Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Welter Zabrow!kl (Yam): 2. Dan Zabrowski (Yam); 3. Chris Cheney (Hon); 4. Steve Grosswener (SUl ); 5. Chris Deleo (Yam). 125 PRO/EX : I. Sonny Nighmen (Kaw): 2. Dave Nyzic (Yam); 3. Matt Eastman (Kaw). 250 NOV: I . Tracey McMicken (Yam ); 2. Bryan Nuss (Hon); 3. Mikf' U nk (Ka....): 4. Bobb y Vanarf'lli (Hon): 5. Seveto n Tunnldiff (Vam) . 250 AM: 1. Dave G~er (Hon); 2. Dan Zabro.... kl (yllm): 3. J im s Ayres (Hon); 4. Chris Cheney (Hon): S. B.J . Wightman (Yam). 2.50 PRO/EX: 1. Sonny Nlghffill n (Kllw): 2. DIl~ Nyzio (Vam); 3. M"tt Eestman (Hon). SCHBY: I. Dan Zabrowski (Yam): 2. Steve Grcsswe (Suz) : 3. ller R.J. Reynoldl (Hon); 4. Jimmy Triano (Soz): 5. Jimmy Iuo (Yam). CLGBY: 1. Ji m Ayres (Hon); 2. Dave Grover (Hon); 3. Waller Zabrowskl (Yam): 4. Bart Holt (Vllm) : S. Paul Meier (KTM). 25 . AM: 1, Richard Bmgard (Yll m); 2. B.J . Wightman (Yam); 3. Chris Deleo (Yll m): 4. Mark Burkholder (Vam). 25 . EX: 1. Ke. ln Ktu~er (Han): 2. Erik Burkholder (Han); 3. Darryl Smith (Kaw); 4. Ht'nry Lucio (Yam) : 5. TIm Henry (Hon). 30 . NOV: 1. Bryan Nuss (Hon); 2. Louie Giombonl (Yam); 3. Timothy Yedlosky (SUl); 4. Scott Andre (Hon); 5. Michael Vonderchek (Hon). 30. AM: 1. Richard Bmgard (Yam); 2. K,ev Hicks Sr. (Yam): 3. in Mark Burkholder (Yam); 4. Jim Triano (Yam): 5. Bill Ferri (KTM). 30 . EX: I. Darryl Smi th (Kaw): 2. Man.. Nevil (Hon) ; 3. Tim Henry (Hon); 4. Erik Burkholder (Hon): 5. Kevin Krueger (Hon). ke 40 . : I. Gene Nighman (Kaw): 2. MJ Shattuck (Hon) ; 3. Gary Strasser (KTM); 4. Jeffif' s M~ (Hon): 5. Kim Kline (TM). CMA B Area Supercross C ay hallenge Round 4: Santa Clara County Fairgrounds Bay Area Boom H urricane Hills S ports C e nte r: Sco tt A ndre (321) lead s the sta rt 01 t he linal Over 30 Nov ice m oto, w it h eventua l o v erall w inner B ryan Nuss (25) and W ayne Tatara (512) i n tow, at the Blo cker Enterp r ises Yama ha/Kawasaki Da y event in Cli fford , Pennsylvan ia . B locker Enterprises Y amaha/Kawasaki Day H urricane H S ills ports Center Stanton and Nuss No Fuss, No Muss Nuss fo ll ow ed Giornboni closely un t il lap three, when he fin all y got a pass to stick to tak e the lead. Giombon i was relegat ed to sec ond. A nd re was alone in th ird, and Rob ert O hlan d m oved up to claim fo urt h . Yad losky dropped to fifth . Nu ss p ull ed away and fin ished th e m ota wi th a 10 -second advantage. Ro un ding out th e to p fiv e were G iomboni, Tatara, Yadlosky and A ndre. Nuss' perfect 1-1 rides earned him the top o f the Over 30 Novice podium. Giomboni's consistent 2 -2 tall y was good for ru nner -up , and Yadlosky rou nded o ut th e podium with a 3 -4 tally. Th e 125cc Novice cl ass w as o ne of th e larg est of th e day , at 23 rid ers strong . Tay lor Be ltz l ed the start , with Stanton . Mark St eph ens. R.J . Pursell a nd Chri s Seligman trailing. Beltz crashed on lap tw o . handing the lead to Stanton . Stephen s inher ite d second , Jimmy Ide was third, Paul Meier was fourth and Jimmy IzZQ was fifth . . Stan ton q uickly left th e pa ck behind and built a lO -second lead by lap four. Lapped tr affi c becam e a problem for Stanton on lap s five and six , as Steph ens managed to reduce hi s lead , with the hel p o f lapper s, to se ve n seco nds . But Stanton held it th ere and got the fir st -m ota win . Rounding out the top fi ve were Steph ens. Steve lzzo . Ide and J imm y Izzo . Stanton led the pack o ut of th e fi rst turn in t he fi n a l m oto , w ith B e ltz , Ste p h en s and Pursell in to w. On lap two , th e top three were unchanged . Jimmy Izzo moved up to fourth. whi ch relegated Pursell to fifth . Stanton pulled out to a sm all three-second lead by lap three. Beltz managed to sta y within a co up le of bike lengths of the leader but nev er got quite clo se eno ug h to m ak e a pl ay fo r th e lead . Stanton go t anothe r m ot a win , wit h Beltz, J immy lzzo, Stephen s and Pursell trailing. Sta nton topped the podium with his perfect 1-1 sco re. Steph ens (2 -4) was goo d for sec ond overa ll , and J imm y's 5 -3 tall y earne d him th ird ove rall. B y J IM P. S ANDERSON CUFFORD, PA . OCT. is Honda pilot Bryan Nus s and Kawasaki pilot Robert Sta nton topped the Over 30 Novi c e and 125cc Novice classes, respe ctively. a t the Blocker Enterprises Yamaha /Kawa saki Da y and took home some rea lly cool 5 · fooHa li tr ophies to display with prid e. Both rid ers had perfect days. riding to 1- 1 fini shes for th e top ti ers of thei r respective pod iums. Blocker Enterprises Yama ha /Kawa sa k i spon so red the day and provided the tro phies for th e top riders in eac h class. B locker is a full -servi c e Yamaha and Kawa sa k i dea ler locat ed in Parryville. Pennsy lvan ia. and ca rries a full line of parts and accessories, as weU as a full on -site service department . Blocker also c arries the full line of Harley -David son and Buell motorcycles. The Hurd Mo tor Sp orts staff on c e aga in prov ided a n expert ly prepared ra ce course a nd gave riders some extra seat tim e by co m bin ing classes and running six-lap m otos . Mother Nature helped out, to o. by providing a som ewh at dry day, but she fo rgot to bring so m e warmer temperatures. as it was prett y chill y . Nuss got his Honda out front ear ly in the fi rst Ove r 30 Novice m ot o and led th e pack ou t of the fir st tum. with T odd Fent on , Scott A ndre. Loui e Giomboni and Don Haw ki ns in tow . Just before the start of lap two . th e to p fiv e were Nuss, Giombon i , Andre, Hawkins and Michael Vonder ch ek . Th e back tr ee -lin e section of th e race course was sti ll a little slip pery and quite rutted , wh ich made navigatin g this fast and technic al section a littl e difficul t for the se older Novice riders. Nus s had a thre e-second lead by th e start of lap th ree. Giomboni slowly closed the gap on Nu ss an d managed to ma k e the pa ss for th e lead o n th e fin ish -l in e dou b le . W ayn e Tata ra moved to third , wit h T im Yadl osk y tak ing fo urt h . Andre drop ped to fifth. Gi ombon i pu lled out to a sma ll three-second lead on lap fo u r , b ut Nu ss c ame b ac k an d ca ug ht and passed Giomboni o n th e bac k of th e rece course to retake the po int positi on on lap fi ve. Nu ss got the first-mota win, with Giombon i , Yadlosky . Andre and Vonderchek trailing . Honda rider Andre led the start of t he fina l mota, with Nuss, Giomboni, Tatara an d Yad los ky in to w. A fter the pack cleared the technical do w nh ill rh yt hm sectio n. Giomboni moved into th e po int, wi th Nuss close behind in sec ond . Andre drop ped back to third. and Tata ra held fo urth. Haw kins m oved up to ta ke fifth . . 40 NOVEMBER 26, 2003' c ue • B y EDD IE G RA VEU NE SAN JOSE, CA . OCT. 18 It doesn't take a lot of thought to figure out why having m otorcycl e raci ng ri ght in the middle of San Jose. California . is a good id ea. Th ere are thousands of enthusiasts living in an urban area po pulate d by millions . Lan d is at a premium, and off- ro ad rid ers have been forc ed into a situati on wh er e th ey must dri ve fo r hours to find some o pen, legal land to ride on . T h at is. u nt il th e Californ ia Motorcycle As soci ation was able to organize a m otocross seri es right in th e middle of San J ose . From the first round , th e Bay Area Seri es was met with e n t h usi as m by loc al s and wa s al so attended by rac ers from hundred s o f m iles ' away . With ea ch passing round , the entries have gon e up . th e ga tes have gotten fu lle r. and th e fun factor has inc reased expo nentially. At ro und four, another att endance record had been set . and this is starting to become a major series. In what has to be considered a good ind lcator of motorcycling's future in th e region , the 50cc First -T im er cla ss ha s become one of the most popular in the series . Entri es soared from a handful at the first ro und to do ub le dig its in th e third and fourth rounds. Ryan Becer ra and a y oun g lady by th e n am e of Josi e Romi ne have become engaged in a cham pi onship po ints race. Romine is becoming noto rious fo r gett ing good starts . and round four was no exce ption . She got the hol eshot in the first moto and led for th e fir st few laps . Becerra has been working on othe r aspec ts of his rid ing , suc h as cornering, and it paid off: He Sa nta C la ra County Fairgrounds S a n J ose. Califomia Results: October 18. 2003 ( Roun d 4 of 51 H urricane Hills S ports Center CliHord. Pennsylvania Results: Oct o ber 19 . 2003 50 PfW: I. Kevin Hicks Jr. (KTM); 2. Tyler Vadlosky (Yem): 3. Nichols Romanowski (KTM). 50 (4 -6): 1. Kayle Boorom (KTM); 2. Ikthany Ruhf (Cob); 3. Seen Knoll (KTM); 4. Uncoln Brookens (KTM). 50 (1.8): 1. Sean Bellard (KTM) ; 2. Stephen Buss (KTM): 3. Bleke Wedsworth (KTM); 4. Man.. Romanowski Jr . (KTM): 5. Joe Ide (KTM). wenece FAST 50s: 1. Sean (Suz ): 2. Steve Grou wf'iler ($uz) ; 3. Jon Reber (Suz); 4. Walter Zabro wskl (Vern): 5. Den Zabro wski (Yam). 65 (7·9) : I. Ryan Francis (KTM); 2. Brandon Woolf (KTM): 3. Seen Ballard (Kaw); 4. Ricky Benesky (KTM); 5. Stephen BlI!lS (Kew). I e n e VV s eventuall y passed Romine and beat her to th e ch eckered flag in race one . Romi ne got a good start aga in in the seco nd rnoto, but sh e fell to third . behind T y Weber and Dustin McManus. before the finish . Th e to p four riders all had co mbined mota fin ishes that equaled five. but Weber's 4-1 sco re was the t ie br eaker. M cM anus took second with a 3 -2 showing. ah ead of Romine and her 2 -3 ta lly. Becerra fell to fourth by way of 1-4 fin ishes . A young m an by t he name of D amon Iwanaga has reall y begun to blossom as the seri es wears on . Riding th e 65cc Novice and 85cc Beg inner clas ses. hi s speed and skill hav e bee n increasing rap id ly . By ro und fo ur, he was run ni ng witho ut much competi tion . He sw ept both m oto s in th e 65cc Novice class. won th e 65cc X cl ass. and won a mota in the 85cc Beg inner di vision. Had he no t m ad e a m istak e and falle n to th ird in the openi ng 85cc Begin ner moto, he wou ld have been in line for the ov erall in that cla ss as well. Steve n Pimik deserves mention for riding a co u p le of strong 85c c B eg in ner m otos. He went 1-2 to seal the dea l. ah ead of Iwanaga . who bounced bac k to win the final race. Jake Strong wo und up third with seco nd - and th irdplace fini shes. Do ug Schmid had been running roughshod over the 125cc Int ermediate class for most of th e series, but at round four , a couple of Suzuk i ride rs stepped up to give him a run for his money. Schmid had the firs t laugh. p utting his Honda in fr ont of yello w rid ers Ja cob Sanchez and Corey Pennington in th e first mota. In a great duel , San ch ez and Penn ington finished ahead of Schmid. in that orde r, in the second mota. A 2- 1 showing gave San chez th e ove rall win, whil e Schmid ju st edge d out Penn ington for the runner-up trophy . On ly one round rem ains on th e schedule. It was scheduled to be held exa ctly seven days lat er, in the same locatio n. Und oubtedly, the same players would be back , but if tr end s are any indication. th ey would be bring ing some friend s al ong as well . Santa C la ra County Fa irgrou nds : O n ce again, Dust in Pipes w as unsto p pa ble on h is way t o w ins In t h e 05cc In t enne d lat e and 05ce X c la s ses at round l o u r 01 t he CMA Bay Area Supercross Challenge In Sa n Jose, Ca lilornla. 5 0 FIT: 1. Ty Weber; 2. Dusti n McManu s ( KTM) ; 3. Josle Romine (KTM): 4. Ryen Becerra (KTM): 5. Sebastian Camac:h(KTM). 50 (0-6): 1. Jerreu.Scare (Yam). 50 (1. 8): 1. Romey . Uremontes (Pol); 2. Tyler H)ortland (KTM). " 50 OPEN: I. R~ Miramontes (Pot); 2. Tyler Hjortland (,KT M). 65 (0·8 ): 1. Romey Mlremontes (Suz) ; 2. Dalton Spjut (Han): 3. Tyler Scare (SUl); 4 . Skyl~r Williams (Kaw). 65 (9 ·11 ): 1. Ryen Murphy (Kaw); 2. Michael Pimik (Kawl; 3. Spencer McConkle (Kew); 4. Anth ony O'Co nnor (Suz); 5. Shawn Yarbrough (Kaw). 65 NOV: I. Damon Iwanllge (Kaw): 2. Jesse Andrews (KTM): 3. Michael Fontanll (KTM): 4. Zekf' Strong (Kaw). 65 X: 1. Damon Iwanll Qe (Ka w); 2. Ryan Murph y (KTM): 3. J esse And rew s ( KTM); 4 . Mic hael Fon t ana ( KTM); 5 . Shawn Yarbrough (Kaw). OTHER SM BKS ; 1. Meson GarcilJ (Hon); 2. Dalton Spjut (Hon); 3. &lmantha Downey (Kaw): 4. Colton Garcia (Kaw): 5. Michael BIanco (Han). 85 BEQ: 1. Steven Pimlk (Yam); 2. Damon Iwaf\llga (Kaw): 3. Jake Strong (Yam): 4. Evan Spano: 5. Michael Furlin (Hon). 85 NOV: 1. Joel Fittro (Yam): 2. Briar McConkJ (Kaw). e 85 lNT: 1. Dustin PIpes (Hon); 2. Ricky Rtnauro (Yern). 85 B/W: 1. Shoun Murphy (Vern): 2. Jacob Kart (Hon); 3. Jef· frey Orogen (Hon): 4. Chris Bridge (Hon); 5. Matt Campos (Sw:J. 85 X: 1. Dustin Pipes (Hon); 2. Ricky Rirlauro (Yam): 3. BM r ft\cConkIe (Kaw): 4. Evan Spano; 5. Jake H}ortland (Yem). 5/ MlNI : 1. Shaun Murphy (Yam); 2. Dustin Pipes (Han): 3. Ricky Rinlluro (Yam): 4. Briar McConkle (Kaw): 5. Steven Pimik (Yam). 125 YTH: I . Corey ~ngton (SUl): 2. Ja<: b Sanchez (Suz): 3. o Josh Fittro (Kaw); 4. Harkin Sheedy (Yam) : 5. Armand o O'Connor (Yam). 125 BEG; 1. Kris MilllZUl (Hon): 2. Nete Methol (KTM): 3. Chad Jacobson (Yam); 4. Harkin Sheedy (Vam) ; 5. Butch Costa (SUl).

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