Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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trI04,..,.. AX IdIIM Jan -1 .1G 8 HalNmore.HO Jan.2 S 3-2 Hamplon. YR Jan.30 - feb1 Omland.O H feb.G 8 G Ulllrie.OH feb .I3-1S Oenver. CO feb.2 22 0SacramenlD.CO feb.27-29 Hansas Cihj.HO The SERA kid s proudly show oH their trop'hies after showing oH their dirt-bike rid ing skills on the Sun set Motocross Track . the bragging rights as he wrapped up ano ther first-place win for th e year. Right on his tail was Beginner ride r Payto n Whatley; Reed and Whatley took turns in the lead posit ion. while Rudy Fer guson kept t hose miniat ure t ires plant ed neatly and placed third. Taking off next for their th ree laps we re the incred ibly sw ift riders of the Vet Kids class. Spencer Cook do minated the class last year and was wearing his troph y he lmet, but he came to this trI04 ~ AX "*"'* Jan.1G -1 8 Bridgeport, CT Jan.1G -1 8 Nashville.TN Jan.1G -18 Oijlon H a .O Jan.23 - 2S Louisville.HY Jan.30 - Feb.I Raleigh.NC feb.G -B HunNnglon.WY feb.G 8 Sring"eld.IL p fe.20 - 2 b 1 GreensbolD.NC fe.27 - 29 b W Barre.PR ilkes H -2 ar.19 1 Green 8aij.W I H ar.IHl Omah . IE a Har.19 - 21 Wic ita h .HS Har.2H8 Tacoma R .W Dales subje 10 c ange ct h . Some events m n be on s le a me. aij ot a tllIisN race know ing that he would have to conte nd w ith Tyler Cart er. Jumping and cleari ng most of the track, young Carte r took off on his Suzuki. making no m istakes on th e start ing line and not lettin g off a bit. Go ing Into the wo od s and on to tw o miles of twisting, tight underbr ush, Carter put precious seco nds on Coo k as he held o n to the lead . Taking orr 30 se co nds after the fast e r Vets was the Kids Inter mediate class. Jordyn DuBos e amazingly found himself and his ne w Suzuki 85 four th ove rall in t he c om b ined classes . Catching up to the likes of Carter and Coo k is pos itively a feat to be pr o ud of. It's no sho cker that t he IO-year-old has gained enormous speed after pursuing Carter last yea r. "l'm amazed I won on my first 85 ec ride ," DuBose said. "but I th ink it [his new mou nt] helped me get the holeshot - it has a lot more po we r. I realty liked the motocross track; it was fun!" The Mississippi Hi-Point Club took a cold , wet and otherwise yucky day and turned it into another o ne of SERA's great Kids races . Remember, all kids are w inners in SERA! R ESULT S BEG P/W : I. C amero n Ree d (Yam); 2. Peyto n Whatle y (Y am); 3. Rudy Ferguson (Kaw l; 4. J.R. Sullrvan (Hon ). PtN: I. MicahWilliams (KTM); 2. Stephen N ichol as (KTM): 3. Ashton Knight (Fac ): 4. Trisun Knigh t (Fac) ; S. Ty Roberts (KTM). KIDS INT: I. joroyn Du Bose (Suz): 2. RKIw'd "'ewer (KTM): 3. Du.tin Nelson (Hon): 4. Dillon VICkers (Kaw) : S. Hunter Kovac (Kaw). VET KIDS: I. T)ier Carter (Suz): 2. Spenc er Cook (!

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