Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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o n Indy 's 2 .6- mi le roa d co urse and w hat c onfigurat ion ch anges might be needed to accommodate motorcycle rac ing . The circuit is presently used for the U .S . Grand Prix Fo rm ula O ne race . " It wa s a ve ry p roduc ti ve test." said S c o tt Hollingswo rt h. CEO of AMA Pro Racing. " Jake [Z emke] and Vin c ent (Haskovecl gav e us excelle nt inpu t . and the st aff of IMS was very interes ted in heari ng what the riders had to say . Nothing is on the tabl e at t his moment as far as having an AMA Pro Racin g event at the S pe edw ay . It was simply a feasi bi lity test to see w hat might need to be do ne if an opportunity arose to bri ng a motorcycl e race to this ve nue ." Haskovec was the first to take to th e track o n the Au sti n Du c ati S uperbike W edn esda y morning . Z em ke ca me ou t a sho rt t ime later o n the Erio n Honda Fo rmula Xtreme bike . It was a n h i stori c o cc as io n . bring ing [fJ@DD@ r!I!l!J[Ji]D [fJOD@]~@ @[Ji]@ @ @[J@I!A!l[Ji]@@g The British Phase One Suzuk i rode a measured race in chang ing conditions at Vallelunga in Spain on October 5 to capture the 2003 Endurance World Champ ionship . Their l Zth- place fin ish in the Vallelunga 200 Miler may not have been way they would've liked to have finished the season. but with the World title up for grabs. any mistake would have let their only riv als. Team Zongshen . take just the opportunity they were looking for. So. instead, Phase One riders James Ellison (pictured). Dean Ellison and An dy Notman took no chances and made sure that the title was theirs. In the end, they fin ished an unspectacular l Zth, but that was enough to take the 2003 World Endurance title , The race itself had a nail -biting climax. and was won by the nerrawest of margins by Team National Police from France . Thei r riders Gwen Giabbanl, Frederic Moreira and Paolo Blora (on a GSX·R 1000 Suzuki) com pleted the 200 miles in 2:26.45.696 • less than a tenth of a second ahead of Serafino Foti and Sebastien Scarnato on a Yama ha GMT94 . Third was Dario Marchetti, Mike Edwards and Marc Garci a (on a Ducati DRES) • on the same num ber of laps as the first two. but a long way behind in time . With its 12th-place finish, Phase One ended up topp ing Zongshen, 143 · 127 in the title chase. Kel Edge mo torcy cl e s bac k to the fabled B ric k yard . A litt le-known fac t in the Sp eed - esses. With th e ta ll grand s tand s. th e be w o rke d out, this wi ll be a gr eat thing high expectation s for thi s event. " Irwin - way' s his to ry is th at o ne of the very first fr on t s t raig hta w ay felt li k e you w ere for o ur spo rt . " d al e Speedway is a pa ved o v al tra ck race s at the track wa s a motor cycle race go ing th ro ug h a tu nnel. I can o nly imag- .held in 1909. Haskovec and Zem ke later ine w hat it would be lik e wi th the g rand- Irwindale S p e e d w a y in Irwind al e . of th e oval as we ll as th e infield wil l be used pr imarily for auto racing . Secti on s rod e to ge the r for a num be r o f laps . Both stands ful l. It wou ld definitely be gre at to C al if orni a . w il l ho st ro und fi ve o f t he ut ilized in creating the supermo to t rac k. said they rel ished th e op po rt unity to ge t come thr ou gh he re w it h the g randstands AMA Red Bull Supe rmoto Ch ampi onship The facili ty has been uti lize d be fo re fo r a ch a nc e to ride at Ind y . " It' s a huge full of people. " on Sat urda y. November 1. Irw indale is a loc al and reg iona l supermoto events . and suburb of Los An geles . approximate ly 15 Chris Bradley . AMA Pro Racing as soci- miles east of the city. A MA Pro Racing ate director of commerci al develop ment. needed t o accommodate mo to rcycle vice president and director of communi- th inks the facility lend s itself well to racin g would be the final turn of the cations Kerry G raeber sta ted th is will be supermoto rac ing . " This w ill be the sec - road course. Es se nt iall y , t he outs ide an important eve nt due to its location in o nd race of our inaugural championship m o m e nt for moto rcyc ling. " said Haskovec , a native o f the C zech Republic . " I' m very happy I got an opportunity to do th is. This place is so huge . you feel like you are on top o f t he world . This is the be st t rack on the planet. It seems like it was really made fo r motorcycle racing . " Z e m ke pi tted after his first laps aroun d the Speedw ay and shivered a little in the c risp fall conditions . Both riders con firmed that one change retaining wall is too close to run Super- the " heart of the mo torcycle ind ustry . " se a s o n he ld on a paved o v a l. " s a id bikes at speed in rac in g conditions . Five majo r mo torcycle bra nds as we ll as Bradley . " The uniqu e config uration found A MA P ro Racin g and t he IM S were a significant numbe r o f afterma rke t com- in this typ e of fac ility allows us to be cre- aware panies are based in So uthern C alifo rnia. at ive in o ur track design . W e' re looking o f th i s i ssue. and it wa s but he sti ll had a smile on his face . " It add ressed wit~ the riders in meet ings " M o t o rc y c le en t hu sia sm ru ns high in to cons truct a course that w ill yie ld plen - was good. " Ze mke said . " It w as pretty before and after bo th practice se ssions . Southern C alifo rnia. and AMA Pro Rac - ty of tigh t rac ing with high speeds and co ld here this morning. but the track felt D iag ram s of the track were brought out ing is ex t re mely po p ul a r he re. " sa id lots of passing . " Ticket s we nt on sale on like it had a lot of grip . The track w as and t rack offi cia ls discus sed p o s sible Graeber. " W e hold three A MA S upe r- October 2 . Fo r ti c ket informa tion . ca ll rea lly wide . and it se e med like run-off ways to rec o nfigure tha t section of the cross events. an AM A M otocro ss eve nt 626/3 58- 1100 o r v isi t www .lrwi nda le - w as good . Th e infie ld fee ls tight. but it circ uit. "Thi s would be a good plac e to and a rou nd o f th e A MA Su perbike Speedway.c om . fe lt pretty racy at the same time . I think brin g competi tio n . " Champ io nshi p . all in t he g rea te r Lo s it mig ht have fe lt t ig ht sim ply bec au se Ha skovec sai d afte r th e fin al se s sio n . A ng el e s metro politan area . To brin g a the f ro nt st raightawa y is so lo ng her e . " W e were go ing through so me d iffe re nt ro und of th e AMA Red Bull Superm oto kil led last w eek w hen th e plane he was The re ' s a coo l sec tio n rig ht af te r th e ideas o n how t o slow down th e bik e s Cha mpions hip here is a nat ural extension pilo ting c ras hed . Mumford. 3 1. o f Yorba b ack s t raigh taway the re w it h some throu g h the final section. and if that can o f our business deve lop me nt. W e have motorcyc le Fo rmer road rac er Pau l M u mf or d was Linda . C alifo rnia. wa s w ith Chris Premer. 31 . of C o sta Mesa. Cali fornia. when the Piper Che ro kee he wa s fly ing cra sh ed nea r t he C hino A irpo rt as he t rie d to make an em erg en cy landi ng . according ACCE P TI NG : Gaerne Boot Comp any is no w ac cep ting race r resumes for the 2004 season. Resumes can be sent to 27833 . Avenue HIRED: Grey San Francisco. the sixth largest agency in the world. by t o p ub li shed r ep or t s . M umfo rd had turned fro m motorcycle rac in g t o c ar racing. and he had won his first SC C A Hopkins. #2. Valencia, CA 91355, PJH Brands. to handle all market ing communications. including adver- ev e nt at the M azda Rac ew ay Lagu na tising. interactive and direct response work. for PJH Brands on a global RESIG NED : Dealernews editor-in-chief Robin Hartfiel after 14 years , basis. This includes both the PJ 1 line of motorcycle products and the : VHT line of automotive products. as the publication s editor. e ffec tive imm edia tely. to pursue othe r oppo r- hi s sec o nd S C C A S peed GT C ham pi- tunitie s in the powerspo rts industry. ac co rding to D ea lernew s. ons hip start . Mumford is survived by his : Seca on Sept e mbe r 7 in what wa s just parents , a si ster and a brother. OPENED: Ducshops new performance center in Atlanta. Georgia, OPEN ED : Dennis Kirk's new home page on the World Wide Web, The Former AMA Superlbike mechanic Mark Sutton will head up the shop. site can be found at the followmq address: http:/ / The inaugural Steve Hislop Memori- which will cate r to all Italian brands and specialize in Du catis . For more information , visit www .ducsho . AC C EP TI N G : Carbone Lorraine brake pads is currently accepting race resumes for all 2004 off -road and road-racing championships. Resumes can be sent to 42387 Avenida Alvarado # 111 , Temecula, CA 92590, 909/308 ·6447 (fax). attn: Race Dept. al Run . org an ized by the late Briti sh ACCEPTING: Noleen J6 is currently accepting resumes for the 2004 Champion' s g o od frie nd Alan D uff u s . racing season, Resumes can be sent to Noleen J6. 17525 Alder St .. # 1. Hesperia. CA 92345 or via email took place re cently . wi th bikers from all over Scotland turning out in mem ory of O P EN HOUSE: At Honda of Houston in Houston. Texas. on October the ir he ro . w ho died o n Ju ly 30 , By the 18, starting at noon. For more information, call 713/ 467-2426 . e nd o f the day . a g rand total of $ 1800 wa s rai sed. w hi ch will go toward th e HI RED : Carnron Bussard. by Cobra Engineering. to work on its market- ing team. effective immediately, Bussard most recently worked for PacifiCare Denta l & Vision as its marketi ng manager. For more information. call , 714/692 -8180. or email him at A CCEPTING: RG3 IS currently accepting racer resumes until October 31. Resumes can be sent to www or RG3-3164 E. La Palma Avenue. Unit A. Anaheim, CA 92806. You can also apply via wh ere H i sl o p m ad e hi s home f o r 12 Spo nsorH ouse .com . year s. c u e I e erection of mem orials bo th in the Sco tti sh Bor ders and als o on the Isle of M an. n e vv s Continued Oil page 92 2003 3 O C TO B ER 15,