Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 12 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ig n up early at any O akl ey auth oriz ed 'eale r. he AHRMA dirt events will move to atorback C y c le Park in Gainesville . lorida . during Bik e Week 2004. accordg to A HRMA. A HRMA off icials recently i s it e d G a t o r b a c k and c a m e away pr essed w ith upgrades to the fac ility n d the c o m m it m e n t o f t h e s taff o f nlimit ed Sports to ensure the success f th e AHRMA eve n ts. rai n o r s hine . our AHRM A nat ion als will take pl ac e he re over a t hree -da y period : Fr iday. e brua ry 27 - cro s s c o u nt ry and bse rv ed t rial ; Sa turday . Feb ruary 28 . o st-vintaq e motocros s; Sunday . Februry 29 - vi nta ge motoc ross. A H RMA' s nnual off-road award s banqu et w ill be e ld at t he Ho liday Inn W es t . j us t min te s fro m Gatorback. the evening o f Febuary 2 7. Entry forms w ill be available in id -N o ve m ber at yvww .ahrma .o,rg . a s ell as by reque st -f~om A H RM A . P.&- o x 1725 . G o od lett sv ille. TN 3 70 70 : 15/851 -3674 . 615/ 851 -367 8 (fax) . Not long after the announcement came that he would no longer be a part of the Kawasaki team, word came last week that Eri c Bostrom had signed to spearhead Ducat i's attack on the 2004 AMA / Chevy Tru cks U.S. Superb ike Cham pionship. Bostro m, who celebrated his 27th birthday last week, will be the lone rider on the Ducati Austin team that will receive bikes and tec hnical assistance from the Ducati factory in Italy. The team will also use Mich elin tires. "We are extremely satisfied to have reached a two-year agreement with Eri c Bostrom to tak e part in the AMA Championship ," said Ducati Corse Superbike director Paolo Ciabatti in a Ducati press release. "As well as being an extremely talented rider, Eric will also be an excellent 'ambassador' for Ducati in one of the most important strategic markets for our com pany. Th anks to the collaboration with Terry Gregoric k a of Du cati A ustin , who will m ak e available the logist ics structure, tec hnicians and the experience of his team at their new Road Atlanta premi ses in a two-ye ar deal, and with the appointme nt of a Ducati Corse engineer as technic al director, we are certain that next year will see us obtain some im porta nt results.' Mich ael Lock, Ducati North Am erica CEO. added; "Th is is the goo d news that we have been expect ing for som e ti me . Finall y Ducati will have the right package of rider, team and machin ery to be able to put together a serious challenge for the AMA t itle . We are sure that Eric's talent and popu larity will help Ducati achieve major visibility in the North Am erican market. " Bostrom, a four -time AMA champion, finished seventh overall in the 2003 AMA Superb ike Series after his season was cut short by a sho ulder injury suffered in th e La guna Sec a round of the World Superb ike Championship in July. "I' m tota lly pump ed to sign with Ducati," Bostrom said. "They've shown a huge commi tmen t to step up their A merican Supe rbike ca m p aig n. O bviou sly, ju m pi ng onto t he Worl d Cha mpio nsh ip ma chi ne bri ngs hig h expectations, but at the mom ent I just can' t wait to get on the bike. Between the 999 , mys elf and the Michelins, 2004 is going to be an exciting year. A year that will hope fully see a Ducati twin back on top in the U.S. and give the Ducatisti something to cheer about. I'd also like to than k all of my fans and sponsors for their support during th is tim e of change in m y career. I've received lots of encouraging e-mails from my fans and hope to conti nue giv ing everyo ne something to cheer about as m y career continues to pro gress forwa rd. Obviously , leaving Kawasaki USA was a tough deci sion . We really had great successes over the years, and I really felt comfortable there, but I belie ve tha t joining the Ducati family is a positive step in the right direction for my career." The Ducati 999 , which will be racing for the first tim e in the AMA series, will be fitted with Mich elin tire s. "We are delight ed to be able to continue our successful collaboration with Ducati, also in the AMA Champion ship ," declared Nico las Goubert , Michelin' s head of motorcycle competition. "With its different circuits and conditio ns, the AMA Superbik e Championship will offer a maj or techn ical challenge for us, and we are happy to face up to it with our long -term partn er Ducati." Bostrom will test the bik e and the tir es for the first tim e at Day tona Internati onal Speedway, December 4-6 . the first ca r his father owned . He is sur- re p o rt t hat on seve ra l 2 0 0 4 mo de ls , HRMA has also anno unce d t hat it will vived by his parents . Bruc e and N ancy , suc h as the Tiger and the Sprin t ST. w e th e b es t t ire s and wit h t he be st te am eturn to Willow Springs Raceway his brothe r, Ad rian S . Richmo nd , and his have alrea dy bo oked mo re orders th an beh ind me . It ' s a fan tast ic o ppo rt unity co mpanio n, Paulsy Slavin. w e had originally planne d t o bring into for me , and I' m really exc ited abo ut it. " So noma. C aliforn ia . in 200 4. AH RMA wi nning w ith riding the best bik e and o n the U .S . An d w hat co ntinues to be o ne ill co m pe te at W ill ow as part o f t he The largest sport bi ke cha rity even t in ara ge C om pany ' s C orsa M otoClassica T r iumph Motorcyc les (Ame r ica) of the mos t satis fy ing accomp lishm ents n M ay 8-9 . C o mbined wi th A ugust 14- fo r us is the fac t that we ar e exceeding S o ut he rn C alif o rn ia returns fo r a third 5 dates at Thunderhill Rac ew ay in W iIw s . AHR MA' s Histo ric Cup Serie s wi ll Lt d . has anno unce d the company 's new unit sales jumped 46 percent in the US A du ring Aug ust , September and O ctob er, o ur goa ls o f q uality e ng inee ri ng a nd pr odu ct exc e llence for our dea le rs and year as Toy rid e .o rg proud ly an nounce s Toyrid e . On S u nday , D e c e m b e r 7 . ave four ro unds in C alifo rnia next se a- 2 003 - c ombined - w he n com pared to con sumers . hund red s of mo to rcycle ride rs will co llect on. The los s of tw o dates by promoters th e sa me t im e three -m on th period in nd the inabil ity to secure o ther tr ac ks t sho rt notic e me ant A H RM A had no inc re ase d esp it e co nce rns abou t c on - Pa ul B ird M o t o r sp ort has a nnoun c ed that yo ung Ul ster man Michael Laver, su me r spend ing so f tenin g w it hin th e cco rding to AHR MA. USA , acco rding to Triumph . Based o n 'I I I o o o o o o o o o o o toy s fo r Ho llygro ve Chi ld ren and Fam ily S ervices. a Lo s A ngeles-based res idential facility fo r abu sed and neg lected chil- alifornia road race s in the 2003 series. I .:ยป 2002 . Triumph' s sales have continued to s ume r d em and , T r i u m ph f ore c a s t s ife lo ng afi c io nad o o f NAS CAR racin g nd enjoyed studying bot h o ld and new o r dr en. W hat bega n as a way for the 20 0- t y will be jo ining t he champions hip-wi nning MonsterMob Ducati te am t o f ro nt its ass a ul t o n t he 2 004 B r it is h S upersport C ham pion ship . The 22 -year- prevai ling econo mic co ndit io ns and c o n- a r r y Cuda R ichmon d . 22 di ed nexpec tedly in an acc ide nt at his parnt s ho me on Wed nesday. N ove mb e r 2 . For t he pas t fo ur rac ing seaso ns. ichmond was a co rne r w orker at NH IS n Loud o n. N ew Ham pshi re . He w as a 'I mem ber, Orang e C oun ty -based C rash C l u b t o ma k e a d iffe re nce h a s n ow be co me an annu al trad itio n. Start ing fro m steady sa le s g row th t hro ugh t he 200 3 o ld , w ho finished fourth aboard a Ho nda Ed iso n Int e rn at ion al Fie ld in A nahe im, year e nd and for next ye ar . " The rec ep - in the 20 0 3 series , winn ing t wo races C aliforn ia. the ride beg ins pro mptly at 9 t ion to ou r A meric a an d S peed ma st er incl ud ing t he fin al ro und at D o ningt o n a . m . a nd in cl u d e s a pa ra de rou t e thro ugho ut Orange Cou nty . di stin c t iv e ly Park . w il l rid e a 7 49 c c D u c at i. ''I' m design ed by Triumph fo r the U .S . 'c ruis- m od e l s , w h ic h we re d e lig ht ed t o be jo ining s uc h a p ro fe s- e r' mark et. has been ov erw helming and sio na l te am whi ch ha s suc h a p rov en co ntinues to grow . " sa id M ar k B rady , racks . drive rs and cars . He too k g rea t ge ne ral manager , Trium ph M oto rcycl es (A merica) Lt d . "We are also plea sed to ,~ Pr o fession al M oto rsp o rt s Produ cti on s, o rganizer of the Part s C anada Superb ike ped ig re e in th e B rit is h C hamp io ns hip pad dock. " Lavert y said in a s ta te me nt. ride in the fact th at he was name d aft er , ..This w ill g iv e me t he be st c ha nce o f C ham pion ship and C anadian mot or cycl e m a g az in e In s id e M o t or c y c l e s , ha s anno unce d plans to prod uce a co mmemo rat iv e boo k cele b ra t ing t he f ir st 2 5 yea rs of C a nad ia n S u pe rbike ra c ing . Titled 25 Years o f Canadian Sup er- Team Privateer support for the 2004 road racing season. Resumes can be sent to Lockhart Phillips USA, 151 Calle Iglesia. San Clemente, CA 92688. bik e. the book w ill trac e the roots of the spo rt in th is co unt ry from its inauspicio us debut as a sup po rt eve nt a t M o sport ACCEPTING: Pro-Tee Racing, makers of Mach 1 exhaust systems. is BORN: A baby girl, Alexia Marie. to former Baja 1000 winner Scott Dunlavey and his wife. Juliana. on October 29 at Alta Bates Hospital in Berkeley, California. AUTOGRAPH S I G N I N G : At Hammerti me Sport s. 6276 Logan Avenue. Belvidere. Illinois, December 6. from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Team Shogun Yamaha's Josh Demuth and Tommy Hoffmaster. and M,ss Arenacross are scheduled to appear. For more information. call 815/ 544- Park in the fall of 1978 to the c o mpletio n now acce pting res umes for rider support fo r the 20 04 season . Resumes can be sent to Pro-Tee Racing. c/o Rider Support. 4 1376 Pear Stree t, M urrieta. CA 92562 . Resumes may also be faxed to 909/ 698-6083. of th is yea r's d rama t ic ba tt le fo r the ACCEPTING: M2R Racing is currently accepting race resumes for Superb ike racing in so me off icia l capacity since it s inception . " S upe rbike is wha t Part s Ca nada S uperb ike crown . ' It's the right time fo r a book lik e th is. " said Professional Motor sports Productio ns ' C oli n Fr a s e r , w h o ha s f ol lo we d C a nadian the 2004 season. Resumes can be sent to M2R Racing, 2675 Industrial Drive. Suite 102, Ogden, UT 84401 or via fax to 80 1/627 -0746. fo c used Ca nad ian raci ng . It' s a s t o ry 5800 . his wife. Karen. on October 14. in San Diego. CA. HIRED : Renee Durante as the new media director at The Plummer Menapace Group. effective immediately. Durante will be responsible for research. ~ e g o t i atin g, and related activities dealing wit h the buying and M O V ED: Troy Lee Designs to 155 East Rincon Street. Corona. CA w orth telling , and th is is a uniqu e opportuni ty to tell the sto ry. " The boo k will be placement of advertising for Plummer Menapace client s. For more information. call 610/56 4-6255. BO RN: Cody and Kyle Pennington. to Acerbis' Cary Pennington and a chro no logical review of the growth o f Su pe rbike racing in Canada , w it h added fo cu s o n th e peop le , m otorcycle s and even t s t ha t he lp ed turn t he cla ss int o 92879: 909/ 371-5219, 909/ 371-5272 (fax). For more information. visit one of the most popu lar fo rms o f rac ing www A CCEPT ING : RS Taichi is currently accepting racer resumes for the aro und the w o rld . " S upe rbike is o ne o f ACCEPTING: Lockhart Phillips USA is now accepting applications for 2004 season. Resumes can be sent to 352 1 W. 237th Street, Suite 109. Torrance. CA 90505 . att: 2004 Sponsorship. t he g reat suc c ess sto ries o f Canadia n motor raci ng , " said Inside M oto rcycl e s Continued on page 6 cycl e n u "Y's D EC EM B ER 3, 2003 3 I U rl [] o G o C o o o o o o o o o o o

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