Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Co lten Maynard had a splendid weekend, w inning both 8 5 cc [1 2-1 31 c lasse s an d f ini shin g second in the 85cc Open contest and fourth in the Supennini event. Supermin i class. After each won his re s p e ctiv e divis ion, t h ei r bi g g e s t threat appeared to be the d ual 85cc ( 12 - 13) c hampion , Colte n Maynard . Wh en the ga te fe ll , Os borne led th e pack up th e hill, with Ch atfi eld o n h is tai l. With in a lap , how ev er , Chatfield made h is move and then qu ickly put some spa c e between h im sel f a nd Osborne . Behi nd them , Cun ningham an d M ayn a rd battl ed l a p after la p , with Cunning ham eventua lly roun d ing out th e podium . Osborn e went on to sweep all th e motos he ent ered in the 85 cc St oc k an d Modified ( 14 -1 6) cl asses, as well as the 85cc Open ev ent. When the gate fell fo r the 12 5 cc Pros, Misso uri hotshoe David Frye put his YZ250F in the early lead, j ust ahead of Randall Will iams and Ryan St. Cyr. Th e m an on the move fro m th e get- go was Su zuk i-m o unted Shaun Sk inner. Slicin g and dicing his way through traffi c , Ski nn er made some of the most im pressive passes of the week on his way t o victory as he passed Fry e for th e win lat e in th e m ota. As th e second mota got under way , Frye got the best start, but Michigan's Bra d Ripp le , a board h is new Su zuki RMZ250 four-st roke, im mediate ly took ov er. A ft er a m ed iocre start, Skinner again set out after th e lead ers, pu shi ng it t o t he limit o n every inc h of th e track. N ear th e end of the mota, Rip p l e ap pe ared to be t iring, and thi s played to Skinner's favor, as he took over the lead with a lap to go. Chad Ward rode h is Yamaha home second , w ith St. Cyr third. In the 250c c Pro class , lo c al fast g uy Bri an Stone rode smart and co nsiste ntly , tak ing the first m ot a ahead of Ripp le a nd B r a d Smit h , Sto ne aga in ro de with sma rts in the second m ot a , as Sm ith t ook th e early lea d and nev er looked ba ck , Kn ow in g th e ove ra ll was in hand, Ston e rod e tri u m p h a n t l y a cross th e fini sh lin e be hi nd Smith and ahead of Ward . eN Branson USA Galena, Missouri Results: October 2 -5. 2003 P/W STK ( 4· 6 ) : 1. B rad ley Ta ft (Co b) : 2 . Michael Wright (Pot); 3 . Austin Bruck shaw (KTM ); 4 . Ja y Dearing (Cob) ; 5. James Gall (Pot). P/W MOD (4 · 6) : J. Bradle y Taft (Co b) : 2. J ay Dear ing (Cob) ; 3 . James Ga ll (pol); 4 . Je sse Solheid (KTM) : 5. Michae l Wr ight (Pol ). P/W STK (7 · 8): J. Caden Hadley (KTM) : 2. J ace O wen ( KTM) ; 3 . Zach Bell (Cob) ; 4 . Cooper Webb (Pol) : 5. Korey Teson (Lem) . P/ W MO D (7·8) : J. Zach Bell (Co b): 2 . .Jece Owen (KTM); 3. Kyler Gimenez (KTM ); 4 . Judson Wisdom (KTM) : 5. Coope r Webb (Pol) . S/P/W: J. Caden Hadley (KTM ): 2. Kod y Kamm (Pol) ; 3 . Tyler Stewart (Cob) ; 4. Jon -Murray Barr (Pol): 5. Cooper Webb (Pol). 65 STK (6·8): J. Zach Bell (Kaw ) : 2 . Caden Hadley ( KTM ); 3 . Mason Gragg ( KTM ); 4 . Shane Hall (KTM): 5. Coope r Webb (KTM). 65 MOD (6· 8) : J. Mason Gragg (KTM) : 2. Shane Hall (KTM ); 3. Michael Norris (KTM) ; 4 . Zach Collier (Kew) : 5. Forrest Tre nt (Suz). 65 STK ( 9- 1 1): I. Terr en O 'De ll ( K aw): 2 . Shawn Rife Jr. (K TM): 3 . Mi lch Hou gh (KTM): 4 . Sean CUnningham (K TM); 5 . Dyl an Cox (KTM). 65 MOD (9·1 1): I. Ferren O 'DeIl (Kaw) : 2. Sean Cunn ingham ( KTM): 3. Shawn Rife J r. (KTM ): 4 . Dylan Cox (KTM ): 5. Tyler Rickey (Ka w) . 65 OPEN : I. Te rren O'DeIl (Kaw); 2. Shawn Rife Jr. (KTM ); 3. Sean Cunni ngham (KTM); 4. Brent Jernigan (KT M): 5. Cameron Reas (KTM). 85 STK ( 0· 1 1) : I. F er re ri O 'Dell ( Ka w) : 2 . Sha wn Rife Jr. (Ya m); 3. Da niel Rocke (S uz); 4. Mitch Hough (KTM); 5. Sean Cunningham (KTM). 85 MOD (0 -11): I. Te rren O'Dell (Kaw): 2. Sean Cunning ham (KTM); 3. Shaw n Rife Jr . ( Yam); 4 . Danie l Rocke (Suz); 5. Joseph Tarver (SU1). 85 STK ( 12 .13): 1. Collen Mayn ard (SUl) ; 2. Ty Wo rth ing to n (Ya m ): 3 . Ricky Dra per (H on} : 4 . Nathan Sm ith (Kaw ): 5. Kyle Regal (Vam) . 85 MOD (12·13): 1. Colten Maynard (Sul ): 2. Ty Worthington (Yam) ; 3 . Taylor Robert (Hue Regal (Yam); 5. Jason H ' 8 5 STK (14. 1<6): Sean Hackley (Raw): Cunningham (Kaw); 5. 85 MOD ( 14- 1 Sean Hack Cody Clark ( 85 OPEN : J . Zach Osborne (KTM) : 2 . Co lten M a yn a rd ( SUl) : 3 . Co dy C lar k ( SUl) : 4 . T y Worthington (Yam); 5. Kyle Cunningham (Kaw). S IMINI : I . Ad am Ch atfie ld (Hon } : 2 . Zach Osborn e ( KT M ); 3 . Ky le Cunningham ( Ka w): 4 . Cotten Mayna rd (Suz); 5. Adam Gulley (Suz) . 125 BEG: 1. Brad Be ty (Yam); 2. Bubba: Drew ( Kaw); 3 . Brady Flatness ( Yam ); 4. Cory Hudson (Han); 5. Levi Haugtht (S uz). J 25 STK NOV : 1. Kyle Sum mers (KTM ) : 2 . Jacob Leatherwood ( Yam): 3. Blake Cochran (Yam ); 4. H. McMillan ( Suz); 5 . Ron Reese (Yam) . 12 5 MOD NO V : I. H. McMillan (SUl) : 2. Kyl e Summers (KT M); 3 . Quinn Donathan (KTM) ; 4 . D rew Johnson (Han) ; 5. Justin Williams (Yam) . 125 STK tNT: I . C hase Wh itt en ( Ya m); 2 . Andrew Jackson (Kaw) : 3 . Robbie Robertson (KT M): 4. Sean Hackley (K aw): 5. Mic hael Willard (KTM) . 125 MOD INT: 1. Michael Winard (KTM): 2. John Wi senba rger (Ya m) ; 3 . Adam Ch atfield (Hon ) ; 4 . Adam Harvey {KTM} ; 5. Chase Whinen (Yam). 125 OPEN NON ·PRO : I. Chase Whitte n (Vam): 2. John Wisenbarger (Yam); 3 . Adam Chatfield (Han); 4. An drew Jackson (Kl'lw); 5. Jacob Sanchez (Suz) . 125 PRO : t, Shaun Ski nner (SUl); 2 . Rya n St. Cy r (KT M); 3 . B rad Rippl e (S Ul); 4. De vtd Frye (Yam]: 5. Scott Ehlenfeldt (KTM). 250 BEG: l. Cory Hud son ( Ha n); 2 . T h ad Sappington (Hon); 3. Nick Fox ( Hon); 4. Kreston . Robert Voung (Han) . 1. Kyle Summer s (KT M ); 2 . Ron ward Humphrey (Hon); 4 . Blake Justin Cagney ( Yam). V: I. Kyle Summ ers ( KTM): 2. stin Wha ler (KTM); 4 . Nick . Brown IHon) . hn Wisenberqer ( Yam); 2 . cue I EO n J aso n J effr e y ( Ka w); 3 . M ik e T o ll iver ( Suz); 4. Denn is Hotson (KTM); 5 . Robbie Robertson (KTM) . 2 50 MOD INT: I. Matt Pritchard (Yam): 2. Trevor M o nk s (S uz) ; 3 . J a so n Jeffrey ( Ka w) ; 4 . Joh n Wisenbarger (Yam) ; 5. Shane Mills (KT M). 250 OPEN NON· PRO: 1. M:Chae Willard (KTM); 2. l Robbie Robertson (KTM); 3. John Wisenbarger (Yam) ; 4. Jason Jeffrey (Kaw); 5. Brandon Techeny (Hen). 250 PRO : 1. Brian Stone (Kaw); 2. Brad Smi th (KTM ): 3. Chad Ward (Yam); 4. Shaun Skinner (Suz); 5. Ryan si. Cyr (KTM ). WMN : I. Cassand ra Rega l ( Ya m ): 2. Je nica Paulsen (Kaw): 3 . Jessica Hadler (Kaw); 4. Aman da Clark (KTM): 5. Savanna h Stolfus (Suz). 25. A: 1. Cory Francis (Ha n); 2. Danny Patrum (Ha n); 3 . Den ny Dooley (Kaw ); 4 . Sha wn Wrig ht (Hon); 5 . Brian Sorenson (Kaw}. 25+ B: 1. Er ic Sutton (Kaw); 2 . Jason Mag nett (Han): 3. Greg Ingels (Kaw ): 4. Alan Joh nson (Han ): 5. Jeremy Havens (Yam). 3 0+ A : 1. Brian Sorenson (KlIw) ; 2. Scott EJlis (KTM): 3. Duane Goodwin (Han); 4. Michael Len>: (Han). 30 + B: 1. Gr eg Inge ls { Kew } : 2 , E ric Sutt on (Kaw) ; 3. J ack Lamb ert (Ya m ); 4 . Casey Haynes (Vam ): 5 . Kri s Fagala (Han) . 35 + A: 1. Scott Ellis (KTM) ; 2. Duane Goodwin (Hen) : 3 . Joe D rinnon (S uz); 4 . Mike McCutcheon ( Yam); 5. Eugene Spreutels (Kaw) . 35 + B: 1. Kris Feq ele (Ha n); 2. J ack Lam bert ( Yam) ; 3. Allen Haynes (Ya m); 4. Mike Bergma n (KTM ): 5. Steven Spreutels (Kaw) . 40 +: 1. Mik e McC utc heo n (Yam); 2 . Rusty Renaud (Yam); 3. Scott Stevenson (Han); 4 . Frank Bur khardt (Han) : 5. Tom Murry ( KTM) . 5 0+ : I. Jerry Jensen (Hon); 2. Steve Dix (Yam); 3 . Mike Edwards (KTM); 4 . Erv Braun (Suz). evus OCTOBER 29 ,2003 41

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