Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kawasaki jockey Eric Crummen runs down Godzilla Hill en route to the 12Scc Pro victory at round two of the CMC Golden State MX Nationals. Suzu ki rider Scott Davis fo und a way around N ick, a nd so d id Kaw asak i jockey Ma tt McCumm en . At the checke rs. Crummen held o ff Scott for the overall win. The first moto of the 125cc Pro class saw Suzuki rider Beau Baron get a solid jump on the field, but his lead didn't last a whole lap, as he was overtaken b y N ic k. w ho w as ou t t o imp rove upo n his record fo r the day. With some hard riding and a great deal of derring-do , Nick was the first man to the chec kers . He was follow ed by C ru mm en, in his first no nw inning ride 01t he day, Afte r a long wait (so me 46 motos were rac e d duri ng the da y), the 125cc Pr o class returned for the sec ond moto. To pro ve that his first -moto hotshot was no nuke, Baron once again wow ed the fans and co mpet itors with a perfect start . One of the first riders to get by him was Nick, but also moving rapidly toward th e front was a hard -charging Crumme n. At the wavi ng o f t he b la ck -an d -whit e c he c ke r s , Crum men w as at t he front. Ho ld ing o n t o seco nd pla ce ea rne d Nic k a di sappoint ing second overall, as th e tie in points was broke n by Crum men 's ha ving the bet ter se c o nd mot o ride . R ESULTS P!W BEG : I . Mich a el Ku t che ra (KT M) ; 2 . Joseph Gonzal es (Pol); 3. D.J. Bonini (Pol); 4 . Daniel Givich (KTM); 5. Luke Wilson (KTM). PIW SO (4 ·6 ) : I. Scott Crane (Pol); 2. Co nner Mitchell (Cob); 3. Austin Ch ing (Lem); 4. Grah am Mille r (Hus); 5. Scott Snow (KTM). P/W SO (7-8) : I. Ty Siminoe (KTH); 2. je sse Janco (Le m); 3. Cal John son (Pol); 4. Jo sh Tickn er (KTM); 5. C on nor Pearson (Pol). MIN I 60 B EG : I. Beau Thompson (KTM); 2. Jordan Kinsler (KTM); 3. Ryan Valdez (KTH) ; 4 . Skylar Garcia (KTM); 5 . Chase Behle (KTM). MINI 60 (7-8): I. Con nor Pea rson (KTM); 2. Jesse Janco (KTM); 3. Matth ew Bisceglia (Suz); 1. Ant hony Walsh (KTM); 5 . Ty Slrmnoe (KTM). MINI 60 (9.1 1): I. Aaro n $iminoe (KTM); 2. Jessy Ne lso n (KTM); 3. Jake Locks (Sue}; 4 . Robert No ftz (KTM); 5. Mike Pon tiou s (KTM). MIN I 70: I. Ashlee Wilson (Hon ); 2. Austin Bensen (Hon) . MIN I 80 (7-1 1): I. Aust in Ho we ll (Suz); 2. Zack Andrade (KTM); 3. Aaro n Siminoe (KTM); 4 . Dylan Lane (Yam); S. Robert Noftz (Yam). MIN I 80 BEG 0 - 1: I. Michae l Matteoli (Ha n); 2. Ryan Morton (Su z) ; 3 . Tan ne r Davis (Han); 4 . D ust in Kenshalc (Suz); 5 . Brandon Newman (Kaw). MIN I 80 BEG 0 ·2: I. Tyler Owen (Ha n); 2 . Brad y Hays (Suz); 3. Ryan am). Wagne r (Ha n); 4. Steven Filter (Ha n); 5. Alex Conn or (Y MINI 80 (1 2- 13): L Tyler Y ork (Suz); 2 . G are d Stei nke (Kaw) ; 3. TJ. Lo re nz (Ha n); 4. Tyle r Bennan (Yam); 5. Dan iel Reen(Yam). MINI 80 ( 14·16) : I. Matt Dugan (Hon) . MIN I 80 OPEN STK: I. Aust in Howe ll (Suz); 2. TJ. Lo re nz (Hon) ; 3. Zack Andrad e (KTM); 4 . Gared Steinke (Kaw); 5. Robe rt Noftz (Ya m) . S/ MINI: I. Austin H o well (Suz) ; 2 . We s johnson (Suz); 3. Tyler York (Suz); 4 . T J. Lorenz (Hoo) ; 5. Gared Steinke (Kaw). 125 BEG 0 · 1: I. Andy Smith (Y am); 2 . Ryan Kirk (Suz); 3. [en Mart eo li (Yam) ; 4 . Chris Silva (Hon) ; 5 . John Poor (Y ). 125 BEG 0-2: I. Francis RlJiz(KTM); 2. am Mondo O 'Connor (Yam); 3. Ross Ke lly (Suz): 4 . Ricky William (Suz) : 5. Co ry Kcauvt (Hon ). 125 JR 0 -1: I. Kyle Smith (Yam); 2. Erik Meusling (Hon); 3. Bob Kirk (Suz); 4. Came ron Ew ing (Suz); S. Stenson Womack (Yam) . 125 JR 0 · 2: I. 72 Jeremy Johnson (Yam); 2. Cha d Smith (Suz); 3. Jacob Robik (Suz): 4. Troy T inuccl (Yam); 5. Doug Swarts (Kaw). 12 5 INT: I. Charlie Morm on (Yam); 2. Carson Meyer (Ha n); 3. Jason Voss (H a n): .of . Jaco b Sanche z (Su z) ; 5 . Cameron Bowman (Yam). 125 PRO: I. Eric Crummen (Kaw); 2. Nick Davis (Suz); 3. N ick Baugh; 1. Tommy Jean (Yam); S. Scott Davis (Suz). 250 BEG: I. Francis Ruiz (Y;un); 2. John Poor (Yam); 3. Colton Pe arson ; 4 . Jon M ~rteoli (Y~m) ; S. Kri s Bohm (Ha n) . 25 0 JR : I. Erik Meoslles (Ha n); 2. Aar on Mattson (Hon ); 3. luke O'B rien (Suz); .. . Jeremy Johnson (Y am): 5. Randy Mills (Hon ). 250 INT: I. C harlie Mamson (Yam); 2. Ronn ie Ra ymond (Hon); 3. Stan Finne y (Hon); .. . Jeff KJ (Yam); S. Matt Fernandez (Kaw). 250 PRO: I . Eric ino Crummen (Kaw); 2. Matt McCummen (Kaw); 3. Nick Davis (Suz): .of. Scott Davis (Suz); 5. Dennis Kritzer (Hon ); 6. Beau Judge (Hon) ; 7. Tom m y Jean (Suz); 8. Beau Baron (Suz); 9. Devin Watson (Yam); 10. Cliff Cook (Hon). 500 AM : I. Erik Me"'hng (Han). SOO PRO , I. Beau Judge (Han). LOS , I. Normajean jean (Yam); 2. [cute Na va (Han); 3. Amanda Kutchera (Yam) ; .. . Alexah Pearson (Hoo); 5. Kayla Reide · $now (Suz). S C H BY: I. Bob Kirk (Suz); 2. Nate Whitl ow (Yam); 3. Ste nso n Wo ma ck (Yam) ; .of . Kyle Smith (Yam); S. Cameron Ew;ng (Suz). 25 + MST R: I. Gary Curtis (Hon); 2. Mike Hod ges (Suz); 3. Brett Calhoun (Y am); .of. Aaron Matson (Han) ; 5. Jim Basgall(Yam). 25 + PRO: I. Scott Davis (Suz); 2. Beau Jud ge ( Ho n); 3. Don Bisce glia (H an ) ; .of . Tre vor Meaghe r (Suz); S. Robert Bacosa (Ha n). 8TH: I. Kris Triest (Yam). 30 + BEG : I. Andrew Toth (Hon) ; 2. C had lavezzo (Hon); 3. Jeff Je nsen (Yam); .of. Rob Pitts (Han); 5. Brett Elven (Suz) . 30+ JR: I . Todd Biric.ebau (Kaw); 2. Steve Garl ington (Hon); 3. Mike O 'Brien (Hon) ; .of. Bret McCro ry (Suz); 5. Zak Schulps (Hon). 30 + INT: I. Aaron Mattson (Hen) ; 2. Mike Landis (Hon) ; 3. Gary Cu rtis (Hon); .of. Je rry Skaggs (Hon); 5. Mike Hodge s (Suz) . 30 + PRO: I. De nnis Kritzer (Hon ); 2. Oon Bisceglia (Han) ; 3. Terry Bastard (Hon) ; 1. J.R. Me usling (Suz) . 40+ AM : I. Rich Voss (Ho n) ; 2. Doug Eise nb e is (Yam); 3. Greg Douglas (Yam) ; .of. Steve Gariington (Hon ); 5. Steve Matlock (Yam). 40+ MSTR: I. Jim De Alba (Hon ); 2. BillCarnes (Yam 3. j.R. Meusling (Suz). POUNDERS BEG: ); I. Kar ina Mon v ille (Yam ). POUNDERS A M : I. Chris Gascon (Hon) : 2. Patrick Moshoh (Kaw); l . Randalllandstedt (Kaw); 4 . Ryan H imes (Suz). POU ND ERS PRO : I . Matt Moroni (Ha n). California Racing Club Awards Cere mo ny Palmdale Ramada Inn Top CRC Riders Honored By GREG ROBERTSON PALMDALE, CA, JAN. 16 he Palmdale Ramada Inn banque t room was filled to capacity for the California Racing Club's an nual ye a r-e nd awards ceremony. Emcee dut ies for th e eve ning we re hand led by trac k announcer Gre g Barbacovi, with VP Racing Fuels representative Te rry Whytal assisting. Betwe en th e t wo o f the m. t he y ke pt t h e eve ning's activities running smo othly, handing out numerous fre ebies to the cro wd , as well as raffli ng off some much-appreciated prizes from many of CRC's spo nsors. Hall 01 t he night was dedicat ed to t hos e riders who did we ll in the recently completed five-ra ce Sponsorship Series. Beaut iful plaques were prese nted t o those w ho ended up in the top three overall in their classes, along with A-, B- or C-Ievel spon sorships for th e upcoming 2004 season , T he other ha lf o f the night' s fest ivit ie s concentrated on those racers who accum ulated e nough points throughout 2003 to run with the number- one plate s in 2004. CRC number-o ne plate holders inclu ded KT M-mo unted Dillan Epstein, in the Pee Wee class. His fe llow KTM T rider Joey Savatgy will sport the number-one plate in the 65c c class lor 2004 . Ri als Chandler v Quimette and Keit h Robi nson we re close in po ints fo r the 85cc·c1ass number-one plates d uring the sec on d ha lf of the year, w it h Qu imette pre vailing in the end . Kawasaki rider Tanner Langham will be sporting the lowe st digit possible in Schoolbo y action this year, with Antho ny Barbacovi holding on to his numbe ron e p lat e in the 12Scc ra nks for a fo urth straight ye ar. For t he se cond yea r in a row, Bryan Ward to pped all comers by a huge points margin to ke ep the 2S0cc -c1ass number-one p late . Terenc e Traughber use d co nsist e nt finishes all year long to earn the big numb er one in Junior Vet competition. T he race fo r t he Vet -class numb e r-o ne pl ate, between N ic k Mairose a nd Fr a n k Costanzo, cam e down to th e last race o f t he year. Costanzo wo n the battle out on the t rack, but Mairose wo n the closest points battle of th e year, 90B to 903 . Leo Saul built up such a points lead in the Se nior class th at he practically too k the last couple of months off and still finished w it h a couple of hundr ed points to spare over ru nne reN up Jell Hares. LOCAL TALENT JENNA LEE PINTO June 4, 1988 Eureka , California OCCUPATlDN: • • • • • High School Student (maintaining a 4,0 GPA> OTHER INTERESTS: • • • Basketball. Softball, Snowboarding MOTORCYCLES: • 2002 CRBO Expert, 2004 200 KTM EXC BIRTHDATE: • • • • • • RESIDENCE: • • • ••••• Enduro , DISCIPLINES: Hare Scrambles Fox Rac ing , Scott USA, Mom & Dad RIDING AREAS: •• Eel River, Eureka Redwoods SPONSORS: • • • • • • • LDCAL CLASS: ••• • • •••• Wom en 's C RECENT ACCO MPLISHMENTS • First place Women 's Champion , 2003 Distr ict 36 Spring and Fall Cross Country Series • First place, Women's C, 2003 OMRA Monkey Butt WHY 00 You IlACE? "I started out just sharing time riding with my family, and now it's fo r the competition and love of the sport." BEST RACING MOMENT? "Finis hing the 2002 Cowbell Enduro without houring out, at age 14 , on my CR80 - in 6 1/2 hours ." WHO ARE YOUR FAVORITE PRO RIDERS? "Travis Pastra na , Bubba Stewart, Kelly Yancey and Heather Wilso n," WHAT D o You WANT To Do WHEN You GRO W U p ? "S omething that a llows me to be creative by using mathematics, " How LONG Do You T HI N K YOU'LL CONTINUE IlACING? "Until I can 't walk anymore," The number-on e Ca lifo rnia Ra cing Club riders for 2004 p roudly displ a y their hard-w on ha rdware. FEBRUARY 11,2004 • CYCLE N EWS 40th An niversary By Jill Ashworth Patterson

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