Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 11

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jockey jer ed Black wa s able to susta in a so lid fo ur th -p lace finish, and Yama ha pilot Donnie Adams too k the fifth spot . How eve r, the 250cc Pro main was a whole other race. Com ing ou t of the first turn , Black too k t he ea r ly le ad a nd held it unt il t he Tho rlSmit h/Alpinestar s/ FMF-bac ked Preston mad e his mov e , passing Black and ta king th e lead . As the 12-lap main came to a close , Earls made a good co me back throug h the pack and was able to battle Black toward the end . Earls a nd Blac k we nt back and fo rth ; both w e re try ing to get th at se co nd spo t , since Pre ston was long gone by the n. The checkers flew for Pre ston first , and Black was able to get past Earls and ta ke second . Earls took a hard-fought t hird . Fo ur th w e nt t o Hon d a r ider Sha ne Clampitt , an d ro unding out the top five wa s Yamaha ride r J.T. Smith. RESUL TS 50 (4 -8 ) OIL -INJ HON STK: I . Lindsey Ro binso n (KTM); 2. Christian Thomas (KTM): 3. Sam Altizer (Hon) . 50 (4. 8 ) SHAFT STK : I. C hadney Artrip (Yam); 2. Damon Messer (Yam); 3. Miche lle Baker (Y am). 50 (4-6) STK : I. Christ ian Thomas (KTN ); 2. Seth Hard ing (KTM): 3. Brandon He m ingw ay (KT M). 50 (1-8) STK: J. Dylan Carringer (KTM); 2. Gilberto Lope z (KTM); 3. Zach Walton (Lem). 65 (7-9) : I. Tyler Womey (KTM); 2. Trenton McMichen (KTM); 3. Jake Gilbertson (KTM). 65 ( 10 - 1 I): I. Justin Ba rcia (KTM); 2. Tres Waldroop (KTM); 3. Tanne r Wilson (KTM). 65 (1 - 11) D: I. Jare d Burgess (KTM ); 2. Pey to n Wells (KTM ); 3. Derek Hawkins ( KTM). 85 (1. 1 1): I. Sean Cunn ing ham (KT M) ; 2 . Justin Bar ci a (KT M) ; 3. Ja ke Leatherwood (Hon). 85 (1-1 1) 0 : I. Zachary Mintz (Kaw); 2. Jordan Cates (Kaw]: 3. Nicholas Lovvom (Ho n). 8 5 ( 12-15) : I. Gage Hartman (Suz); 2. Matthe w Timm (Suz); 3. Atix Freeman (Suz). 85 ( 12.1 5) 0 : I. Brand o n Lindse y (Hon) : 2. Grayson Rader (Kaw): 3. Robert Keeble Jr. (Kaw). U/l S/MIN I: I. Sean Cunn ingham (KTM); 2. Gage Hartman (Suz); 3. Jos h Watson (Y arn). 125 PRO: I. Doug Earls (Kaw); 2_ Kyle Preston (Suz); 3. Tony Graham (Ha n). 125 B: I. Brando n Smith (Kaw); 2. Je Ure y Coate s (Yam); 3. Da ve Szymansky (Yam). 125 C: I. Matthew Thrasher (KTM); 2. Justin Jones (Kaw); 3. Allen Mullins (Y am). 125 0 : l . Dustin W idner (Han ); 2. Jord an Atkins (Kaw); 3. Jeremy Ho lliday (Hen) . 2 50 PRO: I . Kyle Preston (Suz); 2. Jer ed Black (Yam 3. Doug Earls (Kaw). 250 C: I . Michael Hawk (Yam); ); 2. Dustin Stephens (Ha n): 3. Brent Sipe (Yam). 250 D: I. Chuck Arnold (Yam); 2. David Harris (Hon) ; 3. Zach france (Yam U/L B: I. Je ffrey Coates (Y ). arn); 2. Dave Szymansky (Yam): 3. Dustin Smith (Yam). U/L C: I. Matthew Thrasher (KTM): 2. Chase Beck (Hon); 3. Jo nah Cloninger (Yarn) U/L . 0 : I. Jeremy Ho lliday (Ha n); 2. Pete r Hohmann (KTM); 3. Knox Piercy (Yam). 16-2 4: I. Brandon Smith (Kaw); 2. Dave Szymansky (Yam); 3. Marcus John Thompson (Han). 25 + : I . Shane Clampitt (Han); 2. Jerry Sneed (Yam); 3. Chris Jones (Hon). 30 + : I . Jeff Hatmake r (Hon); 2. Steve Miller (Yam); 3. Jeff Bilbrey (Kaw). CMC Northwest Winter Arenacross Se ries Round 5: Forster Livestock Pavilion Currier, Hill Top Salem AX By CLAY LIGHT SALEM, OR, JAN. 2-3 ashingt o nians Lando n Curr ier and josh Hill we re amo ng the weekend's top performers during two consecutive nights of racing at Forste r Uvestock Pavilion, site of round flve o f th e C MC No rt hw e st W int e r Arenac ross Series . O n Friday, Currier clob be red the Supermini and 85cc (9- 1I) co mpeti tion; on Saturday, Hill sco red th e 125cc, Four-Stroke and Before The Hill Inte rmediate victorie s. Currier contested four classes o n Friday, but the Brus h Prairie ride r's success was limited to the 85cc division; his luck didn't extend into the 65cc division, despite winning one mo to in each of his two 6Scc classes. In the 8Scc (9- 1I) class, tho ugh, Curr ier grabbed the lead at the start of bo th motos and maintained the point position to the finish to garner his first doub le-mo to sweep of the night. Seco nd to Cu rr ier in both W motos was local Suzuki rider Gle nn Prestho lt, fo llo w e d by Yam a ha p ilots Ste el e Angle Davidson and Nash Blayloc k. The Hill family - pare nts Monty and Angie, and sons josh and justin - made the ir tre k from La Center, Was hington, a successful o ne , as bo th sons scored two ove rall wins o n Saturday night. The yo unge r of the two, Kawasaki jockey ju stin, wa s t he dom inant pe rforme r in 65 cc act ion . ju st in won t he 6Scc (0-8) an d 6Sc c Open classes. justin wo n both 6Scc (0-8) class motos, but his 65cc O pe n victory was much t o ugh er, as KTM ride r Angle -D avidso n be at justin to the finish in the first mota. Hill won ou t in a moto- two s ho o to ut and w o n t he overall, tr ailed by Angle- Davidso n (1-2), R.j. Leach (3-3). Brandon Barbe r (4-4) and Alyas Wardius (S-5). josh Hill was the evening's lone three-class wi nner. Afte r a w in in the eveni ng's second moto, the com bined Before T he Hill class, josh Steele Angle-Davidson (03) split moto victories with Landon Currier in the competitive 6Scc (9 -11) class at round five of the CMC Northwest Winter Arenacross Series. 58 FEBRUARY 11,2004 • CYCLE NEWS dom inat e d the Fou r-Stro ke class a board his Yamaha YZ2S0F. Josh jolted the co mpetition in bot h motos to card his seco nd of th ree wins o n t he night . Kev in Pet rus hkin netted se con d overall , ahead of Aaron Tunnell, Winston Cook, Greg Brown and Lee Slater. Josh wasn't finished the re, as the 13-year-old topped an impressive field of riders in his 125cc Inte rm e diat e- class wi n, inclu d ing on e of t he Northwest's top Intermedia te rid ers, Ryan Huege , and the lone Pro rider on the night , Eric Roth . Hill got around Huege o n the secon d lap of t he com bined 12S/250 cc Inte rmediate and 250c c Pro contes t and finished ahe ad of the Honda-mou nted Huege. Then Huege was a noshow in mot o tw o , and Tunnell traile d Hill at the finish. KTM rider Pete Sannan had an injury-riddled 2003, but he appea rs to be back on track . On Frid ay, th e 16-year-old hamm e re d t he com pe tition in th e I25cc and Befo re The Hill Intermediate classes . Altho ugh Sannan was the lone Inte rmediate in th e Before Th e Hill field, he faced some tough com petit io n from top Junior ride r Matt Wilson, who grabbed the lead in mot o o ne . Sannan displace d W ilso n wit h three laps remaining to garne r the win. Wilso n trailed Sanna n ac ro ss the finish t o post the j un ior- cl ass w in, fo llowed by Tunnell , Pet rush kin, Shane Skiles and jere miah Sparks . Sannan led mota two from sta rt to finish. RESUL TS Friday P/W (0-6): I. Ryan Burggren (KTM); 2. Chance Atkinson (KT M); 3. Jack Fo w ler (Hus). P/W ( 7- 8) : I. Jo nathan Andrew (Co b); 2. Wyatt Fowler (Hus); 3. Tristan vers teeg (KTM). 50 OPEN : I. Breann a McLuskie (Cob) ; 2. Jonatha n Andrew (Cob ); 3. Cha nce Atkinso n (KT M). 65 BEG: I. Wyatt Fowle r (Suz); 2. Casey Sutton (Kaw); 3. Alan Burggre n (KTM). 65 (0 ·8 ): I. R.J. Leach (Suz); 2. AJyas Wardius (Suz); 3. No lan Beyer (KTM). 65 (9. 1 I): I. Stee le Angle-Davidso n (KTM); 2. Landon Currier (KTM): 3. Nash Blayloc k (KTM). 65 OPEN: I. R.J. Leac h (Suz); 2. Alyas Wardiu s (Suz); 3. No lan Beye r (KTM). 85 BEG: I . Luke Aldrich (KTM): 2. Jake warren (Yam); 3. Kyle Reade , (Yam) . 8S (9. 1 1); I. Landon Currier (Yam); 2. Glenn Pre st hclt (Suz); 3. Steele AngleDavidson (Y . 8 5 ( 12- 13): I. Charl ie McCarthy (Kaw). am) SlMIN I: I. Landon Currie r (Yarn). 125 BEG: I. Greg Brown (Y am): 2. Phillip Springer (Kaw); 3. Chri s McDan ie l (KTM). 125 JR: I . Kevin Petrushk in (Yam); 2. Jerem iah Sparks (Yam ); 3. Shane Skiles (Hon). 115 INT: I . Pete Sanoan (KTM). 250 BEG: I. Mike Dahlman (Hon): 2. Scott Smits (Hon); 3. Casey Moo re (Ho n). 25 0 JR: I. T im Ricketts (Ha n); 2. Aaron Tunnell (Yam) WMN BEG: I . L . yndy Fee ley (Kaw); 2. De bra Anderson (Ha n). BTH JR: I. Aaron Tunnell (Yarn 2. Kevin ); Petrus hkln (Yam); 3. Shane Skiles (Hon ). BTH INT: I. Pete Sannan (KTM). 30 + BEG: I . Craig Schcck c (Kaw) ; 2. John Fowle r (Hon). 30 + Jft: I . Mike Dahlman (Han) ; 2. Richard Tunnell (Y . 40 + JR: I. Jim Valencourt (Y am) am); 2. Zack Mclai n (Yam); 3. Steve Fidle r (Ho n). 40 + INT: I . Bill Farr ell (Hus). 40 + MNY: I. Greg Gates (Han). 5 0+ : I. Steve Baze (Kaw). Satu rday PNI (0- 6): I. Jacob Crawfo rd (KTM): 2. Ryan Burggren (KTM): 3. Andrew Ne ssel (Pol). P/W (7-8 ): I. Wyatt Fowle r (Hus); 2. Tristan Versteeg (KTM): 3. Keltin Boykin (Hus). SO OPEN : I . Jaco b Crawford (KTM) ; 2. Bre an na McLuskie (Co b); 3. Andrew Nesse l (Pol). 65 BEG: I . Wyatt Fowle r (Suz); 2. Alan Burggren (KTM). 65 (0-8): I . Justin Hill (Kaw); 2. RJ. Leach (Suz); 3. A1yas Wardius (Suz). 65 (9-11): I. Steele Angie -Da vidson (KTM). 6 5 OPEN : I. Just in Hill (Kaw); 2. Steele Angle-Davidson (KTM): 3. R.J. Leach (Suz). 85 BEG: I. Kaleb Basney (Hon ); 2. A J. Brown (Yam): 3. Kyle Reade r (Yam). 85 (9. 1 1): I. Brodie Ande rson (Yam); 2. Steele Angle-Davidson (Y am). 85 ( 12·1 3): I . Danny Gubse r (Yam): 2. Tyler Schwe nt ker (Ya m); 3. Ch arl ie McCarthy (Kaw) . 85 (14.1 6 ): I . Allen Yother (Han ). S/MINI: I. Danny Gubser (Yam); 2. Tyler Schwentker (Yam); 3. Allen Y other (Han ). 125 BEG: I . Chris McDaniel (KTM); 2. Chris e Egan (Y am); 3. Bryden Miller (Han) . 125 JR: I . Shane Skil s (Ha n); 2. Travis McMackin (Yam); 3. Kevin Petru shkin (Yam ). 125 INT: I. Josh Hill (Yam). 250 BEG : I. Casey Moo re (Ha n); 2. Brad Allison (Y am); 3. Tim Lucero (Hon) . 250 JR: l. lack Melton (Hon): 2. Brad Batche lor (Y arn). 1 50 INT: I. Aaron Tunnell (Y am); 2. Ryan Huege (Hon) . 250 PRO: I. Er ic Roth (Kaw) . BTH JR: I. Travis McMackin (Yam) : 2. Kevin Petrush kin (Yam 3. Shane Skiles (Hon ). BTH INT: I . ); Josh Hill (Y am); 2. Aaron Tunnell (Y . 30 + BEG: I . John am) Fowle r (Han) : 2. lack Mclain (Y am); 3. Michae l Ande rson (Ha n). 30 + JR: I. Rkhard Tunnell (Yam): 2. Mike Dahlman (Ha n); 3. David Burggren (Yam). 40 + JR: I. Jack Batchelor (Yam): 2. Jim Vale ncourt (Y am): 3. Steve Fidler (Ha n). 40+ INT: I. Grant Brow n (Yam); 2. Matt Brown (Y am). 40 + MNY: I. Greg Gates (Ho n). 50 + : I. Steve Baze (Kaw); 2. Rick Radmache r (Suz). 4· STRK: I. Josh Hill (Yam); 2. Kevin Petrushkin (Y am); 3. Aaron Tunnell (Yam). HU S CHAL: I. Jo nat ha n Andrew ; 2. Kelt in Boykin ; 3. Ryan Burgg re n; 4. Breanna McLuskie; 5. Jack Fow ler. Fa ll/ W inte r Se ries Rou n d 6: Dan iel's Ridge Mo tocross Hall Takes the Ridge By MARK NEUENS TAYlORSVILLE, NC, JAN. 4 A not he r warm fall weekend greeted riders Mat round six of the Fall/W int e r Series at Daniel's Ridge Mot oc ro ss in Taylorsville, North Caro lina. Dalton Hall swept the overall w in in the SOcc Shaft class, but he had q uite a time with Austin johnson in the SOcc (4-6) class. Hall was followed by Isaiah Simmons and Ashley Griffin in the Shaft class. joh nson took the win in the first mota of the SOcc(4-6) class, but Hall wo uld not let him get by in the second stanza to take the overall win. johnson took second, with Simmo ns third. In th e jun ior Mini class, jord an Daniels and Mack Dickson battl ed for the front spots . O nce Da nie ls go t by. he had no pr obl em leading Dickso n to the finish. Terrance Moore worked his way through the pack to ta ke the third spot, just b ar e ly passing jac kso n Riley . Ta nne r Saunde rs to o k fifth , and Jame s Jo rda n to ok sixth. In t he seco nd mot o , Dickson and Dan ie ls we nt at it again, going bar to bar in the come rs. Going across the straight st ret ch side by side w ith neit he r one letting up, they went into the jum p and go t hoo ke d up toge ther, and both w e nt d own . D an iels e nded up w it h a co ncussion and Dickson w it h a brok en ar m. With th ose two out, Riley wa s o n t he move , 40th An niversary RESULTS 50 SHAFT: I. Dalton Hall; 2. Isaiah Simmons ; 3. Ashley Griffin. 50 (4-6) : I. Dalton Hall; 2. Austin Joh nson ; 3. Isaiah Simmons: 4. Matthew Carrigan; S. Austin Hicks. 50 (7 -8): I. Dylan Pope ; 2. Jordan Smith: 3. Tyler Young; 4. KevinWatson ; S. Logan Arnold. 50 OPEN: I. Dylan Pope; 2. Tyler Y oung; l . Jordan Smith ; 4. Kevin Watson: 5. Isaiah Simmons . 65 (1-9): I. Zackery McNee ly; 2. Cody Griffin; 3. Tyler Y oung; 4. Sean Sha lvoy; 5. Cody Acton . 65 ( 10- 1 1): I. Jo rdan Danie ls ; 2. Jam e s Jo r da n; 3. Mack Dickso n; 4 . Tanne r Sau nders; 5 . Jacob Ma r s ha ll. 65 OPEN : I . Zacke r y

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