Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SuperBiker s2 Series Championship Round: Briggs and Stratton Motorplex • 8uper~ikers ~r---'t----.... rwrap Jf B y MARK W O LBRIN K PHOTOS BY T A RA B O GART / GI NGERS NAP S ELKHART LAKE, W SEPT. 20·21 I, IT' he c ham pio nship round l.- S uperB ikers2 Seri es was of th e run on September 20 and 21. It was another great w eekend of racing between local h ero es, Supermot o Pros, old road r a c er s and " u n reti red " mo to cross riders! Todd Patton and Ty ler Whitecotten resumed their season -l ong contest in Sunday ' s combined Mini final and spent th e early laps swapp ing the l e a d . Whitecotten didn't hesitate comm itting to the inside, while Patto n c ho se a faster line around th e outside. A red flag and a rest art fou nd Patton separated fro m Whitecotten by l and n e w c o m e r Michael Shilts giv ing chase. It seemed as if Bub was pu lling everyone else around the tra ck . until Harlow was ab le to take the l e a d . Harlow , Bub and Voorhees quickly put gro und on the rest of th e fie ld and finished the race in that ord er. Bub ended up at the fr ont of the seaso n 's standings . Voorhees and Rowe took second and third, and Harlow finished the year in a close fourth . Expe ctations fo r the last Light weight final were h igh . Joe " D ie sel J o " Jancoski had crashed tw ice in the heat race and st arted the ma in slumming in a rented flat on the sec ond row. Steve Reinke , the 2002 cha mpi o n a nd p o i nt s leader, took a no the r holeshot on h is ancient , A le" Bub (22) and Robert Voorhees (26) have been leaders in the Sport ilIi il!!!!!• •liiiiii i:li;g tl!!!2'ear.:i ; _·n:;Ihe Super9i kers2 - Series . U w ay ar ound Rein ke , and driv ing in lapped traffic , he took definite co ntro l o f the ra c e . Reinke and Goldberg ro u nded off the top three. Th is was Diesel Jo 's thi rd wi n in a row , and it e a rn e d him a close second to Reinke's repeat cha mpionship. Gold berg fi nished the seaso n in th ird . Th e Middleweight g rids at t h e Briggs and Stratt o n Motorplex, which ha ve g radua ted suc h Pro s as HMC KTM S u per moto T eam r i d er Chris Fillmore, have alw ays been the most pop.ulated . T h i s w eeke nd was no exception . In addi tion to a ll th e regular fast guys, Doug Henry was riding Ro b T u luie 's Yama ha . The " Roc ket l-olw.....cii! S ientist" A llen Hansen . In the closi ng la p s of th e ra c e , Wh itec o tte n mana g ed t o work his way back into sec ond. Pat t on won the ra c e a nd the seas on champ ion sh ip. Wh itec otten fin i sh ed th e day and th e ye ar in second, wi th Ha nsen cl os e behind. I n th e Spo r t M ini c lass , se r i e s p o ints l e ad e r Lindsay M a uk w en t d own m idw ay th roug h the ra ce , bu t her third -place fin ish was still eno ug h to sti ck th e number " one" on he r bike next year. W i lli am Ro w e , A l ex Bu b a nd steel- f ra me d H onda , w h il e Ri c ha rd G o l d - Sun d a y ' s fin a l , Bub took an oth e r b e r g gav e chas e . Di esel J o got a g reat start a nd rea l ly backed it into th e fi rst co rne r t o gra b th ird. Reinke bu ilt a fair lead o n G o ldb e r g a nd D i e sel J o . O n t h e fou r t h l a p , D i es e l J o again back ed hi s w ay i n t o th e fir st co rn e a nd pa ssed Goldberg Reink e and D iese l J we re once again p ush ing each at the fro nt 0 t h e p a c k . D i e se l J hol eshot, with Voorhees, Mi k e Harlow eventuall y wo rked his I Ro bert Voorhees have been battli ng f or th e Spo rt - c la ss c ha m p i o n sh i p sin c e the beg inning o f th e y ear. In him self had shown up with a m ot ar ike so covered with dataacquisition w ires th at it loo k ed li k e it was prep p i:l fo r a stress test at the doctor's office instead of t he race track . H en won th e heat rac e i n convincing ash ion a nd led most of th e final. l!.ate in the f inal , local favorite Sco t Deidrich had a chance t o pass He r y in l app ed t ra ffic a nd ta ke the Ie d: he im m ediat ely sta rted to ride lines he had been k eeping to himself whil e bac k in second p lac e. By the end of the ra ce , he had a coupl e of bike lengths on Henry . Cole Walsdorf finished third and took the season champ ionship . Deidrich fini shed the year in second, ahead of Paul Buettner. Ben Carlson, Fillmore's teammate , was absolutely ready for the Premier final , and he gave everyone else a lesson. Henry took the holeshot, with Carl so n close behind. D eid ric h and Walsdorf rounded out the lead pack . Carlso n, De idrich and Wa lsdorf too k advantage of the ir track knowledge and forced Henry ba ck to fourth early in the rac e. Carlson rang th e schoo l bell o n t he th ird lap . Ridi ng a lm o st effortlessly , Ca rlso n took off as if he wer e esca ping fro m Folsom by rail. Deid rich took sole possession of sec · ond p lace. Walsdorf was left to fend off Henry. Near th e end, Henry ma n aged to m ak e his way int o third. Dei drich left the track as the 2003 Prem ier ch am pion . Bue ttner finished the season i n second , a head of M att Jensen. Other lo c a l rid e r s such as Perry Pr i c ha rd , D irk Sc h re u de r , T odd Sc hu h and Ron Zastrow all put in a sol id year and fini shed b e twee n shou ld er- and ear-he ig ht in th e sta nd ing s. It is th e end of anothe r great year. So on, th e sli ck s and big brakes will b e replaced by ice st ud s a nd hand warm ers , bu t this yea r's war sto ries as well as pl an s fo r deali ng with next y ear 's n ew d i r t se c t i o n - a re j u s t beginning. eN Briggs and Stratton Motorple. at Road America Elkhart take, Wisconsin Results: September 20-21, 2003 [Final round) SPT MINI : 1. Paul Gi lst er; 2 . Chri st ophe r Joe 'IDiesel Jo" Jancoski celebrates h is third Lightweight victory In a row at the final round in El khart Lake, Wisconsin. ~-- / cue I e Q ui llman; 3. Ni ch ola s Hansen ; 4 . Lind say Mauk . SPT MOTC : 1. M ike Har low ; 2 . Alex B ub; 3 . Robe rt Voorhee s; 4 . M ichael Shil ts; 5. Terry Vesta l. L / W: 1. J oe J anc oski ; 2 . Steve Rei nke; 3 . Richard Goldberg : 4 . Pat Ferrell : 5. And rea Walsdorf. M/W: 1. Scott Deidri ch: 2. Doug Henry ; 3, Cole Walsdorf: 4, Tom Hickman; 5. Paul Buettner . PREM M INI : 1. T o dd Pa tton ' 2 . Ty le r Whitecotten; 3. A llen Hansen, • PRE.M: 1. Ben Carlson: 2. Scott Deidrich ; 3 . Doug Henry; 4 . Cole Walsdorf; 5. Tom Hick ma n, nu'IIVs • O C TO B ER 29 , 2003 55

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