Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

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Podium One Presents Mammoth East class, in an all- local podi um of Uhrichsville, Ohio, reside nts . Edwards to ok advantag e of a DNF by Di tcher in the Supermini races, taking the win w ith 2 ~ 1 moto scor es over Sluka and Paris, O hio's Kimberly Ko cher. In the A classes, Josh Gunn got the early j ump on th e 125 cc A cla ss and took hi s BW R Suspe nsion YZ125 to the first -m oto win . There are two motos , how ever , and Gunn fell early in m ot a two and r est arted in la st p lace . Dust in Frei tag pu t his Bl ackhawk Mot orsport s KTM Jeffrey Smith. 250 A: 1. Doug Eil r1s 2. W1 ; l1i"m Brytlnt: 3 . Brenden LAngdon; 4. Shawn Neilsen; 5. Mic h" el Thomes . 250 B: 1. Wesley Sepp; 2. Ch"r1ie wedrrcre: 3 . Jonathan Betfour; 4. D.J . Conlon; 5. David Growe. 250 C: I. J osh Byr d: 2. Matthe w Martin: 3 . Heath Hayes: 4. David Younce; 5. Gereldo Semoe. 250 0: 1. Bobby Burn ette: 2. Derric k Sehen. WMN: 1. Holly Armi stead ; 2. Adelle McCom ber. SCHBY: I . Stephen Coo ke; 2. Geoffrey Nence: 3. J ustin McBr ay. er; 4. Jc nathen Balfour; 5. J osh Thoma s. 25+ A; 1. J ason Baldwin . 25.. B; 1. Casey Calhoun. 25.. C/O: I. Tho mas Cook : 2. Gereldc Sentoa 3. Mark Neuens. ; 30 .. A : I. Randy Beasley. 3 0+ B; 1. Charl es Dunn: 2. Paige Caviness . 30 .. C/ O: 1. Randy Smi th; 2. Scott Hoy: 3. Geraldo Sentos; 4 Jam es Gurney; 5. ltelr Dccermo. 35 ..: I . Paige Cliv iness. 40 -+-: I. Thomas Pm ins; 2. WiIllli m Bryan~ 3. John Bal fou r. U/l AM: 1. We:'Jley Se pp; 2. D.J . Conlon: 3 . Josh Byrd ; 4. Steven Loc klear; 5. Jamie Deneen. 4 ·STRK : 1. Luke Sutphen; 2. Chllrlie wedmore. Blair Spears Two Mammoth Wins By MARK BO CHAN AN on to p of moto two a nd to ok t he overal l. Gunn 's 1-4 sco re was good eno ugh for seco nd overall, over Cambridge, Ohio's Darrin Beard more. G reg Huda k an d Andrew Hy d er battled hard in the 250cc A motos, with Hudak taking the overa ll win with a second -moto victory . Beardmo re aga in ro unded ou t the podium. Michael Ran ker of Alvada , Ohio, saw some success on th e day, taking four m oto w ins in the Over 25 C and Over 30 C cla sses . Ryan Pastor and J oh n Reic how followed Rank er across the lin e in th e Over 25 C class, and Reichow and Mik e Graszl filled in th e Over 30 C pod ium. C ro w Ca ny on MX Park Scott Scoots to the Top Re sults B y JOHN KREPS 50 BEG : 1. Evi n Wee kl ey (Po l) ; 2. Mic hael Ttand (KTM): 3. Ju stin Bai ley (Pol); 4. Jared Stove r (YlI m) . 50 ( 4-6): I. Tanner Nemeu (KTM) : 2. Stephen Gretchen (KTM); 3. Brad y Patterson (KTM); 4. Koh ltin Mi les (KTM); 5. Christopher Carr UH RICH SVILL E , O H, OC T. 19 Matt Scott charged into Crow Canyon MX Park for wha t would end up be ing hi s last race in th e 25 0cc B class befo re m ov in g to the A divi sio n. Th e native of Beloit , Oh io , enter ed both the 250cc B and 16 -24 Co llege boy cla sses on the d ay , and he had hard -fought b at tles in both. The 250cc B d ivi sion started out with Scott displacing early leader Scott Hick enbottom, and fro m there he proceeded to run away with the victory. Lagrange, Oh io 's " Roc ke t" Robin McC lain came home thi rd . The second m ot o was a differ ent story , howe ve r. Scott we n t down early and had a large gap to m ak e up. Brian Beck ho lt put hi s F& S Suzuki into the point posit ion, and he was sett ing th e pac e for much of the moto . McCl ain k new full well wha t he needed to do, and he pressured Be c kholt until he fina lly w ork ed his w ay aro und an d into the lea d . While all thi s was happening , Scot t was co nsistently m ak ing up ti m e o n the leaders, and on th e last lap he made th e pass for seco nd , wh ich would g iv e him th e ove rall . Sco tt co n tinued to char ge hard , th ou gh , and he took the checkers with in a bi k elen gth of m ot o winn er Mc Clain. Sc ott went o n to dupli c at e his 1-2 m ota scores in the 16 -2 4 Coll egeboy class, t aki ng the win ov er Su zuki p ilot Er ic Hampt on and Yamaha ·mount ed Josh Gunn. In th e M ini cl asses, Nick Stov er rod e h is Suzuki to both m ot o wins in th e 85 cc (7 -11) d ivis ion , o ver J aso n M cC o nn ell and J o sef B orn h o r st. K yl e Ditch er t opp ed Nath an Edwards and John Sluka in th e 85cc ( 12.1 5) (KTM). 50 (7 -8) : 1. Drew Lowery (KTM); 2. Jo rdan Brewer (K TM); 3. Corey Neely (Cob) ; 4 J osh Lee mester (Cob ); 5 . A ustin Western (Pol) . 65 BEG: I. Josh Leemester (Suz); 2. J ustin Rice (Kaw). 65 (7 ·9 ): 1. Bren dan Mosc k (SuI ); 2. Drew Hill (Kaw); 3.ldchary Knotts (5w.): 4. Co~ Neely (SOl); 5. Jordan Brewer (KTM). 65 (10 · 11): 1. Nick Stover (KTM); 2. Jason McCon nell (Cob) ; 3. Ryan Horsley (KTM) ; 4. Brandon Davi s (Suz); 5. Cameron Bartholow (KTM). 85 (7. 11): I . Nick Stover ($w ); 2. Jescn McCon nell (YlIrn); 3. Josef Bornhorst ( Kow); 4 . RY.!ln Perk in s (Y am ): 5 . Ryon Ho rsley (Yam). 85 (12 -15) : I. Kyle Ditcher (Suz ): 2. Nathan Edwards (Hon); 3. J ohn Slukll (Kaw); 4. Steven Brewer(Kow); 5. Jamie Bebccck (Ka lV). 85 EXTRA: 1. J oser Bornhorst (Kaw ). S/ MlNI: I. Nathan Edwllrds (Hon); 2. John Sluka (KlIw ): 3 . Kim · berly Kocher (Suz ): 4. Steven Brewer ( Ka ~) ; 5. Ernie wetson (SUl ). 125 A : 1. Dustin F~itag ( tIT M): 2. Josh Gunn (Yam ); 3 . Damn Beardmore (YlI m ); 4. Andre w Hyder (Yam) . 125 B: 1. Treevis Poynter (Yam ): 2. Brien Beck holt (Suz l ; 3 . Nick Edgell (Kaw): 4 . s"mmy Isabel (Yllm); 5. David Kinkus ($w). 125 C: 1. Eric Hampt on (SUl ): 2. Bran do n Waggoner (YlIm) ; 3 Kyle Herweld ( Yam ); 4. Krlli g Brind ley (KT M); 5 . T yler FlIrT.!Ir(Yam) . 250 A: I. Greg Hudak (Ha n); 2. Andrew Hyd er (Yam); 3. Darrin Beardmore (YlIm ). 250 B; 1. Matt Scott (Hon); 2. Robin McClain (KTM) ; 3 . Scott Hickenbotto m (Hon) : 4. Brlon Beckh olt (Suzl : 5. Lance Fosler (Hon). 250 C: 1. Mich ael Arm strong (Ke w): 2. Derek Sch ee r (Hon ); 3 . Mark Am ore (Hon); 4. Joe l McKee (KT M) . WMN: I. Rebecca Lyse (Y" m ); 2. Kimberly Kocher (5w.I. SCHBY ( 12- 15): I. s"mm y Isabel (Yom): 2. Nick Edgell (Kll W): 3 . And y Sczypto (Yam); 4. Kr oig Brindle y (KTM) . CLGBY ( 16-24) : I. Matt Scott (Han); 2. Eric Hampt on ($w); 3. Josh Guon (Yom ); 4 . Sco tt Hick en bottom (Hon); 5 . David Kinkus (Su<). 25+ M w a: '" z 6 , >- PAO U , IN, OCT. 19 Nearly 200 rid ers were on hand for th e seco nd day of the Mammoth East event in Paoli , Indiana . T he Podi um One crew changed th e long and challe ng ing natural -t errain grasstrack for day two by r e m o v i n g t he d e ep sa w d us t sec ti o n in th e back a nd ad d ing a ta b let o p j um p . Long motos and sponsor contingenc ies made for another gr eat day of racing . M ik e Blair, on a Race Tech/Sports Cycles Suzuki , battled hard with Kawasak i jockey Jeff Moore in all four m otos of th e Over 25 A and Over 30 A cla sses . Moore took the holeshot in the first Over 25 A moto and went the distanc e for the win . with Blair pressuring him on th e fina l two laps. Ho nda jockey Josh ua D o hn finishe d third, with " S lu gg o " Gessn er t ak in g fo urth on a Cycl e Sh ed KTM, in fr ont of Ya maha rider Jason Schmidt . Bla ir to ok th e hol eshot in the sec ond m oto and held on for the wi n and the o vera ll, in fro nt of Moo re. Gessner fin ished thi rd fo r thi rd ov era ll , ah ead of Do h n . Honda rid er Chad Scha rlow (6 -5 ) took fift h. B lair took both mota w ins in th e Ov er 30 A cla ss , i n front of Moore. Kaw a sak i jocke y Kevin Bla ck fi nish ed th ird ov erall , in front of Dohn and Honda -m ounted Ted Fisch er. T .J . Blake naiied th e ho lesh ot and went wir e t o wir e for bo th m ot a win s in the 125 cc A class on a Su sp en sion W ork s/Pa ul's Cycl e Suppl y /F in i sh Lin e Motor c y cl es Ya m a ha . Kawa saki rid ers Ch ris Brown and Matt Ric hey battl ed hard ea rly in both m ot os fo r second pla ce. Brown eventually pulled away fo r tha t positi on , with Rich ey taking third. Yama ha -m ounted Mi cha el T est er nailed th e holeshot in bot h 125 cc B motos but wa s pa ssed on the first lap by KTM-mounted B ran don Mi ll er for the win in eac h o ut ing . KTM rider B lair M iller wo rked his way by T es t er early in both m oto s for sec o nd pla c e, and T ester ( 3- 4) cla imed third overall . D avi d Red di ng (6· 3 ) fin ished fourth, fo ll owed by fellow Yamaha ride r Daniel Shi pp (4 -5 ) . Blai r Miller eas ily took both m ot o win s in th e 16 -24 class, whil e Yama ha jockey J ared K ar shn er plac ed second overall with a 3-3 ta ll y . Yamaha ri de r J ustin Rowden (7 -2) fln ished third , followed by C ycl e Shed KTM rider Rick Th om as (6-4) and Honda-mounte d Matt Blak e (5-5). B randon nailed the ho lesho t fo r wire· to· wi re wins in bo th Youth (12- 15 ) m oto s. Bryan Fiscus finished second in both mot o s o n a Thor /S&S Powers p o rt s K a w a s a k i , a n d Kawasaki jockey A aron T eagu e finis hed th ird in eac h moto, in front of Jac ob Rowla nd, on a Cycle Tech/ Big 4 Cycle Kawasa k i. Redd ing took bo th m o t o wins in t h e 250cc B cla ss , i n front of Kars hner. KTM rid er K elvin Thomas (3 -4) took thi rd ove ra ll. KTM rid er Jas on O sborne ( 6- 3 ) clai med fourth place, foll owed by Yamaha pilot Daniel Go ldstein (5 -5 ). Results 50 SHA FT (4 ·8) : J. Lan e Trueblood (Suz ); 2. Ahren O' Bye n (Yam); 3. Chand ler Stumler . 50 STK (4· 6 ): 1. GilQi Wli lker (KTM). 50 STK (7- 8): I. Richard Turner (Cob) ; 2. Earl Age (KTM): 3. Ross Fische r. 60 ( 7-9 ): 1. Cameron Rells (KTM); 2. Joh n Redding (Kll W); 3. .Jeke Beume n (KTM); 4. Eilrl Age (KTM) : 5. Mic hae l Mc(llrthy (SUl). 60 (10 -1 1): 1. Michael Huddleston (Suz) ; 2. Kenny wetker (KTM); 3. Wil liam Grtesheber(Kaw ): 4. Lehn Fisc her. JR MINI p.l l): 1. Camero n Rees (KTM): 2. Kurt Seigel (YlIrn); 3. Dillon Searcy (Kaw ): 4. Kenny Wli lker (KTM) ; 5. Mich ael Huddlestcn (SuI) . JR OPEN MINI: 1. Dillon Searcy (KlIw); 2. Kurt Seigel (YlIm ); 3. Blake Niccum (KlI w); 4. Josh East (KTM): 5 . Kenny Walker (KTM). SR MINI (1 2.15): I. Luk e Von linger (Hon): 2. Tan ner Byll rly (K TM) ; 3 . Cody Rees (Kalil ); 4. Pll ul Age (Sill); 5 . Scoote r Geor ge (KlIw). OPEN MINi (12 - 15): I. Jllcob Rowlnd (KlI w) ; 2. M"tthew Brown (Yllm ): 3. An thony WlIlker (Kaw): 4 . WlIyne Coffman (Hen ); 5. Scooter George (KlI w) . 125 YTH; I. Robert McCarthy (Ka w) ; 2. Br andon Mill er (KTM) : 3. Bryen Fi scus (Ka w) ; 4. Jo cob Rowland (Kaw) : 5 . Aeron Te ag ue (KlIIII) . 125 A : 1. T .J . Bleke (Yllm); 2. Chris Brown (Hus): 3 . Mau Richey (Yam ). 125 B: 1. Brll ndon Miller (K TM): 2. Bteir Mi ller (KTM); 3 . Michael Tester ( Yom ); 4. Devid Redding (Yom); 5 . Daniel Shipp (Yam). 125 C: I. Aa ron Teague ( Kll W): 2. Matt Von linger ( Hon): 3 . Nethen Malys.zek (Hus): 4. Andrew Woodring (yllm ); 5. Jesse Scherlow (Yam). 125 0 : I. David Fischer (Kaw); 2. Chris J ourd en (Kaw): 3. Tim Kram er (Yam ); 4. Heath Tumer (Suz); 5. Matthe w Murph y (Yam). 250 A: 1. Sluggo Gessner (KTM); 2. Kev in Blac k (KalV): 3 . Malt Richey (Yam) ; 4. Steve Benet (K TM) 250 B: l. David Reddi ng (YlIm); 2. Ja red Karshner (Yam) : 3. Kelvin Thome s (KTM): 4. Jason Osborne (KTM); 5. Daniel Goldstein (Yam ). 250 C: I . Jo sh Gy ukery (Ka w); 2. Brent Lewis (Hon); 3. Ricky Prunty (YlI m): 4 . Corey Wolf (KTM) ; 5. Ken Wolf (KTM). 250 0 : 1. Mll rk Will ou gh by (Suz); 2. To dd Lewis; 3 . .Ie scn Phillips (Hen); 4. Ricky Reinhardt (Hen ). 16-24 : I. Blalr Mill er (KTM) ; 2. Jared Karshner (Yam): 3 . Justin Rowden (Yam ); 4. Rick Thomas (KTM) : 5. Mll tt Blake (Hon). 25.. A : 1. Mik e Blerr (Suz): 2. J eff ~ (Ka w); 3. Sluggo Gessner (KT M) : 4. Joshua Dohn (Ho n) ; 5. Chad SchariolV (Han) . 25 .. B: 1. Jason Osborne (KTM ); 2. Mike Jones (5w.): 3 . Matt Feeiherstcn (Hon): 4 . David Durkee ; 5. Keith Cotto ngin (KaIV). 30 ... A : 1. Mi ke Bl air (5w.); 2. Jeff Moore (Kaw); 3. Kevin Bili ck (Kaw); 4. Joshua Dohn (Hon) ; 5. Ted Fische r (Hen ). 30 ... B; I. Mike McM.1nus (Hon); 2. Walt Feauterstoe (Hen ); 3. Chad Shelton (Yom ); 4. David Durkee; 5 . Brad Hollander (Kaw ). 40 ... I. Ted Fischer (Hon) ; 2. Jeffrey Miller (YlI m); 3. Jeff Stein: roc k (Yam) ; 4. Mike McManus (Hon ); 5. Kelvin Thomas (KT M) . U/L AM C/O: 1. Andrew Woodring (Yam ): 2. Paul Ag e (Suz ): 3 . Jonllthan Shipp (Yam ). FIT EN DR: I. J on .Jon es: 2 . Wi llillm Ag new (KTM); 3. T im Asbell (Hon); 4 . Ty ler Larue (Ko w); 5 . Mic hlle l Lee. Mesquite M oto-X Park Levii's Caught Up in Mesquite Mania! B y DICK G OO DWIN MESQUI TE, NV , OC T . 19 Du ri n g th e openi ng w eek end o f r a cing at the br and -n ew m ot ocr oss tra ck in M esq uit e. Nevada, Levii Hall pocketed victory aft er victory. He was perfec t in the 65cc (9- 11) test , railing from wire to wi re - twice · t o dominate the contest. Hall hoppe d off the line t o l ea d Sh ai Ant hony Ginden and Kyle O'Brien as rac e ,...----- --- - - - - - - - - - - ------- - - ----.,z ! aJ a: "" 0. ~ i:i , -~ ~ 0. Crow Can)'on MX Pari<: Scott Hickenbottom (697) leads eventual winner Matt Scott (63) and Josh Gunn (272) in the Collegeboy (16-24) class In Uhrichsville, Ohio. 52 NOVEMBER 26. 2003' c ue I e n e ... s Podium One Presents Mammoth East: Mike Blai r (22) and Jeff Moore (72) foug ht hard in the Over 2S A and Over 30 A classes on the second day of racing in Paoli , Indiana,

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