Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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vice pre side nt . Also in atten dance were previous TSCEC preside nts Roy Pool and Stan Sim pso n. Their attendance marked t he first t ime that all t he past and present T SC EC pres idents we re gathered together. Beau tiful trophies and MSR jacke ts were presented to the winners by jack Penton . When the banquet ended. a former ISDE rider led a group to Billy Bob's for a "one-night qualifier" for the Intemational Six Nights of Party. Much dancing and prancing occurred. The "extreme cactus juice test " claimed a few con testants, but no ma jor injuries w e re reported - tho ugh several contestants in the ISNP did score DNFs bymoming. FINAL RESULTS Champion ship DMslon A O/A : Michae l Wilson . BOlA : Shannon Faulk. C O/A : Jordan Chambliss. AG E O/A : Jud Cowley. AA:. I. Mark Faulk; 2. Do n Hogan ; J . Mar k Thom pso n: 4 . Brian Storrie; S. Larry Cnne. A 100, I. Cole K;rl
trick (KTM);
2. Mark Rogers (KTM); J . Bill Bray (GG). A 150: I. Chad
Met calf; 2. Martin How ell; J. Mitch Elson. A OPEN: I. Ken
Giles; 2. Joel Proc k; J . Michael Mechler. A 40 +: I. Ridtard
Kirkpatrick ; 2. Eric Nehe r; 3. Mark Atkins. A 4·5TRK: I.
Gordon Gabe rt; 2. Jeff PearKln; 3. Michael Harrell. B 100:
I. Marc Williams; 2. Jordan Callahan; 3. Kelton Miller B 150:
I. Ke vin Fost er ; 2. Cod y Cam pbell; 1. Thomas Hoover. B
OPEN: I. Marshall Valentino: 2. Jeff Mech le r, 3. Ken Murph y.
B 4 ·5TRK: I . Austin Wa nn ; 2. Phil Johnson ; 3. Bubba
Ehrl ich. C 100: I. Scott Fo wle r; 2. Scott Balbin; 3. Clay
Flowers. C 150: I. Tommy Potts ; 2. Heath Pennell; 3. Zach
Ke lte y. C OPEN: I. Cade Emerson : 2. Bob Stapp; 3. Cod y
Ross . C 4-STRK: I . Wayne Bran no n; 2. Clint Bran ch; 3.
Ke rry Glaze . C WMN : I. KIm Allen; 2. Jenn ifer We bb; 3.
Brenda Brannon. C 16 L/W I. J.T. White; 2. Eric Gibson: 3.
Se an Fre e ma n . C 16 SIW : I . Kelton Miller ; 2. Bry ce
Cochran; 3. Ian Blythe . C X: I. Scott Gray; 2. Bill Roe; 3.
Bobby Pulliam. C 40 + : I. Rick MIller, 2. James C. White ; J.
Greg McKee. C 50 + : I. Don Stevens; 2. William Pearson; 3.
Mickey Hogan. C 55 + : I. Jack Henry; 2. Gary Webb: 3. Bob
Amen. C 60 +: I. Kenny Otto; 2. Will Hendrix; 3. Jim RoM.
MSTR: I. Tom Allen; 2. Michael Gibson: 3. Randal Fowter.
H igh PW ns Division
A O/A : Michael Wilson . BOlA: Thom as Hoover. C
O/A : Tommy Potts . AGE O/A: Jud Cowley. AA: I. Don
Hogan; 2. Mark Thompson; J. Scott Bright . A 200: I. Cole
Kirkpatrick: 2. Bill Bray; 3. David Sparkman . A 250: I. Chad
Met ca lf; 2. Mitch Elson ; 3. Alan C lark. A OPEN: I. Ken
Giles; 2. Jeremy Henley; 3. Michael Mechle r. A 40 + : I. John
Blythe ; 2. Rich ard Kirkpatrick; J . C hester Walker. A : I.
Gor don Gabert; 2. Jeff Porter; 3. Randy Race . B 100: I.
MMc: Willi.ams; 1. Kelton Miller, 3. jordan CaRahan . B 250:
I. Kevin Foster; 2. Bobby PenneD; 3. Scott Hay. B OPEN: I.
Ronn ie Jo nes ; 2. Jeff Hechle r; 3. Mars hall Vale ntin o . B
4· STRK: I. Austin Warm. 2. Phil johnson; J. Bubba Ehrlich.
C 20 0 : I. Jo rda n C ham bliss ; 2. Gary C. Smith ; 3. Sco tt
Balbin . C 250: 1. Kyle CorbeO ; 2. Heat h Pennell: J. Blake S.
Ross C OPEN, I. Bob S_ ; 1. Cody Rou; J . Bobby Starl<.
C 4- ST RK: I. J
ohn Fanner. 2. John Poo" J . Ke