6112·13 6126-27 7rJ.4 811·2 8f7·8 8128-29 9110-11 9124·25 Zolder, Bel ium g Bellpu Spain ig. Agueda. Po rtugal Va lkenswaard, Holland Teu1sChenthal. Germa ny LichterJ'lOOrde. Holland Aneton Iste 01 Wight, . England St Jean '2 615 7fi.5 8/15 10110 Assen. Netherlands. Rnd 1 Zhuhai. China, Rnd 2 Albaeet , Spain, Rnd 3 e Suzuka, Japan. Rnd 4 Oscnersleben, Germa , ny Rnd5 Vallelunga. Italy, Rnd 6 FIMIndividual Speedway World Championship Grand Prix !>'2 5116 5130 6113 6127 6122 915 9119 1013 Stoddx>lm, Sweden, Rnd 1 Prague Czech RepublIC. . Rnd 2 WmoIaw, Poland. Rnd 3 Cardill Unrted Kingdom, , Rnd 4 Copenhagen, Denmarl<, Rnd5 GolherbJrg, Sweden, Rrd 6 Krsko, Slovenia. Rnd 7 Bydgoszcz, Poland, Rrd 8 Hamar, Norway. Rnd 9 FIM Individual WorldTrials Championship 414 4118 !>'23 Bangor, Ireland,Rnd 1 Goveia. Portugal, Rnd 2 Mot gi, Japan, Rnd 3 e AMA Southern AII·Stars Motocross Tour 2fi.9 3/13- 4 1 3120-21 3fi.7·28 413-4 4117·18 4124·25 511·2 518·9 5122-23 7tH Resaca, GA Monteagle, TN BOOntvilte,TN Chatsworth. GA Greeoville, TN BOOrttvilte, TN London, KY ChatSWOflh, GA Sevierville, TN Resaca, GA Mont agle, TN e Monteagle, TN 8121·22 9/11·12 B~ nlvil le, TN 9125-26 Sevierville. TN 1-12,3 Monteagle, TN 10fi.3-24 london, KY 1-130-31 ResaICa. GA 11/13-14 Chatsworth, GA Info 7061278-1620 Ofwww.aDstarsmx, : AMAlFay Myers/Sun Honda AdrenalX Series 7/3 Lamar, CO. Rnd 2 7/10 Kremmling, CO. Rnd3 9125 Castle Rock. CO. Rnd4 Info 9701310-7843 or : www.adrenatX.oomor AMA Western National Sidecar Motocross ChampionshipSeries 414 511 5129 6126 9/1B 1011 6 Jefferson, TX And2 , Albuquerque, NM, Rnd3 M,Hord, CA, And 4 SanBernardino, CA. Rnd 5 Milliken CO, Rnd 6 . Hollister, CA, Rnd 7 616 6120 6127 7/4 7/18 7fi.5 905 !l'26 Duluth, Minnescta. USA . Rnd4 Valdeblo France, Rnd 5 re. Enca Andor a, Rnd 6 mp, r , Aprica, Italy Rnd 7 [TBC) Brno CzechRepu . blic, Rnd8 [TBC) Puerto Pajares. Spa in, Rnd9 MooDer, SW!zeftnj, Rrd 10 Tra des Narons, Spail [TBC) FIM Individual Two Days Enduro Championship 3/13-t4 Puerto Lumbreras. Spain, Rnd 1 3120-21 Guimara Por1ugaI, And 2 es. 4fi.4·25 Matelica, Italy, Rnd 3 518-9 Thers France, Rnd4 . 616 SkoYde, Sweden. Rnd5 6127 Povaska Bystrivca, Slovakia. Rnd6 1013 Serres, Greece. And 7 10fi.4 ZSd''29·30 Dillwyn, VA Info: 4341724-4392 Ofwww .birchcreek· AHRMA Pro-FlO/Progressive Suspension Historic Cup Roadrace Ser ies 2fi.8 .lemings H, Rnd1 , 3/1-2 Daytona Beach. Ft, Rnds 2·3 3fi.7·28 Talladega. AL, Rnds 4·5 511·2 Albuquerque, NM. Rnds 6-7 5129-30 NewOrleans, LA. Rnds8-9 615-6 Rosamond CA, Rods10-1 1 . 6119-20 Gra tlan. MI, Rnds 12,13 7117·18 lexington, OH, Rnds 14 ·15 8114-15 Wil~, CA. Rods 16-17 8fi.I,22 Pueblo, CO,Rnds18-19 9111·12 Wampum, PA, Rods 20-21 9125-26 Kershaw, SC Rods 22·23 , 10fi.3-24 Birmingham, At.,Rods 24·25 Info 6151951,3874 OfWWW.ahrma.Org : AHRMA Speed & Sport National Vintage Motocross Series 2/29 Gainesville. FL. Rnd 2 AHRMA Northwest Malco & CZlPro-Flo Post·Vintage Motocross Series Gai esville. AZ, Rnd 2 n Jefferson,TX, Rnd3 Anza, CA, And 4 Albuquerque, NM Rnd5 . Mount Clare. WV, Rnd6 5129 Milford, CA. Rnd7 6112 Casey. IL, And8 7/10 S. Edmeston, NY And9 , 7/18 Lexilgton OH, And 10 . BI29 Portland, MI. And11 9118 M~ilen . CO And12 , 1Ofi. Moberly. MO And 13 , 1(l116 Hollster CA,Rnd 14 i , 10130 Hopkinsville, KY Rnd 15 , 11/13 T allassee Al , Rnd 16 . Info: 6151851·3874 or www.ah 2/28 4/4 4124 511 !>'23 AHRMA The Classic MotorcyclelMetro Racing Dirt Track Series Savannah, GA,And 1 Jasper, FL, And2 313 Brth~, FL,And3 511 Albuquerque, NM, And4 5122·23 Brentwood, CA,Rods 5-6 !>'28-30 Casper, WY, Rods 7-8 614 Dayton, OH,Rnd 9 615 Rosamond, CA, Rnd 10 6IT BA Weedsport, NY Rnd 11 , 6127·7/4 Spnngfield,lt., Rnd 12 7/16 Ashland. OH, Rnd 13 7/31 Lancaster, OH, Rnd14 616 Kankakee, IL, And15 BlTBA DuQuoin, n, Rnd16 915 Shippensburg, PA, And 17 9124 Peoria u, Rnd 1B , 9f26 Peoria n, Rnd 19 , Info: 6151951 ,3874 Ofwwwalvma.Ofg 2fi.8 2fi.9 AHRMA Speed & S.P?rt National Vintage Trials Series 2/27 Gainesville, n, And 2 3/13-14 Pe CA, Rods3-4 rns, 5129 Milford. CA. Rnd 5 6112 Casey n, Rnd6 . 6126-27 Ma roo. ll, Rods7·8 7/16 lexington, OH And9 , 8114 Chehalis, WA And 10 , 914-5 Casper. WY, Ands 11·12 9111 ·12 Norden,CA,RodsI3-14 9118 Milliken, CO And 15 , lQ19-10 Dickson, TN,Rnds 16-17 1(l116 Hollister, CA. Rnd18 10fi.3 Jonesboro, n, Rnd 19 Info 6151951·3874Ofwww.ahrma."'ll : AHRMA National Cross Country Series 2/27 Gainesville, FL. Rnd 1 3/13·14 Combs. AR, Rnds 2·3 412 Jefferson, TX, And 4 4/18 Marion, IL, Rnd 5 !>'23 Mount Clare. WV, Rnd6 !>'28 Milford. CA.Rnd 7 6111 Casey, It.,Rnd8 7/10 S. Edmeston, NY, Rnd9 8114 Walnut Ridge IL, Rnd 10 , BI29 Portland. MI, Rnd 11 9117 Milliken CO Rnd 12 , . 10117 Casey, It., And13 10fi.3·24 Tulsa, OK Rnd 14 , l 10130 Hopkinsvile,KY, Rnd 15 11/13 Tallassee. At.,Rnd 16 rma Info:6151851·3874Ofwww.ah .org AHRMA Best of theWest Roadrace Series 511·2 AlJuquerque, NM 615-6 Rosamond, CA 8114,15 Wil~ , CA Bfi.l·22 Pueblo, CO .aIvma."'ll Info 6151951·3874Ofwww : AHRMA Dixie Cup Roadrace Series 2/26 Jennings, FL 3fi.7·28 Talladega, Al 5129-30 New Orleans, LA 10fi.3-24 Birmingham. Al Info:6151951·3874 Ofwww.alvma."'ll AHRMA Masters of the Midwest Roadrace Series 6119-20 Grattan, MI 711 7,18 Lexington.OH 9/11,12 Wampum, PA 9125-26 Kersh SC aw. Info: 6151951· AHRMA California Sier ra Series 2122 Tulare, CA Hanford. CA 1117 Tulare, CA Info 559 ·2275Of : /627 5115 AHRMA Lumberjack Vintage MX Series !>'2 Madras. OR Medford. CA 6127 Eugene. OR 7/11 Klamath Falls. OR 8115 Chehalis, WA 9112 Fernley NY , Info: n5l265-4904 5130 AHRMA Mld ·Atiantic Dirt First Regional MX Series 3120 413 Kenly, NC Budds Creek, MD 5115 Easton, MD 5122·23 Mount Clare, WV 6126 Inwood. 'NY 911 1 Valley VIeW. P A 1Ofi. Easton, MD 10fi.3 Inwood. 'NY 11/7 Eliza bethCity. NC Info 7031830-5997 Ofwww.alp: sys.oom'midatJantic AHRMA Midwest Regional Championship MX Series 41 17 Marion, AL 5115 Fartey, IA 6112·13 Casey,I L 7/10 Byron, Il 7/31 Kellogg. MN 8114·15 Walnut, IL 10fi.·3 Moberly, Me 1(l116 Casey, IL Info 8151369-5204 Of : www.ahrma." " " _ AHRMA Northwest Region Vintage MX Series 2122 317 3128 !>'2 5130 6127 7/11 8115 9112 111'17 Tulare, CA Angels Camp, CA Brentwood, CA Madras, QR Medford, CA Eugene, OR Klamath Falls. OR Chehalis. VA Fernley, NY Hollister, CA AHRMA Midwest Vintage TrialsSeries 4118 Cuba, MO 511 Poplar Bluff, Me 6126-27 Marion, IL 8/14 Puryear,TN 9118 MarshField, MO 1019·10 DicI'2 511 6 5130 Forest Hill, LA Cra",ns, LA Saucier, MS Laurel,MS Clanton, Al CYCLE NEWS . FFRRIIARY?<; ?M .d III

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