Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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action opened up . HaJJ immediately opened up a lead, as did Ginden behind him. O 'Brien, Mason Rodriguez and Dusty Hum phri es we re in a tig ht bun ch , scrappin g over th i rd . Ha ll won big , Ginden rode in a lonely second, and Ro drig uez eme r ged from the pack t o g ra b th ird . Hall got th e holesh ot ag ain in m ot a tw o , bu t th e race was red -fl agged. Und et erred , Hall m ade it three in a row on the restart, lead in g Gind en and Humphries down the sta rt st raight. It loo ked like a repla y of race one un til Ginden c ras hed , leav ing Hum p hr ies, Bobby Hardin and Rodri gu ez loc ked in a fierc e dog fig ht for second pl ac e. Ha ll was sa iling along o ut in fr on t , whi le Hu mp h r ie s beg an to estab lish himself all alone in sec ond . Gi nden recove red from his crash and ra ged thro ugh the pack, eve ntua lly la ndi ng in third , w hich was good e no ugh t o ea r n him second ove ra ll. Humphr ies fi nished a soli d seco nd to capture third overall. But th e big winner was Hall , w ith anoth er ro mp to ga rne r the fi rst overa ll 65cc (9 - 11) title. A lso bre akin g in th e new t rack was th e co m bined Open Int ermediate/ 125cc Pro fie ld. Interm ediat e Brian Fo w le r ya n k e d t he holesh ot , leading Pro s T y Mo rrow and Sc ott Th eobald wh en th e g ate dropp ed . Fo w le r p inn ed it, whil e Morrow and Th eoba ld went back and forth for sec on d . Th e rac e changed qui ckl y wh en M orr o w blitzed thr ou gh th e whoo ps and gr abbed t he lead , and Th eob ald highsided and fell o ut of c onte nt io n . M orrow built a sizable lead, while Int erm ed iat e Patr ick Pr o ven cher battl ed hi s w a y u p i nto t h i r d , b ehind F owl er . Mo r r ow won th e fi r st half easily, leading Fowler and Provencher through th e pipes. Fowler ri pped another hol eshot i n moto two , blastin g out in front of Th eo bald , Morrow and Pro vench er. Mo rrow, who had th e whoops d ialed a ll day lo n g , m a d e ano ther p a s s throu gh th em and su rged up to Fowl er 's rear fend er during lap one . Th en he ma de ano ther pass in th e whoo ps on lap th ree to take the lead. O nce out in fr on t, M orrow cruised in aga in to tak e th e 125cc Pro crow n. Fowler, w ith another good rid e, topped the Int erm ediates, besting Provench er and John La B reche in th e fin al t ally. Re su lt s P;W STK (4- 8): I . Christ ian Kilgore (KTM) . P;W STK (7·8): I . Jeffrey Wilson (KTM); 2. Jo hn Moss (Lern] . 65 STK (6·8) : I . Sean O'B rien (KTM); 2. Jeff rey Wil son (SOl) . 65 STK (9· 11): I . Levf Hall (KTM); 2. Shal-Anthcny Ginden (Kllw): 3. Dusty Humph ries (SUI); 4. Kyle O'Br ien (KTM ): 5. Bobby Hardin (KIM). 65 OPEN: I. Levu HIlIl (KIM): 2. Shil l-Anthony Ginden (Kll w): 3. Dusty Humphrie s (SUl); 4 . Mason Rodriguez (KTM) ; 5. Bobby Hardin (KTM). 8 5 B EG: I . Garrett Bower s (Han); 2. Ma XII'. Fos ter (Kll w) ; 3. Robert Cam pbell (TM); 4. Nat Stonec hlper (Suz); 5. Kirb y Ril ey (Yll m) . 85 STK (7- 11); 1. Alex Mecham (KTM); 2. Shai-Anthony Ginden (Kll W). 85 STK ( 12·1 5 ): I. Alex Matteson (SOl): 2. Cameron Rodriguez (Yam ); 3. Trent Sceccc (Han); 4. Andrew Iovino (Han) . 85 OPEN: I . Prince Kllpahulehu ll (Suz): 2. Cameron Rodriguez (Yam) ; 3. Levu Hall (KTM): 4. MaXII'. Foster (Kaw): 5. Garrett Bowers (Han ). S/M1 I. Prince Kapahulehua (SOl); 2. Alex Mdlte son (SOl) . NI: B/BK BEG : 1. Josep h Pclveqe (Suz): 2. Ellis Harli n (Han) ; 3. Russell Reyes (Yam): 4. Malt McCan (Han) . 125 JR: 1. Jared Partridge (SUI ); 2. Brod ie Hump hries (SOl); 3. Brandon Navarrette (Ke w) ; 4 . Ja ke Poole (Yll m): 5. Bri an Duvall (Yam). t25 1 NT; 1. Patrick Provencher (SOl). 125 PRO: I. Ty Morrow (Kaw): 2. Scott Theobald (Han). 250 JR; J. Vince Zampa (SUl ); 2. Daniel Poll (Yam) . 250 INT; I. Brian Fowler (Han) . 250 PRO: I. Ty Morro w (Kaw): 2. Scott Theobald (SUI) . WMN: 1. Jene Ellis (Suz): 2. Jaeleigh Mecham (KTM): 3. Misty Poll (Yam) ; 4 . Crystal Frazier (Kaw) . OPEN JR: 1. Brodi e Humphries (Suz); 2. Brandon rteve rreu e ( Kow ); 3. Jake Poole ( Yam ); 4 . Vin c e Zampe (Suz); 5 . Nat han Ambrose (Suz). OPEN INT: I. Brien Fowler (Han ); 2. Patrick Provencher (Suz]; 3. John La Breche (Han ). 30. JR: 1. Sean Mcintyre (Hon): 2. Ed Corcoran (Han): 3. Jell)' Stonecipher (Kaw ). th e first-pla ce winn er o f ea ch cl ass wer e placed into a random drawi ng for tw o Fly he lmets, presented by Chad Maddox of Huntsville Power Sports. Visitors to the fac il ity were t re ate d to a speci al vi sit by Hon da Pro rid er Cl ark Stil es, who is nat ionally ranked at number 34 . Stiles too k a br eak fro m tes ti ng and pr ep ar ing fo r the up coming Dec ember debut of th e Supe r cross Series, w hic h opens with round one in A na he im, Califo rn ia, to visit w it h th e cro wd and sig n autogra phs. Loca l Pro Chad W ard also stopped by to spe nd some ti me wi th hi s fans. Holeshot Racin g 's Ron Nunley of Fl or ence, A laba ma, held the cro wd's att enti on in m ot a one of th e Super m in i cl ass . Pilotin g his YZ8 5, Nunley flew o ut of the sta rt ing gate to tak e the lead position , un ti l he took a spill on lap th ree. Nu nley m ade a quic k rec overy and m an aged to hang on to fi rst p lac e, saili ng acro ss the fi nish line and entertain ing the spec ta to rs with a freesty le one- foo ter as he won t he first m ot o . Suzuk i pil ot Tr ent Par k s fin ished in seco nd. Mo to tw o also sho wcas ed Nunley 's ta lents, as he easily ran awa y with a fir st -pl ac e vi cto ry, g iv ing him a perfec t 1- 1 fini sh a nd first plac e ov erall. Park s too k hi s ye llo w ma ch ine acr oss th e lin e for a seco nd -place fini sh . Twin brothers T yl er and Hunt er Wo odall ma de the cro wd think they were seeing dou ble, as the brothers ba ttled it ou t fo r the t op two pos itions in m ot a one of th e Shaft cla ss. Hunter hauled his Hond a int o turn one to t ak e the hole shot , with Ty ler foll owing ju st behind. KTM rid er Shelb y Jo nes was third out of th e gat e, with Kei th Ja ck son and Mi ch ael Mobley j ust behind h im in fo urt h and fifth . Hunter quic k ly built a big lead on th e fir st lap , and he held fi rst place all the way to the chec k ered flag . T y le r fi nished in secon d , with Jones in thi rd, Mobley in fourt h and Jackson in fifth . After the ta lly of m ota two's results we re com pleted , th e fina l overall po int s wi nne r was Ty ler. Hunte r left wit h a seco nd -place trophy , J on es was th ir d , Jackso n was fourth , and Mo bley was fifth ove rall . T he top fi ve fi nis hers in eac h clas s were p rese nted wi t h awesome red-white-a nd-blue patriotic tro ph ies. "From day o ne , I kn ew that I wanted t o give away b i g , fi r st -class t rophi e s w he n I opened , so that's wha t I do ," said track owner Jay Braz elton. "I lik e to please the kids especia lly , and I enjoy doi ng it ." Winne rs Steve Holl ingsworth a nd Tyler Woodall each wa lked away with on e of th ose shiny new Fl y helm et s. Re su lt s 50 SHAFT: I. Tyler Woodall (Han); 2. Hunter Woodall (Han): 3. Kei th Jac kson (Hon) ; 4. Shelby Jo nes (KTM); 5. Mic hael Mob ley (Y

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