Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IDEO TI '-Il}'-' '.., T "T" \, -"E"\1" -'-:' " , • J. The Great Outdoors II (DVD) • Monster Moto One (DVD) • No Fear's, Chapter III (DVD) • Isle Of Man TT 2003 (DVD) -..-' Crush (DVD) • MX Conditioning: Training and Diet with Gary Semlcs ( D V D ) • Bar to Bar 2003 (DVD • Crusty Demons of Dirt: The Crusty Years (DVD) • Inside X: ESPN's X Games IX (DVD) ~~~a~o=:,:.'Jl.• _ - . StanOuka Video. $39 .95 ('1265) Superbikes:The Champions' Story (1213) The Roads of Colorado ~ lootage d ~ed roads and pons of k1Ierest Ihmugl'W)uI Cc*:Irado. This vdeo ma kes all ideal klOl tor all)'CIfle planning a moton:yde "'" ~ the Rodcies. 90 minutes from LA M Pnxtuctions. 129.95 (1230)Rlde America: Highway 1 ~a1itoml8" Jeg>endary Highway 1 is stiU one of the Qfe8t challenges lor the street ridlog molorcydis1. Th is ride tak es you from the Golden Galli Bridge 1hftlugh some of the mo6t undeveloped and least populated areas in caktornia, RIOe wiI:h joumaIis.t Everitt, Wodd 5pee er'S at " ~ 2OO lsIe of Man TT, lIIstef Grand p!u: . , and Southern 100 . 92 minrt. !rom While S1al1Duka Vdeo. $3<' " ~~~~B!k~~:'~~~~~_ • lea rn how the M pel" 1s do it. then ride wItt1 Helmut Oah ne on !he Iast esl on-biQ lap of the "Ring" _ recorded. 551T'1inutes from White Sfar!Duke Video. 134 .95 1 '1480) Best Bike GPs of the 80's (' 1293) Postcard from Daytona jl..c hi best action lrom the '8Os . but also the 10 y«y best races as <:hosen& ~ bot Ihe stars fh8m. selws: RaIney, Sd'lwantz. ManQ. H.uI8rn. Gani"lef. A:ln&, ~ not ROAD RACING ('1726) 2002 MotoGP Series Review Valentino RossI ra mpage<:!his way '0 the 2002 MoIoGP litle In the dawn 01 a new age of Grand Prtx moto«:yde racing Amos!: everything he touched turned 1 gold , and the htM4 0 of lour-stroke engines gave mi~ 01 tans a weIcCIme oose 01' hlgt\.speed competition 180 miootes from Whit9 SlarJOulla VId8o. $34 .95 1101725) 2002 MotoGP seriesReview OVO ~ official 3-hcu exI1a\oeganZ.a catches at the & ezcilernenI from 1M '02 Mc*JGP Series with rr'lA-camera ~ on-bike IooWge Irorn - - , IO.n1. wilh ............ 4*" lllQ Il"JlefvIews . . . h lop 1ilSln. Watch h "\he Or." Aoai carw hia 'rI1a'j1o fie ~ id ItW dir.wnoIa ~ &98 n ~P r8dn0- eM> extras rw:::tJde COR'4)Iete on·ba lud !apt from ....,. c*o.Iit, a 0., n the We01 the Wnl Iior'da Pons ,&am, bflt'Iind the scenes botage and a dWY::e 10 Me allhe tun & games from the Rossi Fan CII..O patty. 190 minutes from Whrle Sla rlDul\e Video . $34 .95 nma 1 '1970) 2001 MoloGP 500 Series Review ~ 200 1 FIM 500 World Cha~p W8$ NI 10 be II spicy' duel between 1he two ltafllln guns - Valentino AO$$l and Max Biaggi, and II ddn'1 disappoinl . The Il1ct9diblJ talenled duo were aJways on 00Uf5e to dish out 1he action n MoloGP, but who COlAd have predicted the rnannet In ....nctl the last ...r 5()()s-(Iriy' 5M8OO would catch flnI? Cak:h .. the action In thiS otfIQaI3-hour MaSOI'1 review. 180 r'fIinlAeS from wtWIe S1ariUuka Video. $34 .95 (101 970) 2001 MotoGP 500 series Review DVO Ai.. IM'Ie IeatlseS at the J...I'o..w yirjeo, i'I ~ oro Iormat 190 minutes from W!Wl StanOuke Vdeo. (' 1724)2000 MotoGP 500 series Review With ~tJme ~ MdI Doohan otticiaIy 1Qred. the IieId was wide open b' the 2000 WOt1d Championship. SpanIsh Alell CrMIIe (Han) , Italian Mall BiaggI ('r\lml, and American Kemy Roberta Jr.{$uz}stepped i1lJ1) and Ihe be ltie wa s on . This 3-hour revlew captures the hlgh/lghls from every round oIlhis hlsloric season. 180 minut as lrom Whila Star!Ouke Video . $34.95 111806\ 2002 WSB SeriesReview The bet{ riders on the Iastast prtlductiM-base bikes on the planet PIA on a show 01epic PfOPO(tion5 ill a al-clul bailie Iof one 01.... mos:I 5OI.JC1tt-atl8l' 1JIlM 11'1 rnoII:ln::Jde facing, Ieah.nng a dual br !he championIsI'lip light down 10 1he WI lap 01 . . ast race between Tro, Ba,Iiss and American heto CoIn Edwards. 1 rnino.Ms from Whitl!l SWJUuke Video. eo $3<" 1 '01805) 2002WSB Series Review OVO AI the footage of the '02 WS8 5erles Re-Mw pus eM> . of . . f8CIfIg career of the Iegeodary Geoff Duke. 59 minules frgm Whita StarIlJuke Video. $34. 95 (1c5902) Champion: Giacarno Agos1inl A profile 0I 1he racing career of legenda ry halian GP champ Giacamo Agoslinl, 75 minutes from While StarlDuke Video. $3< . . 1 '5900) Champion: Mike Hallwood A. profile of the racing car ee r of legendary BritiSh dlampion MdIe "The Bike" Haitwood. 60 mn..les!rom WhIle StariOuke Video. $34 .95 1 '5956) Champion: Phil Read A. profile of . . ~ ca reer 01 legendary PhIl Read minutes from 'WtMe StariOtAle Video. $34 .95 White StarIOuke VIdeo . 134 .95 sanon. 55 mftAes from ~,~ L ~ WOrtd'S Fastes R Bikes t ace III h)s.e tactory racer bike lests 1tIM Alan cathcArt net clone ... Cyc:IeNews? Here I'ley are on video! Alht grMle5t bikes are here. GP bikes nclude 1he SuzuId , Honda. and Vamaha V4s, Ih8 Modenu 500 triPe. and the Yamaha and Honda 250 Y-twins; WOOdSuperbil<. Inctude es the Honda, Ducali , and Apritla V-I'Mns , SuzuId , Kawasaki. and Yamana 750 burs; and Supersporl bikes nclude the Yamaha and SUzUki 600 lours and the Oucell 750 1wir1. Watdl C8thcar1 as he rides theS8 dream bikes around the wOOds ijfNtesl drcuits 11'1 Japan. Italy, Spain, and F'orttJgaI On-Oike camenI IooCage and lncredibIe ICU'Id capture . . axperienc:e Iof you.. 70 nftIIes from WhIte StatJt>utat kHo. V $29 ." 1 .01596\ Wood's Fastest Bikes OVO ~ as h WIea. tu. n eM> Iormat. with bcnIs Ie$tS by' C)'dlt NewI' EuoopeanConespondent AWl Gah:af1 on" best ntI1W strMlbIkes. 110 fl'lirUes from wtliIe ~ Video. 134 .95 1 '1599) Joey: 1952-2000 A. $lory 01 dDcabon. detemWlalion. humirty, and l'u'nenIt1 • 1his vil.18o celebrates Ihe ~ life of fT1OO'qIde racing legend Joey Ouriop. Char1ing 1he rise from l'\urri)Ie begirYIings kl lI'Ie dizz, heights of F 1 Io\IOrld IrtIes, recordbreakiog exploits at IIle Isle of Man n , and countless race win s whieh Insplrect fans to crown him "K'"9 of the Roads-, Indudes lributes from carl Fogarty and BaITY Sheena, plus ilumna!iog II'1lerriews wi1tl ''I'\tr Maun ' hlmseIf dJring his IIUsIriOuS cereEN'. A ~ nighllrl10 one of the grealest road racers 01 III lime. 105 mirUes l rom While S1arlDulr.e Video. 134 .95 ISLE of NIAN TT ~ .. noU1Il1g ig iI anywtwr& 1I'11he ~ oflT1OCOl'$pOrtS Onty h notorious TT MounIairt Course pteS8l"Ils iIs etIaIIenQers with 0\0Itf 3 7 miles 01 pubIlc roads 10 atIacX at nW1Oboggling speeds. The Utimate cha llenge has been lhere since 190 7, and 11'12003Ireland' s Adrian Archbald wa s h one 10 conquer 1111'1 determined, utIra high-speed style on his 10000c TAS Suzuki. Sadly, ~s wn In !he Duke F1 was to be cledieelad 10 his TAS 1eamma 'e 08\/ld Je«eries, 2002's fastest man anct outriglt lap reoon:I hott1&r, who was fatall1 injured In a practice acdder\l Laler n the week. \tie lJIstarman set a nrtaway 126+q:tl lMHage pace n !he 5enior 10 KhieIIe a fitting and 8fTICJtiOna1 win Iof 1he TAS Suzuki team. Watch KMois Bruce Anstey and Shain HattiI; power IhW we, 10 victory and marvel a l MoIy's SideCar ~ Ltot.naio 10 yet one mont winI PuI up II chair and .co'! h8Ye you on 1he edge! 3 I f2 houri from WtDe StarJn.N Video. $39 .95 e-'''' we" 1 1070)Hlstorv of the Isleof Man IT ' ~ and ~ 3-part video Ns10fy 01 ... woMs most famous motorc:yC:le races . spec::iaIIJ commissioned from David Wood, whose archive material .. ~ unsurpassed. Ewry Senior race winner Is featured and there is action Iootag8 from Iha wry firs! races and fN8f)' event !rom 1920 to 1996. A 3-tapoe collection every TT fan cherish lor years 10 come, (Part l : The Earlf Years 1907 -39 ; Part 2: The Championship Years 194 1·76; Pa r13 : From StrenglI'i to Slreng1tl 19n-96). 216 minutes total , from While StarlDuke A. wi' Video. 189.95 ('1097) 1948 Isleof ManIT The eagerty awaiIeO [)YO lrbIIe & loIcM-t.c> 10 the 2001 d'larmg Joey Dl.ri:lp·s unque & i'lspiraliooal story. !nJm IUnCle ~ 10 F1 Woft(j tJUes. recordbrealdng ellpIolIs al 1he .,. 01 Man TT and CXU1IIes6rac:e -.s acrou Iw UK & E~ . The [)YO oontains addr1iooaI ~[)YO leatures, D:::fLdng a gBI8ry 01 carefuIy setecIed ~ of ~ Maln" and teld pages detailing his career~. 110 mlnules from White Star!Ouke Vdeo, Video. 13495 ('15211 Schwantz: Wo~d Champion1993 He may begone tromIhe sceoe · tlt.C lhenI's no way you can t:wget t*n! Here's Kng KBvi'I on hill way 10 wWving his first World Q\ampionstip. with rTUSiC !rom Queen. br6anI race acbOn and ~ ofI-tradl boIage. 60 minuIes from WtIile StarIDuke ViJeo.$34 .95 video. 196 1 was a wonderful reoor'd 01 his SMYlng TT .kbiH Year debut. Itle 1963 Senior TT cast Hailwood VI. Hartle & Read ill the last glory days of Norton, MalChless, AJS...52 minutes from While StarlDu ke Video. $34. 95 1 '1296) Mad Sunday:The Fans'IT hw"t other side 01 this magic motorcyde Ieslival. trompubs to bands. s1ree1 parties. sand racing , dub meets. and lots more . 60 mi'Iules!rom While Starl1luke VICIeo $34 .95 M~, eyebaI-Oashing. gut-wrenching, slOmad'Im..ring . . . iii .... TT2000 as seen from 1he racers' poirt of view . Fore- and an~ed cameras on Il6YeO'II citIenlr1 dBsses of bin--; dt--road riders know !MIa U1Eld ~ is ('1055) Golden Mountain STREET EXTREIlIE ~asana lll19 lnslghts i'Ilo the workings 01 a lop GP team 8$ 1he Iripla WOOd Champ's grea'e sl season unfolds Inder the guidanca of K8nny Robe rts . Followthem from testing 10 the finat W::torious race. 75 minuIes from WtVte Star!Ouke b.-e:"* ~ shows how 10 mak8 short worll: 01 ctIanging otl-roed ~ Wes. boch -with Iut.e and . . popular bib mousse insert. 23 minuCes from ThurJ1;>er Racing. $28.95 ~:'X.~ICS MX Techniques 13 : $3<" 1 494) Rainey'sYear: 1992 '1 1123\ Practical TI eChanging r ~ the fn:l klW TT tn produced aller WW1 hs 1. reoenlIy cisc:cNerecI 6m won an award Iof its enhJsiastic producer Sam Coles. There iIS no 8Cll"n;j OCher 1hat 1he I"dormlld oonvnentary 01 Graham walker. Features at .... prtH8Ce ~ rtglI up 10 fle WIImq) and Grand PaIiIde 36 minutes from WhIle Stat1()ulo;e VIcI8o. $34 .95 ('5565) On-BikeIT experience 5 1 '01599) Joey: 1952-2000 OVO ....... step-by-step. wrtI'l ineredi:lle on-tike camera shots. 33 minutes !rom ~ Video. $24.95 -vne 1 '01626) Isle 01 Man 2003 DVO A profile 2001 World Superbiks Championship was an ncredlbIe , no-holds-barred ballle. teaturlng some ol the bes1 ride rs tn the work! slugging oul aboard 18O-t1p lire-sliding . 5uperbikes. Australian Ducati rider Troy BaylisS fl\Iet1tually Iltled the crown, but 1Ilis was no walk i'I the park. Y2K champion CoIln Edwards was on a mission to prcMI the Honda VTR 1000 SP-2 Y-twrI COl..'dsnatch 1wo1Jtles 11'1 a row wtlIIe . Aussie veteran Tn:oy Corset I'Iada major poi'It toproye on the ~ RSV-R 1000 Iwin. RISing stars r.cludng Ben 80sbum ptA i'I lt1eir share 01 bIslemg ~ 11'1" offoal r8YlE!VJ01 the "01 World ~!bIl:e senes, 180 mnutn from wtIiIe Star~ Video. $39 .95 o r: O r:der: Online 70 ('1564) Fast Ridingthe Roberts Way 1 '1901) 2001 Worid SuperbikeSeries Review intel1lctiw met'IJS, race A. profile 1 5903) Champion: Kenny Roberts ' extras lnckJdlng -40 mlnut ee 01 rider and bike ptOIiIM. 220 minutes lrcm While StartUuke VIdeo. $34.95 ),I1he same leatures as Mamo6a. lawson. Aoberb and ~ $3< " 1'590 Cha 1) mpion: Geoff Duke _!hers Video $24 .95 ...101'I h ~ ..nomake Ihla !he Mrtfs biggMl: & ~ ooIofful Hog party. Cruise Main Street and o.vt:naBeam & c:hedl out d8moklJon dertJies, ..... dBmoa, and tc:uists.•.~ IhlIl happened ~ from . . rac:etrae:ks dlImg e '- Week '96 . 61 minutes from Whh M SlarlD..*e Vdeo. $34.95 hefo. and .... raoer American bn510ve 10 hate. TaI and ~ cxmbo ~ includes .. Gary Serric:I'latest 1I'aiIlq and tHe lntormatlon 10 make you a lean mean racing mac:tine The beG trarirlg and 'er ridden betore. ltliS Is the video thaI wlI you going quicld)' & with t1e best Iorm possible. so youl saler & more n eont1OI. COW,. proper riling position. 11M, braking, talOOg oil , ~ & more. 30 mi'Iules GBt.lX Video. 5 17.95 I,m) The WinningEdge 2 Gary BUey- lakes an i,4lCiatedapproach lD show al the tric:ks the top riders use . Proper body posiIion. stayhg bike . Iorwerd rnorneoIum & aJnIr'OIed braking . ~ proper power appkaliOn. Produced 11'1 '99 ; 60 minutes h Ofl .... GBMX Video. $52 .95 IV/S l I~ I Ai Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

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