Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CMC Golden State MX Nationals Round 3 ; Club Moto Rus~ Anythi~g But at Club Moto MX National By MIKE VANCil LMRMORE, CA, FEB. 1 D usty Holland, polished and galvanized, was I"anything but rusty in his overwhelming performance at the third of fo ur rounds in the heavily supported Go ld en State Nationals motocross series. The talented professional competed in four classes , and the results were spectacular. He achieved six holeshots out of eight and accomplished seven outright wins! His only tarnished ride was the first moto of the day, in the 250cc Pro class, in which he was Rusty Holland of Fresno won the 1 25cc Pro, 250« Pro and Open Pro classes at round three of the CMC Golden State MX Nationals. beat off the line by fellow Honda rider Ty Carson and then fell, limpingto the checkers in last place . Cars on later was overtaken by Chris Loredo , who carried that pass to the checkers. In the second stanza, Holland blasted into the first comer and never looked back. His 7- 1 performances resulted in a nonpodium result , but he did prove that when on his wheels , he was uncatchable. Holland dominated the 12Scc Pro , O pen Pro and Over 25 Pro classes with double- moto wins. The areas of the highly tec hnical Club Moto facility where Holland was o bviously superior were withi n easy view ing o f th e assembled spectators, esp ecially one area w he re riders landed following a high-spee d do uble, on ly to have to get on th e br ake s hard fo r a 180degree , high-banked right- hander. A cou ple of the professionals braked insufficiently here and ov e r sho t t he co r ne r, while o th ers were approaching at a speed obviously slower than Holland's approaches . In some of the Amateur clas ses , riders were seen to sh oo t off into space on this particular comer. The Siminoe family dominated the Pee Wee and Mini classe s. Bro th e rs Aar on an d Ty Siminoe partic ipated in the classes known as " w e e tyk e s o n bikes " - t he "s tars o f tom orrow" divisions. A double-gate start saw both brothe rs in ac tio n at the same time . Aaron, on his KTM, was in the first wave but was beaten off the line in both mot os by fast sta rt er Jess y Nelson, on another fast KTM. 3) PfW 50 8EG: I. Garrett Kinsler (KTM); 2. Luke Wilson (KTM); 1. Joseph Gonzales (Pol): 4. Alec Pitts (KTM ); S. Deric Nornin (Pol). P/W 50 (4-6); I. Au.tin Ching (L.em ); 2. Conner Mitchell (Cob); 1. Scotty Snow (K'TM); -4. Graham Miller (Hus). P!W 50 (7-8): I. Ty Siminoe (K'TM 2. Troy ); Graffunder (KTM); 1. Conner Pearson (KTM); -t. Kinse r Endicott (Lem); S. jess Janco (Pol). MINI 60 BEG : I. Beau Thompoon (KT>1); 2. Jonlan t1) ; 1. Anthony wmh (KT>1); 4 . ....... Endicott (Kaw); 5 . Y roy GraHunder (KTM). MINI 60 (9- 1 1) : I. Aaron Sim inoe (KT>1) 2. Roben Nola (KT>1); 3. J...,. Nekon (KT>1); 4. ; Jake Locks (KTM); S. Micha el Fontana (KTM). MINI 60 OPEN : I. Aaron Siminoe (KTM); 2. Nelson (KTM); 1. Robert Nofu (KTM): 4. Michael Fontana (KTM); 5 . Jake Locks (KTM). MINI 70: I. Unette Wilson (Hon). MINI 80 (7 -11) : I. Austin Howell (Suz): 2. Jake Loc ks (KT M); 1. Aaron Siminoe (KTM); 4 . Robert Duggun Jr. (Yam): S. Robert Nofa: (Yam). MINI 80 (11-11): I. T.j. lorenz (Hon) ; 2. Garred Steinke (Kaw) ; 1. Tyler Be re ma n (Yam); 4 . Drew Mitchell (Yam); S. Cary Kotowski (Yam). MINI BO OPEN : I. T.J. Lorenz (Hon); 2. Azh Andrade (KTM); J. Garred Ste inke (Kaw ); 4. Drew Mitchel l (Yam); 5. Austin Howell (Suz). MINI BS BEG: I. Justin Isaacson (Kaw); 2. Stefan (KTM); 1. Bre tt Ho ffman (Hon); 1. Mark Hegel (KTM); -t. Danny Schul (Yam); 5. Craig Hunt er (Hus). VET OPEN B: I. Robert W ranosky (Hon) ; 2. Ga ry King (KTM); 1. Tracy McCle lland (yam); 4. Michael Cooney (Suz): S. Brian aark (KTM). VET OPEN C: I. Wayne C ook (KTM): 2. Ter ry Jacobs (Yam): 1. Kurt Beckman (Yam ); -t. Steve Bo udreau x (Kaw); S. Sco tt Ca thorall (Ha n). VET OPEN D: I. Ch ris am); 2. Matt Atk inson (Hen); 3. Terry Remyn (Ha n); Hart (Y -4 . Da ryl Pea coc k (Hon) . VET 150 A: I . Bill Full mer Jr. ); (Kaw); 2. Mike McG~ (Yam 1. Thorn McNobb (Kaw); 4. Bre tt Ribeneck (Y am) ; S. Tony U nderwood (Hus) . VET 250 B : I. Elde n Shoemaker (Su z); 2. Kevin Be ntle y (Han): 1. James Furnish (yam ); -4. Robert Keller (Kaw); S. Robert Ashe (Hon ). VET 250 C: I. James Pyeatt (Yam); 2. Harir. Pattison (Yam); 1. Tim Alexander (Hon) . VET 150 D: I. Rkhard RESULTS O /A: I. Jared We bster (Yam); 2. Phil Cloward (Kaw ); 1. Chris Blais (Hon); 4. Jim McG r.n h (KTM); S. Chris Dabney (Yam) . OPEN A: I. Chris D abney (Yam); 2. Mike Baskin (KTM): 1. Kurt Hin a: (Yam) : 4. Steve He ngeve ld (Hon) ; S. Matt Kearney (Yam). OPEN B: I. Jared Webster (Yam); 2. C hri s Ray (K aw) : 1. Jas o n Bic kn e ll ( KT M) ; -t. Kelly C hristenson (Hon): S. Tim Brewste r (Hon ). OPEN C: I. Michael Ragan (KTM 1. Peter Grote (Han) ; 1. Seth Carreon ); (KTM); 4. D. vi (Kaw ). 60 CLUB MOYO LIVERMORE, CAUFORNIA RESUtYS: FEBRUARY 1, 2004 (ROUND Kyle Brntol (Kaw); 1. 0.... Be..... (Hon ). MINI C; I. J"'" Amdo.- (Yom); 2. Romoey (Hon ). MINI 0 ; I. J""'"'Y Doeroon (Yom 2. Karl KelIe,(Su<); 1. Alex 5k>ggo (Hon) ; 4. ); Jacob Smith (Hon); 5. Jason Kennedy (Yam). WMN A : I. Amy Hasten (Yam); 2. Heather l ewis (Hon) ; 1. Arnie Mam (Kaw). WHN B: 1. Kim Lynch (Hon ); 2. Kim Quinn (Kaw). W M N C : I . Sara U pert (Kaw) ; 2. Us a Pogue (He n): 1. Heathe r Gongon. (Kaw) . VET OPEN A: 1. Rick D aniel Schul finished fo urt h in the Vet O pe n A division. The Fun 4 Enduro Series is off to a great start, and the remaining three rounds prom ise some great weekends of racing and events for the entire family. "We hope to introduce enduros to a whole new grou p of riders who have not ridden one before," said UEA president Lee Turrini. "The first loop of all rounds of the Fun 4 series will feature a beginner-friendly course to encourage participation in enduros. " OPEN 0; I . BurWaddell (Hon); 2. 1(" ... 5chIotterl>eck(Hon ). 4- STRK A: I. Chris Blais (Hon ); 2. Nichol as Blais (Hon ): 1. Erik Mattson (Han); 4 . Brent Farrell (Hus) ; 5. Matt Burroughs (Hus). -t· STRK B: I. Joe Meye r (KTM); 2. Eric Miller (Hon) ; 1. Jim Rios (Hon ); 4 . N icholas Bakleras (Yam) . 4- STR K C : I. Alex Moral e s (Yam) ; 2. Ch ris Smith (Han): 1. Sco tt l ynch ( H a n) ; -4 . C ur t Christian son ( KT M) ; S. Ken ne t h Upton (KTM). 4 ·STRK D: I. Ted Guiliany (Y am) ; 2. Edwin Turner (Hus) ; 1. John Dear (Kaw) ; 4 . Johann Th ornton (Hon); 5. C hris Knott (Hon) . 150 A:. I. Rodney Goehring (Ho n); 2. luke Dodson (Suz); 1. Jess McKinley (Yam) . 150 8 : I. Ryan Kudla (Yam); 2 . Chad Peters (KTM). 150 C : I. TIm Skelty (KT>1 2. em. Hol""" (Kaw) ; 3. Jeff..,. Do (Yom) 4. D,1 ); ; 1on To rres (Yam ); S. Brian Co stello (KTM) . 250 0 : I . C hris Barg er (Yam); 2. Eric C o rn el iso n (KT M); 1. D avid KnOtt (Hon) ; 4. Abn Rua (Yom). 0. 200 k I . Nkk HomiU (Yam); 2. Younger brot her Ty was in the second wave and got the holeshot in both motos . At the checkers. both brothers were leading their re spective classes . Nel son ended up fourth in his first moto and grab bed sec ond In the se co nd outing; he ended up third overa ll, behind Aaron and KTM rider Robert Noftz (2-3). Aaron retu rned in the SOcc class, where he was not so successful, but he did place third o verall wit h his 4- 3 performances . Aaron appeared again in the Open 60cc contest: He got the holes hot in t he first moto and won easily, but in moto two Noftz beat him to the first comer. By the third turn, Aaron was in the lead for good . Ty also contested the Pee Wee s Oc class, turning two holeshots into double c motowins. In the Supermini class, Suzuki jockey Austin Howell improved his standing in the series by placing first overall with a 1-2 punch. He was followed by Honda rider 1: J. Lorenz. eN Cbrl< (Yam 2. Y""'t Dern.. (Yom) 1. John ); ; """'" ('Y 4. om); Dave Skutt (Yam). SR OPEN A: l. Phil Cloward (Kaw) ; 2. Jim McGra th (KTM); 1. James C urry (KTM); 4. Tom Webb (KTM); 5. Steve Mo.efoeld (KTM) . SR OPEN B; I. Andy B rider Jared Webster was A-okay at the AMA District 37 Fun 4 Enduro Series opener, taking the overall victory. Geoff re y Brownell (KTM); 1. Craig Sim pson (KTM); -4 Brett . Saun ders (Y am) ; S. Jeff D illon (Kaw). 0 -100 B: I. Ad am Booth (KTM); 2. Ton y Sasntera (KTM). 0 ·200 C: I. Teddy G iul ia ny (KT M); 2 . Jo rge Villar rub ia (KTM); 1. Mic hael Hast ings (KTM); 4 . Est evan Kinne y (Kaw) . 0 -200 D : I. Joh nny Torres (Yam); 2. Oam ien Skutt (Yam). MINI A: I. Richard Chandler (Yam); 2. Cameron Ke arney (Yam); 1. KeoMBeak (Kaw). MINI B; I . JKOb """'bright (Yom) 2. .. ; FFRRI JARY 25 . 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Waters (Suz ): 3 . RY Morton (Sut); 4 . Blake Th ompson 'ln (50,); 5. J inwny De AI"" (Hon). SlHINI; r. Austin Howed (Suz); 1. T.J. Lorenz (Hon); 1. Garred Ste inke (Kaw): 4. Tyler Bereman (Yam): 5. Ronny SoIfiere (Suz). 125 BEG D ·I : I. Ryan Edwards (Yam): 2. Brandon Fio rito (Hon): 1. Philip Hodge (Hon); 4 . Joe Viscovich (Kaw); 5. john Poor (Y am). 125 BEG D-l: I. Robb y Coker (Yam): 1. Jordan Mitche ll am); 4. Jonian Ruiz:(KTM); 5. Bryan (Suz); 1. Jotvl Ganske (Y Haycook (Hon). 125 JR: I. Brent Maggi (5uz); 2. Cody Lee (Hon ); 1. C. Budd (KTM); 4 . Travis Conley (Yam); 5. Adam Marshall (Kaw). 125 INT: I. Carson Meyer (Han); 2. Aaron De $itva (Yam); 1. c.J. Maria (Yam); -t. Jeff KJino (Yam). 125 PRO : I. Rusty Holland (Han); 2. Chris Loredo (Ha n); 1. Nick Davis (Suz); -t. Beau Judge (Suz): S. Ty Carson (Yam) . 250 BEG : I. Jeffre y McVey (Kaw); 2. Colton Pearson(Hon); 1. Francis Ruiz (Yam); 4. Jor dan Ruiz (KTM); 5. Myfes Ruiz (Y om). 150 J~ I. Luke O'B rien (Su<); 2. Je,,), Sk>gp (Hon); 1. C. Budd (KTM);4. Darren Benson ~w); S. Miles Hansen (H a n). 250 INT: I. Ron n ie Raymo nd (Han); 2. Matt Fernandes (Kaw); 1. Randy Pekaick (Y am); 4. Myke Landis (Hon); 5 . Raymond Navarro (Kaw). 150 PRO: I. Shawn McDonald (H a n): 2. Ty Carson (H a n) ; J . Chris Loredo (Hon); 4. Ruuy Holland (Hon); 5. Nick 0 .... (50,). OPEN PRO; I. Ruuy HollV>d (Hon) ; 2. 1Y Carson (Hon); 1. Chm Loredo (Han): 4. Beau Judge (Ha n); 5. Sha w n McDonald (Hon). WMN: I . Kayta Rjede ·Snow (Suz); 2. Hailey larson (Suz) ; 1. Alexah Pearson (Han); 4. Kelsie lywandowsky (KTM) . SCH8Y: I. Nate Wh idow (Yam); 2. Brent Maggi (Suz) ; 1. Austin Howell (Suz ); 4. Dony Swarts (Kaw ); 5. Travis Conley (Yam). 8TH: I. Ronnie Raymond (Hon); 2. Rodney Funston (Hon); 1. Raymond Navarro (Kaw). 25+ AM : I . Dan De Nuno (Hon); 2. Steve Th inger (Hon); 1. Mike Hodges (Suz) ; 4. Kirk Ridley (Yam). 15 + PRO: I. Rusty Holland (H o n) ; 2. Beau Judge (Han); 1. Auggie """"""'" (Hon); 4. Shawn McOonaJd (Hon). 30 + BEG; I. John Roitinger (88R); 2. Chad Laeezzo (Hon); 1. Andrew Toth (Han); -t. Troy Clapham (Yam); 5. Mark Thompson (Hon). 10 + JR: I. Anthony Leimas (Yam 2. Steve Madock ); (Yam); 1. Bret McCray (Suz); 4. Jun ior Gabrielli (Suz); S. And.-.w 5hiel1 3. George c.>.o (Hon); ); 4. Mike Richardson (Yam); S. Ronakf Jones (Hon). SR OPEN C; I. Phil Brillinge' (Hon ); 2. v..n RicNnkon (KT>1); 1. Chm Griffin (Yam); 4. Scott Goff (KTM); 5. Jeffrey Brown (KTM) . S R OPEN 0 : I. John Chedister (Su z); 2. David Criswell (KTM) ; 1. Keith Martin (KTM); 4. Brian Bro wn (Yam); S. Keith Dombroske (KTM) . SR 250 A: I. Kevin Has ten (Yam); 1. David Graham (Yam): 1. Ken Maw (Kaw ); 4. Mark Zela (Yam) : S. Mike Price (Yam). SR 1 5 0 8 : I. De an Man uel (Yam); 2. Doug Veirs (Kaw) ; 1. Paul Upert (Yam); 4. louie Romo (Yam); S. Paul Vautrain (Yam) . SR 15 0 C : I. Jeffre y He ine (Han) ; 2. Richard Keller (Kaw); 1. Ron Boulding (Kaw); 4. Dan Wilson (Suz): 5. Ste ve Rinker Jr. (Hon). SR 250 D: I. Mark Smith (Hon). MAG OPEN A: I. Tom Holmes (KTM); 2. Jam e s Sande fe r (Yam) ; 1. Bud dy Bosh (KTM): 4. Don Doe rksen (KTM) ; 5. RondyUe big (KTM) . MAG OPEN B; I . Mike Pe terson (KTM); 2. Stev e Rauen (KTM); 1. Gary Menser (Hon); 4. N;d Mlag enovich (Hon). MAG OPEN C; I . _ k M tvers (KYM): 2. D avid Jo hnson (KTM); 1. Mark He aco x (Kaw ); -t. Curtis Kiefer (KTM); S. Byron Pu rdy (KTM). MAG 2 50 A: I. Dtck Cressy (Yam); 2. Bill PaIotto (Yam); 1. Kerth Jones (GG) ; 4 . Phil \\Ihlte (Han). HAG 250 B: I. Brian H iatt (Yam); 2. Randy Banales (KTM) . MAG :n O C : I . Chris AmouIt (Kaw). SlS R A: I. RoyWatson (KTM); 2. BillDaniel (KT>1 3. Ned Joneo (Yom) 4. Raben Torgenon (H",); 5. Jim ); ; tngenoll (KTM ). World Championship ICE Speedway Series Round 3: Budweiser Events Center The Edge is Backl By AMANDA URSINI LOVELAND, CO, JAN . 22 A rare Thursday-night eve nt saw a full field of r-'\peedway ice racers ready to compete at the packed Budweiser Events Center in Love- 40th Anniversaru land, Colorado, site of round three of the 28th ann ua l World Championship ICE Speedway Series. The riders didn't let their fully energized fans down as they turned up the w icks and raced their most spectacular event of t he season!

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