Brock Sellards
Yamaha of Troy's Sellards is doing much better. scoring his bes t finish so
far. "I definitely have recovered a lot more from my injuri es . especially
my ribs feel better." he said. " I'm not giving up. I've been work ing real
hard , and I'm just trying to gain the speed that I lost from last year or
whatever. It's been a to ugh road , but my team has been behind me 100
percent. and w e know res ults haven't been that great, and I'm pushing
toward a pod ium. We changed a lot of th ings on the bike , like gearing. I
w orked w ith Ross Maeda and changed the suspension a whole bunch,
and things are just starting to w or k a little bett er (or me. "
108 Jo aqui m
Pro Circuit 's Greg Schnell ran around near seventh for most of the ma in,
passing and getting passed on his w ay to the finish. After finishing fourth
in the LC Q , he had a horrible gate pick but somehow tumed it into a
decent start and held on to match his best finish of the year from
Phoeni x.
Eric Nye
Mach I Yamaha's Nye had his best race of the
year as w ell, and he finished second in the
uno fficial two-st ro ke class to Andrew Sho rt . "I
felt real good out there. I d idn't get off to a
good start - Ramsey went down, and I hit him,
so I w as kind of dead last ," he said. "I just put
my head down and started charging, and I just
kept pass ing people. I felt real strong. San francisco's like my home race - I'm from Northern
California - so it he lps me out a lot going in there."
said. " Ra cing is raci ng - s o metimes you'll
get t ogether with somebody, an d w ith m y
te ammat e I feel co nfide n t t ha t he 's not
go ing to do nothi ng t o o stupid , a nd I' m not
re ally w o rried a bo ut it. "
After five wi ns, it's not g e lling any e asi e r for h im ei ther.
" It seems like every race is gett ing hard er, a nd that o ne I really had t o work - m e
and St e pha ne had a great race, and I fina lly
got arou n d h im , and that was a re lief
be cau se Tra vis was right be h ind us , an d if I
di dn't g et aro und him that la p , I t hink Tra vis
w ou ld 've got me," Tedesco sa id. " It was
Ro ncada agreed.
"Yeah, you know, it was a great race
with Iva n ," Ro ncad a said. " It ' s actually the
first ti me o f the year that I could get to
race w ith him for tha t long, an d that was
great. I hope we have a lot m o re of those
races. H opefully, next time , I'll be the first
one o n the podiu m , I'm glad we're both on
Richie O wens
KTM had its Dakar
Rally bikes on hand,
and th ey we re ridden
on the floo r during
the opening ceremonies.
Mastercraft Boats not on ly had a sem i in th e
pits fo r the first time at Anaheim III , it actually
had a boat on the floo r. Truck- lifting specia lists
Fabtech also had a sem i in the pits for the
second time th is year, and aud io com pany
Kicker made its presen ce felt as well.
MotoXXX's Weigand is st ill suffering from the
thumb he hurt at San Diego. "In the main
event, that was the first one w here I stayed
o n two wheels as long as I did, and I felt good
fo r nine laps, and then I tightened up and just
didn't flow," he said. "But I'm happy. I learn
ea ch week, and hopefully I can put one
together and end up in th e top 10. I can't wait
to race outdoors."
68 Josh H ansen
Yamaha of Troy's Hansen crashed early in the ma in after landing on a hay
bale and hurt his already bro ken hand eve n worse. He cou ldn't finish the
Nathan Ram sey
Team Ho nda's onfy remaini ng ride r w ent
down in the first tum and had to charge
through from dead last , whi ch was no easy
feat o n the slick surface. With only two
races le ft, he 's pretty much o ut of the
(ROUND 5 OF 7)
HEAT I (6 laps , 1-9 transfer): I. Stephane Roncada
(Kaw); 2. Travis Pre st on (Hon ): J. Brock Se llards (Yam); 4.
Tro y Adams (Kaw); S. Joa q uim Rodrigues (KTM); 6. Michael
Blose (Y
am): 7. RKhieOwens (Kaw ): 8. Ryan HOf'ais (KTH): 9.
Sean Coll ier (Hon) ; 10. Levi Reid (SUI ): II . Michael Young
am); 13. Brad ley Ripple (Suz); 14.
(Suz); 12. Dan iel Blair (Y
Andreu lAbrador (Yam) ; IS. Nathan T IeMneY (Suz); 16.
Martin Garcia (Suz); 17. Ste ve Boniface (Suz); 18. J
So",""y (Yom): 19.
Barrett (Hon) : 20 . Ilr.ondon Mon
om) .
Race Time: 5 min., 59.067 sec .
Margin ofVKtory: 1.-48 sec.
H EAT 1 (6 LJ. ps , 1-9 transfer) : I. Nathan Ramsey
(Hon); 2. Andrew Short (SlIt) ; 3. tviUl Tedesco ( Kaw); 4. Tm
We;gond (Hon): S. Kris Keeler (KTH ): 6. Eric Nye (Y
om) : 7.
om); 9. jesse
Adom Mennenp (Yom): B. Logan 0-.. (Y
Cuillas (Y : 10. Ham N eet (Hon ); II . Kyle Mace (Kaw) ; 12.
Zeb Anmuong (Yom); Il. Vncent BIai, (Y
om) ; I~ . Ry>n
_ go (Suz); I s. Dylan Lon! (Soz); 16. Genit Onlelm.n
(Suz); 17. Akin N- . . (Hen ); l B. JO>h Hansen (Yom); 19.
Greg Schne A(Hen ); 20. Jeff Gilnon (Yom) .
Race Time: 5 min.• 57.060 sec .
Margin of VICtory: 2. 186 sec.
LeQ (4 laps , 1-4 transfer): I. Jeff Gibson (Yam): 2.
Hans Nee! (Hon); 1. Josh Hansen (Y
am); 4. Greg Schnell
(Hon); S. Daniel (Yam); 6. VlI'ICen t Blair (Y
am); 7. KY'e
Mace (Kaw ); 8 . J Summey(Yam); 9. Nathan T IeVTleY(Suz);
T issot watches all around: Whereas in weeks
pas t, the fastest heat win ners of the night got
Tissot wa tch es, this week mo re people got
them, includ ing Kevin Windham for winn ing
the 2SOcc main and Jeff Gibson for w inning th e
12Scc LCQ .
The step in Kevin Windham 's seat was
new for round frve. It was designed to he lp
Windham stay in his seated spot on th e bike
under acceleration because he can't squeeze
the bike with his legs as well anymore - he
injured his groin last week at San Diego .
championsh ip hunt now.
the podium , and Iva n rode great, so he
deserves it."
Before op ening ceremonies, all of the riders
gathered in a circle on the stadium floor surrounding a number-4 12 yz 12S for a Jason
C ia rletta t ribute. After an inspired speech
fro m floor announcer Terry Boyd, Ciarletta's
lo ngt ime friend and future brother-in-law,
rac er Danny Carlson. started his bike for a
ceremoniaJ last start and revved the machine
w hile motioning to the heavens. Then Carlson
joined Ciarletta's other friends and family to
gr ieve the loss of C iarletta and celebrate his
life befo re a sold -out
56 Tim Weigand
O ' Neal/Pro Circu it Team Green's Adams had another stellar night ,
matc hing his best finish of the year from Anaheim I. "I went home to
florida and sta rt ed training o n my usual grounds, and I felt good that
whole mota, and my w rist is feeling a lot better. It's harder to breathe at
home, and then when I co me to the dry weather, it's easy."
G reg Schnell
Adams' teammate is still working on his supercross skills, but he's getting better. "This is th e
best race of the yea r for me, " he said. "I made
the Phoen ix main and got 17th. I've been
working hard, and I finally put it somewhat
together tonight and got a 14th. It's all learn ing. Learning how to charge tight stu ff, and it's
all in co nfidence hitt ing the whoops. Outdoors, I guess yo u just hang o n and pin it ."
wouldn't allow him to charge through the main. '"
mean, I have my bad shoulder from Anahe im l, so I
am just try ing to deal w ith it these last two races ,
and then I have a break," he said. "It's just painful,
and I'm not 100 percent, but I give it all I got the
first couple of laps to go up fron t, but th e n my
shoulder gets weak, and I don 't want to fo rce it. I
just kind of slowed dow n to finish. I was hap py with
my first cou ple laps, th ough ."
87 Jeff Gibson
Star Racing's former Arenacross star was st ill nagged by injuries suffered
last week in San Diego, but he rode wel l. "In the main eve nt , I got a bad
start - I go t pinched off," he said. "I had a bad pick because of the LCQ ,
but after that I just tried riding as fast as I cou ld, and I did what I could
and sta yed o n two wheels. But th e track was rea lly hard to ma ke up
ground, and pretty much everyone stayed eve n, and I just ended up
13th. No one wanted to push it too hard , and everyone was doing the
same thing ."
I Ith
Red Bull KTM's Rodrigues was fast , but his shoulder
61 Troy Adams
10. l evi Reid (Suz); I I. Ryan Abrigo (Suz); 12. Brandon
Morgan (Yam); 13. Michael Young (Suz); 14. Brad ley Ripple
(Suz); IS. Chris Barr e tt (Han); /6. Ze b Armstrong (Yam) ; 17.
Gerrit Ordelman (Suz); 18. Andreu labra dor (Yam); 19. Dylan
l ord (Suz); 20 . Martin Garcia (Suz); 21. Akira Nartta (Hon);
22. Steve Boniface (Suz).
Race Time: " min., 0 1.008 sec.
Ma rgin of Victory: 2.S7S sec .
MAIN ( 15 lap s): I. IvanTedes co (Kaw); 2. Travis Preston
(Hon); 3. Stephane Roncada (Ka.w); 1. Broc k Sellards (Yam); 5.
Troy Adams (Ka.w); 6. Andrew Short (Suz); 7. Greg Schnell
sey (Hon); 10.
(Han) ; 8. Eric Nye (Yam) ; 9 . Na than Ram
Michael Blose (Yam); I I. Joa q uim Rodrigues (KTM); 12. Ryan
Morais (KTM); 13. Jeff Gibson (Y
am) ; 11. RichieOwens (Kaw) ;
15. Jess e Casillas (Yam); 16. Sea n C ollier (Hon) ; 17. Tim
We igand (Hon ); 18. Han s Nee! (Hon) ; 19 . logan Darien
(Yam); 20. Kris Keef er (KTM); 2 1. Adam Me nnenga (Yam); 22.
Josh Hansen (Yam).
Race Time : 11 min.• 31.983 sec.
Margin of Victory: 1.883 sec.
SERIES POINTS STANDINGS (After 5 of 1 rounds): I.
Ivan Tedesco (125/5 win s); 2. Stephane Roncada (100) ; 3.
Travis Pres ton (9 7); 1. N.uhan Ramsey (81) ; 5 . And rew Short
(7S); 6. Broc k Sellanls (7~); 7. Troy Ah Sommer (l 7);
I I. Eric Nye (H); 12. Ryan (l l) ; I l . (TIE) Josh
HanserVJeff G ibson (28) ; 15. Cole SieI*r (21 ); 16. Steve
Bon;loce (22); ' 7. Mochoel Blose (20); l B. (TIE) Joaqui m