Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.I ...... .... _ : -1•• . ... .I'I~ • . ... - ~- Happenings In Motorcycling Toyota and Yamaha have team ed up to develop a truck that m ak es ha uling water craft, snowmobiles, motorcycles and A TV s as much fun as riding th em - th e Tundra Double Cab Toyota/Y am aha Concept Truck . Built to meet th e needs of active famIlies o r groups ha uling th eir favorite toys, the Toyota /Yamaha Con cept Truck is pa cked with added feat ures. The Toyota/Yamaha Con cept Truck features the Team Yamaha Blu e/White paint sch eme and Toyota /Yamaha Con cept Truck logo. Other custom design elem ents include a one-of-a-kind bumper gu ard and grille with skid plate, tou gh enough for desert excursions while still stylis h enoug h for cruising around town. Steel Ho r se provided the ov al stain less tubes w i t h costume ste p pads an d end cap s , making it easi er to get in and out. Th e Toyota /Yarna ha Concept Truck ride s on Donaho e Ra cing ' s pe rf o rm an c e suspen sio n, featuri ng off- ro ad coi l -over front shocks, raising the truck two inches . Bead-lock wheel s from Walker Evans and Goodyear Wrangler MT / R 285/70R 17 ti res help the Toyota/Yamaha Con cept Truck go j ust about anywhere. The bed has been sprayed with the UNE·X coating for protection and addit ional grip t o keep bikes, loading ramps and gear bags fro m sli ding. A Uni versal Eng ineering bed rack k eeps motorcycles snug during transport. A supercharger developed by Toyota Racing Developm ent, Inc . (TRD) has been added to he lp hau l t he load . With up to sev en po und s of boost ava ilable, ma xi m um horsepower j umps from 240 to 353 hp and torq ue fro m 315 ft.vlbs . to 359 ft.vlbs., both at 5200 r pm . TRD 's du a l s i de ex h a u st pro vid e s im proved breathing perfo rmance. Th e int erior has custo m -designed leather seat co ve r s and d oor panel s from Ba rt l ett Cor pora tion in blue , black and silver with th e Yama ha logo. A DVD player and N intendo Gam eCube keep backseat pass eng ers ha ppy wh il e they v ie w m ovi es and ga mes on t he hea drest screens prov id ed by MECIS Wireless. Rugg ed Co Co floor mats make for easy clea ning aft er a long day of pla y . By ALAN C A THC A R T • - Mortgage Your House, Make a Down Payment Confirmatio n has come from Claudio Casti glion i tha t 10 of the 25 copies of John Kocinski 's V594 Cagiva V4 500cc Grand Prix racer, which he's building to celebrate his family marque's 25th birthday this year, still remain available. There's a theory tha t raising ki ds with m ot or cycles fo st er s r espo ns ib ili ty , maturity and character, Ev ery February since 2002, at an event d ub bed Laps 4 Love, now-9-year -o ld Curtis Herrmann has ta ken tha t premise and t urned it int o an irrefutabl e fact, raising over $31 ,000 for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foun dation (PBTF ). Unfortunately, Curtis' reason for rid ing a marathon of motocross la ps is twofold. In July of 200 I, Curtis lost his li ttl e s ister , Breeana Herrmann. to a brain tumor. She was 6 years old . As the Herrman n family m o urned t heir loss . Curtis decided th at " Br ain tumors suck ," and he came up with th e idea for Laps 4 Love. A t th e inaugural event, held at Los Angeles Cou nty Raceway, Curtis rod e 100 laps in fi ve ho urs to earn just over $ 14,000. The following year at the Hungry Vall ey OHV Motocross Track in Gorman, Califo m ia, Curtis rode 475 laps, totaling m ore than $ 17, 000 in donation s. A num ber of Curtis' friends also participate. PBTF , Americ an Honda and Ricky Carmichael were so moved by Curtis' st ory, th ey produced a public service announcement featuring Curti s and Rick y encouraging folks to figh t pediatri c brain tumors through the Rid e fo r Kids pr ogram. In February of 2004 , Curtis plans his third in stallment of Laps 4 Love, and j ust as in years past, every donati on recei ved goes to PBTF in m emory of Breeane, In add iti on to Curtis' parents , Chuck and Brandie Herrmann, the ongoing success of Laps 4 Love has been aided by spo nsors, including The Honda Riders' Club of America, Dunlop Motorcycle Tires, Fox Racing, N -Style, and Renthal /Mechanix Wear. To share in the success of the 2004 Laps 4 Love an d make a tax deductible donation, visit or email or call (661) 266-8546. Priced at an eye- waterinq $146,000 for each one, the machines have been produced to m ark th e quarter-century of existence of the family marque (founded when they acquired Harley-Davidson's Italian operation in 1978 and renamed it after their father - Castiglioni Gio vanni di Varese). The machines are exact replicas of the last Cagiva 500cc Grand Prix motorcycle raced in 1994 by John Kocinski and Doug Chandler, which after Kocinski's victory in Australia in the opening round of that year's series, and his second place a week later in Malaysia , went to Japan for the third race of the year leading the World Championship. before ending up third overall at the end of the season. The replicas - hand-made manufacture of which is already under way by the same faithful mechanics who prepared the originals for raci ng a decade ago - are identical down to the last t itanium bolt and carbon-fiber shroud and , as such, are capable of racetr ack use. That monster price does also indude a spares kit, so well-heeled cus tomers can take it on a track day and not have to worry about repairing crash damage, or having parts to freshen the eng ine! To cast your vote. log on to - - - -htt p:/ / www .r y r Of the foll owin g AMA Red Bull Supermoto Championship fav orites. who do you thinlC will falCe ttie title af er fti e winner-falCe-all final this Frid ay in l as Vegas? A. Mark Avard B. Jeremy McGrath C. Lllrry Pegram D. Kurt Nicoll E. Kevin Schwa ntz _ _ _Po Doug Henry Sl ev Drew-_ _ R. Bori s Chambon 5. Jurgen Kunze l cue I e n e vv s NOVEMBER 26, 2 003 7

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