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CMC No rthwest Wi nte r Arenocross Series
Round 6 : Forster Livestock Pavilion
Meusling, Sannan
SALEM, OR, JAN, 16-17
V T M rider Pete Sannan stormed back into the winners' circle
I'-.a.t Forster L ivestock Pavilion, site of round six of the CMC
Northwest Winter Series . After nearly a month- long abse nce
due to injur ies. Sannan boun ced back quickly. and at the comple-
tio n of Friday night' s fest ivities at the Oregon State Fairgrounds.
he had won the 12Scc and Before The Hill Inte rmed iate classes .
Things started off slowly on Friday however, for the 16-year,
old from Albany, Oregon , as Sannan had to forge through the
field of riders in his first Before The Hill Intermediate rnoto .
local Ya maha r ider Mart W illiams posted one of his best
perform ances of the season and at the completio n became one
of the few riders this season to beat Sannan. Sannan picked off
the e ntire field , with the exce ptio n of Williams, to place sec o nd.
Williams an d San nan, howe ver, were compe ting in separate
classes , so Williams won the adjoined Over 25 Imennediate class
while Sannan topped the Before The Hill Inte rmed iates.
At the start of his second mota, Sannan was mired midpack,
and he again came from well behind in the combined field of
Int e r me d iat e a nd junio r ride rs to catch Aaro n Tunne ll a nd
Anthony Cerruti late in the mota, although Sannan would again
co llect the checkered nag while in the number-two spot. Up and- com ing junior rider Erik Meusling took command of the final
four laps and fended off Sannan to the finish. Tunnell and Cerruti
w e re both contesting the adjoined 2SOcc Intermediate class and
trailed Sannan at moto's end, w hile Kevin Pe trushkin, the fifthplace finisher, was the top Before The Hilljun ior-class perfonner.
Meusl ing and San nan met aga in in the combined 125cc
junior/Intermediate contest . Meusling got the jump on the field in
the first mota, and the rider from Hubbard, Oregon, maintained
th e po int position to the finis h. Tunne ll, one of two Ope n
Amateur con testants in the field of 16 riders , followed Meusling
across the finish line , wh ile Sannan overcame yet another dismal
stan to finish thir d - wh ich was still good fo r the Inte rmediate dass win. Cody Crum ley and Jason Lytle netted seco nd- and
third- place finishes to Meusling in the junior class.
Sannan's best perfonnance of the evening came in the second
mo re , whic h he co ntr o lled fro m the d ro p of the ga te to the
finish. Meusling again tra iled Sannan at mo ta's end , although th is
time out Sannan had an ans wer fo r eac h of the IS.year.old's
challenges. Sannan scored the Intermediate win, while Meusling
topped Crumley for the Junior win. Tunnell, who followed both
San nan and Meusling, beat Ben Sannan for the Open Amateur
On Saturday, Pete scored first-mota wins in both classes , but
a pair of mota-two DNFs left him stranded without an overall
victory on the night. In Pete's absence, Ho nda rider justin je nsen
jo lted the co m pe tit io n, garnering the second Befo re The Hill
Inte rmed iat e mota w in to take the overall win on a ] · 1 tally,
ahead of Garre tt Melton (4-2).
Frid ay
P!W (0. 6) : I. And rew Nessel (Pol); 2. Ryan Burggre n (KTM); l . Chance
Atkinson (KTM). P/W (7-8): I. Jonathan Andrew (Co b); 2. Tristan Ver steeg
(KTM); l . 8reanna M<:l uskie (Cob ). 50 OPEN : I. Jonathan Andr ew (Co b); 2.
Bre ann a M<:luskie (Cob); l . Chance Atkinson (KTM). 65 BEG : I. Anthony
Romero (Kaw); 2. Casey Surtco (Kaw); J. Brennan Ridling (Y
am). 65 (0.8): I. RJ.
Wch (Suz): 2. Nolan Beye'l KTM): J. Bnndon Bart>e'lSuz). • S (' .11), I. Steele
Angle ·Davidson (KTM); 2. Co lin Ba ke r (KTM); l . Nash Blaytock (KTM). 65
OPEN: I. Col in Baker (KTM); 2. R.J. Leach (Suz); l . Nash Blaylock (KTM). 8 5
BEG, I. Jake w..n., (y",,): 2. Kyle_
(y",,): J. LukeAJdri