Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 11 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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/ ;JJ z;:[b IlL ~ 'l:3 ?] ·... • ~......m:.'S · • · • · • • • · • • -1tIdt/ mlltlm:p "...".,.. VOLUME XXXX Sharon Clayton. PrHid"nt Mich ae l Klinger. PtJblisM' EDITORIAL Paul Carruthers . Editor Kit Palmer . Off-Road Editor : FEA TURES Scott Roussea u. Managing Editor Bla ke Con ner. Associate Editor • · · • • · 8 • • • • • • Stev e Cox. Off·Ro.d Auistant Editor F IRS T RIDE Henny Ray Abram s . Con tributing Editor 2004 B M W Mo nta uk David R. Holther. Rilgionsl E.,,,nts Editor Alan CClthcart. EuropNn Edi_ Oebbi Gilson. Copy Editor By Henny Ray A brams ADVERTI S ING· WES T EII N S TA TE S ARENACRD S S : 12 • · • • · · • (7 14) 751 ·7433 Terry Pratt. Natlonsl Accounts Manag", D e m ut h Start s St ro ng i n Alba ny O pe ne r Mark Thome . W"shfm Salli S MMragttr Forrest Hayashi . We6'~m Sal.s Manag ., Oa n Legere. Wlut.m Sa, • Manager • Aaron Austi n, We s te m Sa I,,8 Milnag.r Rho nda Cra wford. Ad vertising Coo rdinator Meliu a Park er . Auistant By Stacy S mi th I NT ER VI EW : 14 N icky Ha yde n • • • • · · 18 · · • • ADVERTISING • By H enny Ray A bram s Carla Alle n. Offictl Ma rJllf/ftr & Adv6rti8ing Coordinator S he ri Ru... lI. EastfHn &I.~ Managtlr SUPERCROSS A DEPARTM EN TS V ui lle mi n Top s Be rcy , Aga i n · • · • · · · • By Geoff Meyer • • • SUPERMOTO • See l S q u eaks C loser at Ita l ian S up erm ot o : By Mario Marini : 20 • • • • • • • • OFF -ROA D : Suzzie Smith , Eastftm $sl•• M.fJlJUe, Karen Smith. Assistant .A .. KET IIlI .. e : . In the W ind Forr est Hayuhi. MilMger Aaron Aus tin. Support Voices NEW MEDIA DEVELOPMENT Kory Klinger. Ins id e Line Melina Parbr GRAP. ICS • . Bus. Marple. Graphic Arti ft Sunju Kwon. Graphic Artis t Raelynn Robetta. Graphic Arti.t AD MI IlII ST RAT IO N J udy Klinge r. Cootdirllltor Pa m Klein. Admini. rr. ti..,. Assistlnt ACC OUNT ING· DATA PRO CES SIIlIG Don na Bryan -Diamond. AIR Coordina tor , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • . . . . . . . • . • Geneva Repass. As6i • .tant Stacy Ryan. Credit Manager , : • CIRCUL A T IOIlI Alma Ang uiano: Circulation Manag e, Carol Mag gio. Pro ce ssin g C oo rd ina to r Aahla igh Klein . D" alflr Coordinator SER VI CE e SUPP O R T Bridgett Bobrof. ky, Receptionist ON THE COliER · • • • · • · · · • • • · • · · · • • • • • · · • PRODUCTIO. Kathleen Lawlor . Production MMUtg_ • By Kit Palm e r Si~ M.fUJ~r CLASS I FIED ADS 60 Wan t A ds :. 70 Stu ff . : 79 hicane . 79 LCooking ry c k . • Ba • B raz i lia n IS D E Rev is it ed PROMOTION Marl!.Thome . Di rector : 57 Calendar • By Kevin McKenna • 5 7 : Treb le Ri d i n g High at Pomona Fin ale : · ·''. 2 2 · · • • · • · · · · · · · • · : 2 • • DRAG RACING : 21 • EASTERN STATES cr7 0J 279 -0304 PHOT O BY STEVE BERK NER Robert Escando n. s"rvicft and Sup port Rook ie of the Year Nicky Hayden talks about his season past and his future as the l eade r of the Repso l Honda MotoGP team . Photo by Gold & Goose . In se t : Ap ri lia 's S up er mo t o V -tw in i n action for the very fi rst t i me. Ph ot o by Mario Ma ri ni. NA T I O N A L HEADQUA IITER S 3SOS.M Cad illac Ave ., Co sta Me sa . CA 92626 P,O , 80. 5084 . Co sta Me sa. CA 9262 8-5084 (714) 751 -7433 · FAX(714) 751 -6685 EA S T EII N OFFI C E 2775 Cru se Road . Suite 2603 lawrenceville. GA 30044 , mm 279-0304 • FAX m Ol 279-0360 E-M AI L . INTEIINET www,cyclenew5.CGm ed itoriJcydenttw • .co m s ubscribeOcydenews,com PHOTO BY GEOFF MEYER Cycle News CUSPS 141-340) ;. ~ -.kIy except h , REG I ON AL EIIENTS tion-' mall"", office.. c.n.d. Pt.t IntemdonAl PubIicetlona MH 'S48e15. POSlIIAS1Db s.nd ~ cn.ngn 10C)'CloI New&, P.O. " &l84 . e-t. Me-.CA~ . 26 Blo untv i lle , TN : Eastern Fo u r -S t ro ke 36 B i n g ha mt o n , NY: Ha lloween C lass i c Na t io nals 37 27 Ga inesvi lle , FL: Florida Go l d C up S eries 28 Upper Lak e, CA: N orth ern Ca l ifo rn ia 40 29 Palmda le, CA: CRC Spo nso rsh ip Series NOVEM BER 26. 2003 ' c u e I e n e G o rman , C A : AMA D-37 B ig 6 GP S eries 38 Res u lts Ch amp ions h ip End uro Se r ies 4 IMt two - - . oI ltJt; =-M!:JA::::e::~~~:- ~ ~~~ s _you'D ~ -.11M IMt two~ Ind~ the yew of the lui ..... ~~n:;:'~~~1~00:~.=::a,~ c..- $2;,00; biald 11 iuueU, 52 1.00. 5 8nd Fontign. _ yew C50*'-e,). $105,00: C OOiMuesJ . $195.00; ... month. C25 j DUq). $55. 00: trilIllIUb I 115 e,). $4 2.00. two,..,. Cycle New. weteometo UMOIielted ed itorial materiallnduding aun... ~ ell; , Sueh .,.~. ifpllbl3hK. ~. th• • JIC'..... lW:1t.~ e . 11l:~.:~~=~~ont":.:=~~e~~.s. W/BDA Eve nt s 56 Loc al Tal ent vv :'t:""~oftt;:.~~ ,e-':;=i::~=-~~~ ~ ..= V ."..rr!2 rtialng AUDITED ORCULATION Printed in U.S.A . Ne_. CopyrightO C ycle Inc. 2003, Tradeo..,..rk Cyel_ N __ rev i.tered u .s. Pate nt Offie.. An righ. ,.._fVed.

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