Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2003 10 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The Great outdoors: Special Edition [CVC] • Relish [CVC] • SO Nuts [CVC] SO Frenzy [CVC ] • Tomcat : " The E x p e ri e n c e " Vol. # 2 [CVC] Ryan Capes: My 'Way to the Record [CVC] Flipped Cut: Evolution of the Backflip [CVC] • Thunderstruck 2 [CVC) A l ticity :3 [ C V C ] • S lednecks Ei [CVC] TOURING/ROAD RIDING/CRUISING (#213) Th Roads of Colorado e Actual toofage 01 selectee! roads and po lnls01 InIerest througtJOul Cotorado, This video makes anIlleal lool toranyone planning a rootaeyde'll ttroot·Itle~ . 90rlWlUles!ro'n tAM Prodoc:Jons. 129.95 (#230) RideAmerica: High 1 way e-.,', Ogollvyfl9'way' s '" ee ~ .. 1"' GIlale<1ges "" .. streeI nang ITIOklrCydist TIus II3e takes you !ro'n h! GokmGale Brxlge Ihrough some 01 !he mosI urdeveIooed and Ie l popWiled areas Il'l as Calilornla , Rlae wlIh loumallsl Charles tvenn, WortdSpeedway Ch/ tothe 2002 MotoGPhlen!tle da l wn 01 a r\&lIj age otGrand Pnx motorcycle raong Almost everyIhflg he touched tumed to gold, and !he howl 01lour-stroke engines gave I'IlIIklns ot Ians a wetcome dcse 01 rvgtl.speec:t CClI'll;)etlIIO. 180 mClut s l e !rom WMe Star,{)ukeV(leo. $34.95 (#01725)2002 MotoGPSeriesReview DVD TIllS o!fcIaI 3-nour el11avaganza ca:cnes all lhe lltama ! exotemenl trorn !he '02 MoklGP Senes WIth fTlIJlIH:arnera and OI'l-lllke toolage from every ttUIll. wrtl ~ I1teMews WI1h !he Iq) fIOerS. Waldl !he 1heDr." RosSI calve Insway 10 lhe ~ at till cawn 01 a new age in ~oGP rac:P:J, DVD extras rICUle ~ arboard laps !rom every arcuc. aday 111 ~ We 01 theWest HcnlaPons team, behIld !he scenes lOOlage and a chance to see anIhe Iun & games from !he Rossi Fan Club parly 190 mll'lutes Irom Whit'! StarIDuke Video. $'<.91 (#1970)2001 MotoGP500 Series Review Th roD1 FIM 500 W C e orld hampions was se to be a SpiCY duel hip l between the two lIa n guns · Vale ino Rossi andMax Bia and ~ lla nt ggl. dldn'l dIsa ppoint. The increooscrc _O"dSam>1. 55 ""'''....., &IJ''S'''1'dOf .. ..... Haslam, a . -,,,,,",, miluIes tn:rn Yhe ~ Vdeo. $34.95 (#1495) W orld's Fastest Race Bike s Remembef an !hose factory tacef biletests lhat Alan Cathcart hasdone n Cycle News? Here !heyare onvideo l A !he greatest bikes are hefe. n e aha e od GP bikes mducle th Suzuki.Honda. and Yam V4s, th M enas 500 tnp and th Yamaha and Honda 250 V-W1ns: W Supertlikes le. e l orld include lile Honda, Ducali. and Ap V·wrns, Suzuki, Kawasaki, and nllll t Yam aha750 fours: an Supersport bikes include the Yamaha and d Suzuki 600 fOUl'S and ltleDucali 750twin. W Cathcartashe ndes atch these dreambi es aro !Ile worlds gr atesl circu~s in Japan, Italy. k und e Spain andPortugal. On·bike ca era lootage and If1credlble seuna . m ca pture th expenence lorf1lu. 70mlnuleslrem While Star,'!)uke e Video. $29 .95 (#16 ) 20 24 02Isle of Man IT After a year's aaseoce, the n returned 1 ltle maa racilg cajlllaJot the 0 world, biggef &tenerthan ever betoe Da';'lj Je tteries !tIahered nis own 2lXXl recordwith an medi!lle 126,68mph !all. leammale Ian loll!1l8'" look two w and th Sl!Conds. and Rob Flshlll became the mosl ins fee successtuI SIdecar nder ever on !he island. And !tie party atmOsphere was I1"Crl a boos! asM nnan Rd1aId ~ky' Quayle scoreeclllilycommiSSlOl'led 'romDavid W ood, wtlose archrve matenallS ~mply unsurpassed. Every SenlOf race w inner is leatured and there isadion tootage!rom the vllfY IIrSt races andevery event from 1920 to1996, A3-tape collecllon every IT Ianwil ch l erish fo years to co r me. (Part 1: The Earl Ye 907·39 Part 2:The y ars1 ; ChamplonshipYears t94 : Part3:From Stre 1 Strengt 1 7·76 ngth 0 h 9n· tal,from WhileStar/Du keVideo. $6 9.95 96) 2t6mlllUlesto . A ~ 01 dedicalxJn. OOIer:nf1a!101"L hlmIIry .wi I'uuWy - hs vO!O . ~les I)e ex\laOtOr'lary liIe01 rnoICWC)Oe racJ1Pij legen:l ~ an~ . D'wtr1g ~ rtse trorn I1l.rTOe llegmrI;s kltie Iizzy he91ts 01 F1 'IoQkl wes. recorO-b'eakf'iJ exploits 3llheIsle 0I1Jan IT. arcl t'OtIttIess flI:e WlnsMllCh Insplled lans 10aown hI11 "KI1g 01 the Roads'. Incll.Cles ~es lrom Cat! Fogarty and Barry Sheene, plus illr'n Ntrlg 111~ WIIh 'Y Maun' hM11S&ll dumJ his ilkJstnous career Alf1IQU& mgI1Il1lo er one ollhe grealesl road raC1lrs 01 alllim 105 minutes from White e. Star/DukeVideo, $34.95 (#01599) Joey: 1952-200 DVD 0 The ea gerty awaited DVD trib & fOlIow·up 1 the 2001ooeumentary ute 0 charllngJoey Dun lop's uniq & ins ue pirationalstory, lrom numble begmmngs 10Fl W lrtles, record·breakflg explOOs atltleIsle 01Man orkl ITand countless ra ceWUlS across the UK & Europe The DVO contains additional exclusive-IlrOVO teatures, including a gallery 01 carellJlly se lected pholos 01 oYer Maun" and leXl pages de:ailing hiS career hqllqrts 11 lTW'Iules \rom Vi Slar,'Ouke VllIeo $34.95 0 (#1494) Rainey's Year; 1992 Fu:rntn;I r.sqcs r«I h! ~ ~ a ~ GPIBT1 aslie ~ Work! Two memorable Halwooa years 00one Vl(Jeo. 1961 was a wonoert\j record oth$ stLrnrlgn .loiieeYear detXL !he1963 Seoo'IT casl HaiIwOOd '0'$ Hartle &. Re3d 11 !helaS gklry days of No:1oo, Matdlless. . 4JS..52mrtUIes trom WIllie Starlluke Video, nus (#1 296 Mad Sunday: The Fans' IT ) The Oll'lef sdeoIltllS mage moIorCyde Ieslival, lrom pubs 10 llands. srreet parties. sand I3.CIlQ, dubmeets, andlois more 60minutes frorn WhIle SlariOuke Video, $34.95 (#5565) On-BikeIT Expe rience 5 M ind·bIowlng, eyeball·bashirlg, gut·wlend'lll1g, stomacli-dlummg • thIS isthe assoon from th race ' po e rs int01 View, FOf&- and allmounted cameras on several di fe classes of bi es pro~ amazmg f rent k perspectives onltlelegendary 1 0Maran t,alldOI'l·screen graphICS shOw the speedsreadledatvanous potJ1ts, 90mmules from White StarIDuke Video. $3.4.95 mooo STREET EXTREME (# 501)11 00/, Rb h!m 1m IeStI'9 kl h! fr1aI vi:kmus rD_ 7SmnAes!rtrnYltIIe StaaWle VdIn S34.95 T~ freestyle sportI:*e ~ 11!tleUS travel C08SI klcoast. ballfp;j kl see '1ltlo becooIe 'Jle '02XSBA Nabonal 0wripI0n, WaId1 amazn; s:reet$tlJ'llS pertormed by !he !o;Icrews In;m all)lR1lfJe cmmy 11 a controDed ooYlfOllment, at some ollht 'll'Ortd's most famous tracks (#1521) Schwantz World Champion 1993 : _ 0._, PoaIno,",", Ame«aSp', _ """" . . . . _ .. ~ ~ K8'nf- I I. MUle tootage trom the video. n h.g,.qualrty digllal DVD lerma 45 \. mflulestrom Impad VI()oo. $24.95 DIRT TRACK A pr ohle of the lacmg career oflhe legendaryKenny Roberts 69 rlD m esfrom Whrte Sta uke Video. $34.95 inut Aunique inslghl InlO !he Kenn RobeIIs Tralnrlg Camp Irl Barcelona, y Spalrl whereheandRandy Mamola llsass !hebenelits olpassing !hell expenenceon 1 the sdIool's pa 0 rtICipants. 65mmutes from W Me StarltluKe Video. $34.95 Aprohle at the racng career of BnflSh GP star Barry Sheene. 65 fTWlutes In;m~ Stantluke Video. $34 .95 (#5932) Champion: MickDoohan AproIie 0I1he IiCIlQ career 01 AostraIian GP SIaf lito Doohan. 65 tn:m W!lIIe StalOJke Voeo. $34.95 mutes (#3027) W ayneGardner: AW d Champion orl FoIows trleexatemerl\ ofGardner's amamg ProgressiCJllO W 500 orld G (;hampioo as a l Q.year~ fatrylale CO'IIe'S In.Ie 50m P , l11rtes !rom Whrle StariOuke V'deo. $2 4.95 (#5942) Champion: Carl Fogarty Th lirsl~ver video biography 01 Britain's biggest biking he , and tile e ro racer American lanslove tohate. T akes you lrom hi early career tohIS S fourth WM:l Superbikecrown. 90minuleslrom W e S1aflDukeVideo. hil $19.95 Call to Order Today! Four·llme Grand Nail, Champ Oms Carr isanambassador torthe spot!. atam ilyman, andatrue lrien:l loom nclers, EnJOY candKlllllerviews er WithCarr, hIS lamily and allthepeople beI1tnd his 10000she~ eucns 51 , m ut slrom TndemFilm $2 in e s. 4,95 (#189)Made Inthe USA M IOnS laKe 10 the road, 10lhe lrlIC~ and 1 the aIr W one 1hJr.9 In ill 0 lltl common, They Ium ~ over, ff!V itup. and onlWO wneels'lhey nae. ltley race, they Jump. they Ily, defymg gravlly onanll1credlble machine sometmes called abike. a hog. ormore~. al!IOltC'C'fCle, Fe31umg .Ienmler Snyaer &M Hacker. wlsoociaJ appearances by Willie G ike Oavdson & Peter Form See 5fl'4llY ."..,so many areattracted to !he Harley rdng ana racng estyIe 83milUIBS tn:rn Tnoer.t Fm $24.95 . (#0189)Made in theUSA DVD Same as the W3e0. WIth bOnus DVD exduSlYeS I'ldudrIg motortyde lacts lrom Oealemews' Robln Har1fiel, l'I(\ers' scrapboo~s , custom Ha1Ieys "'" g;Oefy, ... ." .. ~ ,: 83"""'" ~ T_ FOns. $2 5 U (#185) Cha ions of Dirt Track mp R along wilh the bes!-ollhe-best champions ever tostrap on a st el ide · e shoe Will1lhe helmet·cam. se & leelthe lhnll of raar'lg aro . e undttle PH M incllesfrom othel liders lelllng it all hang oul at 140M ile. Highlight 01 many !avorne DirtTrackC s hampions lOCIudlng 9-tlme _ Sa>tt p_ , .. _ ~ JaySpmgsteeo, Chris Carr, Joe Kopp, Ricky Graham, Mer: Lawil Gary Nixon, &. GeNt Ranero From , Tridenl FimS. $24.95 (#1087) Best of Brltish: Norton Norton IS one of the most evocative names in the history 01 BrTllsh rno!ol'cydlrlg. and lhJs vdeotelS thev.twJIe SlC'Y 01 thep'Xl martIUll. 75 Irtrn 'M1lte StarNe VldeO. 534.95 (#1088) Best of British: BSA Al the endot the 50 nocompany mIhe wtlrtd was seDlrlg more 's motort'ydes!han BntaI1'S B GIOup. Twenty years liller ~ ganI SA . conglOfnerale was out01 ~,CtlPPled by complacency, ba d ~ andlack 0I1lVeSImet1t ~ IHieplh't'ideo teIstie whole stacy !rom Its begrVqS II !he armaments Irade at!he 18111 cenIufy hotJ!1l tle 1'XY years olwon:ll':'lOlOrCyde market lXr\'lI'l3l101l, 10lie fIlal sorry drnax 1tImnJIeSlrom 'While Str"iOuke V.oeo. $34.95 (#1098)Bes1 of British: Vincenl ~ VINTAGE the lui, ilustra:ec history oIlhe charismalC Vn:::ent brand m at 1925 It1rough to IheIllal streamlined "Black the first HRD racers PrInce· models o! 30'jt'arstater. Evocativenames sud'l asMeteor , Comet RapOe andBlack SI\adOW are broughI baclllo I~e WIIh detaiH!d 1#118) Enduring M emories Onglnalna rrated footage ofclassic en rocompe du llbons, Including \he 1962 & 1964jaCk Pine Enduro, and Ihe1 Greentlom Enduro Th 959 . is Vldeo illus ateshow th tr ebikesd\anged the span inJus! tive years. 45 minutes lrom M ISSing L Video. $34.95 enk The ~ ttn made i'I te '7ll5 ""ldl chrorIded thestclfl. aamng career ci one 01 tie most talented motorcycle race~ of aJ lme 75mnJIes from . _ sw,ow V"".134,95 (#1027) Multi-CylinderMagic MY ~tas . Bene"'&!he iic:mt-6,moo Ntrae:ksolEurope 11 '95 'ftittI!he men wno madethemlamous, A real lreal lor!he eyes and ears! 1tI1TW1UleS trcm ~e Star:Duke VIOl!O.$34.95 museum ctose·upsa action ontheroad. 70minutesfro nd mWhite StariOuke VideO. $34 .95 (#6) '98Vintage IronWorld Championships The 19 98Vintage Iro W MX Cham ns n orld pio hipsana Iron M of en ether lI'Ie brightest slars01MX from M otocross Banquet brought log around meglobe toGl nHele Raceway. larry Maie hosts this e n rs almpllabOl1 of the weekend's hlgtllights wlltl interviews 01 cons like DeCoster, BaIley. LaPorte, DeSoto, Aller;. t.arssen. and a r.roIl clown memory lane IookJ1g a1!he ~V'l!rT! olb! weeilen1 InIense ~ adm. 100, fea llltl9 laclIey, EIs!edI. Moates. Slatl!l'l. Holey. Johnson and more,52tlWlllleS fran VrI!3;Je Iloo $2 . 4.95 VIDEO MAGAZINES (#1602)IT Classic Magic Anoslalt}Cc:eIetralo'IoIdassacTIsa:jlIS lnlSCU'ldS h:ll.des1'J1llq'rls ~ b GUZZI'S7511 armersary galhenrg. toe '96CIassc Pn:Ie VMCC '*. C1tll1WlS oVId \IlqJl! on-dassic-bike ca-nera Icaage, 851'l\1UBS \rom VN.eStar,{)u;.e VtRo. $34.95 (#1258) Classic Superprix '89 (#1696) Su perbikeDu ti ca The Oucan v·twin $ QU~e SIl'l'l:Jly a phenomenoo. a motorcycle ll1a: emOOdles :hevery essence olilaliall style, power. and supeflor l!f9l1l!enrt;l nusvOleex;*lres II'leelements ot0LcatJ "We'lha!make 4 S'.a~ 0101 atlOW me rest 70 m1l'lllll!S trom IM'!ite StarlOuke Video 134,95 Join Sunees, Taven, Mlfller & Ma~ha~ at the largest gathemg 01 exwtlfkS GP bikes sWce 1M '50s. MlIs ,mera, trlesupercharged '39 I\JS V4 & Porcupine and \he only runmng Honcla-6 & Nortoo Coswof1l1! 52 m esfrom WhiteStar/Duke ViOeo, i34.95 inul (#1292) [By1ae Cbssi:s ~ Pauncllhe l.egeRls Soak up lheun ique Ilavorof the bigAHRMA M onday atDaylona International Speed....ay....IthDukeand G ilera. B MW's Sante 01 tile legends. Stroud 01\ !he Britten, oo--btke Harley footage ilf1a more. 60 m utes from WIlrte Star,Duke Video. $34.95 in 1#1114) A-ZofBritish Motorcycles (3-Tape Set) Superbly resealChed J.par. Sl!fles. coIledive!y leaturlflg OVet 500 m ines 1898·1929·"The PlOOlll!t"s", 1931).1949 - 'The Vantage acn ; Years·, an:Il950-2OOJ"The PosI W31 CIassICs-. AwtuaI ercydooeOa ~ B I rrKJtorCyde hIStory. and a must-nave tor any senous coIiecrI". ntrst' Each laf)ll lao fTIlnUteS (9 hOUrS lotal) trom White Slar,1>uke Video. INSTRUCTIONAL AND TECHNICAL (#430)Motorcycle Survival Skills This 'Street Strat&g!l!S" VlOeO contams exceUent tundamef1lalS: BrakJng courrter steemg, gear shitlllg.andcountless srreet 00019 leC hnQJ9S AadillOnal Inform ation onlicensing, classes. ractng schools, and moklIcyCIe aUCllOl1S. And for'fOUf enlertalrvnent. you will~ 00w toexecute a \fIt\eelle. Slep-lly·slep. WIItl maed.ble CfI-Oike camera ~ 33 mn.t:esITCll11If11l8C1 VideO. $24.95 , MOVIES 184,95 (#138 Easy Rider ) (#1671)Greatest BritishBikes AfTIal1lIIcent IrbJ!e 10 ten0I1he ll'(lSI ChansmabC ~ tn:m b! This IS ltle dassIC)'Olllh ttn 01 the 1960's wtldl refIeded lhl' attlllJ:les and Ion;prgs 01 an entrre generaOOn. Two fllOIOrtyOsts IPeter Fcn::la and Oenms ~ embark (JI a ccasto-coast odyssey " searcn 01 · !hereal Amenca. 94fTWlules!rom Progressrve lJes9fl, $37.95 swirlJrlgSixties, when !he BriIisI1 motore:yCle I'ldlSrywas at its zen l\l'l. 90ml1ules!fool ~e StariDuke Video. $34 .95 (#1 40) On Any Sunday (#8)Castrol Historyof M otorcycleRacing (#59031Champion: Kenny Roberts (#1564) Fast Riding theRoberts Way (#188 Chris Carr - ThePrince of Peoria ) (#100 Against the Odds: Jamo Saa 7) rinen (#1097) 1948 Isleof Man IT (#1055)GoldenMountain (#1599) Joey: 1952-2000 (#187) Mike Hacker Nabooal 167t.l;keHackel' ISa ')'0\1'9~ starlithe makr1g Wa:dl tI'If041lhe hemeto(3Tl as Hacker letS . al hPenS r. the pitS be:ween races. Amusl-have VIdeO lorany ne Bad,erl35mrnutes frt:m TndenI films $24 .95 (#1 070) History01theIsleof Man IT Euro anCorresoonaent Alan CathCaft OIl !he DeS! nev. slreelbikes. pe 110mnnes!rom ~ Star.1AJke Video. 534,95 ~~ Al th same fealure asthe 3-hour vidilo, wrtIl bonus DVD intera lV l e s ct e menus, race resu~ , rider profiles ,lacts andstatistics, Every ra , every ce I'OlJ'ld. 215m es!rom W inut MeStarlDu keVicleo. $3 9.95 ISLE of MAN TT 1#01596) W d's Fastest Bikes DVD orl Same asthe 'IIOeO, buill OVD tormal..., bonus testsbyCydeNews' (#5904) Champion: BarrySheene (#01901) 2001 W SBSeries Review DVD A pro!lie ollheraoo; career ollegenaaty Phil Read 70 lTlfIUIes !rom WhIle StaliOuke Video. $34.95 Probably the tirsttoM IT him pr oducedalter WWI1, thiS recently dISCOvered film won anaward lorits enlhUSlllstlC producer Sam Coles There ISnosound Olhe! ll1a: lt1e inlormed commenta'Y 01Graham Walker. Fealures aft!he pre-race aetMIIeS ngn UtlIO lhe wanTlUtl arc GraOO Paraoe. 36mules trcm WIllie S~,'!)uke VIdeO $34.95 ('1901) 2001 W Superbike Series Review orld was iJlllCnlditlIe, ro-tOOsbamld battle, featlnlg scme 0I1he besl rQlrI n !he wort1 sU;png0lA aboanll 8O-hp, tre-sIidIIIg ~kes. AustralianDucal!riderTroy 8a)tsseventuatJ ifted lhecrown blJIhiswas00wal n!heparl Y.2K chllmpiCIIl Cc*1 Ea.wanls was CIIl a nISSIOn 10 I'lM! te HalOa VTR100J $P·2 V ca*l snath two biles n a lOW, _ Aossie veceran Tq ·1WiI Corser had amajorpo 10 prove onll1e Apritlll RSV·R l CXX1 twill. ll1t RISing stars inc ingBen Bostrom pUl in their share of bliste lud nng p&I1orrnances tI !hIS otticiaI review 01 the 'til W Superbike Senes orld 180 mtnut sfrom Wh~e StarlOuke Video. $39.9 e 5 (#5956) Champion: Phil Read (#5560) On-Bike Road Race Experience AllIIle looIage 01 tle '02W Series Review, plus DVD extas irlcMing SB r 40lnII'llJles olrder andbike proIdes. 220 milUl8S Irtm'lYhrte StarIDuKe v.... $3<95 The 200l Wort! (#5902) Champ Giacamo Agostini ion: A profile d the ractlg career 01 'egendary IraJIan GP champ GJacamo Agostn. 75lTl11Ules frt:m WMI! S!ar'Dule veec. $34.95 Three·volume se rieslrom theDavid W ar ood chives of wortd-elass Olorcycle roadraC Volume 1: How II AllBegan &the IT (6 ing. 2 m mi utes); Volume 2: Birth of the GP &lheJapanese Arrival (73 n mUlutesl: VOlume 3: The Other Champions & Pressure, M eyand the on Need toW {55mll1utesj.From Wh~e Star!OukeVideo. $99.95 in Bru ~ Brown's dasslC 19 film whichrovers vi tually ev 1 71 r ery 0nTI ot r mo ycle competitionfromtheAMA's Grand NallOnal Tou to torc Motocross: Desert Racing to Ice Raong;ltle ISDT to the W idowmaker lt 0 randPrix· 90 H illclim the BonnevilleSa Flats 1 llle ElSinore G b; mll1utes lrom X ·Factor $34.95 , (#0140) On Any Sunday DVD (#1069) Classic Racer Experience He!e's 'fOlX chance lO /OIl Dave Roper arouoo !heISle01 Man IT orcuit 00 a LtatCl'lless G50Wllh alIlhedasSIC SOlnlS and Sll1lIs CfI the big SIIQle XlrTlIlIJIes!rom 'MIlle StarItMe Video $29 .95 In mtion 10the axnplele oo gmall1lO'lie. Ih speoal DVO d.rector's IS editionfeatu resthe original movielrailers and TV spots, dig ilally tended Inbute 10SIeve IAcQueen, and a remastered SOIIlI2Irack. ex ~IJOO WII!l c1rec:or B.u::e Brown. From X.faclOl. $34 .95 (#1034) V-FourVic10ry (#14OA) On Any Sunday II seasoos MI' and1lrl1T'a'l1llf'lO rt!*'Ole dr1 traeIlla::ilgrecords . In 1 993, ROyGraham stowed!hewort1 tlaIlle was meed ooe oIlhe A sen::lUSIy dXtM! aJ.trne besl-seler MII'l ac!I:II1 IrtmIhe '83lIsIer GP and HorG vs Suzuki 'megal:lIke· c:haIlenge, plus a dassC nmdtllolm;J Lap r:J Ire n COUfSEl WIttl Jrey DLrIop, 50lTIll'IUIes frem \'hIite Star1Uuke Video, $24.95 The foIow~ lO!he ongnaJ gealest rnoDtyete IIlO'IW! 01 aI trne, Closel(llooks III te nu::wcycIe s:ats 0I1he ro7D's IfICiJ3rIg Btuc::e PemaI, Brad laciey, Boo HannlII, Kemy Robetts. iJKl more aI he kip 01 tll!I" lorm. 90mnl!eS!rtxn X.f8lXr $29.95 . best Grand N ational racers of aD tme 38 mnutes lrom Chel BIns 1'rrls, 119.95 (#1 090) Old IndiansNever Die (#14_ _ Any Sunday0AS,_a1_ 1oocage _ 0B)On _ .. "' Rev is~ed pa cked W w Ith onderfu biketalk and nos l lalgic arctliveloot ge. 38 a m utes lrom WhlteStar.'!>uke Video. $34.95 rlMI maoe !he 1IIOVIe. ThIs video !1Jl!S back 11\0 !hevau~ 10~ !hedIM track heroes' adOO from thaI peOOd. The Personalities from !he movie remnsce about ltlatQ1aI'ld penod olltle sport 60m lf1llles Irnm X actor. $24 ·F .95 (#183 RickyGraham: The Career Year ) 'ROy (i 6 a lrD.rte 10CI'lll 01 te !J93leS1 Gr

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