Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 12 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Where the story continues: www KTM NORTH AMERICA, INC., 1119 Milan Ave.• Amherst, OH 4400'1 Las Vegas Supermoto UnlimIted class wmners: Kurt Nicoll 3rd. Grant Langston lst, Ben Carlson 2nd are flanked by their elated Red BuJl/ HMClKTM teammates. 52 5 SMC 1 450 SMC »KTM SCORES FINA L ROUND KNOCKOU TS! Stan ding st rong t hroughout the prelims t he Red Bull /HMC/ KTM Supermoto st able punch ed it out in t he Silver State for t he AMA's top Supermoto honors. Here's a blowby-blow account of an excit ing 2003 season: • KTM takes both Supermoto Unlim ited and Supermoto 45 0 team cham pionship ti t les; • Grant Langston wins Las Vega s Supermoto Unli mit ed final event and 2003 Supermoto Unli mited series championship t itl e; • KTM wins 4 of 6 Superpole posit ions; • KTMtakes 22 of 36 season podiu m spots. KTM Supermot o machines. They're Ready to Race, ready to wi n and ready for you, today. For a closer look, slide by your KTM dealer. RED BUll/HMC/KTM BRAIlJ G 0.1.0

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