Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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that partic ularly suited one rider more than the other, and eac h seemed equall y capable o f clean ing every th ing t he o r g an izer s threw at them . Becau s e o f th is , Sunda y's ev ent came down to sill y m ista k es or freak po ints caused by loo se roc ks ro ll in g under a wheel. Again, Wielan d took t he early lead, dropp ing o n ly f our fi r st -l ap po ints compared to Jason 's score of seven . Jaso n got into a rh y thm on lap tw o and scorched t he co urse, ta king o nly a single po int, a balanc e dab in sect i on seve n . W i el a n d , on the o t h er ha nd, suffered hi s wo rst loop of th e weekend , a six poin t circuit, allowi ng J a son to m o v e in t o t he lea d . A fter two loo p s, J aso n he ld the lea d over W iel and , ei ght poi nts to 10 and need e d o n l y t o sta y w it h in a p oint o f Wi el and' s fin a l la p sco re t o w in th e eve nt. J ason surv ived a n a lm o st-d isas t ro us ride in t he fi na l sec tion of th e day , needing t wo points to get out of th e a rt i fic ia l tr ap , b u t fin i sh ed t he l o o p w it h o ne poin t m or e t han Wieland , fou r points to three , to take th e win. At th e fi nish, Ja son hel d t he top position with 12 points, w hile W iel and fin ished sec ond wi t h 13 . Scott (33), David Bla ck (58) and St ev e M organ (64 ) rounded o ut th e top five. " I had a c o u p le of stup id rid es where o ne po in t led t o t wo , an d m y seco nd loop was kind of touch and go," said Wieland . " But I had a co up le of good sav es to da y , and overall I think I rode pretty good. " At the halfway ma rk in t he series , Jason Carpen t er and W ie land are tied for th e se ries lead with 110 poi nts each . Scott Ca rpente r is third overall with 78, fo llowed by David Black wit h 76 and Mar c Carpenter with 33 . eN Flint Hills Two-DayTrial Wichita, Kansas Results: October4-5, Z003 [Rounds 3-4 of 81 Sat urday CHA M. P; 1. Jason Carpe nte r ( 18 ); 2 . Jake Wieland (2 0) ; 3. Dav id Black (68) ; 4. Scott Carpenter (7 7 ); 5. B ill Sanderson (78) ; 6. Marc: Carpenter (9 1); 7. Steve Mo rgan ( 117 ). EX : 1. Da le Mala sek (27) ; 2 . Marvin Ed gin gt on (3 2); 3. Allen Guyot (3 4) ; 4 . Glenn Ro blin (53 ); 5 . Wesley Brace (62) . SR EX: I. Rick Stiger (4 ) ; 2 . J im West cott (12) ; 3 . David Alley ( 15); 4 . Ca rl Hopkins ( 2 1) ; 5 . Mark Hoqan (2 1). INT: 1. Dustin Allen (23) ; 2. Al ex Cole (3 2); 3 . Aaron Mi zell (36); 4 . Jos iah M izell (40); 5 . Prest on Peterson (43). SR : 1. Dean Met ske r (4); 2 . Stan Machart (20); 3. Dal e Reyn o lds (2 7) ; 4. Tommy M oo re (34) ; 5 . Gary Wing (34) . AM: 1. Ala n Hae ga (7 ); 2 . M ike Crams ey (9); 3 . Micho!Sel Williams (1 1) ; 4 . St eve Woodruff (20); 5 . Caleb Mizell (21) . NOV: I. Da v id Pett egrew (t) ; 2. Robert Br ace (2); 3 . David Mizell (4); 4 . Ken La rson (41) ; 5 . Josh Nutsch (4 6) . CA DET: 1. Au stin Williams (29 ). Sunday CHAM.P: I. J a son Carpen te r (12) ; 2 . J a k e W ieland (13) ; 3 . Sco tt Carpenter (33); 4. Da vid Bla ck (58) ; 5. Stev e Morgan (64) ; 6. Bill Sanderson (7 6) ; 7. Ma rc Carpenter (77 ). EX: 1. M arv in Ed g in gton ( 17); 2 . Allen Guy ot (20); 3. Dale Ma las e k (2 1); 4. Glenn Ro blin (29 ); 5. Wesley Brace (5 2) . SR EX: I. Rick St iger (9); 2. J im West cott (18); 3 . Le s Mizell ( 22 ) ; 4 . Mack Burnett ( 23); 5 . Da vid Alle y (23 ). INT : I. Du sti n A llen (21) ; 2. Aa ro n Mi zell (33) ; 3 . Pre st o n Pete r so n (35); 4 . Ja so n B u ster (43 ) ; 5 . J osiah Mizell (47) . SR : I , D ean Metsk er ( 12) ; 2 . Da le Reyn old s (22) ; 3. Sta n M. ch.rt (24) ; 4 . Lorry Ge rrtsc n (47) ; 5. Gery Wing (5 1). AMA: I. Mike Cramsey (6 ) ; 2 . A ll en Haaga (6); 3 . Mi c ha el Will iam s ( 1 1) ; 4 . Ca le b M izell (14 ) ; 5 . Stev e Woodruff ( 15) . NOV: 1. David Mizell ( I); 2 . Robert Brace (3) ; 3. Da vid Pette grew (9 ) ; 4 . J osh Nu ts ch ( 12 ) ; 5 . J ohn Lawson (20) . CADET: J. A ustin Williams (4 ); 2. John Lawson (5). Now AVAILABLE THROUGH regcTs IIIllWIJ ART GALLER limited fdition MotorcycleArt b ana Hays yT "."'"', -S 1I.""III~.", lly- I.,'c·II I I·11 ..' ·C' "I1~ . I ,'l l s l ill ,,,olorS/'tlrts d#·s/,f.:lIs. I "il " a ll ( ~_,·t r(~," (~ " ••Ir "or 1I1t11t1' ~.l ·(-:/(· JIII•• ,!.:#':S . '1; ' 11:-' ~t I,; , s (.·IIIt...~r,!:(~d n111• •.., 1Il1l1lbc":I' oT tl .s,llell",f.: " 0 ; '11 r.'l, llIg lIlId dirt I r.,( :k ." ~t. "rlllis. lion·' · ;'I ';,lllIl,/(~ terr : s4"(_~ /11 1I I III I t · (1 IIII.IIIIIII#.,,:s. " 'i' lIl1 Is •.., S/' (_~<:I." lzllJg "Nicky Hayden - 2002 AMA Superbike Champion" Original: 30" x 40" D-Ib. MatCover Print; 13" x 17" on S Series of 690 Signed by Artist 560.00 , en Series of 69, Signed by Artisl & Nicky Hayd 5120.00 ArtistComments: "Congratulations Nicky.Team Honda & the Ha . yden SupportTeam!" "Wha t a year I havehad. traveling to RoadAtlantIJ. Springfield (Nicky on the dirt). and Mid-ohio. Now I know that Nicky is readyfor Europe (One year ago, knew M . wasnot ready.) I/ook forward to seeing evel')'One next year Nicky,go to Europe . and do what you do best Show the rest of the world what an America is made n of. They've seena guy from Texas; Introduce them to a gentleman from Kentucky." "Jay Springsteen- TheGunslinger" Original; 30" x 34" Print: lZ " x 14" on BO-Ib. MatCover Series of 900 Signed by Artist $50 , .00 Series of 90, Signed by Artist & Jay Springsteen 5100.00 " Nicky Hayden 200 1" Original; 26" x 40" Print: 13" x IS" on SD-Ib. MatCover Series of 690, Signed by Artist 560 .00 Series of 69, Signed by Artist & Nicky Hayden 5120.00 Artist Comments' "Jay Springsteenwas the first active racer inducted Into the Dirt Tr ack Hall of Fame. I first sawJay race when I wasabout seven years old. Tw enty yearslater. I have had the opportunity not only to watch him race on numerous occasions but aiso to meethim....we, as children, saw the earlier part of Jay's career . Now, as adults, we watch Jay with more respect butJust as much child-like enthusiasm. Jay aNacks his dally life just like he sNacks turn three at DuQuo in." VISA I MiH.C.Q~ "t first met Nicky at Road Atlanta in 2001. He was an incredibly nice young man, He tell hard that day and whenI went over to check on him, I saw just how "young" he still was. I also met Merlyn Phumleeat this time. A true gentlem he has been an, extremely supportive of all that is Nicky Hayden and has offeredme so many kind words. in 2001, I trufy did not want to seeNicky go off to EuropeJust yet.This painting wasone that came easily for me." All prints shipped from Flashlightning Studio via USPS first-class mail, in a large flat envelope with protective cardboard backing. CA residents add 7.75% sales tax' Includes Shipping (domestic US only) To order, call Cycle News Products at 714-751-7433 (9am-5pm P S T) o Every w eek fo r two ye a rs (100 is s ues fo r $80.00) Six mon ths secon d class (25 is s ues fo r $23.00) Address Ci ty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ State Phone o Zip This is a o O rder Da t c Send to: ~ltl:l nil" a) ...... 1 YES! 5 tart m y subscription immedia te ly to C ycl e News. 1 year/50 iss ues for $45 .00. (ca n be billed 2 monthly pa yments) o o Name 1_ New Subscription o Renewal o o o ', Inc. P.O . Box 5084, Costa M esa, CA 92628-5084 Toll Free Subscription Hotline (800) 831-2220 24-hour FAX Order Line (714) 751-6685 • E-mail: Subscri be@cycJenew Signature Please bill m e 1 paymen t of $45 .00 Bill 2 p a yme n ts o f $22.50 ., En closed is m y check o r money order Charge m y _ o o VISA Visa M aster card = , , (1'1'10' yea r (~ i~" U l~), 2nd class C a n ad a o r M l"lti n l dod .1lI o th.. r lon.·ign cou nt ries 1 (US Funds) . bl class a nd airmail rates a vailolhlt' u pon noqu es t . sn .oo ._---------------- --- --------------------------MC /Visa# ___________ _ _ _ _ _ Expi rati on Date cue I e n e vv s O CTO BER 29 , 2003 45

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