Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250 PRo : I. Nathan Davenport (Vam ); 2. Chase Guid ry (YlIm); 3 . Roger Th ayer (KlIw) : 4. Ryan Tha yer (Hon ): 5. Coy Hobgood SRMA Arenacross Series Round 4:Hattiesburg Multi-Purpose Center (KTM). The Fire Dog Laps 'em All! By Roy 65 BEG: J. Ja!lOO Stock still (Kalil): 2. Bri ster Dupont (Kalil) : 3. JENKINS Hunter Jones (Kaw): 4. Beaux Mtlltin (Kaw): S. Cameron Lejeune (Suz). 65 (6-9): 1. Jon MU IT)"Barr (SUl): 2. Dyll on Beesely (Kllw): 3. lack llry Riggins (Kalil): 4. Drew Se ndlfer (Suz): 5. Kye Broom (Suz). 65 (1 0 -11): 1. Sam Landry (KTM) ; 2. Brand on Champagn e (Kalil): 3. Steven Williams (Suz) . 60 OPEN: 1. Sam Landry (KTM); 2. Jon MulT)' Barr (SUl); 3. Brend en Cham pagne (Kalil ); 4. lack ary Riggi ns (Kll w) ; 5. Ja son Stockstill (Kaw). 85 BEG: 1. Timmy Teague (Vam): 2. Kevin Mancuso (Vam); 3. Ross Dimm (Kaw); 4. Stephen Wagl ey (Kaw) ; 5. Jerem y Borgllrdt (Kaw). 85 (7 .11 ): 1. Sam L!lndry (KTM); 2. Dalton Dufrene (Kaw); 3. Hunter Cascio (SUl) ; 4. Steven Willia ms (SUl ): 5. lach Tulli er (Kalil). 85 (12. 15) : 1. Mitch Goumey (Kaw): 2. D.J . Cortel (KTM): 3. Jac ob Hetnue (VlIm ); 4. Cody Cornell (Vam) ; 5. Timoth y Borgardt (Hon) . 125 PRO: 1. Nathan Davenport ( Vam ): 2. Chris Crllft (Suz ): 3. Chase Guidry (Yllm): 4. Dus ti n Man uel (Kaw) : 5. Jason Manuel (Kaw) . 125 OPE1't : I. Chase Melancon (Yam ): 2. Tim Bergeron (KlIw): 3. Jesse Hodgeson (Yam ): 4. Jacob Heintze (VIIITl): 5. Mich!le l Sanumgel o (Vll m). HAlTIESBURG , MS, OCT . 24 -2 5 Motocross race rs conve rge d in Hatt iesburg to co m p ete in round fou r o f th e SRMA A renacro ss Series, and Wiggins, Mississip pi, ace Nathan " Fi re Dog " D avenp ort thum p ed th e Pro rid ers by l appin g eve ryo ne else in h is clas s on both nights. Freestyl e m otocross sta r Chuc k Carothers ente rt ai ned the cro wd with his death -def yin g tri cks at the intermission. This tal ented 25 year -o ld Hattiesburg native tlew in from Cali fornia , borrowed a fre esty le m oto rcy cl e and jumping ramp , and then stun ned the crowd by jumping high er than the arena lights! Whil e in th e air, he performed suc h tricks as the Hart A tta ck Look Back, Nothin' , Helic op ter , One Handed Indian, and his own new trick. the no hand ed Sideshow. A highl y tech ni cal track awaited the racers ins ide th e Multi -Pu rpose Center aren a . Pro m ot er Robbie Bu rges s elec ted to design the tra ck like a small sup ercross tra ck and even included the fr eestyle jumper's steep downram p as part of the tra ck. Mississippi tr ack buil d er Lo i s Smi th put hi s years of racing experience to work as he built the m ost challengi ng indoor track of th e year. Th e trac k featured a new, flat- style gat e that dropped l ow en oug h t o allow t h e starti ng li n e to become part of th e high-speed str aightaway . In Friday night's 125cc Pro con test , Dav enport slid out and wen t down. He picked up his Bardwell Yama ha and went on to lap all the way up to second place. Chris Craft rod e his Suzuki into seco nd , with Cha se Guidry 's DE-G Cycle Yamaha in third. In the 12 5c c Pro ma in event , Belle Chase's Roger Th ayer got off the gate in front and held off Davenport for two laps, but Dav enp ort prevaile d and agai n lapped the field . In Satu rd ay n ight's 25 0 cc Pro co n tes t , Dustin Man uel held the lead for two laps. He had the second- place d rider, Davenp ort, shak ing hi s head . Fin all y th e Fir e Dog was able to get around him. "Yeah , h e w as bl o cking m e off o n the insid e," Dav enp ort said of Manu el, " but that's racin g ." Da venpo rt w a s as ked if h e intended to k eep racin g aga in after his layoff. " l feel good ," h e replied. "I' m not reall y tired, but I'm not where I need to be. I want to race a few m or e races around here, then go cha lle nge the big boys. I' d like to th ank m y m om , famil y and fri end s, Bard well Yamaha , my mechanic, and all those wh o sup port m e." Gon zales rid er Chase Melan con co nt inues to ride ind oor s with great co nfidence . The last 125c c Novice rid er to beat Melan con indoors wa s Mandeville' s Tim Berg ero n, bac k in July . Bergeron got an early lead in th e 125cc O pen cl ass. Melan con was able to sli p th rou gh th e pack to nip him fo r the win. Fell ow Gonzal es riders J esse Hodg eson and Ja cob Heintze fin ished in third and fourth, resp ectivel y . The Schoolboy cla ss was another exci ting ra ce . The fa stest of the BOcc rid er s ra c ed aga inst some fast 125 cc ride rs. No oth er clas s had so m uc h eme rging am ateur talent on display i n the sam e ra c e . Mandeville's D .J . Cortez pulled off the track, dro pped his bike and started spitting up th e dirt that was chokin g him ; bor row ing a wat er bottl e, he took a f ew g u l ps and got b a ck in th e ra c e. Prai rievill e's Mitch Gou rn ey got tangled up with Baton Ro uge's J os eph Pizzuto, opening th e do or for Zach Jordan to experience what it' s like to win a Novice cla ss for th e fir st time. However , J ordan co uldn't hold off th e charge of Chase Melan con in th e main event . Jordan sco red th e second -place plaque, and J oseph Pizzuto placed th ird . Ov erall , it was a gr eat week end of racing. Alth ough t h e r ide r t u rn o u t wa s down , th e spe ctator turnout was up . Round fi ve of the AX series will be held in J ack son, Mis sissippi. 250 OPE N : 1. Ke vin Sim mons ( Yam ): 2. Jo sep h Freemen (KlI w); 3. Nick Curole (Vam ): 4. Alex Raynor (Suz) . oPEN INT: I. Ashley Wheat (Suz ): 2. Mit ch Gaumey (Kaw): 3. .Jeso n McSwlli n (V8m) . Saturday 50 0 IL·INJ : I . Chil d Pattison (KTM): 2. Dixo n Dupont (KTM) ; 3. Mich.llel Bergeron (Yam): 4. Brandon Smith (KTM ); 5. Mason Wells. M.NI 4 -STRK: 1. Ta ylor W.IIts (Suz): 2 . "Pc rkchop" Beye (Suz ); I t 3. Gordon Wague: pack (Yam ); 4. Hunter Carrmchee l (YlIm ). s 50 OPE1't: 1. Jon Murry ·Barr (Pol): 2. Justin John ston (Pol): 3. Hunter Jones (Pol ); 4 . B. Man (KTM); 5 . Garrett Wells (KTM) . 85 O PEN: 1. Mi tch Goom ey (Kaw): 2. D.J. Cortez (KTM) : 3. Wes Redden (Kaw) : 4. Delto Dufrene (Kaw); 5. Cody Comell (Yam) . n 125 BEG: I. Jordan Champagne (Suz) ; 2. Michael Santangelo ( V.II ): 3. Michael Haffner ( KTM) : 4. Zac O'Brtent (Han); 5. Chuck m .Jemes (Hon) . 125 NOV : I. Ti m Bergeron (Kaw): 2. Zack Jo rdan (Yam ): 3. Jacob Heintze (Vam ): 4. Dustin Sampey (Kalil ): 5. Jesse Hodgeson (Yam ). 125 PRO : 1. Nathan Davenport (Vam) ; 2. Dustin Manuel (Kalil ): 3. Chase Guidry (Yam ): 4. Ja son Ma nuel (K aw) ; 5. Ja c ob Babin (Yam ). 25 0 BEG: I. David McCool (K llw ); 2. John Murph y (Hon) ; 3. Landon Roussel (Hon); 4. Chance Sheppard (Yam): 5. Steve Graves (KTMI. 250 NO V: 1. Joseph Freeman (Kaw) : 2. Al ex Raynor (SUl ): 3. Tim Waid (Hon): 4 . Phillip James (Hon ). OPE N PRO : 1. Nethen Dav enpo rt (Yem): 2. .Jeaon Manu el (Kll w) ; 3. Du stin Manue l (Kaw): 4 . Ja cob Babin (SUl): 5. Chas e Guidry (VlIm) . WMN : 1. Ashley Wheat (Sw.); 2. Jenn e Schill age (Suz): 3. Renee Lee (Yllm ): 4. Taylor Watts (Suz). SCHBY: 1. Chase Mellln con (Vll m): 2. lack Jordan (Vam); 3. Joseph Pizzuto (Vllm); 4. Mitch Goume y (Kaw); 5. Michae l Haffner (KTM). SR C: J. Scooter Peetz (Kaw) . Parts U nlimitedlThor U Dealers' Challenge .S. 3 Palms Extreme Park The Usual Suspects BY Doc MEllOY CONROE, TX , OCT. 25 -26 Th e inaugu ral Parts Unlim itedjThor U.S. Deal ers' Challenge was held at 3 Palms Extreme Park in Conr oe, T exas , with rain on Saturday and a cold fr on t o n Sunday. Nevert heless , most of the best riders in T exas showe d up to l ay cl ai m to "to p dog" status in th e sta te . However, wh en all wa s said and do ne , the rid ers on th e po dium we re the o nes lo cal fa ns have becom e acc usto m ed to seeing. Sm all bikes, Beginn ers and Novices raced on Saturday ; Interm ediates and Ex perts raced on Sunday . Scoring wa s based on race .fi ni sh es an d t h e n u mber of r iders in t he cl ass, m ean ing th at winning the Cha llen ge requi red a certa in amount of str ategy on the part of th e tea m c ap ta ins . J o sh Rogers' EBR team o f An dr ew Pierce, Justin Mor se, Blak e Coc hra n , Michael Ro yal an d Cha rles Ca st loo wo n t he Dea lersTrop hy . ' "The guys are ver y passionate abo ut th is sport and reall y w ant ed to wi n th is Dea lers ' ti tl e," Roge rs said. ' On Saturday, as expec ted , Pierce , on his new KTM , dominated the 50cc clas s. Howev er , abou t h a lfw a y t h roug h th e first set o f m atos, the rain began; at one point, it was difficu lt to see across the track. A det ermin ed Caleb Dowe ll plowed ahead on his Kawasak i, lett ing every body know he' s th e new rider to beat in the 65 cc cla ss. The biggest surp ri se of da y on e ca m e in th e fi rst Superm ini mota . Ky le Cunn in gham got the hol esh ot, a n d a three -bike pi l eup be h ind him prev ent ed rac e favo ri te Rya n Gr antom fr om getting a clea n start o n h is Suzuki. Grantom went down but was qu ickly back up , pursu ing Cunningham. Picki ng off rider s in bun che s, Gr antom caug ht Cunning ham in the tum before th e fini sh-line ju mp and too k second behind th e youn g Kawa saki pil ot. Th at f inis h didn 't sit well wi th Grantom , wh o has owned th is class in the Hou ston area fo r several yea rs. In m oto two, Grantom an d Cu n n i ng ha m b oth c h a r g ed ha rd to t he holeshot co mer. Grant om staye d on the ga s, runn ing Cunn ing ha m high up into the tu m and effective ly seali ng him off . With that , Grantom went o n a tear, cruis ing to an easy m ote-two victory . Cunn ing ham edged out Michael Perry for second . O n Sunday, in the fir st 125cc Int erm edi ate m ot o , Jonathan Ker r was fi rst out of th e chute , foll ow ed by Grantom and Rand y Chil ders . K err held his lin e and seeme d to have the race in swe e p . In th e 125cc Expert co ntest , Clayton Miller took the holesh ot, fo llo wed by Vern on " VM a c " M cK id die , Ja mes Marshall an d Rob Lock e. McKidd ie quickly took th e lead, whil e Marshall passed Miller for seco nd . Lock e then passed Miller to tak e th ird and began to reel in M ar sh all but pu ll ed off o n lap si x with bike prob lems. K yl e Wi lli ams m oved up through the pack to th ird . J ason Gaddis follow ed in fo urth . M ar shall pu sh ed V-M ac for th e next several laps un til he bobbled slightly in a tum mi dw a y th rou gh th e l ast l a p , a nd V -M ac secured the m oto victory. Marshall foll ow ed in seco nd , Williams was third , and Bradl ey Miko las pas sed Gaddis to take fourth. V-Ma c got th e m ote -two holeshot, follo wed by Locke and Mik ola s. Mar sha ll pulled off the track with bi k e probl em s. On lap fiv e. V-Mac went dow n, gi ving up th e lead to Locke. Mik e las was now seco nd and Will iam s th ird . V-Mac q uickly got up and running in fourth . Williams pa ssed Mikola s for second but never ca ught si g h t o f L o ck e , wh o took th e m o t o win . Willia m s crosse d th e line for sec o nd , which was good eno ugh fo r the overa ll. foll owed by Mikolas in thi rd . Mar shall got th e ho leshot in the fir st 250c c Ex pert moto , foll ow ed close ly by McKiddie, Brian G erman y , Lo ck e , Derek K emp and Charles Ca stloo . V-Mac got h un g up in th e second tum and qui ckl y fell beh ind . By mid way, Marshall had a commanding lead , fo llowed by Kemp , Locke and a hard -ch arging McKiddie . In rnot o two, McKiddi e, ridin g his last race aboard a Yamaha , got th e holeshot, foll owed by Germany, K em p and Marshall . Germany w en t down, and M a rshall q u ic k ly passed Kemp and chase d afte r McK idd ie. Rid ing flaw lessl y, V -Ma c held hi s li ne and cla ime d the seco nd -mote vi ct or y, followed by Mar sh all , Kemp and Gadd is. The win was goo d eno ugh to give V-M ac (2 - 1) the ove rall . "The tr ack became very techn ica l due to all the rain ," McK iddi e noted afte rward , "and t h is was so me of t he be st raci ng I' ve seen in the Houston area in all the years I've been racing here ." 3 P a lm s Extreme Pa r k Conroe . Texas Results: O ctober 25-26, 2003 5 1 (4 ·6 ): I. Colin Price (Co b) ; 2. Brock Ronsonet (KTM): 3. Devin Mik ulec (Cob ); 4. Payton Turby fill (Cob ): 5. Austin Andrews (Cob ). 51 (7.8): 1. Andrew Pierce (KTM); 2. Austin Sm itley (Kaw): 3. Brennan Beckett (Kaw) ; 4. Sterli ng King (KTM): 5. Drew Long (KTM). 5/ MOO P!W : 1. Brennan Beckert (Kaw): 2. Curren Thurman (KTM): 3. Caleb Dowell (KTM); 4. Tnetan Shuler (KTM) ; 5. Sterling King (KTM). 65 (7·9): 1. Caleb Dowell (KT M): 2. Beau Baldwin (Kaw) ; 3. Jacob Tu rbyfill ( KTM) ; 4. Beau Hudson (Kalil ): 5. As hto n Thielk e (Ka lil) . 65 ( 10· 11): 1. Colton Renaker (KTM ): 2. Dale Perrot (Kllw): 3. Richie Matzke (K.II ): 4. Danny Kinsall (KTM); 5. Codi Nunez (Kaw). w 65 OPEN: 1. Jacob Turby fill (KTM): 2. Caleb Dow ell (KTM); 3. Richie Matzke (K.II ); 4. Beeu Hudson (Kaw) ; 5. Danny Kinsall (KTM). w 85 (7.1 1): I. A.J . Sm ith (Kaw): 2. Kyle Wood (Sut); 3. Blake Hamil ton (Vllm): 4. Hunter Kenner (Vam ); 5. Tyler Youngblood (Vam). 85 (12· 13): 1. Chase Spears (SUl): 2. Kyl e Cunningham (Kalil); 3. David Cook (Suz) ; 4 . Trey Hammock (Vam): 5 . Kyle Adams (Vam). 85 ( 14- 15): 1. Michael Perry (Vam ); 2. David Barros (Kaw): 3. Joshua wln em en (Yam ); 4. Mlltt Boehle (Hon): 5. Baro n Schultze (Hon) . 850: 1. Joey Anglin (Yam) : 2. Jake Leatherwood (Hon) : 3. Trey Rapsilver (Hon); 4. Bryson Watson (Hon): 5. Chris Suder (Vam) . 5 /M1NI: 1. Ryen Grantom (Suz); 2. Kyle Cunningham (Kalil): 3. Trey Ham mock (Vam): 4. Jo shua Winema n ( Vllm) ; 5. David Cook (KTM), 125 B : 1. Ryan Granto m (SUl) ; 2. Jonat han Kerr (Vam); 3. Randy Chil ders ( Kaw) : 4 . Jose ph Aguila r (Kaw ): 5 . Lee Moone y Results: October 24-25, 2003 (Round 4 ) 3 Palms Extreme Park: Ryan Grantom clea rs the fini sh-li ne jum p en ro ute to one of his t hree class v ictories at the very first Parts UnlimitedlThor U.S. Deale rs ' Challenge in Conroe, Tex as. 50 (4 .6) : 1. Austin Riggins (KTM); 2. B. Man (KTM); 3. K;,yIBJo Craft (Kaw) . 50 (7-6): I. Jon MulT)' Barr (Pol); 2. Dill on Dufrene (Kaw); 3. Kye Broom (Suz ); 4. Hunter Brl!land (Cob); 5. Hunter Jones (Kaw). cue Grantom ( I- I) al so w on th e Sch oo lboy cl a ss , fo llowed b y H. M cMillan (2 -4 ) an d Lance Steve ns (3 -6 ), m ak ing it a Suzu k i cl ean (""'I. Friday NOVEMBER 26, 2003' the roa d in Willis, aga in finished in first. proving on ce ag ain that he is almost impossible to beat in his own ba ck yard. 4-STRK MINI: 1. ZIlch Parrott (Hon ): 2. Rease King (Vam); 3. Jim Forgy (Hon) : 4. Blake Hamilton (Vam) : 5. Todd Amos (Y8m ). 125 A: 1. Kyle Willi ams (Kll w): 2. Vernon McKidd ie (Vam): 3. Bradley Miko las (KTM): 4. Je scn Gaddi s (Yam); 5. Der ek Kemp Hattiesburg Multi ~Purpose Center Hattiesburg. Mississippi 44 the bag until he sli d out in the last tum before the fin ish li ne, allowing Granto m to sli p by for the m ot o win . In moto two , Grantom, who lives jus t do wn I e n e vv s (Yam) . 125 C: 1. Blake Cochran (Yam) : 2. H, McMillan (SUl) ; 3. Justin The mes (Vam): 4 . Lence Stevens (SUl ); 5. Steven Ball (K aw). 125 0: 1. Ju stin Morse (Vllm ): 2. Dustin Witt (Yam) : 3. Jarrel Hughes (VlIm) ; 4. Jacob Bryan (Vam ): 5. Anth ony Rini (Kaw). 125 OPEN: 1. Jonathan Kerr (Vllm): 2. Ryan Grentcm (SUl); 3. Michll el Royel (Kll w); 4. H. McM.1 (Sut) ; 5. LeeMooney (Vam ). i lllO 250 A: I. Vemon McKiddie (VlIm ); 2. James Marshllil (Hon); 3. Derek Kemp (KTM) : 4. J aso n Gaddi s ( Vam): 5. Brian German y (K.II II). I 250 B: 1. Jo nathan Kerr (Vll m): 2. Ronny Jack son (Hon ); 3. Randy Childers (K.IIw); 4. Greg Chepm an (Hon): 5. Chris Marek (Suz). 250 C: 1. Blake Cochran (Vam) ; 2. Justi n Pulsifer (KTM): 3. Colt Stephens (Hon) ; 4. Kent Hartner (Hon); 5. Adria n Gonzalez (Han). 250 0 : 1. .Jarret Hughes (Hon ): 2. Derek Russell (Vam): 3. Joel Gonzalez.(Hon) ; 4. Ray Campbell (Hon) ; 5. Kevin Cates (Han ). 250 O PEN: 1. Ronny Jackson (Han): 2. Colt Stephens (Han): 3. Keit h Com mander (Vam ); 4. M1!.rk Stro ng ( Hon ); 5. Ch ris Russell (Vam ). •

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