Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 01 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Jo Motosport OutletlVP Fu els/Spectro Oils Pro-Am Challenge Forster Livestock Pavilion ~ Erik Meus ling (Hon); 3. Don lrebnd (Y ). am C) BTH IN T: l. Sam DeAtl e y (Suz): 2. justin :J jen>on (Han ): 3. ?:c Huffman, Hagseth Clash in Salem STORY BY ClAY LiGHT SALEM, OR, DEC. 26·27 A MA Arenacross regu lars Ryan Huffman and /"\a rad Hagse th clashed in seve ral classes at t he lo u r t h annu a l Mot o s port Ou t let/V P Fue ls/ Spe ct ro O ils Pro -Am C ha lle ng e at Forster Livestoc k Pav ilion , an d w hen th e sm oke and d ust cleared. H uffm an was t he overa ll vietor. Rid e rs fro m all o ve r t he West were o n han d, lured by a Profes sio nal purse of more than $ 3000 . Centralia, Washingt o n's Hagseth was the top pe rform er o n th e first of two nights 01 racing, w inning the 12Scc and 250cc Pro classes and also to pp ing the first of the tw o Pro -Am races against so me tough co mpeti tio n: Hullman and Stayton , O rego n's Ryan Te rleck i. In Frida y 's Pro-Am qu alifying, Rosebu rg. Oregon's Huffman be at Hagseth t o win th e first o f tw o q ua lifie rs . Te rl e c ki and Washingto n's J.R Vielle finished one-two in hea t two. Huffman darted o ut fro nt of Friday 's first 250cc Pro moto, but the Yamaha ride r shortly bailed 011 in th e w hoo ps. Hag seth took t he lead. w hich he wou ld not relinquish. Hagseth then po lished off the competition in the second mo ta to garner his first overall w in 01 the night and the accompanying $200. Terlecki tra iled Hagseth in mo ta o ne , but he didn't finish moto two, and Vie lle 's 3-2 placings netted t he Ka la m a , Wash ingt o n , r e siden t seco nd place . Ne ither Terlec ki, Devin Watso n nor Huffman finished mot o two, althou gh they co mpleted the top five ove rall. Idaho 's Sam DeAtle y was impressive in the Pro- Am qualifier and was eq ually goo d in the combined 12Scc Pro/Intermed iat e class. The Suzuki ride r led the first mo to, lollowed by Anthony Ce rruti and Wash ington's David Rose. Hagseth initially ran filth but the n charged past DeAtley lor the lea d and won by 14 seconds. D eAt le y a lso le d moto t wo , kee ping Hagseth at bay lor lo ur laps, but Hagseth was again too much for the co mpe tition and led the to p Inte rmediate ride r, DeAtley, to the finish to co mplete his I- I sw eep. Valparaiso, Indiana's Robbie Conklin (3-2) finished seco nd ove rall in th e Pro port io n. Ro se (2 - 3) linished t hird overall. In the lone Friday Pro -Am mot a , Huffman t ook t he init ial lead , fo llo w ed by Terlec ki, Vielle, DeAtle y and Rose. Hagset h was buried mi d pac k: it t o o k h im se veral lap s t o jo in Huffm a n an d Te rlec ki u p front . Howev e r, Hu ll man had lelt t he re st 01 the pack w e ll behind by lap fou r. Hagseth was o n a mission, t ho ug h ; he bro ke fre e from Ter lec ki a nd cl aw e d int o Huffm a n' s le a d , ev e ntu a lly o ut jumping him to take the lead. On ce ou t fro nt , Hagseth's lead grew with ea ch lap. T hen Terlec ki mo un te d a late -rac e c harge and closed in on Huffma n, but he cou ld n' t ge t a ro und hi m . De Atl e y finish ed lou r th , lo llo w ed by Vie lle , Ros e , Conklin, Cerruti, Ryan Huege and Matt Wilso n. O n Saturday, Hagseth topped both 12Scc Pro mo tos , lead ing Philip Ehna t and Co nklin, but the n Huffman came bac k st rong in both 2SOcc Pro mo tos. Hagse t h (2-2), Terlec ki (4- 3), Ehnat (5-4) and Watso n (6-5) roun ded out the top five overall. The 50-lap race on Saturday saw Huffman and Hagse t h in clos e fo r mation , but it w as Huffman's night . Hullman (2- 1) w o n o verall, while Hagseth ( 1-2) and Terlecki (3-3) filled ou t the pod ium and line d their wa llets w ith t he bulk 01 the $3000 purs e . eN Z Holden (KTM): s. _in 8od- Robert Ellis (Kaw); S. Bruce Marks (Suz). S/S R.: I. Paul CD Miche ls (KTM); 2. Ronnie Hacke tt (Suz); 3. larry Still (Kaw); -t. Don Rye (Kaw); S. Leon Parker (Kaw). 250 C: I. Gr eg Ru me ry (Yam) ; 2. l ew is lamb (Suz); l . David Gillilang (!..- (Suz 3. Nobn ): Beyer (KTM). 6 5 (9 - 1 1): I . Justin Conn (KTN); 2. Colin SALEM, OREGON Baker (KTM): 3. Stee le AngIe-DaWlson (Yam). 65 OPEN : RESULTS: DECEMBER 26-27, 2003 I. Just in Conn (KTM); 2. RJ. leach (Sut) : 3. Stee le AngleFriday D.vidson (Yam). 85 BEG, I. KaJeb a..ney (Han ): 1. Ky\< P/W (0-6 ): I . Jerem y Witto n (Co b); 2. Jaco b Cra wford Reader (Yam): 3. luke AJdrich (Ha n). 85 (9- 11): I. Jared (KTM): l . Ryan Burggre n (KTM). P/W (1-8): t. Jonathan Wood (Yam): 2. Austin Rose (Suz); 3. Chad Turner (Suz). 8S Andrew (Co b); 2 . AJyas Wardius (KTN ); 3. Wy att Fowler ( 12- 11): I. Danny Gubser (Yam): 2. Matt DeAtley (Suz); l . (Sut). 50 OPEN: I . Aryas Ward ius (KTM); 2. Jonathan Travis McClinton (Yam). S/MI N I: I. Danny Gubser (Yam): 2. Man DeAtley (Suz): J . Gared Steinke (Kaw). 115 BEG: Andre w (Co b) : l . Jacob C raw fo rd (KTM). 65 BEG : I. I . Chri. Egan (Y am): 1. David Rekh (Hen) : 3. Coty CJahn W yatt Fowler (Su::); 2. Ca s e y Sutton (Kaw ) ; l . Alan (Hon ). 115 Jft: I . Man Wilson (Y ; 2. Aaron McClinton am) (KTM). 65 «(1.8) : I. Nobn ee,..- (KTH ): 2. R.J. (Y am): 3. ly\< PachmaY' (50. ). 115 INT: I. Sam DeAtley leach (Suz): 3. Nya.s War dius (Sut ). 65 (9- 11) : I. C~in (Suz.): 2. Anthony Cerruti (Yam) ; 3. Mike Ho rban (Yam ). Bake r (KTM); 2. Nash Blaylock (KTM); 3. Kyle Huffman 115 PRO : 1. Brad H....... (Han ): 1. Pholip E...... (Hen): 3. (Suz~ 6S OPEN: I. Colin Bak... (KTM): 2. Ky\< Huffman Robbie Conklin (Hon) . 2 50 BEG: I . Dave Harden (Kaw); 2. (Sut) : 3. Brandon Barber (Suz ). 85 BEG: I. Kyle Reader Mike Dahlman (Han); 3. Hunter Klee (Hon ). 2 50 JR.: I. (Yam) : 2. Brandon Brads treet (Yam); l . A.J Brown (Y . . am) Olin Green (Hon); 2. Jon Sherriffs (Suz) ; 3. Brad Batchelor 85 (9~ 11 ) : I. Jared Wood (Yam) ; 2 . Austin Rose (Suz); 3. (Y . 250 INT: I. Ryan Huege (Hon) : 2. Ben Hurlburt am) GIeM Prestholt (Suz). 85 (1 2~ I J): I. Gared Steinke (Kaw); (Hon ); 3. Raym Conkey (KTM ). 2 50 PRO: I. Ryan Huffman 2. Matt DeAtley (Suz); 3. Tyter McOinton (Yam). Sl MIN I: (Yam) ; 2. Bra d Hagseth (Han) : 3. Ryan Te rle c ki (Yam). I. Gared Ste inke (Kaw) ; 2. Ja red Wood (Yam ); J . Matt OPEN PRO: I.J .R Meusling(Hon) . WMN BEG: I. Debra DeAtley (Suz). 125 BEG : I. Greg Brown (Yam): 2. Chris Anderson (Hon) ; 2. Mary Valdenegro (KTM). WMN : I. Egan (Yam); 3. Phillip Springer (Kaw). 125 IR : I. Travis H"", Rad_ (50.): 2. H.y (Y am). BTH lito I. McMackin (Yam ); 2. Kyle Pachmayr (Suz); 3. Erik Meusling Vance Komam (Kaw): 3. Dave 2. 04in Green (Hon) : 3. Jo Don Ireland (Y ). 250 INT: I. am Hard en (Kaw) . 50 + : I . St e ve Baz e (Ka w) : 2. Rick DoMd Schenk (Han ): 2. }uwn Jernen (Han ): 3. Ryan Huege Radmacher (Suz). PRO-AM : I . Ryan Huffman (Yam); 2. (Ho n). 2 5 0 PRO: I . Bra d Hagse th (Hon ); 2. J.R. Vietle Brad Hagseth (Hon ); 3. Ryan Terlecki (Yam): -t. Sam DeAtley (Han ): 3. R yan Terlec ki (Yam). OPEN AM, I. Ben Sannan (Sut): S. Mike Horban (Yam); 6 . Ryan Hueg e (Ha n): 7. Anthony Ce rruti (Yam); 8. Robbie Con klin (Hon) ; 9. Devin (Hon) . OPEN PRO: I. J.R. Meu sling (Hon ). WMN BEG: Watson (Yam): 10. Raym Conkey (KTM). PRO -AM O/A : I. I. Debra Ande rson (Hon) ; 2. l yndy Feel e y (Kaw); 3. lad Ryan Hu ffman (Yam); 2. Brad Ha gs eth (Hon) ; l . Rya n Cardelle (Ho n) . WMN : I . Mary Rad m ache r (Suz) ; 2. Terlecki (Yam). Krysde May (Yam). BTH JR: I. Travis McMxkin (Yam); 2. o b (Hen) . Bu.u'''' N.t!wl jones (Hen) . 100 C: I. Geoffrey Vynn ilyu (Kaw) : 1. Ch ris Knight (Kaw ): l . Phillip O 'DelI (Hon): -t. Cody Miller (Suz) ; S. Je r e my Ne wfand (KTM). 4 -STRK C: I . Kevin Ayscue (KTH ): 1. Jeff J. d u an (KTM): 3. SIeve Hundy (Suz) : -t. Joseph Pinson (Suz): 5. Travis Dotson (Yam) . VET C: I. C harle s C unningham (Kaw); 2. Rodney Ne wt o n (KTM); l . Thomas Durham (Kaw): 4. Eric Bo'M'Tlan (Hon ); S. Je ff Gree n (KTM). SR C: I. Gr eg Gibson (Yam): 2. Keith Symanski (Yam); 3. Daniel New comb (Hon ); 4. Doug C ullum (KTM); S. Timo thy Wesbec:her (Hon) . BEG : I. C m s Mean (Kaw): 2. D.

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