Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Halloween Classic Broome-Tioga Sports Center ., on d s b y la p thr e e. Wh en t he checkered flag fle w, Bristol's lea d wa s an otherworldly 26 seconds ! Roun d in g out the top five were Pollak , Zaveral , Franc is and Man cheste r. Bri stol topped the podium with his sca ry 1-1 tally . Zaveral earned runner-u p with a 4-3 score, and Man chester rounded out th e podium with a 2-5 tally . eN Broome-TIoga Sports Center Binghamton, New Yorlc Results: October 26, 2003 Murray and Bill Delesk iewi cz rounded out th e to p fiv e. Deleskiewi cz led the st art o f th e final moto but was rel egated to sec ond b y th e third turn by Phelps . Kruge r, Henry and Murray rounded out th e top five off the start. Wh en th e lead riders came off the front su pe rc ross section of the race cours e , Ph el p s remain ed at th e p oi n t , bu t Kruger had moved to second, rele gat in g Delesk iew icz to th ird . Mu rray moved up to fourth , which dropp ed Henry to fifth . Phelps on ce again sep arated hims elf from the rest of th e fi eld and had an eig ht-second adva n tage by the st art of lap three. On lap fo u r, Murr a y close d th e gap a n d ma de the pass on Deleski ewi cz, tak ing third . Phe lps got ano ther easy w in , with a n 1 1-second c u sh i o n . Kru g er , M u r r ay . Deleskiew icz and Henry ro unded out the top five. Phel ps ha d an eerily perfect day, fini shi ng wi th a 1- 1 ta lly t o t op the p o d i u m . K rug e r t o o k runner -up honors with a 3 -2 score , and Mu rray' roun d e d o u t th e pod i u m w i th a 4 -3 tally . Ry an 'Zaveral led the start of the fi r st 65cc ( 7 -9) moto , wi t h Jesse Spell i c y , B r an d o n Sc hac htler and Cal eb Sc hac htle r trailing . By the time the pack had cl eared t he ve ry technical rh ythm section , the top fiv e had changed considerably . Kawasak i jockey Bristol, from Central Squa re, Ne w York , had moved to the po int position, and he would remain there S T OR Y A N D PH O T O B Y JI M P . SA NDERS ON BINGHAMTON, NY, OCT. 26 s co t t Phelps and Andrew Bristol haunted the competition by earn ing top ho nors in the Over 30 Expert and 65cc (7-9) classes, respectiv ely , at the fifth annual Halloween Classic at the bea utiful Broome-Tioga Sports C en t er in Binghamton , New York . This was the final race of the season for the facility. Host ed by Hu rd Motorspo rts , this annual ev ent featur es a Hall o ween Party on Saturday n ight, comp let e with a Best Costume con test for the k ids and trick-or-treating in the pit area. More tha n 35 0 ri de rs came out fo r th e season fin ale at the fast and technical race co urse . K awasak i p ilot Phelps led the Over 30 Ex pert p ack ou t of the switc hback first turn in the first moto and never look ed back. Trailing him were Bing hamton Hon da 's Ti m Henry, Honda thumper pilot and part-time Br oom eTioga track announcer Kev in Kruger, Yamah a p il o t Henry L u cio and Kawasaki pi lo t Jeff All en. Phelps was all alone ou t fro nt by lap two and had a sev en -second advantage , and the t op four were un ch anged . Mike Mu rra y, o n the m o v e afte r a m i d pack sta rt , moved up to fi f t h. Ph e l p s stret ched his lead to 10 seconds on the following lap and made it 1 1 sec onds whe n the wh ite flag ca me out. Phelp s m an ag ed to add fou r more seconds t o h is l ead b y the time he too k th e c he ckers . Henry, Kru g er , 36 NOVEMBER 26, 2003' cue • e nu'IIVs Scott Phelps (4 2 0) leads the start of the final Over 30 Expert moto, with T im Henry (5 15 ), Henry Lucio (167) and Kevin Kruger (147) in tow, at the f" 1fth annual Halloween Classic at Broome-Tioga Sports Center. t o th e checkered flag . Spellicy dropped to second. Phill ip M anchest er moved to third , and Kyle Pollak moved to fi fth , though he was quickly relega ted to sixth by Zaveral. Bristo l quickly bega n to pull away fro m the pack and had a five-second le ad by lap two . He inc reased that lead t o a whoppi ng 12 seconds on the follow ing la p . Spe ll icy w ent d ow n on lap three an d dropped ou t of the to p five . M an ch est er i n h erit e d sec o nd , with Ca leb third, Zaveral fo urth and Sean Ball ard fifth . When Bristol was given th e white fl ag, hi s lead was 17 seconds, and a lap later it was more than 2 0 seconds when the checkers flew. Man ch ester, Caleb, Zaveral and Ryan Franci s ro unded out th e top fi ve. B ri st ol l ed t he st art of t h e final moto and o nce again checked ou t. Tra iling him off the sta rt wer e Man chester, Franc is . Zave ral and Cal eb . Br istol set a bli ster ing pace, and he had a n in e -secon d lea d b efore t h e complet ion of t he first la p. On la p tw o, Bri stol and Manchester were still on e-two , and Pollak mov ed up to third, displacing Zave ral to fou rth , wh ile Fr ancis m oved up to fifth. Br ist o l i n c r ea sed h i s a dvantage t o 14 seconds on lap two an d t o 20 sec - 5 0 ST K YAM / SUZ (4 .6 ) : I. Spen cer Tompkins (Yam); 2. Ducat! Bowers (Yam); 3. Jamie Beardsle y (Yam); 4 . J on a th a n Roza nski (Suz); 5. Ryan Burts (Yam) . 5 0 O P EN P/W ( 4 · 7): 1. Zacha ry Put man (KTM) ; 2 . Brenda n Whee ler (KTM) ; 3. Ryan Ma rr iott ( KTM) ; 4. J oshu a Bac k us (KTM) ; 5. Ty ler Brinkerhoff (Yam) . 50 STK ( 7 -8); 1. Conno r Kelly (KTM) ; 2. Bran d on Sch ac h tl er ( KTM ) ; 3 . Ky le Poll ak (KT M) : 4 . Ryan Des pew (Co b); 5 . Paul Tirado (Cob) . 65 (7 -9) : J . Andrew Bristol (Kaw ); 2. Ryan Zeveral (Kaw ); 3 . Philli p Manchester (KTM); 4 . Kyle Pollak (Suz); 5. Ryan Francis (KTM). 65 ( 10 -11 ): 1. Ty ler Matteson (Suz) ; 2. Nicholas Rozan ski (S uz) ; 3 . Zac h Re us ( KTM) ; 4 . Zach ary Rosch (Kaw) ; 5. J am es Doo little (Suz). 85 (7 ·11 ) ; 1. Su nny Dr ak e ( Ka w); 2 . Matt Ba bb itt ( Kaw) ; 3. John Verga lito ( Ka w) ; 4. Ty ler Matteson (Suz); 5. Nichol as Rozanski (Suz) . MIN I NOV (12-15 ); I. J ared J ord an (Hon); 2. Saxo n Sprouse (Ka w); 3. Brendan Eastma n (Hon); 4. Kody Weidm an (Yam ); 5. Bryc e Marti n (Han) . 85 (12-15 ) : 1. Sam uel Jo nes (Suz) ; 2. Colton Harr ison (Kaw); 3. Joey Keefe (Suz); 4. Brett Strong (Kaw) ; 5. Mich ael Dawson (KlI w) . O PEN MI NI ( 10- 15): 1. Sam uel Jo nes (Suz): 2. Sunn y Drake (Kaw) ; 3. Brett Strong (Kaw); 4. Cotton Harrison (Kaw) ; 5. Matt Babbitt (Kew) . 12 5 NOV: 1. Stevie Cook (Kaw); 2. Tay lor Beltz (Kaw) ; 3 . Jimmy lzzn (Yam) ; 4 . Steve Izzo (Yam) ; 5 . Jo hn Ryerson (Kew}. 125 AM : 1. B roc Do nn i so n (Ya m ) ; 2 . Jon Dock ray (Yam); 3. Josh Stood ley (Kaw); 4 . Stephen Carlin (Yam ); 5. Tyle r Kreis (Suz). 125 PRO /EX ; 1. Mitc hell Doug herty (Kaw): 2. Mike Dougherty ( Yam); 3 . Justin MurrllY (Yam); 4. Jo sh Sterri tt (KTM ); 5 . Thomas Addy (Han). 25 0 NOV : 1. Brian Rossley (Hon) ; 2. All en Ervin (Kaw ); 3 . J ason Coss ey (Hon ); 4 . A nd rew Derreh (Hon) ; 5. Dekan Rosenbarker (Han) . 250 AM: 1. Br oc Donni son ( Yam); 2 . Dav e Grov er (Han); 3. J im Ayres (Han ); 4 . .Ia cob Cope (Hon): 5. Matt Dwy er (Yam ). 25 0 PRO /EX; 1. Mit chell Dougherty (Ka w): 2. Jo sh Sterritt (KTM ); 3. The me s Ad dy ( Han) ; 4. Ju stin Murray (Han): 5. Mike Dough erty (Yam) . SCHBY: I. Mitche ll Dougherty (Kaw) ; 2. Josh Stood ley (Kaw); 3 . Dan Zeb ro wski (Yam) ; 4 . Steve Grossweiler (Suz); 5. R.J . Reynolds (Hon) . CLOBY: 1. Thomas' Addy (Han ); 2 . Dave Grover (Han) ; 3 . Jim Ayre s (Han ); 4 . .Iecob Cope (Han); 5. Tyler Kreis (Suz). 25 . AM: J. Mike Williams (Han) ; 2 . Mik e Kubick (Han) ; 3 . Matt Dwy er (Yam) ; 4. Anthony Gigl io (Suz); 5. Mich ael J ones (Han). 25 . EX: 1. Scott Phelps (K.., ); 2. Kevin Krueger w (H an); 3. Bill Del eskiewicz (KTM) ; 4 . Ti m Henry (Hon) . 30 . NOV; J. Lou ie Giomboni ( Yam ); 2. Todd Fenton (Suz); 3 . J effrey M.ika (H on) ; 4 . Stephen Barrow s (Hon) ; 5. Jason Van Dyke (Yam) . r 30 . AM.: 1. M.., k Zopp (K aw); 2 . Mike Kubi ck ( Han) ; 3 . An tho ny Giglio (Suz) ; 4 . Michael Jo nes (Hon): 5. Steve Delelys (KTM ). 30. EX: 1. Scott Phelps (Ka w); 2. Kevin Krueger (Han) : 3. Mik e Murray (Hon): 4. TIm Henry (Hon); 5. Bill Delesk iewicz (KTM ). • 40. : 1. Mike Murray (Han ); 2 . J oe Dibell a (Han); 3. Mark Zopp (Ka w); 4 . J eff Cheney (Han); 5. Jeff Allen (Kaw).

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