Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WORCS/MRAN Combined Amateur Gran Prix Mesquite Moto-X Park Tapf?ing into the Mother Lode By DICK GOODWIN MESQUITE, NV, JAN. 17·18 The Worl d O ff Road C hampionship Series I (WORCS ) Gran Prix Series is known as the richest off-road motorcycle ser ies on the planet - with more than $1 million in cash, contin- gencies and prizes up for gra bs. l ess is known about how valuable the WORCS Amateu r program that accompan ies this series has become. T he overall Amateur- class ser ie s cham pions w in big: With 10 new m oto r cycles and one new ATV for ove rall yea rly A-class winners, the WORe S Am ate ur prog ra m is ce rt ainl y well wort h part icipating in. On e racer w ho most certainly fe lt t hat way was Lake wo od , Was hington . hot shoe Tevin Tapia. w ho we nt wire to wire for 40 mi nut es in the 85e c A class to start his ques t (o r a new bike in th e be st pos sible way. Tapia got the hol eshot ahead of Ron nie Good w in and Jamie La nza , and th ose le ad e r s he ade d o ut cr oss cou ntry. W he n they re t urn ed minut e s later, Tapia and Joshua Morros were going at it bar to bar, with Lanza in third. Tapia and Morros stayed cl o se for most of t he ra ce , while Goodwi n worked his way back into th ird. Tapia put on a late- race surge to win go ing away, lett ing his competition try to catch up w ith him for the rest of t he series. Morros, Go odwin a nd Sean Geiser follo wed him through the tape . Since this was a dual-sanct ioned even t, with points also going to the Motorcycle Racers of Ne vada (MRAN) members. W ORCS/MRAN ran Pro races on Saturday. Heavy hitters in town for the Sunday's WORCS series -o pe ning Pro race dom inated the contests. with Dest ry Abbott topping the 250cc Pros , Kurt Cas elli acing the 125cc Pro contest , "W hispe ring" Smith w inning t he 2S0cc F Pro con test, Ty O t h e r notable perfo rma nces in t he afternoon race included that of Chris Clark in the Fou r-Stro ke A class; he finished a min ute and 16 seco nds in fro nt o f Corey G arr e t . Ro bb ie O verst r e et finish e d his ra ce t w o minutes and 45 secon ds ahead of second-place finisher jaso n Flynn in the 2S0cc B class. In the 250cc A class. Eric Elam put the hammer down and finished almost t hre e minut es ah ea d of cur r e nt cl a ss le ad e r Ta ylo r Reyn ol d s of Alabama . In the 200c( B class , up-an d-comer Andrew Matuzek was the o nly ride r in his class to finish fo ur laps. Vet B rider Mark Uoyd and Senior B ride r Greg Armour also finishe d all four laps in their classes while their ru nners-up only finished three laps. T he m o rn ing ra ce was just a s exci ting. Gregory Ro be rt s and Nathaniel Martin had a three-lap battle in the 200cc C class that came down to a five-second difference for the ove rall victory. In the O pen C class, Lee Hickok tried hard to gain lost time but fell just two secon ds short and p lac e d second , be hind Lewis Mitchum . In the Wo men's class. Lauren Huey easily finished first, mo re than 14 minutes ahead Davis dialing up the Over 30 Vet Pro crown. an d Steve H atc h conq uering th e O pen Pro class. Some of the Amateur winners in those allim po rtant A classes were Bran don Brown (6Scc A), Adam Lane (2S0cc A), George Follis (2SOcc F A), Young j ac obse n (O pe n A), To m Sh ivers (Masters O ve r 40 A). je ff Sowards (Vet Over 30 A) and Ricky Diet rich. w ho took two titles - in the 12Scc A and Semi-Pro divisions - on his way to a garage full of new bikes! WORC S and MRAN wo rked together to set attendance records at t he grea t Mesquite Moto-X Park for th is. the first race in the 2004 WO RCS off-road ser ies. (Above) Clay Cutle r (1208), Curt Lammert (1110) and Coope r Hall (8J) went one-two-three in the 85cc B cla ss. eN MESQUITE MOTO-X PARK MESQUITE , N EVADA RESUL TS: JANUARY 17·18, 2004 50 (4 -6) : I. C hase Vernon (KTM); 2. j.C . Wo lfe (KT M); 1. Eric Po lizzi; .. . Jace Mo rg an (KTM); S. Th o mas Jones (KTM). 50 (7- 8 ): IJ.D. Elliott (KTM); 2. Kody Hutchings (Pol); 3. Chaisson Couens (Pd); " . Clay Gishey (KTM); S. Joshua Morros (2) placed secand, behind Bailey D'Aiessio (KTM). 65 k I. Brandon Brown (KTH ); 2. Killian Wader (Kaw ); 1. Ryan Goodwin Tevin Ta pia, in the 85cc A cla ss. (Kaw) ; .. . C .J. Hyams (KTM); S. Troy Anacker (Yam). 6S B, I. Duny Hu~ (Suz): 2. Angelo T......r 150 A: I. Adam Lane (Suz); 2. Brend an Ritzman (Yam); 1. (Kaw); 1. Je ffre y W illson (So2); .. . Cole Nanney (Pol) ; S. Wes Mac Millan (H en): ... Bryan Bru ning (Kaw); S. Ricky Brandon Leith (Pol). 65 C: I. Je ssee Bro wn (Suz); 2. Eric Dietrich (Kaw). 150 B: I. Chris Pinger (Hon); 2. Jason Tro xle Thyr (Kaw); 1. Austin Garcia (Kaw); 4. Kyle Walters (Kaw); (KTM); 1. KyJe Gibson (KTM); ... levi Allen (Yam); S. Kris S. Christopher Martin (Kaw). 85 A: I. Tevin Tapia (Kaw); 2. NeI"", (Kaw). 2S0 C, I. Chm F..,. (Hen) : 2. ja>on Onmann Jos hua Morros (Kaw); 1. Ronnie Goodwin (Kaw); 4 . Sean (Hen) : 3. Nion KendaJI Noonan (Hen) . 2S0 F A: I. Geo<-ge Fom. (Sua): 2. Holt (Yam): 2. Brian Nekon (Suz): 3. ",",tin Hannon (Kaw) : Man Owen (Yam); 1. Travis Krueger (Kaw); ... Lance Schurtt ... Levi VICkers (Kaw); S. Ryan UhIey. S/M IN I A: I. Jamie (Yam); S. Ned Lowerre (Suz ). 150 F B: I. Justin Hunt (Yam); (Kaw ); 2. Tev;n Topia (Kaw); 3. £Mtin Sun""" (Suz): 2. Chad Dwyer (y",,): 3. Tony M""'ghan (KTM): 4. Jonat"'" 4. Sean Ge ise r (Kaw ). 115 A: I. Ricky Dietrich (Kaw); 2. Wetsman (Yam ); S. Kevin Peloso (Hon ). ]50 F C: I. Brian Nick Thompson (KTM); 1. Erek Arnold (Yam); ... Dominic Brou gh ton (Yam); 2. Robert He n ry (Yam); 3. Gen e Bryan Cimino (Yam ); S. Teddy Hann (Kaw). 115 B: I. David (Kaw); -4 Riley Burd ICk (Yam); S. Don Beck (Ho n). 150 F . Robertson (Yam) ; 2. Tracon Kirk (KTM); 3. Jason Tro xle PRO : I. "'Whispering " Smith (Kaw); 2. Ryan Mcintyre (Yarn); (KTM); .. . [a nton Reber (KTM); S. Levi Jones. 115 C: I1. Jeff Haza rd ; .of . Jeremy Thomson (KTM); S. Roger Ne tb. Cody Wallis (KTM); 2. Darin Anderson (Yam); 1. Jonathan O P EN A: I. You ng Jacobsen (Hon); 2. Man Gosnell (KTM); Davis (Yam); 4. Tony Ge lsone (KTM); 5. Cory Ayen (SYz ). 1. Jer em y Fer ro (Kaw) ; .. . Zac Hum ph rie s (Suz) ; S. Bra d 115 PRO: I. Kurt Caselli (KTM); 2. Ryan Mcintyre (Yam). of runner-up Gina Beckman. Tim Peterson won the Master C class by a slim margin over Robert Walker. who was only 14 seco nds behind . W ith on ly a few mo re rac es left in t he SETRA Series befo re t hree co -sa nct io ne d eve nts with th e GNC C Series. many classes are st ill und e c id ed. Fo r upd at e s , c heck o ut tra .org. Matthew Unde rwood (Yam); 2. Tim Crisp (KTM); 1. Mark Snavely (Yam). VET C: I. Bill Ede nfield (Yam); 2. Ch ris Thr eadgill (GG ): 1. Bret Za ro (KTM). OPEN C: I. Le wis Mitch um (KTM); 2. Le e Hicko k (KTM); 1. Pet e Whi taker (KIM ). GLDN MSTR: I. Kenneth Do bson (Y ; 2. Fred am) Ham mond (KTM); 1. Fred Veator (Y . S/S R / SR A: I. am) Arty Spencer (KTM); 2. Ph il Ellis (GG); 1. David Altman . MS T R A : I. JIm Ford (GG ); 2. Rex Jones; 1. Michael Th ompson (KT M). MSTR B: I. Bill Watkins; 2. Doran Carrell (KTM); 1. Reggie Wrinkle (KTM). S/S R I S R B: I. Goolsby (Y . O P EN B: I. Brandon Rush (Hon ); 2. Troy am) Spe ncer (Yam); 1. Mike Peterson (Kaw) ; .. . Todd Je nkins (Yam); S. Patrick Healy (Yam). OPE N C: I. Carmine Barbud (Hon ); 2. Mike Lup nacca (Hon ); 1. Sta n Jon e s (KTM); 4. Michael Healy (Y am); S. Gary C heney (KTM). OPEN PRO: I. Steve Hat ch (Kaw ); 2. Nathan Woods (Yam); 3. Mark T illey (Hon) ; .. . Bob Roberts (Y am); S. David Rees (KTM). GRl.S ( 11-15) : I. Nicolette Richards (Kaw); 2. Miche lle Roth (Kaw) . W MN A: I. Ke lly Yancy (KT M); 2. Mar ia Fors berg (KTM); 1. Susan He llman (Yam). WHN B: I. Nikki Mar shall (KT M); 2. Michele Alberts (Yam) ; 3. C ar o line Santoro (Hon ); 4 . Jaele igh Mecham (KTM); S. Krista O'Hara, S PT Al B ( 15-1 9): I . To ny Me nigh an ( KT M); 2. Ja ke Simmo ns (Yam); 1. Patrick He aly (Yam); .. . Kyle Gibso n (KTM s. Jesse Canepa. SPT C ( 15-29), I. st>ane Vemlund ): (Yam); 2. Alex Smith (KTM): 1. Jake Wallis (Yam); .of . Davi Krause; S. Jason O r t man n (Ho n) . V ET 30 + A: I. Jeff Sowards (Yam); 2. lOdd Abrotowski (Yam); 1. Ken Kozlik; 4 . Jayson Densley (y",,): 5. RyanJenIOns (y",,). VET 30 + B, I . James Steimer; 2. Kyle Krause (Kaw); 1. Kelly Gel haus (Hon ); -4 Des i WoUe (Kaw); S. C hris McCam man (Ho n). . VET 30+ C: I. Shane Howell (Hon) ; 2. Cannme Barbuti (Hon ); 1. Stan Jones (KIM); ... Matt Taylor (Y ); S. Ron am Goodwin (Kaw ). VET ] 0+ P RO : I. Ty Davis (Yam); 2. [)av;d UapNd (GG): 2. Chm Oy> (KTM): 3. Brian Woznak (Kaw) . 4- ST RK A, I. Chm C1arl< (KTM): 2. Corey Garrett (KTM); 3. Brad Armour (KTM). VET A: I. MichaeJ G riz zle (KTM); 2. Allen Gr avin (KTM); 3. Jeffrey Johnson (KTN) . S R A : I. Terry Hughe s (KTM); 2. Mitch McRee (KTM); 1. Jimmy Pratt (Yam). 150 8 : I. Robert Overstreet (Hen): 2. Ja>on Flynn; 3. Doug Mon )one< (Hen) : 3. John Hoy..- (Hen ). VET B, I. MMl< Lloyd (Kaw): 2. 8ruce Gam (KTM): 3. EIW>a Po well (KTM). 4-ST RK B: I. Ed wa rd Mee k; 2. Joseph Wood (Hen): 3. Jeff Trull (Suz) . 200 B, I. And"", Matuzek (Su z); 2. Micha e l Fraser ( KTM); 1 . C hr istopher Dag nen (Ka.w) . S R B: I. Greg Armour; 2. Tom Farmer (Yam); 1. Jeff Gorny (Hen) . MSTlI C, I. T~ Petenon (KTM); 2. Robe-. Walker (Suz ); 1. Dan Bowman (KTM). 100 C: I. Gregory Robe rts (Suz); 2. N at hani~ Mart in (Suz) ; 1. Ryan Overton (KT M). 1 50 C : I . Matthew Sch ne ider (Ho n); 2. And y McCree (KTM); 1. Taylor Jo hnson (Kaw). 4 -ST RK C: I. Preston, Earls Top Smoky Mountain By MATT WOZNEY MORRISTOWN, TN, JAN. 2 T he Victory Spo rts Winter Indoor Motocross Series arrived at the Smoky Mountain Expo Are na for the seventh of its 12 ro unds. Th e small, technical tra ck was in mint condition, and it would definitely be a challenge for all the riders , from the Beginners to the Pros. Ride rs on mounts ranging from t he SOce bikes t o th e 450cc bikes were racing on this night, in front of a great crowd in the rodeo arena. The two fastest riders of the night - Suzu ki pilot Kyle Preston and Kawasaki rider Doug Earls • made it look easy. In the I25cc Pro main even t, Earls was able to get out in front early and went unchallenged from there on out. He too k a dominant victory over Pre sto n, who took second , and Honda amaha ride r Tony Graham. who finished third . Y CYCLE NEWS • FEBRUARY 11,2004 57

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