Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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THO World Supercros s GP/THO AMA S u p erc r o s s S e r ie s messed up my drive t hrough t he rhythm , but I was able to seatbo unce it back to life, and t hat was the saving grace for me." Windham latched right back onto Reed's rear fender, and t he next lap Windham made a pass identical to his very first pass o n Reed, taking t he left lane in t he split while Reed too k the right, but Reed got right back by in the ensuing straightaway. Th ree straights later, Windham we nt by in the track's first set of whoo ps, and Reed dro pped in behind him with laRocco not very far behind in third. (Above) Damon HuHman has been showing ne w (or old) intensity la tely. He ro de to a strong fourth in the 2 50cc main. (Right) David Vuillemin ro de most of the ra ce in fifth, and that's where he finished . (Below) Michael Byrne rode a strong race, com ing from behind to end in six th after ge"ing knocked around on the start. 18 FEBRUARY 11,2004 • CYCLE NEWS Then , o n lap 12, came t he co llision in t he turn before t he finish line . "I heard him co ming in there, but I wish he wouldn't have gone down - we had a great t hing going there," Windham said. "It was unfo rtu nate . But that's what happen s sometimes when we get really close, and I turned in a little bit hard e r than what he t ho ught I was, bu t the re 's plenty more time to battle ." Reed kept his e ngine running and got back up in th ird and immediately gave chase to LaRocco . Reed made it by right after t he split o n lap 18, but laRocco didn't give up. As W indha m took the wi n, laRocco ran it in on Reed hard two t urns fro m t he finish and collided w ith him, although Reed held his spot. "Yeah, he was n't happy with me darti ng in o n him in the sec ond-to-las t t urn, but I told him to not worry about that," laRocco laughed . Reed didn't like it. "I just kind of pointe d at him," Reed said of his gesture to laRocco after t he race . "I kind of tho ught that the last lap he kind of come a little too much head-o n to me - I turned the corn er, and I cou ld see him co ming right at me. It just scared me a litt le bit. Y u know, me and Mike have got a o litt le bit of a history of com ing together, so I really want to end t hat." Reed was n't happy wit h secon d. "I was more disappoi nted tha t I lost the race ," Reed said. "Like anyo ne o ut the re , I wan t to w in. I don't put in the effort that I do dur ing the week to come in here and get second. I know my team do es a lot of hard work, as do the peop le around me , so it's a disappointment for me , and I've got to go home and live up to my e nd of the bargain." 40th Ann iversary But Windham was as happy as co uld be, with reason. He's definite ly a different rider now t han befo re his return. "I t hink t hat , in years past, I was so inte nt on winning, and that was just life ," Windham said. " Now, it' s cool - I mean, I'm probably the happ iest guy in the ro om right now - but wit h my fam ily life and w ith t he st ruct ure and stuff, and the fact that my daughter smiles at me after I came off from Anaheim after getti ng ninth the same way as to night when I'm winning, it gives yo u a who le new o utlook on life. And for me, being able to capitalize on a bad pe rform ance and to co me out and rebo und, that's one of the most professional things that you can do , and it's so met hing that I've taken a lot of emphasis and pride in doing t his year. And I t hink a lot of that just comes from my me ntal state fro m taking my time off and the way I'm looking at t his eN game complet ely differ e nt now." ANGEL STADIUM ANAHE IM, CALIFORNIA RESUL TS: JANUARY 31 , 20 04 (ROUND 7 OF 17/5 OF 16) MAIN (20 laps): I. Kevin Windham (Hon): 2. C had Reed (Yam); 3. Mike LaRocco (Hon) ; 4 . Damon Huffman (Hon) ; S. David Vuillemi n (Yarn) : 6. Michael Byrne (Kaw ): 7. Ezra lusk (Yam); 8. Gran t langston (KTM); 9. Erick Vallejo (Yam); 10. Nick We y (Suz); I I. Hea th Voss (Yam); 12. Sean Hamblin (S,,): 13. Keith R. johnoon (Yom 14. Ryan Clarl< (Yom IS. ): ): Craig Anderson (Hon): 16. Mike Brown (Yam): 17. Rodrig Thain (Suz); 18. Isaiah Johnson (Yam): 19. Tiger Lacey (Hon); 20. Tyler E """ (502). Race Time: 19 min.. 11.282 sec. Margin of Vlct ory: 2.523 sec. THQ AHA SUPERCROSS SERIES POINTS STANDINGS (A fter S of 16 rou nd s): I. Chad Reed( 11913 wins ); 2. Kevin Windham (9612 wins )- ; 3. (TIE) David VUitiemirv'Mike l.ARoc:co (92); 5. Michael Byrne (73); 6. Damon Huffman (69); 7. N ick Wey (6 1); 8. G rant lMlgston (SO); 9. Ezra l usk (47); 10. Heath Voss (43); I I. KeithR. joh nson (4 1); 12. Tyler" Evans (37): 13. TImmy Ferry (36): 14. Ryan CI"'" (33): 15. Sean Hambl in (32); 16. Erick Vallejo (3 1); 17. Emesto Fonseca (28) ; 18 . Robbie Reynard (24) ; 19. Mike Brown ( 16) ; 20. joe Oehlho r ( 13). -adjusted for penalty , pending appeal to be decided Fe bru ary 10 THQ W O RLD SUPERCROSS GP POINTS STAN D_ ING S (After 7 of 17 rounds): I. Damon Huffman (140); 2. Grant Lmgston ( 138); 3. Tyler Evans ( 117); .... Hea th Voss ( 114); 5. Keith R. joh nson (96) ; 6. Emesto Fonseca (8 1); 7. RyanClark (76); 8. Mike Brown (66); 9. Daryl Hurley (58); 10 . Erick Vallejo (57) . UPCOMING R OUNDS: R 8/6 · SanFroncisco, California, F ound ebruary 7 ound R 9/7 . Houston, Texas, February 14

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