How They 60t There
Chad Reed collected his secon d Butterfinger Ho leshot Award in a row w ith his maineven t sta rt , collecting an additiona l $1500 to
go with his main-event purse . Stephane Ron ca da got $1 000 from the candy co mpany for
his first hole sho t in fIVe years in the 125cc
Mach I Yamaha' s Ezra Lus k (pict ured) came from the ta il end of the
top five to w in t he first he at race of the night, passing Mike Brown ,
David Vuillem in and Erick Vallejo on his w ay to the victo ry. He actu ally had to put an aggres sive pass on Brow n fo r the lead afte r the
halfway point.
"Yeah, yo u know, me and Bro w nie have been doing t hat fo r
years, and all of us here have been do ing it for yea rs," Lusk said.
"We all respe ct ea ch o the r and know what we've got to do ; it's just
t hat it' s ve ry bad t hat we have to get o ur hands slapped e very now
and then, bu t we have fun do ing it - w e love it - and I kno w Brow nie
enjoyed it, and we both had tw o aggressive, good passes o n ea ch
ot her."
Vuillemin, N ick Weyand Brow n also went directly to t he main .
Yamaha's C had Reed led the sec ond he at fro m the d rop of the
ga te , eventu ally bea ting his country man Michael Byrne by a co uple
of seconds. T he big news o f the hea t, tho ugh , w as that Ke vin Windham had crashed ou t and looked like he was in pain.
"I had a ho rr ible sta rt to start out with. I made a to ta lly wrong
gate pick, an d it was kind of dow nhillfro m th ere," W ind ham said. "I
was all t he way up against t he ove r-u nde r, w hich essentially put me
o n the ou ts ide of the first tu rn , w hich was not where I w anted to
be . I kind of got pushed ou t , and I t hink Hambl in wen t dow n, and I
was trying to avo id him and kee p from go ing down myse lf. And I
Clear Channel re ported that Anaheim III was
again a sellout, with 45,050 people in attend ance .
Vallejo led home Damo n Huffman in t he LCQ to move on to t he
m ain.
HEAT I (8 lap s, 1-4 transfer) : I. Eua lusk (Y
am) ; 2. David Vuillem in (Yam); 3. N ick
Wey (Suz); 4. Mike Brown (Yam); 5. Erick VallejO (Yam); 6. James Povolny (Hon ); 1. Joe
Oehlhof (Hon ); 8. Damon Huffman (Ho n); 9. Craig Anderson (Hon ); 10 . Mike Lagcccc (Hon );
I I. lY\er Evans (Suz); 12. Elie Sorb y (!