Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Fro~en Winter Series Round I : Bremen Race Park Oh, Tannenbaum! F. BIUY ATKINSON BREMEN, GA, DEC. 7 The Fro zen W inte r Series kicked off at Bre - I men and lived up to its name . The mercury sho wed 26 degrees as the su n came up. Heavy rain late in th e w e ek and co ld temperatures tested the t rac k crew, but they pulled it off. Practice was a bit muddy. but the trac k became better wit h each mo to. Despite the co ld. 150 loyal racers made th e trip. and a great time was the ir reward. The SOcc (7-8) class was Max Tanne nbau m te rritory. He scored two moto wins. KTM rider Austin Elder was steady and kept Kyle Hurston in third . T he 6Scc ( 7- 9) div ision w a s al so t he property of Max Tannenbaum . Turner Hankins was steady with two run ner-up finishes. Blake Mor eland managed third overall w ith a steady effort . T he Youth event was a ru naway fo r KTMmou nted Tyle r Ho rn e . T he 12S Ho rn e wa s ridin g is ne w , a nd he d id we ll in his first competition on the new bike. Travis Laird was second overall w ith tw o st rong finishes . C hris Holland made two fourth-place finishes w ork for the final pod ium spot. The Preteen event saw Gus Turner hit some good lap time s in the final moto to hold RHS Racing's Taylor Smith's Ho nda in second overall . Ben Gonzalez gave a steady performance for the third pod ium pos ition. In the 12Scc A class, Dash Lyle rode his four-st ro ke Honda to the overall win with o ut a problem . KTM pilot D.C. Thomason was second ove rall, and th ird o verall w as a blast from the past - Barry Higgins! Y s, tha t Barry e Higgins. Afte r the race , Higgins mentioned that his daug hter was o lder tha n either of the tw o racers who finished ahead of him. T he 250cc A c ontest was an ot her Lyle runaway. Thomason was on his KTM. but Lyle's mistake-free ride kept Thomason in se cond overall. H&H KTM rider Ryan Nolan was a solid th ird and gave Mr. Higgins a reason to keep Nolan o n the thumper. The 2S0cc 8 cla ss wa tc he d a s KTMmounted Broc Hinc kley ran away w ith both moto s. Honda joc key Joey O 'Conner aced one start but ended up second overall at the finish. Cha rlie Evans, on a Kawasaki, slipped into third overall in the last mo ta . In the Ove r 2S event, Honda-mounted Mark Taylor scooped up both mota w ins. Yamaha ride r Ada m Carroll finished just ahead of Les Helton in the overall finishing order. O nce again, the crew at Breme n pulled it 0(( witho ut a hitch . Th e Bre men facility has seen major landscaping, and that's just the beg inning. The Frozen Winter Series is off and runn ing. The next race will be held at Calhoun. RESULTS SO SHAFT: I. Bra den Bunker-(Yam). SO HON/K'TH: I. Bleu Tumer-. 50 (4-6) : I. Brady Moreland (KTM); 2. Thomas Knott (KTM); 3. Marlah McN eill (yam ). SO (7 -8) : I. Max Tan nenbaum (Cob): 2. Austi n Elder- (KTM): 3. Kyle Hurston (KTM); 4. Co lton For-d (KT M): S. Jo se ph Beggs (Po l). 50 OPEN : I. Aust in Eld er- (KTM); 2. Colton Ford (KTM): 3. Ca leb Sullivan (KTM): Brad y Ma r-eland (KTH); S. David N it ur-i (KTH) . 65 (7 .9): I. Max Tan nenbaum (KTM); 2. Turn e r- Hank ins (Kaw ); 3. Blake Mar-ela nd (Suz); 4. Joseph Beggs (KTH ); S. Brandon Br-own (Kaw). 65 ( 10 411): I. Gus Turner (KTM); 2. Austin Wells (KTM); l . Brandon Winfield e (KTH ); 4. Dylan Reynold s (KTM). 80 8EG: I. D r- w Kiu (Yam 2. Dustin Robinson (Yam): l . Ryan Pow e ll (Yam); 4. ); Mon talla Dowda (Hon); S. Christopher- Murp hy (Suz). 80 (7 41 1): I. Dylan Howell (Kaw) : 2. Tayl or- Sm it h (Ha n); l . Tur-ner- Ha rki ns (Su z); «. Chrin o p he r- Long (Kaw) . 80 (12. 15): I. Nathan Col lins (Hon ); 2. Chri s Coryel l (Yam): 3. Justin Morris (Yam); 4. Cory Dowda (Suz) ; S. Darrell Fricks (Hon) . Sf MINI : I . C hris Coryell (Yam); 2. Darr e ll Fric ks (Hon) ; 3. Aaron Cooper (Yam) ; 4. Matt Crider- (Suz). 125 BEG: I. Je rry Mayo (Suz); 2. Kyle Stee l (Ha n); 3. C..-ai g SkiMel'"(Yam); 4. Bryan L~ (Hon ); S. Erin Chadwick (Y ). am 125 A: I. Dash l yle (Hon) ; 2. D .C. Thomason (KTM); l . Barry Higg ins (KTM). 115 8 : I. Charlie Eva ns (!« (y",,); J. lYle' Home (KTM). 11S C, I. Bobby Scog in (H a n); 2. Keenan Byr-d (H a n) ; l . Justin Matt he w (y",,); ~ . CIvi$ Holland (Kaw) ; S. Zachary Them""", (y",,). 250 BEG: I. Kin Pettus (Kaw ); 2. Randy Hollen beck (Suz) ; 3. Michael Tuck er (Y am) ; 4. Corbin Harrison (Y ). 250 A:. I. am D"" Lyle (Han); 1. D .C . Thomason (KTM); 3. R,.., Noland (KTM). 1S0 B, I. Brock H,ndde y (KTM); 2. Joey O'Coono(Ha n) ; 3. Charlie Evan s (Kaw) . 250 C: I. Bobby Scog in d (Hon) . WMN : I. Breanna Byr- (Yam ); 2. Rachel Shear-er (!<.aw) ; l . J essica Tucker (Yam ); 4. lauren Wi lson (Hon): S. Kayta Eagle (Hon ). PRETEEN: 1. Gus Tumer (Suz); 2. Tayb" Smith (Hon) : 3. Ben Gonzalez (Yam); 4. Austin Yv'efls (Yam): S. Dytan Reynold s (Suz). YTH : I . Tyter- Hor-ne (KTH ); 2. Travis laird (Hon): 3. Chris Holland (Yam); 4. Eli Hurst (Suz): S. Justin Marthews (Hon ). 16424: I. Broc Hinckley (KTM); 2. les Helton (Hon ); l . Noah Harpe r (Yam). 15 + : I. Mark am Taylor- (Ha n); 2. Adam Carroll (Y ); 1. les Helt on (Hon). 30 + : I. Boyd Peterson (Han): 2. Stallley Dowda (Hon ); 3. Jeff Dowda (Hon) ; ~ . lY\er H'" (y",,). «. Moore Merrier After Final Forward Motion HS Win JONES NEW STRAWN, KS, DEC. 7 n his first yea r of racing dirt bike s. Mitc hell Moore won the final round in the Fo rward Motion Hare Scrambles Series . Once again , Caleb Wo hletz took the ho leshot in the AA class, ahead o f pro motocrosser Cory Fra ncis and th is year 's Aclass champ ion , Mike Janssen . Moore 's CRF4S0R d idn't fire off the fine, and he started dead last . However, it only took Moore half a lap to get up to third , and he soon had Francis and Wohlen in his sights. Moore , w ho is a professiona l sp rint-car racer, was rid ing his best . and he soon blasted by Francis. Then Wohletz cras hed in a fast Go ut section, and Moore mo ved into the lead . I 52 moved past Gow ing and De Pasqua le and was chasing dow n Jones wh e n Jones got stu ck in the mud. Sear ing took the lead , wh ile Gow ing and Robb ie Johnson took ove r seco nd and third . By the end o f the first lap , fo ur-st ro kes were lead ing the pack, with Searing (riding a KX2S0F) ahead o f Troy Taff (w ho had started last but worked up to second on a new C RF2S0) and Gary Dick (o n his KTM S2S). On lap three. bo th Taff and Dick crashed separately and allowed RM2S0-mounted Scott "Sticker IGt" Hen ion to move into second. The three ride rs battled throughout the middle of the two-hour race unt il Taff bro ke free and set his sights on Searing . The last two laps proved t o be ex ci ti ng , as the t wo riders swapped plastic unt il Searing came out the winn er. Wohletz got going again q uickly and re passed Moore in a tight tum after the one-hou r mark . O n the last la p, Moore kept pace wi th Wo hletz. Go ing through a mud bog. Woh letz got cross-rutted, and Moore zipped by for the lead . Moore says he usually crashes when trying to win, but th is time he was able to hang on and take the ove rall. Wohletz took second; however, he was able to clinch the 20 03 Forward Motion Se ries championsh ip. He was the first rider since r997 to repeat as champion. In the A class. w ith 14 riders o n t he line , Pau l De Pasq ua le edged out his teammate Shawn Go w ing for the hole shot. Brad Jones passed Gowing in tum two. Soon . De Pasquale ran ou ts ide a mud bo g , an d Jones b lasted t hrough t he mud for the lead . Bo b Searing JANUARY 21, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS RESULTS AA: I . Mitche ll H oor-e (H on ): 2. Caleb Wo hletz (Y am): «. Adr-ian Bryant (G G); S. Te r-ry Gilliland (KTM). A : I . Bob Seari ng (Kaw); 2. Troy Tan (Hon ): 1. Scan Hen ion (Yam): -4. Gary D ick (KTH) : S. lance Ho lly (KTM). 8 : I. Todd Searin g (KTM): 2. Matt Barger (KTH ); 1. Bill McGr-egor (G G) ; «. Ch r-is Chand le r- (KTH) ; S. Jam es Enyar-t (H us) . 2S0/0PEN C: I. Matt N ew m an (KTM): 2. J""" La Jo", (y",,); J. T.J. "Ie (KTM); ~ . John Logan (KTM); S. Robert Yore (Yam). 11Sf200 C: I. Dann y Wlnn (Hon ); 2. James Roberts (KTH ); 1. Je ff Fe nton (Kaw ): 4. Chri s Smith (Yam S. l e wis Dougherty (KTM). 35 + C: I. Tyler- Phelps ); (Yam ); 2. Dan Bauer- (KTM); 1. Mark Shafer- (Yam 4. Mike ); C otton (Hon ); S. Robert H inson (Yam). 4 5+ C: I. Duane Douglas (GG): 2. Jay Stephenson (KTM); 3. Mike Romant um (KTM); ~ . RDge< La joie (KTM); S. 10m Rogers (KTM). SS+ C: I . Swart Newtin (KTM); 2. Bob C opeland (Yam); 1. Jam Ayers (GG) ; 4 . Beau Barrick (KTM). JR: I. Steve Hough ton (Y am) ; 2. Joshua Moore (Yam ). TR: I. Dan Horgan (Hon ); 2. Steve West (Yam ); 1. Terry Fle m ing (KTH): 4. Chris Smim ( H ~ ); S. Joe HKkney (Hon) . 3. C ory Franc is (Han); CCS Florida Region Homestead·Miami Speedway Wood Constructs Some Homestead Wins By LISA THEOBALD HOMESTEAD, Fl, DEC. 7 enguin Racing School 's Eric Wood dominated the Exp e rt fiel d at Ho me ste ad-Mia mi Spe ed w ay during t he CCS Flo r ida Regio n's gran d finale event. T he event marked the first time a race was run on the infield course since the banking was increased and the entire oval portion of the track res urfaced. Becau se of the sur face cha nges , th e transit ion fro m the back stra ight to the infie ld course in tum 10 was the biggest area of concern to racers and officials. Race pr omoter Henry DeG o uw and Penguin Racing School officials met early on the Thursda y prio r to the event to set up the cones and bra ke markers to guide the racers thro ugh the bes t possi ble line onto the infield section. The resulting low line was a safe . smoo th entrance with o nly a mild dip at the transi tion fro m the new to o ld aspha lt. Co ne s were also set up at the e xit of turn 12 to guide t he racers safely back onto the fro nt straight, well away from the ou tside wall. Wood ran the fastes t lap of the weekend during the Unlimited Grand Prix race , with a time of I:27.056, w hich is the new record to beat at CCS Flo rida's opening eve nt in February of 2004. Wood won all three of his classes - P Forward Motion Hare Scrambles Series Final Round: John Redmond RV Park By SHARON Caleb Wohlen finished second at the fina l round of the Forward Motion Hare Scrambles Series but wrapped up the title to repeat as champion. 40 t h Anniversary GT O , Unlimited Su pe rs po rt and Unlim ited Grand Prix - after working his way through traffic to take over the lead . In the GTO race, Scott Ritchey nabbed the ho leshot and led the first lap be fore ge tting passed by Marco Mart inez . Wood was gridded further back and had to work his way aro und Jim Piho kken and Rick Na ru p to get to the leaders. Halfway th ro ugh t he race, Wood took o ver, bringing Florida 's current num be r-o ne rider. D a r r e n Luc k , w it h hi m. Wo o d proceede d to open a gap on the rest of the pack while they wen t to battl e fo r second place. Mean wh ile , Flo rida's newest im po rt, Geo ff May. had maneuvered his way through the traffic and was up to fo urt h place when the white nag came out. Wood mainta ined his lead without challenge. In the final run , Luck maintained second, and May finished third , just ahead of Mart inez. Pihokken led the first two laps o f th e Unlimited Supersport race after taking the ho leshot. Luck and May were close be hind, while Wood had to maneuver through traffic again to get up front. By the third lap he w as in the lead and picking up the pace, leaving Luck. Pihokken and May to batt le fo r second. Uncatchable . Wood fini shed a he ad of t he

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