Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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n I i '-' '"' ~ St eve Hengeveld and J o h n n y C a m p be ll once again co mbined effo rts to w in t his year's 36th Te cate SC ORE Baja 1000 . N ovem ber 2 1-22 . For C amp be ll t he wi n was his seve nth s traig ht. and fo r Hengeve ld it was his fo urt h clas s w in and seco nd s trai g ht Baja v ic tory . Th e Ho nda XR6 50 d uo co mp leted t he 808 -mil e dese rt rac e in 15 hours . 3 9 m in ut e s a nd 5 2 seconds. averaging 5 1.5 8 mp h. S ec o nd ove rall mo to rcycle went to the C hris Blais and A ndy Grider team . A lso riding a Ho nda XR650. Blair and Grider finis hed th e race in 16 hours. 32 minut es and 44 seconds. Third overall w en t to th e C lass 40 wi nner s . C hris Haine s. C raig A dam s. Paul O stbo . Jac k J o hnso n and Rich B inckley . The team was also Hon da XR650-mo unte d . Finish ing fourt h ove rall w as the Cl as s 30-w inning team o f Serg io V ega and Ge rard o Rojas. w hile fifth overall . just th ree minute s b ehind t he V eg as te am . ' w ent to J im O 'Neal. Tim Wi the rs and Jeff Kaplan ng four -time AMA Progressive Insurance U.S. Flat Tra ck ion Chris Carr was the recipient of the prestigious AMA Pro 9 Speed Channel Athlete of the Year award during the 29th ..a nnual AMA Pro Recinq Champion ship Awards Banquet at the Rio Hotel £, Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. on November 22. Carr's nam e was selected over reigning AMA Supercross and '250cc National MX Cham pion Rick y Carm ichael - hims elf a twotime winner of the award ; AMA Superbik e Champion Mat Mladin also a winner; AMA l25cc Nation al MX Champion James Stewart Jr.: and mul titime AMA National Hillclim b Champion David Watson. Carr received a specially engrav ed, commemorativ e Rolex watch and a crystal tro phy . "The first two words that came to min d when I heard my name called were 'holy' and 'shlt," Carr said. "I'll tell you what, I'd been nominated for this award so many times that I was beginning to feel like that Susan Lucci lady from the soap operas. "But there are man y people that I'd lik e to thank, starting with m y mother and father , who, long ago , let a young child liv e hi s dream and sacrificed a lot of their own dreams along the way," Carr said. "And my wife, Pam, who keeps me going in a stra ight line... well, most of the tim e. To be chosen over the other nom inees is a tremendous honor, as far as I'm concerned. They're all At hlete of the Year in my book." Th e winningest acti ve dirt -track er in the sport, Carr currentl y has 62 nation al event wins, inclu ding five in 2003 as he ma rched to his fourth career AMA titl e. This was his sixth nomina tion for Athlete of the Year. Other special award winners inclu ded Steve McBride, the brother (Hon) . of mul titim e AMA Prostar Top Fuel Drag Racing Champion Steve McBride, who received the AMA Pro Racing Award of Mechanical Excell ence, and fo rmer AMA Superc ross and AMA Nat ion al MX Cham pion Jeff Ward, who was named as AMA Pro Racing Sportsman of the Year. Freed o m Fig hte rs Hall of Fame recogniz e s t he sacrifices individuals across fo rmer Wo rld Indoo r Q uad Ice Hac inq w ho campaig ned a D ucati Austin-backed G raha m e Reeves , who has refereed the nation and world have made to pro- se veral FIM Speedw ay G rand Prix meetings to pre side over our events. " Barlow tect th e rights of t hose who r i d e , according to the hall. To honor t he se indoo r ic e spe edw ay se ri e s in moto r- loo ks se t to join M auro Sanchini on the Bert o cchi Kawasaki Team for the 2004 W orl d Superbi ke Championship . Bussei, tors . " W e have also hired FIM referee te aming up to produ ce the Xtreme I n t e r n a t io n a l Ice Racing (X iiR ) Pro Tour , the first AM A -sanc t ioned Ital ian road race r Giovanni B u s s e i well as severa l top American compe ti- C ham pio n Louis " Taz Man " S mit h are said . " W e are co mmitted to making the cycle racing history. " Basically . me and U.S . Bank A rena. Cincinnati . Ohio : J anu- encouraged to participate by se nding the ary 24 . S t. Pete Times Fo rum, Tampa, name o f an o utstanding Freedom Fight er "We 've got seven U .S . dates , and we 're Flo rida: February 1. First A rena . Elmira. from your sta te / province /coun try. along going to take ice speedway to a lot of ge t its fo ur ZX -l ORs in mi d- Decem ber w ith tests sla te d fo r ea rly J anuary . dat e s are as follows : Janu ary 16- 17. t hat we can do jus t that. " Barlow said . port fro m Kawasaki Italy. The team wi ll lished the nation 's first and only Freedom Fight ers Hall of Fame . The pu blic is and with backing from the AMA. we feel Kawasaki Z X- l OR in the series with sup- its kind anywhere . " The Xii R Pro To ur ice speedw ay rac ing to another level. fi red Ant hony Gobe rt . would ride a XiiR Pro To ur the number-one show o f my partner saw an opportunity to tak e D uc at i in the A MA S uperb ik e C hampionship this year as a replacemen t for the N ew York: Feb ruary 7. T BA ; Fe bruary wi t h a brief bio as to wh y this pe rson should be selected . Bio g raphic al info r- places t hat haven' t seen it. It' s a very I Freed o m Fig hte rs , t he St urg is M oto rcycle M useum & Hall of Fame has estab- Fe b ruary 16 . Ro c k fo rd , Ill ino is (ven ue we ' re goi ng to wo rk very hard to mak e it TB A ) : February 20 . Fa mil y A re na. St. the best speedway show in the world ." Team Suzuki's MotoG P team wi ll definitely use Bridgestone t ires in the 20 04 W orld Ch ampio nship . O n Tuesday . N o v e m b e r 25 . t h e tea m o f Kenny Roberts Jr. and John Hopkins w ill test t he tires fo r t he first time in a sessio n sc hed uled fo r M alaysia. 13. Tri-C ity A re na. Ke arn y , N e br ask a : exc iting spo rt . a great family show , and Charles . M is sou ri : Fe b ruary 2 9, Si o ux Barlow said that a t rue int ernat io nal fla- City C o nve ntion C enter , Iow a. Fo r more vor wil l be reflect ed in t he ride r ros te r at informatio n. chec k o ut th e Xii R we bs ite XiiR Pro Tour eve nts. Rac er s w ho have at m. al ready Signe d on fo r th e yea r inc lude D avid M e ldrum (England) . Sc ott Co urt - N o m inee s are now being accepted fo r ney . Alle n Fa iro w a nd Ro b in M c N e i ll the 2004 Sturgis Motorcycle (Scot la nd) . B e v an C o m p t o n (So uth dom F ig h t e r s Hall of Fame . T he mu st be received by February 13. 2004 . Please se nd yo ur nom ination by mail o r e-mail to: S tu rg is M otorcycle M useum & Hall of Fam e . P.O . Box 602 , Sturgis, SD 5 778 5 o r e-mail pepp er @stu rg ismoto rcyclemuse um .org. Fo r mo re info rmation. Museum & Hall of Fame's F r e e - A fr ic a) and Kenn y O lson (D enmar k) . as T h r e e -li m e f o rm e r W orl d In d o o r Ic e S p ee dw ay Racin g Cham p io n An t hon y " Britis h Bulldog " Barlow and three-time ma tio n a nd c r ed en ti al s s ho uld be no more th an t w o page s . A ll no m inat ion s ca ll ex ec utive direc tor Pepper M asseySwa n at 6 05 / 34 7-2001 . F la t tra ck rac ing en t h usiasts Ph il ip R i sp oli and Ch arl ie D u n n ha ve announc e d the -o p e ni ng 'o f t heir ne w Th e Am erican Motorcy clist Associ ation showed off the new look of the 80 -year-old association with the unveilin g of its new logo at the 29th annual AMA Pro Racin g Cham pionship Awards Banqu et at the Rio Hotel £, Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Novem ber 22 . "Any time you consider changing the visual representation of an 80 -year-old organiz ation , you have to do it carefully," AMA president Rob Razor said. "The new shield logo giv es us a fresh, new look to be sure, but it's more than that. In fact , one im portant part of the new logo is the tagline that goes with it. It's just three words: 'rights. ridin g. raci ng.' Together, those defin e the mission of the AMA , just as th ey have defined the role of m ot orcyclist organizations going back to the tim e of the M£,ATA and the FAM. The AMA is about protecting motorcycl ists' rights. The AMA is about riding and enjoying motorcycling. And the AMA is about good, com petitive racing, whether you're a young person ju st starting out or a top-level professional. " "Three words : rights, riding, racing," Razor cont inued. "In the coming months you will see and hear them with increasing frequency as we carry the message to a broader audience of motorcyclists: act. riders and off-road riders. new and yo ung riders. min orities and With mo re than 260,000 memb ers, the AMA is larger now ev er been , but we are com mi tte d to continued growth s us a more powerful force on behalf of the nation' s challenge is to update our identi ty while respect traditions that have carried the AMA through its 2 D EC EMBER 3 . 2003 · e ye I e n eVll s first 80 years. We have tried to do that witli""'''' think we were successfu l." rights. riding. racing. Americ a n M oto rcyc list A ssoc iation sho p . R&D Cycles. Performance and Restoration in On tario . C anada. jus t 20 minutes from t he Michigan border. Fo r mo re information . contact them at Oakley 's B ig D ay O ut/MX Holi day Jam will take place at the Starwest MX Track in Perris , Ca lifornia. on De c em ber 27. A specia l Kaw asaki 110 dealer race and a 110 Open Pro race will at tr act some of the A M A ' s best, according to O akl ey . Th ey ' ll compe te fo r a cas h purse sponsore d by Bo o st , A lpine sta rs . Astris k and Two Bro ther s . A Kawa saki 1 10 w ill be given t o t he ove rall w inner o f the dealer race . In addit io n . O akl ey w ill be g iVing away a gift bag to all 80cc and low er part ici pant s . Ther e w ill also be an open practice o n Friday . D ec ember 26, fro m 6 to 10 p.m.