Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Interme diate division. Boland , a chirop ract or w ho raced fo ur separate mot os back to back, chased Leduc in both motos for second overall. Up front. Truchinski held on to first place in both Evolution Thr ee mo te s, pro ving himself the victo r for the day. The day e nded with no injur ies an d eve ryo ne getting to signups on t ime . Ric k Do ught y summed up the da y by acknow ledging that the level of enjoyme nt and camaraderie was at an all-time high. RESULTS PRE · 1965 NOV: I. James Kohls (Tri). PRE· 1972 NOV: I. Jim Melo (BSA) . PRE ·1972 11 5 NOV: I. John McElhenney (Sac) . PRE ·1975 1 50 : I. C raig Parkinson (Oss ); 2. Greg Mudin (Hon); l . Ray Wildman (CZ); 4. William Cook (Yam); 5. Gordon Gallick (Hon) . PRE·1915 INT 150: I. Roger Ne il (Hon ). PRE· 1915500 NOV: I. Chris Henry (Bul). PRE·1975 500 INT: I. Uoyd Boland (CZ); 2. Keith Peu-angelo (BSA); 3. l eon Roach (Mai); 4. Darrell Sedig (Mai). PRE· I915 500 EX : I . John Van Mossevelde (Mai). LOS NOV: I . Sarah Tro xel (Suz). IR EX: I. Brandon Petersen (Yam). 30 + INT: I. Tim Undewall (Hon) ; 2. Uoyd Boland (KTH ). 30 + EX: I. Gilbert Valdez (Suz). 40+ NOV: I. Norman McElro y (Yam); 2. Mike Str'es (Hon ). 40 + INT: I. Ron Rinden (Hon); 2. Ed Reyes (Hus): l . Keith Meggs (Mai): 4. Sun Speck (Mai): S. Dennis Carioc:k (Yam). 40 + EX: I . Ed StOYin (So2); 2. Ed Tashjian (Suz); l . Jim Robinson (Hus ). 50 + NOV: I. Dave Mock (Yom). 50 + INT, I. Lloyd Bobnd (KTM). JR VINT NOV, I. M~"'" Blunk (Hon) ; 2. Jonathan Pu (~w); 3 . Reese Hutchins (Pen ): 4. Erick Garvey (Hus ): 5. Leon Roach (Hon) . 30 + VINT NOV: l. Scott BIIM\k (Hus). 30 + vim INT: I. lJoyd Bobnd (C Z). 40 + VINT NOV, I. en.;. (Ou); 2. RayWildman (CZ); 3. Gordon GMl ck (Hon) . 40+ vim IN T: I. Mark Hutchins (Hus ): 2. lJoyd Boland i (C Z). 50 + VINT NOV, I. John Mut'tSCri ption Im media te ly to Cycle News. 1 ye ar I 50 issues for $-15 .00. (ca n be billed. 2 monthly p aym ents) o Ad dress En "I'} week fu r Iw o yedn' (100 bSlIl"'S fur SStH)()) Si x m onths S4,>("on class d ( 25 issues fo r $2).00) City _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ S ta te Zip _ _ Phu ne _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O rder D a te _ o o Send to: ~ Inc. I~O . o o Box 5084, Co s ta Mesa, CA 92628-50 84 Toll Free Subscription Hotline (800) 83 1-2220 This is a I:.J N e w Sebscripuon ':J Ren e w al Please bill me 1 payme nt o f $15 Rill 2 pa y m enb o f $,22.50 En closed is m y ch ec k o r m one y' o rder 24· hour FA X Order Lin e (7 14) 75 1-6685 • E-ma il: Sub sct ibceecyc len ew r n I Signatu re - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - I ~1C / Visa# Exp iration Dat e _ (lne l ~~ r l~ ;.._~1.1no.I c~c.,...j or .. M... jg.. :~.~~...':s'T:~.:'~;,=::.]~:I~~~~ 1. . CY CLE NEWS . FEBR UARY 11, 2004 69

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