Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 02 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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S/MO O PIW: I. Cade Moo re (KTM); 2. Brennan Beckett (KTM); 3. Andrew Pie rce (KTM); 4. Sterling King (KTM); 5. Austin Smitley (Cob). 65 (7 -9 ): I. Dawson Draycott (Kaw): 2. James Norris IV (Kaw); 3. Ashton Thielke (Kaw); 4. Alden Miles (Kaw) ; S. Austin Sm itle y (Kaw) . 6 5 ( 10 -1 1): I. Christia n Bosada (Kaw); 2. Kalep Clark (Kaw); 3. Hector Varela (Kaw); 4. Carso n Wieland (KTM); S. Dustin Fowle r (!<.aw). 65 OPE N: I. Krae Weldon (KTM); 2. Hect or Varela (Kaw): 3. Christian Bosada (Kaw); 4. Ashton Thielke (Kaw); 5. Bryson Powers (Kaw). 85 BEG: I. Stuart Wilson (Yam) 2. ; Tres Clawson (Hon) ; 3. C hase Ste panski (Han); 4 . Chris Suder (Yam); 5. Chris Mahaffey (Yam). 8 5 JR (7 -11): I. Dillon Van Way (KTM); 2. Brendan Harp (SUl.) ; 3. Dawson Draycott (Kaw); 4. Logan Van Way (KTM); 5. Kalep Clark (Kaw). 85 SR ( 12- 13): I. Rodo lfo Fernande z (Kaw); 2. Derek How e r t on (Yam); 3. Co rey Se lf (Kaw) ; 4 . Nick Hayman (Kaw); 5. Mason Guin (Yam). 85 SR ( 14- 16) : L Trey Hammock (Yam): 2. Michael Perry (Yam); 3. Ryan Allen (Hon) ; 4. Brad Beck; S. C hris King (!<.aw). JR S/MINI : I. De re k How e rt on (Yam); 2. Rodolfo Fer nande z (Kaw); 3. Bre nda n Har p (Sua}: 4 . Dale Par rott (Kaw) ; S. Bradle y Whichard (Yam). S/M IN I: I. Max Swain (!<.aw); 2. Rodolfo Fe rnandez (Kaw); 3. Co rey Self (!<.aw); 4 . Tyle r Schovajsa (Suz); S. Nick Hayman (Kaw). 4-STRK MIN I: I. Eddie Self {Hen] : 2. Dillon Van Way (Yam); 3. Zach Parrott (Hon); 4. Logan Van Way (Yam);S. Tyl r Youngblood (Yam). 125 BEG: e I. Michael Clement Jr. (Y am); 2. Weston Jennings (!<.aw); 3. Karl Wolff; 4. Brandon Ca rpen te r (Yam); 5. Mon ty Salyer (Hon). 125 NO V: I. Jarrod Doss (Yam) 2. Brandon Cleland ; (Hon) ; 3. Clayton Nance (Suz); 4. C hris Collins (Hon ); 5. Lance Stevens (Suz). 125 INT: I. Ryan Grant om (Suz); 2. Michael Royal (Yam 3. H. McMillan (Suz); 4. Blake Cochran ); (Yam); S. Ro nny Jackson (Hon ). 125 OP EN : t . Rya n Grantom (Suz); 2. Michael Royal (Yam) 3. H. McMillan (Suz); ; 4. Clayton Nance (Suz); S. Jaco b Bebin (Suz) . 125 EX: I. Bradle y Mikolas (KTM); 2. Kyle Pheni x (Han); 3. Michael Hab y (Yam). 2 50 BEG : l. Thomas Tre vino (Han) ; 2 . Crescendo Guajardo (Hon); 3. Kevin Cates (Hon); 4. Larry Vance (Hon); S. Jason Rowe (Suz). 250 NOV: I. [ar rod Doss (Yam 2. Kent Hart ner (Hon); 3. Matthew Gillespie (Yam); .04 . ); Cody Cousse ns (Hon); 5. Dere k Russell (Yam). 250 INT: I. Blake Cochran (Yam);2. Justin Tho mas (Yam); 3. Chris Mare k (Yarn); .04. Joshua Wade (Hen) : 5. Austin Miller (Hon). 2 50 OP EN : I. Aust in Miller (Ho n); 2. Just in Thom as (Yam): 3. Dere k Russell (Yam): .04 . Shaw n Hampton (Yam); 5. Mike Have rfield (Hon). 4· ST RK O PEN: I. Austin Mitle r (Ha n); 2. Den ve r Po se y (Han) ; 3. Chris McE nt ee (Yam) ; 4 . Ia n Matthews (Hon); 5. Michael Likins (5uz). 250 EX: I. Bradley Mikolas (KTM); 2. Davy Smith (Hon); 3. Kyl Phenix (Hon) ; .o4. e Michael Haby (Yam) 5. Ian Matthews (Hon). WMN OPEN: ; I. Eliz abe th McFarland (Kaw) : 2. Madison Q uick (Suz); 3. Stephanie Bowen (Kaw); 4. Kirbee Bowman (Kaw). SC H BY: I. Ronny Jackson (Hon) : 2. H. McMillan (Suz); 3. Clayton Nance (Suz); 4. Max Swain (Kaw); 5. Steven Ball (Kaw). 25 + NO V: I. Dale Clark (Yam); 2. Jake Ca rroll (Yam); 3. Don Romaine (Yam); .04 . Aaron Schmidt (Hon); 5. Mark Sorensen (Yam) . 25 + IN T: I. Travis Th o mps o n (Kaw); 2. Jaso n Za mora (Yam); 3. Heat h Teague (Ho n); 4. C hris Mar e k (Yam). 15 + EX: I. Davy Smith (Hon); 2. Chuck Bosone (Hon); 3. Michael Cleme nt (Hon); 4. Warren Burch (Kaw). 30 + NO V: I. Shawn Hampton (Yam); 2. Don Wells (Yam); 3. Denver Pose y (Han) ; .04 . Aaron Schmidt (Han ); S. Mike Have rfield (Han) . 30 + IN T: I. Joey Ha rdin (Kaw); 2. Lawre nce Morris (Yam); 3. He ath Teagu e (Ho n); 4. Tra vis Thomp son (Kaw). 30+ EX: I. Michael Cleme nt (Hon); 2. Chuck Bosone (Hon); 3. Jeff Smith (Hon); 4. Matt Hatche r (Hon). 40 + : L Joey Hard in (Kaw); 2. Jeff Smith (Ho n); 3. Jason Dra ycott (Kaw}: 4. Bruce Fre y ( Ha n); S. Vernon Patterson (Hon). So uthw e.t Vintage Racing Group Round I : Glen Hel en Raceway Park Earthquake Rocks Glen Helenl By SCOTT BLUNK SAN BERNARDINO, CA, JAN. 18 he first ro und of SVRG's 10-race se ries e njoyed a reco rd-setting number of en tries fo r t he d ay, but a ll of t he eager rid e rs who sh ow ed up we re n't qui te pre pared for t he T "Eart hquake" that was going to rumble through the REM track. At approximate ly 10:45 a.m., as the Over 40 Evolution class bolted out of the starting gate , "Earthq uake" Ed Stovin roared into the lead on his 1982 Suzuki RM250. Hot o n Stovin's trail an d e age r t o assume t he le ad wa s Gilbe r t " Ea rt hq ua ke " Ed Stovin (1) lead. Gilbert Valdez (8) on hi. w ay to victo ry in the Over 40 Evolutio n d a •• at SVRG'. opening round. Valdez , on an RM125 . As th e two d iced for pos it ion on the first lap , Husqva rna rider Ed Reyes worked his way into third. Reyes wasn't a llo w e d to ge t co m fo r ta b le, b ecau se Ed Tashjian, on a 1980 RM400, and Jim Robinson, riding a 1982 500tc Husky, quickly put the heat on him. On ce Tashjian and Robinson put Reyes beh ind th e m , th ey focu sed o n th e le ade rs, Stovin and Valdez . w ho we re st ill batt ling, incr easi ng t he gap bet we e n th e ms e lves an d Tashjian, who had sett led into third. As the final lap came to a close , Valdez managed to slip past Stovin in the final turn for first overall. Stovtn was the overall victor in the Over 40 Evolution class, ahea d of Tashjian and Robinson. Two mot os late r, Stovin was bac k o n t he start ing line to ba t t le a no t he r gro up, t he Evolution Three class. The 2003 points leader had his work cut out for him, as veteran Expert Rich Truchinski set up to do battl e wit h him. When the gate dro pped, the pair quickly shot into the lead. Yamaha TT500 rider Errol Leduc held on to third while being chased by Suzuki jockey Jay Pavlovic and Valdez . Truchinski, who has had much e xperience rac ing against past Pros such as O 'Mara , Hanse n and Kehoe, put his knowledge to use and edged out Stovin for the lead. Stovin didn't sit back and take it lightly; he pressured Truchinski from com er to comer, and at eac h available opportunity, Stovin woul d sneak past Truc hinski, only to be re take n at th e next corner. As the lead er s continued thei r own battle for supe rio rity, Leduc and KT M ride r Lloyd Boland ba ttl ed fo r b raggin g rights in t he SUBSCRIBE-And save 77% oft the cover price! 1 Year 50 Issues Then 1964 Now 2004 $45.00 One year (50 Issues) 2nd class. Canada or Mexico and all other foreign countries $90.00, (US Funds), 1st class and airmail rates availab le upon request. The way you've always read about the sport of motorcycling has changed Cycle News has been completely revamped. And this is more than just a tacehft, Your Cycle News features a new format, a new logo, more color and a higher quality of paper stock, All with the same outstanding editorial content you are accustomed to, After 40 years and 2 ,000 issues, Cycle News remains America's Weekly Motorcyc le Newspaper, And now it's better! FOR FAST SERVICE, CALL 1·800·831·2220 WWW.CYCLENEWS.COM fAIiQ) bVlSJrIj Dealer Inquiries Invited 68 , FEBRUARY 11 , 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 4 0 t h A nnivers ary ~

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