Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Briefly··· (Left) Ezra Lusk came from pretty for back to nab fourth at Bank One Ballpark. (Be low) Timmy Ferry also had a bad start and baHled with Lusk a ll the way to the checkers, fin ishing fifth . among the peers of the riders that I am watching. 1wa tch the same race that they ride in and eve ryt hing else , and I did make it very clea r in the riders' meeting tha t I had the pos sibility to dock points. Fines don't work." MotoXXX Honda's Damon Huffman w illbe making another run to the border this sum mer . "I'm going back to Canada for the outdoors w ith Blackfoot Honda th is year afte r the supercross season ends ," he said. Motosport Outlet Ho nda's Tiger Lacey found out that his team wan ted him to ride a CRF450Ron the West Coast too late and did"I was just riding a little cautious, and then Chad caugh t up to me and wen t by me , and I just tried to drop in and keep the pace," laRocco said. "It was just a litt le ske tchy out there . The track was dry, and when we got into lappe rs, Igot real caut ious , and those guys got away, I got the start , and I just wan te d to make sure I didn't do anything else w ro ng and finish that one o ut ." Reed e nded up losing by just ove r tw o seconds at the flag, as Windham was on cruise contro l. "We'll go do some hom ewo rk, but ton ight , the track, it suite d Kevin's style and suite d his four-stroke, so next week w ill be differ ent," Reed said. "It' s a long season. I definitely learned that last year racing with Ricky every weekend, and I'm looking forward to racing and battling w ith Kevin - o utdoors, he pretty much kicked my butt, so hopefully in supercross w e can race ." Windham responded , o bviously under the op inion that people are credi ting too many of his race wins to the bike . "Eve ry race that I w in on the th ing is because it was a good fou r-stroke track , so one of these days I'm going to win on a track that's not a good four-stroke track - I'll just have to find out w hich o ne that is," Windham said sarcasti cally. "I th ink the re's always going to be a little co ntroversy abo ut it , and that's why you' ll never hear me get pissed when I get eighth o r ninth or w hateve r and Reed was gone o n the first lap; it wa sn't beca use that wa s a tw o-stro ke tr ack , it's because Reed was riding awesome . Tonight, I was riding good. I was very con sistent, and I've got a grea t bike. It' ll be grea t at Anaheim and Atlanta and every where we go ." eN n't get his application for an AMA Pro Racing license in on time . Afte r sitt ing out Anahe im I, he was back racing at The BOB. Lacey 's teammate C raig And e rson tried to race at Anahe im I, but the pain in his recently injured shoulder was too much . He 'll be ou t for a while until it heals . There was a scary, high-speed second-t um cras h at the start of the 250cc Le Q invo lving Subway Ho nda's Clark Stiles and Jason Thomas. After the race , they were bo th in okay spirits and said they'r e just rea llysore. Ch ad Reed had an inte resting take o n the Wind hamNuillemin incide nt in the main event. "I d idn't see it," he said. "I guess it's bad luck for Yamaha. but Vuillemin's the guy that I'm battling fo r the cham pionship w ith, so I'm not happy, but it doesn't reallybother me." Reed also updated the press on his sho ulder injury. "It's fine: I can't complain: ' he said. "I've got a lot of great people that are ke eping me in shape and kee ping my shoulder together. I said it before, taking (our w eeks o U be fore the first race is not something that anyone wants to do. Togo 20 laps, still I was pretty excited about that ." Mike LaRocco (38): 3. (TI E) D avid VuillemirVTimm y Ferry (16): 5. Ezra Lusk (3 1); 6. (TIE) Kevin Windllam (27/1 win)lMichaei 8 ym e/Tyle r Evans (27): 9 . Damon Huffman (H); 10. Sean Hamblin (23); I I. Nick Wey (2 1): 12. Heath Voss ( 17); 13. Keith R. Joh nson ( 11); 11. Emesto Fon seca ( 12): 15. Grant Langston (10); 16. Jason Thomas (8); 17. (TIE) Mike Brown/Robb ie Reynard (7); 19. Ryan Clark (6); 20. Isaiah Johnson (5); 2 1. (TIE) Joe Oehlho f/C lark Stiles (4); 23. Daryl Hurley (2) . -adjusted for penalty, pending appeal THQ WO RLD SU PERCROS S GP POINTS STAN D· INGS (Aft er 4 of 11 rounds): I. Tyler EY.lns (&4): 2. (TIE ) Damon Huffman/G ran t Langnon (7 1): 4. Heat h Voss (67); 5. Emesto Fonseca (561 1 win): 6 . Keith R. Jo hnson (46); 7. Daryl 4 Hurle y (- 5/ 1 Win); 8 . H ike Brown (34) ; 9 . Andre w Short (33); 10 . Joe Oe hlhof (28 ). UP COMING ROUNDS: Round 3 - Anaheim, Colilornio, January 17 Round 4 - Son Diego, California, January 24 One of the bigger 125cc stories in the pits at Phoenix was absence of riders at the Red Bull KTM truck. Already the team has been decimated by injury. In addit ion to Josh Woods' crash in practice that has completely knocked him out of the West , both Joaqu im Rod rigues (shoulder) and Casey L (wrist) were ytle absen t fro m the Phoe nix ro und . In their place was fo rme r Mot owo m Suzuki's Rya n Mo rais. "Moto wo rld w as just kind of he lping me o ut w ith parts, " Mora is said. "I had to buy my own bikes. and I had to pay my ow n way to the races. I had some bike pro blems last week, and KTM's riders got hurt. Larry Brooks called me last week and wa nted to know if I would be willing to fill in. So her e I am with KTM now." Morais , w ho ap peared to adapt quickly to the bike right from the first BAM< ONE BAUPlIIRK I'HoENIx, ARIzONA REsws: JANUARY 10, 2004 (RlXNl 2 OF 16) practice session on Friday, said that the fast orange 125 suits him. "Fo r only having four days on the bike, I'm realty com fortable on it. The thing is really good. It' s really fast, and it handles. KTM pretty much did everythingthat MAIN (1 0 la ps): I. Kevin Windham (Hon ); 2. C had Reed (Yam): 3. M ike Lagcccc (H Ofl); 4. Ezra Lusk (Yarn); 5. Timmy I wanted them to , but it was good the first day. Now I'm just go ing to go out there and Ferry (Yam); 6. N iC Wey (Soz); 7. David Vumemin (Yam); 8 . k do the best that I can, and hopefully I'll finish in the top 10." Sean Hambltn (Suz); 9. Tyler Evans (Suz): 10. Michae l Byrn e (Kaw ): I I. Damon Huffman (Hon ); 12. Grant langston (KTM); 13. Heath Voss (Yam); 14. Brown (Yam): IS. Ke ith R. Johnson (Yam): 16. Robbte Reynard (Hon): 17. Joe After his fifth-place finish in the 125cc main during Anaheim I, O'NeaVPro Circ uit Kawasaki's Tro y Adams said that he felt much more at ease for Phoenix. "That finish let me kno w that 1can run tha t pace , and that eases my Oehlhof (H on); 18. Ryan Clark (Yam); 19 . Daryl H une y (5oz); 20 . Emesto Fonseca C Hon) . Race Time: 18 rr un ., 49 .99 sec . Mar gin 01 Vi ct ory. 2.057 sec . THQ AMA SUPERCROSS S ERIES POINTS STAN DIN G S (After 2 of 16 I"OUn d s): I. Chad Reed (<4 7/ 1 win ): 2. mind a lot," the 20-year-old Flo ridian said. "I CYCLE NEWS • JANUARY 21 , 2004 23

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