Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250 PRO : I. Dakota Simmons (Yam ). OPEN PRO: I . Aaron Ledd (Han); 2. Stev ie Nac e (Yam). SR 40..- I. David Brown (Han): 2. Joh n Gillig ll n (Han) . : Johnson Wins the Jackpot off . Foll ow ing in fourth and fift h were T y son Lindeman and Joel A rd . Th e checkered nag ca me out for Robert son. and Tracy had to setti e for second, and once aga in A inslie crossed th e fin ish line in th ird. Rob ert son (2 - J) too k the ove rall w in , whil e Tracy ( 1-2) earne d second, and Ai ns lie fin ish ed th ird via a consi ste nt 3- 3 m ota t ally. Fou rth w ent to Lin d em an ( 5 -4), and A rd pick ed up fifth (6 -5) . B y J(J STIN W HA RTO N Result s W o odland Mot o cross Park 50 (4- 6): 1. Conner Mit chell (Co b ): 2. Cody Smi th (K TM): 3. Avery Scott (KTM): 4. Te nne r Morri s (KTM) ; 5. Sen ner Ferris (KTM) 50 (7-8): r. Devin Hemmen (Cob): 2. Collin Scott (K TM); 3. Shade n Nug ent (Pol) : 4. Wyatt Agui rre (K TM) ; 5. Darien Sanayet WOODLAND , OR, OC T . 25 With beau tifu l weather a nd th e parkin g lot c hock- full of eag er ri de r s, t here was som e awesom e rid ing thr ough o ut the day at Wood land Motocross Par k . Yam aha- mo unted Trac y J ohn son c am e away w it h t he m ost p added po c k et s, wi nning th e 2 5 0cc Pro cl as s and placing seco nd in the 125cc Pro dass. In the firs t m oto of th e 2 50cc Pro cl ass, Don Bis cegli a ab sco nd ed wi th th e hol eshot ah ead of the rest of th e I g · rider field, fo llo wed by Joh nson and fellow Veteran- d ass com petitor T erry Hamness J r. J ohnson shot by after a brief battl e with Biscegli a, whi le Hamn ess di sapp eare d on th e seco nd lap , and Nick Fo ister t o o k ove r t h e thi rd - p l ac e p o sit ion . He ath Ro b e r t so n pas sed F oi st e r , w h il e Tra c y ' s yo unge r bro ther Ross J ohn son m ov ed up to fifth (where he stay ed for the rem ainder of the rac e) . Tr acy to ok th e wi n , fo ll o wed by Bi scegli a and Rob ert son . Hemness flew int o th e lead in the second mota , whil e T ra cy was st uc k bac k in fifth . Tracy fou ght hi s way up to third. Th e sight of the white flag sparked som e fir e in Tr acy , and he rode like a com plete madman. He blew by Bis ceglia , and then , with on ly fi ve co rners to go , he blast ed th rou g h th e t urn s to c atc h Ham nessl He went into a co rne r full y pin ned and did th e impossib le: He pas sed Hemness! T rac y hit the la st co rne r fast er tha n anyone else had throug hou t th e day , and he too k the checkered fla g for th e win , with Hamness and Bis cegli a in secon d and third , respect ively . Tra cy (1 -1) took the overall win , whil e Bisce g li a (2 -3 ) ende d u p sec o nd , and the last podium spot was tak en by Rob ertson (3 -4 ). Foi ster ( 4 -5) fin i sh ed fou rth , an d Hamness ( 12- 2 ) ca me away with a disappointing fifth . Th e Fly -b ack ed Dal e Ain sli e got into th e earl y lead in th e 125cc Pro class, but he had Tracy on h is rear fende r. Ain sli e held on for several laps befor e he succum bed to Tr acy 's p ressure. Ai nslie then dropped back to th ird , as Rob ert son also go t by him . Tracy took an e asy w in, w ith Ro b ert son in se c ond an d Ainslie in third . In th e seco nd m ota , Tracy had a rough er time on th e starting li ne and had to wo rk hard er than he had in the first mota . Rob erts on took full advantage of the situation and rod e hard to pull out a lead . T racy came up beh ind hi m , but lap afte r lap he co uldn' t do anything , and it looked like Robertso n wo u ld get t he win . Ainslie fo llowed in third again, whil e Mark Bunk er had m echanical problems and pu ll ed (KTMI. 60 (6·8): 1. Taly n Taylor (KTM): 2. Shadcn Nugent (KTM) ; 3. Deman Se neye (KTM) : 4. Devin Hamm en (KT M): 5. Ryan Mirand!l (KTM) . 60 (g·II) : 1. Chris Corsi (Kawl: 2. Rook Je",,~11 (KTM): 3. Au stin Ulrich (KTM}: 4. Juli an Doane (Kaw) ; 5. Mike Ponuous (KTM). 60 OPEN: l. Rook Jewett (KTM); 2. Chris Corsi (Kaw); 3. Mike Pontious (KTM): 4. J unen Doane (Ka w): 5. Devin Harriman (KTM) 80 BEG: I. Cam eron West (Hon) : 2. Nick Mirandll (YlIm ); 3. Ion Mc Dade (Ka w) : 4 . Craig Haselton (Suz ): 5 . Michelle Cob len tz (Ka w) . 80 J R: 1. Andy Richards (Yam) : 2. NlIlJ1l1n t eet (Suz): 3 . John Butler (Suz): 4. Brandon Kallberg (Yami: 5. Austin Ul ric h (Hon) . 80 INT : 1. Ja ke Ans tett (KTM); 2. Chad Smi th (Suz}; 3. A lec Walts (Suz): 4. Drew Mitchell (Yam) : 5. lack Ag uirre (YlIm ). S/MINI: I. Jak e A nstett (KTM): 2. Chad Smi th (S uz): 3. Co llin Megee (Suz); 4. Jared Evald (Yam ); 5. A ndy Richards (Yam). 125 BEG 0 · 1: I . Trevor Welsh (YlIm): 2. Ryan Sk inner (Kaw); 3. Mark Joh nson (Suz): 4. Mark Evens II (Yam): 5. Sam Peires (Han ). 125 BEG 0 ·2 : I. Je sse Weathers (Han); 2. Seli n Zuclich (Kaw); 3 . Doug Walker (Yam): 4. Ty Bak er (Yam ); 5. Shan e Bender (Han) . 125 JR D- I : 1. J oe l Lop ez (KTM): 2. Ni ck Holum (KTM ); 3 . Cameron Moore (Yam ): 4. Sean Ekeraon (Yam); 5. J ohn Bean (Yam ). 125 JR D· 2: I. Jake Kapustin s (YlIm ); 2. Brandon Pilot (Yam) ; 3. K y l~ laudemlllk (Han) : 4. Mike Paesarqe (YlI m); 5. Charlie O'Mer ri ll. 125 INT : 1. Jake Cartwright (Yam): 2. Corey Bye (Han ); 3. Scotty Bloo m (Suz); 4. Kip Templeton (Yam ); 5. Mike Marih ugh (KTM). : 125 PRO I. Heath Robertson (YlIm) : 2. Tracy Joh nson (Yam ); 3 . Dil le Ai nslie (YlIm); 4. Tyson Lindeman (Yam) : 5. Joel A rd (Yam ). 250 BEG: I . Stua rt Belley (Yam) ; 2. Seli n Zucl ich (Kaw ): 3 . An thony Frerue (Han) ; 4. Shll un Balltnqer (Hon ): 5 . James Dyson (Kaw) . 250 JR: 1. Jerem y Despoin (KTM) ; 2. Jake Kaposlins (YlIm): 3. Bran don Pil ot (Ya m ); 4 . Dust in Ma rt in (Ha n ): 5. Curt is w herton (Yam). 250 INT I. Daniel Kri ck (Han) : 2. MlIlI Hopkin s (Han) ; 3 . Ja son : Leudermak (Han ): 4. Brian Bennet (K TM) : 5. Brandon Sinden (Han ). 250 PRO: 1. TICI Y Joh nson (Yam) : 2. Don Bi sceglill (Han ); 3. C Heath Robertson (YlIm ): 4. Nick Foister (YlI m ): 5 . T erry Herrmess J r. (Hon). WMN: I. Jenny Kric k (Han ): 2. Michell e Supik (Yam ); 3. Shelly Burtis (Han); 4. Kessencre Good in (Han); 5. T . Marie Tiern ey (Han) . 6TH ; 1. Nick Foister (Yam): 2. Scott Bloom (SUI): 3 . J .J. Neimi (KTM); 4. Corey Bye (Han); 5. Nick Holum (KTM) . UTH AM: I . Josh Mylner (Han ); 2. Rob Jordan (Kaw); 3 . Owen Black (Ha n); 4. Trll d Fleming (Yam): 5. Jade Unger (YlIm). UTH EX: 1. TIm Holes (Yam); 2. Casey Starril (Han): 3. Mich ael Lee (YlIm ); 4. Ryan Vatter (Han ); 5. Tim Wiles (Hon). OTH BEG: I. James Dyson (K lIw); 2. Anthony Franze (Han); 3. Dan Roper (YlIm) : 4. Erik WlIligren (YlI m) : 5 . Doug WlIlker ( Yam ) OTH JR: I . Curti s Whll rton (Yam ): 2. T rad Flem ing (Yll m ): 3. Clark Moore (KTM): 4. Je en Bean (Yam) : 5 . Shane Berton (Yam) . OTH INT; I. Mike Heroness (Han); 2. Bob Melloy (Han ): 3 . Brian Goodin (Han); 4. J eff Odom (Suz); 5. Br ian Bennett (KTM). Orr NOV: 1. Bred Holton (Han ): 2. John Welsh ( Yam): 3. Bryan Hardie (Yam); 4. Bartman KlI liberg (YlIm ); 5. An drew Jen sen (Hon) . AM; I. Vince Kuni ( YlIm ); 2. Jell Kissinger (KTM): 3. Je ff May (Yam) ; 4. Todd Morri s ( YlIm) ; 5 . Dan Klic k (Han ). EX: I. Al an Evans (Han); 2. J oe Cll sey (Han) : 3 . TIm Wiles (Han): 4. J eff a dorn (SUI); 5 . Rick DII Silv a (YlIm ). 50 +: I . Jeff Kissinger (KTM); 2. Bill Corbett (Yam ): 3 . Bud Abbo t {Yem): 4. Frenk Prid (Ha n) . eau on. Orr Orr Li n col n Tra il M o tos ports Pinckard. Bowers Close It Up ,-- - - -------------,,. r 0. < B y Baoc MIKEL II: ~ r 0. :< ~ r '" < II: :< z w ,. 'x: "' ~ r 0. Woodland Motocross Park: Tracy Johnson airs It out in the Woodland footh ills en route to the top f inish In the 250c c Pro class. 54 NOVEMBER 26 . 2003' c ue I CASEY, IL, OCT. 25 -26 Appreci ati on Weekend at Lin coln Trai l Moto spo rts is a speci al event , and this was th e last big event the LTM's 30 th ye ar. Wit h m ore than 500 riders, alm ost every cla ss had a full gate of riders. Man y kid s in cos tume went trick -ortre ating from trailer to trail er. A co loring con test. a costum e co ntest, a bo nfi re, hayrides, a m echanical bull and free dinner for all were som e of th e week end' s highlights, along with a drawing for a 2004 125 (w hich was won by Open and Ov er 35 rider Ed Mu hr ) . This rac e marked th e end of race winn er Justin Pinckard's tour of duty in the 250cc C cla ss. " Yeah, th is is my last race fo r the season ," Pinckard sai d. " l don 't th ink th ere are many more anyway . I play [hig h school) basketball, and the season starts next week , so I will be doi ng that full time ... The track is great , and I won bo th m ot os. As far as leaving th e C cla ss, I am ready , and it's ti m e. I am going to train du rin g the winte r and be ready for them wh en the gate dr op s for '04 ." In the first 250cc C m oto , Yemaha-fiders J o hn Yeley and Kev in Ce cil an d KTM rider Donald Goo dwin led the pack . Yeley began to p ull a lead . After a bad start , Hon d a rid er Pinc k ard was on the move, and at th e end of the second la p he had Ye ley in his sig h ts . Veley m ade a mi stak e in a come r, and that's all Pinck ard needed to m ake the pass for the e n e vv s Lin c o l n Trail Motosports: Justin Pinckard won bot h motos in his last outing In the 250cc C class during Apprec iation Weekend in Casey, illinois. lead and th e win . Yeley finished sec on d, and Cecil fini shed th ird . Pinckard got a bette r sta rt in th e seco nd m ot o and m oved to t he fr ont qui c k ly a nd pull ed away for the m ota win. Behind him wa s q uite a race betw een Yeley and Ceci l! Th ese tw o rid ers ju st would not give up . They were at 100 percent all race lon g, and when th ey got the whi te fla g , it was still anyone's race. Yeley nosed his Yamaha across th e li ne first to fini sh seco nd for the mota and ove rall. At 12, T ea m G reen ' s T y ler B ow e rs i s a lready o n a big bik e - t he new K aw asaki KX2 50F . In the Schoolboy cl ass, Bowers traded mo to w ins with J ustin Si pes for the ove rall v ictory . Sipes fini shed second ov era ll. Third o v e r a ll wen t t o lo cal Ya ma ha ri d er J o sh Durbin . In th e first 125cc B m oto , Bowers took th e m o ta w in , wi th Sipes on hi s tail. K awasaki rider Jonathan Six fini shed th ird , with Durbin fourt h . Th e second mo to was anyo ne' s race. Bow ers aga in placed his Kawa sak i fo ur -stroke in the front at th e checkers for fi rst p lace and the overall. Sipes fini shed seco nd in the m ota an d seco nd overa ll , wi t h Six thi rd and third ov erall. Durbin again fi ni shed in th e fou rth spot and fourth ov era ll. R es u lt s MiNI!: I. Shawn Rife ; 2. Kyl e Burlile 3 . J oseph Tarver- 4. Tyl er : BlI ylis: 5. Derek Devine. MINI 2: I . Kyl e Corm an: 2. Cameron U1nsing: 3. Jon athan Fec h; 4. .Jeccb Kenyon; 5. Dillon Hall. MINI 4: 1. Tri vette Scales: 2. Hil ley Geeki e: 3 . Jesse Mark s: 4. Sleven Dye: 5. J on Dye. 50 JR: I. Damon Stortzum : 2. Keeze Carver; 3 . Cod y Marge n thll ler; 4. Tyler Hughes: 5 . BredleeWilli am s. 50 SR: I. Brenden Pop e; 2. Devid Howard ; 3 . Robert Helm : 4. Reese Miller; 5 . Ky non J ohnson. 65 BEG: 1. Cuenti n Jon es: 2. Chris Rourke ; 3 . Jus tin Brockman; 4. Raben Helm: 5. Dade Noones. 65: 1. Cody Sturn: 2. David Hughes: 3 . Ty ler LiuJe: 4. Brenden Pope; 5. Michael Hudd lesto n. 85 JR: I . Kyle Burllle: 2. Shewn Rife; 3 . Cody Stum; 4. J oseph Terven 5 . Tyler Baylis. 85 SR: I . Je cob Kenyon; 2. Kyle Corman ; 3. .Jce ethe n Fech: 4. Mason Reic h; 5. Dill on Hall. 125 A ; I. Ryan Sipes; 2. T ad Tyrell ; 3 . Derek Leist; 4. Tre vls Shaffer; 5 . Adem Wright 125 B: I. Tyl er Bowers; 2. J ustin Sipes; 3 . J onathan Silr.:4. Josh Durbi n; 5. Derek Birkenkamp. 125 C: I . Cory Deedmond: 2. Chri s Short; 3 . Lee Campbell ; 4. Brten Musselman: 5. Br ian Hom er. 125 D: I . Corey White; 2. Dav id Sepic h; 3. Sco tt Peters: 4. J ohn Hamblin: 5. Jo hn Cherles. 250 A: I. Ryan Sipes: 2. Derek Leist; 3 . Tad Tyrrell; 4. Adam Wright; 5 . Dennis Dooley . 250 B: I . An drew Bro wn: 2. Jererweh J ohnson: 3 . James Hays; 4. Kevi n Poole; 5 . Patrick Bresler . 2SOC: 1. J ustin Pinckard; 2. J oh n Yeley : 3. Kevin Cecil; 4. Don ald Goodwin; 5 . Shane Cole. 250 D: 1. William McKenzie: 2. Petri ck Seely; 3 . Joh n Hamb li n; 4. Jcs nue Burm eister. WMN: 1. Katherin e Sokacz; 2. Brtanna Mahon: 3 . Whitn ey Mille r; 4. Brienn Stiles; 5. Samenthe Reed. SCHBV; 1. Ty ler Bowers: 2. Ju sti n Sipes; 3. J osh Durbin; 4. Carey Willett ; 5. Travis Crock s. 14 -24 A; \, WlIyn e Ginder: 2. Ja ck Campbe ll; 3 . Dou g Huston . 14·24 B: 1. Derek Blrkenkamp: 2. J eremiah Johnson: 3 . J ames Hayes; 4. Andrew Tyrell; 5. Eric Goetz. 25 + A : I, Tob y Lellf : 2. Dennis Dool ey: 3 . J ason Klopto wsky ; 4. Bill Loy ; 5 . Clinton Moore. 25+ B; 1. An drew Brown ; 2. Patr ick Brasier; 3 . Dav id Paul : 4. Matt Borgic; 5. Todd Husto n. 30+ A : 1. T oby Leaf; 2. Nick Thomes: 3 . Brien Stapleton: 4. Matt Dill ; 5. Clinton Moore. 30 + B: 1. Sean Newma n: 2. Tod d Huston ; 3 . Ke ith All en; 4 . Robert Connolly: 5 . Br ett lawrence. 3 5 +; 1. Will iam Bo wma n; 2. Ed Muhr; 3 . Peul Will is; 4. Kerry Stein : 5. Christo pher Sinde. 4 0 + A : 1. Kerr y Stein; 2. Paul Will is: 3 . Scott Leist: 4. Sco tt Rippey; 5. Todd Ruhl. 4 0 + B : 1. Erni e Stil es.: 2. David Leckrone: 3. Gerald Harri son; 4. Steven Subick : 5. Charles Ni ce. OPEN: I. Derek Leist: 2. Chad Westbrook; 3 . Toby Leaf; 4. Nick Thomas; 5. Brien Stapleton. VlNT : 1. Brett Di etr ic h: 2. Je red Lerson ; 3. Tony Arm strong; 4. Frank Bruno ; 5 . Ni cholas Young . Moonro cks OHV G hastly G h osts a t Grimben ders! B y " FACTORY" FAIN RENO, NV, O CT . 25 ·26 Ghosts, go blins and wit ch es raced for costum e pr izes an d tr op hi es at the Grimbend er s M C Halloween Har e Scram bles . A very challen gi n g a n d ro ck y 4 0 -mi l e l o o p gree ted th e de cked -out racers for the penult ima te round of the M oose Mot orcycl e Raci ng Associa tio n of Northern Nevada Series. Dirt Tri rider Nick Fain scored the hol eshot o n t he h alf -mil e bomb ru n into a sh ar p r ig ht-hand corner, foll ow ed by T odd Da vis and J osh Wilson. Sean Berryman qui ck ly pa ssed th e leaders and head ed toward the first of m any technical canyons. Mik e "C at in the Hat " Bry ant, F ain an d Sam K ey g ave chase in th e heav y dust. Hell's Can yo n dropped racers th rou gh a very rock y and tight canyon that ende d in the Moonrocks OHV: Je remy "Tiger " White earned his stri pes at t he ninth round of the M oose Motorcycle Racing Association o f No rt he rn Nevada Se r ie s in Reno, placing s ixth o verall an d first Four-Stroke Expert.

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