Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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u SR M[NI: 1. Phil Nic oletti (Han ); 2. Brian M. lcahy (Yll m ); 3 . Mi ke Stryker (Sull. 125 A: 1. Ja y Weller (Sut); 2. John Lawrence (Kaw); 3. John GllIntonio (Kaw); 4. K~y Bleckwelt (Han); 5. Adam Wald (Yam). 125 B: 1. Dave SY UT1Mlski (Yam): 2. Chris Laughnlme (KTM); 3. James Wild (Kllw). 125 C: I. Charles Fox (Vam): 2. Shll~ Burnet t (Yam): 3. Sieve ManlOo (Yam ). SIGNUPTO 250 A: J. J a y Weller (Suz): 2 . Carlo Coen (KTM): 3. John Lawrence (lU w); 4 . Darren Elhall (Hon ): 5 . Da ve Stetri tl (tITM) 250 B: 1. Tom Vitale (Yam): 2. Jordan Crawford (Ko!Iw); 3. Rick Pence Jr . (Yam). 250 C: I. Steve Marano (Hon): 2. Je~ my Byrnes ( Hon ); 3 . Dominic Buttnrr (Hon). WMN: 1. Athena Stefllooou (Suz); 2. Haley Burke (SuI ); 3. Chrissy Basna (Kaw). SCHBY: t. Mik e Gessd (Ka w); 2. Chris Laugh nan e (KTM) ; 3 . Brian Mulcahy (y am) . CLGBY; I. Jay Welle r (Suz); 2. John Giantonio (Kaw ); 3. Adam Volpe (Yam ): 4. Chris Spe ar (Yam): S. Deve Slt'TTJt (KTM). 25. A:. I. Carlo Coen (KTM): 2. Kenny BlrlweU (Hen): 3. 04r ~ Edsall (Henl. 25. B: I. Bri an Riv enbu rg (Hon ); 2. Seece Malgren (Hon): 3. Marti.Seigel (Yam) . 25. C: J. Nick Buttner ( Hon); 2. Joe Canfuell (Hon); 3. Matt • ShUllrt (Han ). JOIN THE HUNDREDS OF SUCCESSFUL, ACTIVE DEALERS WHO SELL 30. A: 1. Carlo Coen (KTM): 2. Kmny Black well (Hon): 3. Keith (Hon):4. ChuckSeguine (Hon): S. Oarml Edsall (Hon). .30. B: 1. Deve Sugno (Y" m ): 2. Edward Tautk 6 (Kaw); 3. Dave Bancroft (Yam). 30. C: 1. Richie Calderone (Yam); 2. Alex Ell ma n ( HuI ): 3. Goyette B R Y C E LIVE SEY Austi n McGui~ (Han ). 35. : 1. Ralph sc eonececc (Yam) : 2. Joe Fritz (Hon) ; 3. Bill rc jjjils mews Grippo ( Hon) . IN THEIR STORES 40. A: I. Phil De Sousa (Hon): 2. Ralph Scannapieeo (Yam) ; 3. Joe Fritz (Hon) ; 4 . Tom Hall (Yam): 5 . Phil Klemen (Hon) . 40. B: 1. Glen Aru dini (Yam); 2. J eff Roberto (S uz): 3. Dav e Scarduzio (Yam) . 40. C: 1. Richie Calderone (Yam ): 2. Bob Grant (Hon ); 3. Rich Kleindt (KTM) . 50. : l. Sal Bena nti (Hon). VINT : I . Joe Hoell (Suzl: 2. Sieve Wujci k (Yil m) ; 3. J ohn Wien · ma nn (Sw) . Triple J Track January 9, 1987 Benton City, Washingto n OTHER INTERESTS: •• S nowboarding, Wakeboarding BIRTIIDAn: • ••• • RESIDENCE: • • • • ••• DIS Ci PliNES: • • • • •• • Motocross, Arenacross S uzuki RM"Z250 S POIIISORS: • • • DeVol Engine e ring, No Fear, Hinson Racing, S pider Grips, Mom and Dad 's Empty Wa llet Racing loCAL T HACH: • • • • • • •• Richland Washington ORV Track ClASSES: 125cc Junior MDT1IR CYCLE: S ingleton Singu larly Good! B y D AVID SUn-ON • Build WEEKLY FOOT TRAFFIC in you r store. o o Create ENTHUSIASM for ne w products, la test events a nd trends in the sport of motorcycling . L ocal COVERAGE of even ts in your area , in add ition to I\btiord & Worldw ide news about motorcycles - as it happens! HENDER SON , GA , OCT. 26 The seco nd round of th e eig ht-race Geo rg ia Cr os s Country Seri es m ov ed to th e T rip le J T rack in Hend erso n, Geor g ia . On ce agai n , Steve Johnson and crew laid out an o uts tand ing 8 -mile loo p that had a perf ect m ixt ure of sinql e-tr ac k tr ail , ope n field s, a few rocky sec lions, and a chall enging creek cross ing . Under threa tening skies , th e A cla ss bl asted off via a Grand Pri x start, w ith KDX220 pi lot Tay lo r John so n sh ow in g t h e wa y. T ayl or ' s o l de r broth er Matt Johnson and Trey Singl eton were hot on his heels. Th e pai r ov ertook Taylor in the first fast field sect ion. "Th ose YZ450s are j ust too mu ch fo r m y litt le Kawasaki: Taylor lam ented. "I ca n sta y cl ose in th e woods , but 1 lose g round in th e fields." Matt pu t some d istan ce on Sing leton until he crashed hard in one of th e newly cut tra il secti ons. "I hi t a stump and rea l l y ate it," Matt recounted . " Sing leton got by , and I tried to reel him in , but, m an , m y foot was kill ing m e." Sing leton hel d on for his first-ever win . "I felt good about tod ay !" a ju bil ant Sing leton said. "Winning feels greatl " " T w o ra ce s, t w o secon ds - I' m hap py !" excl aime d Matt at rac e' s end . Ta y lor rounded out the top three. Th e B clas s featured a good battle between CRF450R rider Do n Hall and KTM 450-moun ted St eve Deloach. Th e t wo trad ed positi on s seve ral times before Hall go t th e upper hand on lap four. Po ints lea der Johnny Britt fin ished third for the day. The heavil y co ntested C class was won by KTM rider Sean Debey , wh o led from wi re to w ire. Th er e was som e go od ra cing beh ind hi m , as H& H KTM rider Ja son Gibb s sliced his way through the pack to wa ge a th ree-lap battl e w it h Paul J esm er an d J ames Sau sbury . Less th an a m ile fr o m the fin ish , Gi bb s got aro u nd t he pa ir to sec u re thi rd pl ace by a scant six secon ds . Perh ap s th e best rac e of the da y was in the Sen io r cla ss. Hond a rider Thad Binford and Yamaha p ilot Ch uck Hunt went at it all day lon g , with Binfo rd recor ding his second victory of the series, beating Hunt by two seconds. The You th cl ass was won by Spen cer Mas · carello, with Cory Hunt, Matt J ames and Da lton Gentry in tow. Th is is shap ing up to be a eN great seriesl Re sults A: 1. Trey Sing leton (Yam ); 2. Matt Johnsoo (Yam ); 3. Taylor Joh nson (Kaw); 4. Bill E liott (KTM); S. Chester Peeples (TM). B: I. Don Hall (Hen): 2. Steve Deloach (KTM); 3. J ohnny Britt (Han): 4. Scott Hunt(Kow); 5. D avid Sutton (KTM). C: 1. Sean Debey (KTM): 2. J osh Morll.osen (Yam ): 3. J ason Gibbs (KTM); 4. Paul Jesmer (Sw ); 5. JAmesSausbury (Yam). SR 1. Thad Binford (Hon): 2. Chuck Hunt (Vam ); 3. Fedor Rubio (Yam ); 4 . D an Bowman ( KTM ): 5 . Cha rles Ricks (Han) . YTH: J. Spenc er Mascarello (Han ): 2 . Cody Hunt (ya m ): 3 . Matt James (Kaw): 4 . Dalton Gentry; 5 . lath Yongue (Hon ). 56 NOVEMBER 26, 2003· c c e n eVIl's R ECENT o o • • • Acco PUSHIIENIS Qua lified fifth , 125c c Modified class, North west Area loretta lynn's Qua lifier Th ird overall, Pacific Rac ing Organizat ion Northwest Nat ional Motocross Se rie s WHY Do You RACE? "] race be cause , like t o ride dir t bike s and' g e t to me e t n e w people." WHAT WAS YOUR WORST IN.JuRY? "It's a t ie : A concuss ion that put me in t he hospital intensive care unit f or three da ys, or breaking t ibia and fibula in both m y legs at one t ime. , had t o go t o "Puerto Va /larta in a wheelchair. It's no t ve ry access-friendly for disab led people there: WHAT AIlE YDUR GOALS? "! would like to become a pr oiessiona l motocross r acer if I can stay healthy: WHO'S YOUR FaVORITE RIDER? ""Pr obably Stewart, because he 's accomplished so much at such a young age:

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